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On eve of campaign kick-off, Preckwinkle admits she fired her chief of staff for “inappropriate behavior”

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Shia Kapos this morning

John Keller, the chief of staff to Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, has abruptly resigned “for personal reasons,” according to a memo sent out late by Preckwinkle. The short, foreboding announcement offered no praise or congratulatory farewell to Keller, who had been in the powerful supervisory position since January 2017. Keller oversaw the work of all the offices under Preckwinkle. He also served as a liaison of sorts with elected city, county and state officials. When he was hired, Preckwinkle lavished praise, saying, “I have known John for more than a decade and his breadth of experience equips him well for the chief of staff role. He has a demonstrated ability to work well across the county’s vast landscape of responsibilities.” Deputy Chief of Staff Lanetta Haynes Turner replaces Keller in the interim. His departure comes as Preckwinkle makes plans to announce she’ll run for mayor. That’s supposed to take place Thursday in Hyde Park.

Shia was right to be suspicious. I mean, Preckwinkle’s chief of staff quietly resigns the week she will announce for mayor and he’s not moving over to the campaign, even though he’s been one of Preckwinkle’s go-to campaign guys for years? Odd, to say the least. Stuff like that just doesn’t happen. The rumor mill was blazing hot all day.

* And now we get the explanation via press release…

As President of the Cook County Board of Commissioners and as a woman, it is important to me to foster a workplace that is respectful, where all people are treated with dignity. I have always had zero tolerance for inappropriate and disrespectful behavior. On Friday, I became aware of an allegation that my Chief of Staff, John Keller, had engaged in inappropriate behavior on his personal time. The allegation was corroborated. I confronted Mr. Keller; he did not deny the allegation. Yesterday, I demanded and received his immediate resignation.

She shoulda just come clean.

…Adding… I probably don’t have to say this, but anyone who tries to out the victim in comments will be banished for life. Don’t try.

…Adding… Press release…

Toni Preckwinkle to Make Announcement Regarding Mayoral Race

WHAT: Toni Preckwinkle will be holding a press conference to announce her decision regarding the mayoral race.

WHEN: Thursday, September 20 at 3:00 pm

WHERE: Chicago Lake Shore Hotel at 4900 South Lake Shore Drive

…Adding… Sneed

“Why did Preckwinkle wait this long to take action?” asked a top Dem political source.

Sneed is told the allegation stemmed from Keller’s time working for the campaign of Marie Newman, who lost a bid to unseat U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski, D-Ill., in the March Democratic primary.

The rumors of Keller’s behavior, which involved a woman working on Newman’s campaign, had been floating since then, according to another Dem source.


Pritzker distances himself from his pension proposal

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* JB Pritzker on the pension problem in February

“There is really only one good way to do it and that is to step up payments,” Pritzker told Crain’s. “Think about the principal payments on your home. Step up principal payments earlier than they are due and try to flatten out the amortization schedule on an annual basis. Flatten it. The result of that will be that we can manage the budget of the state. Because that is really what is at stake here.”

Pretty sure he said that more than once.

* And now?

Since winning the primary, Pritzker has softened his stance, refusing three times to acknowledge that was ever really his plan.

“There are multiple plans that have been put forward,” Pritzker said.

Considering he previously said “There is really only one good way to do it,” wasn’t that his plan at the time?

“No, that’s a plan that was put forward by an organization. You can look it up,” he said.


OK, well, that takes $1.7 billion off of my guesstimate of his annual revenue needs, lowering it to $9 billion.

But what’s he gonna do now?


Question of the day

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We’ll have more stuff on the Tribune editorial board meeting tomorrow, so for now at least ignore the tweet’s caption…

The person on the left is Libertarian Party candidate Claire Ball.

* The Question: Your own caption?


FOP offers condolences to convicted felon’s family

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Cringe-inducing…

* A little background

Whenever Chicago Police commander Jon Burge needed a confession, he would walk into the interrogation room and set down a little black box, his alleged victims would later tell prosecutors. The box had two wires and a crank. Burge, they alleged, would attach one wire to the suspect’s handcuffed ankles and the other to his manacled hands. Then, they said, Burge would place a plastic bag over the suspect’s head. Finally, he would crank his little black box and listen to the screams of pain as electricity coursed through the suspect’s body.

“When he hit me with the voltage, that’s when I started gritting, crying, hollering. … It [felt] like a thousand needles going through my body,” Anthony Holmes told prosecutors during a 2006 investigation into Burge. “And then after that, it just [felt] like, you know—it [felt] like something just burning me from the inside, and, um, I shook, I gritted, I hollered, then I passed out.”

