Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Workers on strike at 26 Chicago hotels, including two owned by the Pritzker family
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Workers on strike at 26 Chicago hotels, including two owned by the Pritzker family

Friday, Sep 7, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* ABC 7

Thousands of workers at downtown hotels went on strike Friday morning.

Workers walked out at about 5 a.m. The workers include housekeepers, servers, cooks and doormen.

“Hopefully it’s going to be difficult,” said Carolina Sanchez, a Hyatt Regency banquet server. “Hopefully the managers have to do our jobs so they know how it feels.”

Jessica Ramos has been a housekeeper for the Hyatt Regency Hotel along Wacker Drive for five years. The mother of four is fighting alongside her colleagues demanding year round health care.

* The Pritzker family owns the Hyatt, of course, so I asked the JB Pritzker campaign for a response…

JB stands with the labor movement across Illinois in the fight for better wages, benefits, and working conditions. While JB has never had a management or leadership role in Hyatt, he hopes all parties will negotiate in good faith and that a fair contract can be reached as soon as possible. As governor, JB will work to put Springfield back on the side of working families and will always defend the rights of working people to come together and demand a better future.

* Striking Hyatt workers…

* Excerpt from Hyatt’s statement at WGN’s site

Hyatt has a long history of strong relations with the unions that represent its colleagues. Hyatt and UNITE HERE have already come to successful agreements this year in other markets, and we will continue negotiating in good faith in Chicago.

* Sun-Times

Union members voted on Aug. 15 to authorize a strike anytime after the end of the month, when their contracts expired. A total of 3,218 members, or 97 percent of those who participated, voted to allow the negotiating committee to call for a citywide strike, according to the union’s Twitter page.

Negotiations were scheduled to continue throughout September, according to a statement Friday morning from Hyatt’s Vice President of Labor Relations, Michael D’Angelo.

“We just completed our second negotiation meeting with Local 1 last week, where the union provided multiple proposals for the first time and indicated more will be forthcoming,” D’Angelo said. “Colleague benefits and wages remain unchanged as we negotiate a new agreement.”

* Tribune

Collective bargaining agreements at 30 hotels expired Aug. 31, and the union began threatening a strike weeks beforehand. Each hotel brand negotiates separately with the union.

Among workers’ demands, according to the union, are reasonable workloads, wages that keep up with the cost of raising a family and year-round health care.

“Hotels may slow down in the wintertime, but I still need my diabetes medication when I’m laid off,” Q. Rivers, a house attendant at the Palmer House Hilton, said in a union news release announcing the strike. “Nobody should lose their health benefits just because it’s cold out.”

Several hotels, including the Hyatt and Kimpton chains, have said contingency plans were in place in the event of a strike so service at hotels would not be disrupted.

The full list of hotels that have been struck and a list of those which could be in the near future are on the union’s strike website. Workers at the Park Hyatt Chicago have not yet walked out, but could.

…Adding… Oppo over the transom…

This “Super-Voting” Stock Allowed The Pritzkers To Maintain Control Over Hyatt Even If Their Ownership Of The Company’s Outstanding Shares Fell Below 50%.“Hyatt Hotels Corp. is likely to see “outsized profit growth” over the next decade, but the Pritzker family’s tightfisted control over the underachieving hotel chain should make investors wary of its initial public offering, a prominent real estate stock research firm said Wednesday. The proposed IPO could raise about $1 billion for Chicago-based Hyatt, the crown jewel of the billionaire family. Pritzker family trusts plan to sell 38 million shares for as much as $26 apiece, according to a filing last week with the Securities and Exchange Commission. But the family plans to retain its grip on the company through so-called “super-voting” stock, which would allow the Pritzkers to outvote other common shareholders even if the family’s stake falls to nearly 15%.” (Thomas Corfman, “Hyatt’s Corporate Structure Criticized In Report,” Crain’s Chicago Business, 10/29/2009)