Holmes, who eventually gave what he says was a false confession and was convicted of murder in 1973, is one of as many as 120 African-American men on Chicago’s South Side who were allegedly tortured by Burge between 1972 and 1991.

Lots more articles are here.


Senger tries to explain her “blame Duckworth” e-mail

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* You’ll recall this Dave McKinney and Tony Arnold story from May of this year

The day after WBEZ first reported on the stories of grieving families with loved ones who died from Legionnaires’ disease at the Quincy veterans’ home, a top aide in Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner’s office had an idea: Could they tie the outbreaks to the previous administration? […]

Shortly after WBEZ published the original investigation on Dec. 12 of last year, one Democratic state lawmaker called for an audit examining the fatal Legionnaires’ outbreaks at the facility. The governor’s deputy chief of staff, Darlene Senger, floated a novel — if highly politicized — idea to shift blame for the deaths of the elderly Illinois Veterans Home residents.

“We can maybe tie this back to Duckworth,” Senger wrote in an email obtained through an open-records request. Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth, a disabled Iraq War veteran, ran the state agency that oversees the Quincy home under former Governors Pat Quinn and Rod Blagojevich.

She was replying to an e-mail sent by an administration official who wrote that the AG office was drafting the legislative audit language and it “should be filed within 48 hours.”

* Senger was asked about the e-mail at the Tribune editorial board meeting today

Senger on Wednesday called Duckworth a “hero” and said the veterans agency has had problems “over several governors and several administrations.”

“The comment came out of a, basically a discussion, a question I had, which is, let’s go back and look at the history of how many pneumonia cases happened over time,” Senger said.

Mendoza called Senger’s email “disqualifying.”

“There’s no proof of any kind that she oversaw any Legionella cases,” Mendoza said. “The first reaction should have been not maybe we can tie this back to Tammy Duckworth, it should have been, ‘Oh my God, did this really happen on our watch?’ ”

* The SJ-R editorial board also asked Senger this week about the e-mail

I probably should’ve used the term ‘Let’s go back and look at other administrations,’ um I mentioned another name who was head of the administration instead, and it had nothing to do except for the fact of, which we did the next day, let’s go back and look at the cases that were tracked.

She also said “There was questioning about whether that was even FOIA-able because I was doing policy work at the time.”


You gotta look at the effective income tax rates, not the marginal rates

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sigh…

According to this online tax calculator, a family making $88,600 would pay $2,701 in California and $4,170 in Illinois.


I’m thinking the hat isn’t gonna do well at auction

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dave McKinney has been chasing down the provenance of a stovepipe hat purchased for $7 million by the independent foundation that’s supposed to support the Lincoln presidential library for years, first at the Sun-Times and now at WBEZ

A stovepipe hat that reputedly belonged to Abraham Lincoln is one of the most historically sacred objects displayed at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, but there’s insufficient evidence to prove it ever actually belonged to the former president.

That’s the finding from a previously undisclosed FBI analysis and another report obtained by WBEZ. They were part of a highly secretive effort to authenticate the hat by the foundation charged with acquiring artifacts for the Lincoln museum.

The efforts by the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Foundation involved a DNA assessment by the FBI and a report by top curators from the Smithsonian National Museum of American History and Chicago History Museum. Those historians ultimately encouraged the Lincoln museum to “soften its claim about the hat.”

The focus of all the attention is a beaver fur hat in Lincoln’s size. It is the $6.5 million centerpiece of a major $25 million acquisition of Lincoln artifacts in 2007 by the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Foundation, a nonprofit that operates independently of the Springfield, Illinois museum.

The financially troubled foundation, whose board members include former Illinois Gov. Jim Edgar, is now seeking millions of dollars in state taxpayer support and private donations to repay $9.7 million in outstanding loans on the purchase of the hat and 1,600 Lincoln-related artifacts. Details about the foundation’s efforts to authenticate the hat are being reported for the first time by WBEZ.

The foundation bought the hat from someone who sat on the foundation board at the time. We may be owed a refund, but good luck getting that.

Go read the whole thing. Good stuff in there, as always with Dave.

* SJ-R

State Rep. Tim Butler said Wednesday the Illinois House should hold hearings to get to the bottom of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Foundation and a hat purportedly owned by Abraham Lincoln that the foundation shelled out millions to obtain. […]

“I just find it incredible that the foundation could sit on this report for five years while also out there advocating for private and public dollars for a collection where the most iconic item they have, a report that says it may not be Abe’s hat,” Butler said.