JB Pritzker Agreed To Vote His Super Shares In Line With The Recommendations Of Hyatt’s Board Of Directors. “Until the later to occur of (i) January 1, 2015 and (ii) that date upon which more than 75% of the FD Stock is owned by Persons other than Pritzkers and Foreign Pritzkers, all Pritzkers (and their successors in interest, if applicable), but not the transferees by sale (other than Pritzkers or Foreign Pritzkers who purchase directly from other Pritzkers or Foreign Pritzkers) or by, or following, foreclosures as aforesaid, will vote all of their voting securities of Hyatt (and successor Companies) consistent with the recommendations of the board of directors of Hyatt with respect to all matters (assuming agreement as to any such matter by a majority of a minimum of three Independent directors or, in the case of transactions involving Hyatt and an Affiliate thereof, assuming agreement of all of such minimum of three Independent directors). All Pritzkers will cast and submit by proxy to Hyatt their votes in a manner consistent with this Section 3.1(c) at least five business days prior to the scheduled date of the Annual or Special Meeting of stockholders of Hyatt, as applicable.” (“Amended and Restated Global Hyatt Agreement,” Hyatt Hotels Corporation, 10/1/2009)

*** UPDATE *** Look who showed up at the Hyatt Regency…


  1. - Almost the weekend - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 10:58 am:

    Huge conference in Chicago next week, probably be best to get this resolved by Monday.

  2. - California Guy - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:01 am:

    More of this could lead to a low turnout for would-be Pritzker voters.

  3. - Flat Bed Ford - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:01 am:

    Pritzker is all about the working class… until he isn’t. Does JB pay all his workers at least $15.00 an hour? Will JB turn the heat lamps on full blast AGAIN? Rauner made it clear where he is on unions. JB is a flat out liar about his true beliefs.

  4. - Ron Burgundy - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:04 am:

    –JB has never had a management or leadership role in Hyatt–

    True. Just ownership.

  5. - manboy - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:06 am:

    If I’m a labor organizer with grievances, I’m organizing for strikes for all Pritzker related businesses. Smart timing from their perspective.

  6. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:08 am:

    Here’s some leverage: one of the perennial, biggest shows of the year, the International Manufacturing Technology Show, starts Monday at McCormick Place.

    All buildings, six days, 116,000 attendees.

    That’s not a cash cow, that’s the goose that lays the golden eggs, baby — hotels, restaurants, shopping, cabs and ride shares. You want them happy.

  7. - A Jack - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:08 am:

    Low turnout for Pritzker because of a strike? Not likely since the alternative is Rauner and unions know all too well where Rauner stands on unions.

  8. - Moby - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:08 am:

    I wonder if they’ll have a contract before AFSCME? Days vs. years.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:10 am:

    Pritzker is Charles Foster Kane.

    A friend of labor, but his business’s practices show a company at times not the friend of labor Pritzker himself would want to be.

    Voters have to trust that Pritzker the governor will govern as he is campaigning.

    The labor leadership are trying to be that bridge.

    Will the rank and file follow?

    What I learned in 2014… Rauner got votes…2 in 5 households… that were union households. Labor rank and file wanted to teach Quinn a lesson.

    How did that go?

    Who really learned?

    Who got sent to school?

    You guess, from what I learned in 2014…

    Labor should want to teach Rauner a lesson.

    But… it’s labor strife like this in the hotels… what will Labor learn?

    Is Rauner better for labor than Pritzker?

  10. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:12 am:

    JB is all in on making sure Government Unions who fill Democratic politicians campaign coffers get everything they are paying for.

    JB is all out on giving the private sector unions employed by businesses he owns and paid with his personal fortune the same courtesy.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:13 am:

    ===If I’m a labor organizer with grievances, I’m organizing for strikes for all Pritzker related businesses. Smart timing from their perspective.===

    Yeah, that’s bright.

    Voters don’t do nuance, neither does labor.

    Otherwise 2 in 5 households wouldn’t have went for Rauner… so by all means, hurt Pritzker because those you are ginning up will magically come back.


  12. - A Jack - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:20 am:

    Who should strike is possibly AFSCME. A strike now will show Illinois how much Rauner isn’t in charge. It’s authorized, so why not?

    Perhaps J.B. can step in to negotiate a temporary end to the strike and show that J.B. is one who can get issues resolved.

  13. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:28 am:

    Thankfully private-sector unions have all the labor protections of a full-union state. If Rauner gets his way labor will be severely diminished. Does anyone doubt that if Illinois was fully GOP there would not be RtW and a push from Rauner types to get people to drop out of unions?

  14. - Bogey Golfer - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:30 am:

    @Wordslinger: but making the attendees happy does not translate into more votes 2 months from now. Now 2 years from when the show moves to Vegas….