The hat, which is occasionally on display at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum in Springfield, was the centerpiece of the Louise and Barry Taper Collection bought by the foundation in 2007 for $25 million. The foundation borrowed $23 million to purchase the collection. It still owes $9.7 million on the loan, which must be repaid by next year. […]

Butler said he wants the House Tourism Committee to hold hearings since the foundation was seeking tourism money to pay off its debt. He said the two historians should be asked to testify along with a representative of the FBI. He said the committee should also try to get to the bottom of the foundation’s finances.


The poisoning of Willowbrook

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here. Ted McClelland at Chicago Magazine

If you call up the 2014 National Air Toxins Assessment map, which estimates the risk of cancer for residents of every census tract in the United States, and type in “Chicago, IL,” you’ll see a dark patch of blue over the southwest suburb of Willowbrook:

That’s the location of Sterigenics International, a company that uses ethylene oxide to sterilize medical products like surgical trays and gowns. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, exposure to the gas can “result in respiratory irritation and lung injury, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, and cyanosis. Chronic exposure has been associated with the occurrence of cancer, reproductive effects, mutagenic changes, neurotoxicity, and sensitization.”

Indeed, according to the NATA map, residents of Willowbrook had a cancer risk of 300 in a million, specifically as a result of exposure to ethylene oxide emitted by Sterigenics. That’s the highest score anywhere in the Chicago area, and ten times higher than the vast majority of census tracts, which ran a risk of 30 in a million.

In fact, I searched the entire map of the United States, and the only place I found that exceeded Willowbrook’s cancer risk was St. John the Baptist, Louisiana, in the state’s notorious “cancer alley” of oil refineries and petrochemical processors.


* The governor’s original response seems somewhat inadequate

Sterigenics is owned by a private equity firm co-founded by Gov. Bruce Rauner. Rauner left the firm in 2012 before running for governor.

On Tuesday, Rauner urged people to remain calm.

“I believe that company took the actions themselves, put in control equipment to reduce the emissions…So, this is, and the federal government, I wish they said it earlier, but they said it, I guess, in the last day or two, they put out a letter. This is not an emergency, this is not a public health immediate crisis, this is something we’re managing,” he said.

But the mayor of Willowbrook, who can see the company outside his office window, calls the situation urgent.

“It’s an emergency to me because all my citizens are concerned as well as all the employees here and I’m sure all the people who work in this area are and I am,” Frank Trilla said.

* Related…

* Burr Ridge residents raise concerns about Sterigenics chemical releases: “As of three weeks ago, I am basically terrified for my daughters’ health,” S. K. Pedersen, a Burr Ridge woman, said at a Village Board meeting. “I have had cancer. My husband’s had cancer. Just about everyone on our street, Elm, has had cancer.”

* Residents outraged by EPA pollution report call for Willowbrook Sterigenics plant to close: Hearing that the company could not be immediately shut down because it was operating within the rules of its permits issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency did not satisfy them. “You need to be in that facility monitoring what is going on,” said Elizabeth DiCriscio, who lives in Wauconda, but works in Willowbrook. “Kids are getting sick. I have headaches everyday of my life. I have asthma. I have eye pain.”


Davis tries to counter claims that he won’t defend pre-existing condition coverage

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, Rodney Davis’ campaign released a new TV ad on his work to improve health care. The ad features Rodney’s wife Shannon, a registered nurse and 19-year cancer survivor.

Davis fought to improve health care and maintain multiple layers of protections for people with pre-existing conditions in the American Health Care Act (AHCA). He voted to lower costs and increase access to group and employer-sponsored health insurance. The health care changes in the AHCA are modeled after changes made by the State of Maine, which lowered premium costs for Americans aged 60 by more than $7,000.

Recent ads by an outside group supporting Davis’ opponent make claims fact checkers have considered misleading and fail to tell the whole story. The Washington Post and explain.

Under Obamacare, premiums have risen by 108 percent since 2013 and every county in the 13th District is down to one or two insurance providers. Whether you’re healthy, young, old, or have a pre-existing condition, people are seeing increased costs and fewer choices under the current system.

* The ad

* Transcript…

The attacks on Rodney are just ridiculous I’m someone with a pre-existing condition, and will have that for the rest of my life. The genetic form of cancer that I have can affect our children. They have that chance to have the same type of cancer that I do.

Rodney, his ultimate goal is just to make sure everybody has the health care that they want and the choices and the options that they choose. Rodney’s willing to work across party lines to fight for better health care for all of us. It’s personal for us.

* Londrigan campaign…

Today, Betsy Dirksen Londrigan responded to Congressman Rodney Davis supposedly “reaffirming” his support for protections for those with pre-existing conditions, through a non-binding resolution without any legal weight. In reality, Davis voted 11 times to repeal the ACA without a replacement – which would eliminate protections for those with pre-existing conditions – and voted for the AHCA, which the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, independent fact checkers, and the AARP have all said would have weakened protections for those with pre-existing conditions including by making their coverage unaffordable.