  15. - Nick Name - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:33 am:

    ===Who should strike is possibly AFSCME. A strike now will show Illinois how much Rauner isn’t in charge. It’s authorized, so why not?===

    A strike right now would be ridiculous while AFSCME’ impasse lawsuit is still pending.

    Also, the Rauner administration has, in writing, promised to “cease and desist from failing and refusing to bargain collectively in good faith” with AFSCME Council 31. Another good reason not to strike.

  16. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:34 am:

    Does anyone doubt that if Illinois was fully GOP there would not be RtW and a push from Rauner types to get people to drop out of unions?

    Yes I d doubt your premise and it is easy to see the data on union employment in neighboring states that actually went up after RTW passed while Illinois has declined.

    “Gov. Bruce Rauner says he wants to see union jobs in Illinois. But to do that, he says he needs to add jobs, period, and that means passing a right-to-work law.

    Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana exemplify how union jobs proliferate after legislatures passed right-to-work laws, because employers flock there, he told Crain’s editorial board. He cited data that shows Wisconsin’s private-sector union membership grew by 36,000 jobs in 2017 and by 47,000 in Michigan, while Illinois, “the forced labor state in the Midwest,” fell by 9,000. (Watch the video below.)

    “What’s going on?” he said. “In order to get a good-paying union job you gotta have a job. . . .We’re supposed to be the pro-worker state. This is broken, and it’s because we’re not competitive.”

    Illinois is losing jobs (union and non union) because we are not competitive.

    Democrats giving trial lawyers and unions carte blanche over all legislation in Illinois has had devastating consequences.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:34 am:

    ===JB is all out on giving the private sector unions employed by businesses he owns and paid with his personal fortune the same courtesy.===

    Bruce Rauner has a whole PowerPoint, presented in Decatur on this.

    Spoiler Alert;

    Rauner thinks unionized Labor makes too much.

    If you leave your email, I’m sure someone will email you those PowerPoint slides.

  18. - Century Club - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:38 am:

    There’s 26 hotels on strike - this isn’t about Pritzker, it’s about health care and contracts. If you see a bunch of Hyatt workers at JB’s next fundraiser, or if UNITE HERE conducted Hyatt-only strikes like they did a couple years ago, that would be different.

    That being said, Pritzker’s response is about as unimpressive as I can imagine a Democratic candidate for Governor being.

  19. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:43 am:

    –Now 2 years from when the show moves to Vegas…–

    No, IMTS 2020 is already booked for McCormick Place.

    These shows are booked years in advance. You want them happy for when the next RFP goes out.

  20. - Whatever - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:49 am:

    ==–JB has never had a management or leadership role in Hyatt–

    True. Just ownership.==

    I suspect that JB doesn’t own anything. He’s just one of the beneficiaries of a trust that owns stock, and he has no control over the trust.

  21. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:54 am:

    –Illinois is losing jobs (union and non union) because we are not competitive.–

    Check BLS. Illinois has been steadily gaining jobs since 2009, the depth of The Great Recession: 6.21M employed today, compared to 5.86M in Dec. 2009.

    Fewest unemployed Illinoisans since at least 1976, as far back as the BLS online data base goes.

    For some reason, you rocket scientists at BTIA(TM) don’t figure you should run on that.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 11:56 am:

    ===Does anyone doubt that if Illinois was fully GOP there would not be RtW and a push from Rauner types to get people to drop out of unions?

    Yes I doubt your premise…===


    Then you’re ignoring “Janus”, “Af-Scammy” and the Decatur PowerPoint.

    Rauner despises organized labor.

    The Turnaround Agenda… it’s only a “non sham”… if poison pills like ending collective bargaining and prevailing wage are included.

    “I want your property taxes lowered… but only if you hurt organized labor”

    “Oh? You’ll lower property taxes without hurting labor? That’s a sham.”

    And… scene.

    That’s Rauner.

    Cite other states, other labor… but Rauner refutes you.

    Instead of receipts, Rauner brought his PowerPoint.

    No, “Lucky Pierre”… Rauner wants the end of labor. He’s put $117 million into it.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 12:00 pm:

    ===Rauner made it clear where he is on unions. JB is a flat out liar about his true beliefs.===

    Where were you in 2014?

    It was only after taking the oath that Rauner turned on labor when he turned on the PowerPoint.

    Revisionist history…

    Rauner stayed quiet in the General… until Decatur and being the governor.

  24. - Gooner - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 12:02 pm:

    I walked by one of the hotels, which is near what many consider an expressway.
    Hearing all the honking, and then cheers from those picketing, was really moving.
    It brought a huge smile to my face.
    Seeing organized labor get that much support was great.

  25. - City Zen - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 12:04 pm:

    ==I suspect that JB doesn’t own anything. He’s just one of the beneficiaries of a trust that owns stock, and he has no control over the trust.==

    So that $20 million contribution JB recently made into his own campaign was profits from 1871?

  26. - union proud - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 12:15 pm:

    ===Who should strike is possibly AFSCME. A strike now will show Illinois how much Rauner isn’t in charge. It’s authorized, so why not?===
    “A strike right now would be ridiculous while AFSCME’ impasse lawsuit is still pending.
    Also, the Rauner administration has, in writing, promised to “cease and desist from failing and refusing to bargain collectively in good faith” with AFSCME Council 31. Another good reason not to strike.“

    It’s not optional. Judge issued a stay and tolling agreement is in place during lawsuit. Governor can’t impose and we can’t strike.

  27. - Chicago 20 - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 12:44 pm:

    - “ That’s not a cash cow, that’s the goose that lays the golden eggs”

    Is that why SMG/Savor McCormick Place charges $30 for a Connie’s Italian Beef at IMTS?

  28. - Ron Burgundy - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 12:46 pm:

    –I suspect that JB doesn’t own anything. He’s just one of the beneficiaries of a trust that owns stock, and he has no control over the trust.–

    Just try and finesse that in campaign advertising.

  29. - Stark - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 12:59 pm:

    Voting for JB because Rauner is worse, but for a guy who wants to be so progressive it’s odd that during this campaign he seemingly believes directly the opposite of all of the people managing all of the places and entities he derives his income from. Someone ain’t on the side of the worker here.

  30. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 1:06 pm:


    Illinois unemployment rate has been higher than our neighboring states for some time

    Iowa 2.6%
    Wisconsin 2.9%
    Indiana 3.4%
    Missouri 3.4%

    Illinois is at 4.2%

    Only 11 states are worse, would you run on that?

    Does that sound to you like Illinois can keep resisting reforms that will grow jobs here?

    Do our neighboring states have the engine of of the midwest Chicago in their borders? Why would they have better employment than we do?

  31. - Duopoly - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 1:50 pm:

    JB, like Pat Quinn, takes the standard corporate dem party approach to workers. Lip service about being a friend of working people while treating your own workers very poorly.

  32. - A Jack - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 1:59 pm:

    That oppo says that J.B. agrees to vote the board of directors recommendations. That certainly sounds like he is not running those hotels and has no direct input on settling the strike.

  33. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 2:15 pm:

    Is Rauner better for labor than Pritzker? - O.W.

    This is a question that answers itself.

  34. - Demoralized - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 3:12 pm:

    ==would you run on that?==

    I might, you know, mention it if the unemployment rate was 6% when I took office and it’s down to 4.2% now. Apparently that stat doesn’t matter to you, which doesn’t surprise me because your reasoning skills aren’t all that great.

  35. - Yu2 - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 3:45 pm:

    Manboy, you’re right. If nothing else, at least JB’s running for gov will have helped these workers. P.S. Medicare for All would solve the health care part.

  36. - City Zen - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 3:57 pm:

    ==Medicare for All would solve the health care part==

    That simple, huh? Since you cracked the code how to pay for it, perhaps you can share your plan with those good folks in California, Vermont, or Colorado who couldn’t quite crunch the numbers.

  37. - Colin O'Scopy - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 4:22 pm:

    So much for the theory that Kelly Cassidy is hitching her #MeToo wagon to Pritzker.

    There happened to be 23 other hotels she and Biss could have chosen to make a stand but they pick the Pritzker-family run hotel.

  38. - Deadbeat Conservative - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 4:22 pm:

    =Since you cracked the code how to pay for it=

    One could use the same pot of never-ending case we have for making war around the world. There’s an endless supply. Code is cracked.

  39. - Skeptic - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 4:37 pm:

    “One could use the same pot of never-ending case we have for making war” or could argue tax cuts for the wealthy.

  40. - City Zen - Friday, Sep 7, 18 @ 4:40 pm:

    ==making war around the world==

    Illinois vs North Korea?

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