“Honestly, it’s stunning that my opponent has the audacity to tout a worthless, partisan resolution claiming that he supports the very same protections for folks with pre-existing conditions that he has voted to gut over and over again,” said Betsy Dirksen Londrigan, candidate for Illinois’ 13th Congressional District. “This resolution protects exactly zero of the 290,800 non-elderly people in our district with pre-existing conditions – including all three of my children, and my husband Tom – and only a career politician like Rodney Davis would pretend that it does. For all who faced losing protections they counted on or being unable to afford their coverage altogether, this cheap talk is offensive. His actions speak clearly, and this resolution is nothing but more Washington political maneuvering.”

Check the facts:

    * Davis Voted For Republican Budget That Repealed Affordable Care Act. [H Con Res 25, Vote #88, 3/21/13]
    * Davis Voted To Repeal The Affordable Care Act. [HR 45, Vote #154, 5/16/13; CQ Floor Votes, 5/16/13]
    * Davis Voted For Republican Budget That Repealed Affordable Care Act. [H Con Res 96, Vote #177, 4/10/14]
    * Davis Voted To Repeal Affordable Care Act. [HR 596, Vote #58, 2/3/15; CQ Floor Votes, 2/3/15]
    * Davis Voted For Budget Alternative That Repealed The Affordable Care Act. [H. Con Res. 27, Vote #141, 3/25/15; US News and World Report,3/25/15]
    * Davis Voted For Republican Budget That Repealed The Affordable Care Act. [H. Con Res. 27, Vote #142, 3/25/15; New York Times, 3/25/15]
    * Davis Voted For Republican Conference Report On Budget That Began Process To Repeal Affordable Care Act. [S Con Res 11, Vote #183, 4/30/15; Bloomberg, 4/29/15]
    * Davis Voted To Repeal Major Pillars Of Affordable Care Act, Including Individual Mandate. [HR 3762, Vote #568, 10/23/15; Los Angeles Times, 10/23/15]
    * Davis Voted To Repeal The Affordable Care Act. [HR 3762, Vote #6, 1/6/16; CNN, 1/6/16]
    * Davis Voted To Overturn Obama’s Veto Of Bill That Would Repeal The Affordable Care Act. [HR 3762, Vote #53, 2/2/16; Washington Post,2/2/16] Note: Reported as 63rd vote
    * Davis Voted To Begin Process Of Repealing Affordable Care Act. [S Con Res 3, Vote #58, 1/13/17; CNN, 1/3/17]


“A metaphor for the state of Illinois”

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As we’ve already discussed, First Lady Diana Rauner was on the Big John and Ramblin Ray show this week. From the end of her segment

JOHN HOWELL: You know famously you guys paid a lot of money for a grand champion steer at the State Fair this year, but I understand there is also something about a deer making social media rounds. What’s this about Bruce Rauner and a deer?

DIANA RAUNER: Well you know that Bruce is an outdoorsmen. He’s a hunter and a fisherman and he’s often out in the wilderness. This is actually a true story, he told our kids this story a couple of years ago. He was driving down the road with friends and a bunch of deer jumped out across the road. The last one to jump across the fence and run up the mountain. The last one sort of slipped in the shale and he didn’t make it over the fence. The deer jumped over the fence and was hanging on with its back legs on the back of the fence. Bruce pulled over with his friends. ‘We’ve gotta help this deer.’ You know, this deer is going to die hanging out, what a terrible way to die. So he pulled over and he, you know, he tried with his friends. You know the thing about deer is that deer got very strong back legs and sharp hooves. So you want to release the deer’s legs but you don’t want to get kicked in the face. And of course you gotta ask what kind of guy says ‘I gotta save a deer’ and then puts himself in that kind of jeopardy to save an animal.

HOWELL: How many pounds in the freezer after all this?

RAUNER: No, no. Actually, he got that deer loose and off it went.

HOWELL: Then he shot after it [laughter]

RAUNER: But here’s the thing. I think it is a metaphor for the state of Illinois. Right? You know, we might be that deer hanging on the fence. Let me tell you, Bruce has been kicked in the face a few times here. But guess what? He’s the kind of guy that says ‘this is something that has to get done’ and even when he gets kicked in the face he’s just the most persistent S.O.B. on the planet and he’ll stick with it.


5 questions for the governor

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve whacked JB Pritzker time and again for not explaining any details about his graduated income tax idea and his spending plans. But let’s think about this a bit

A Rauner campaign spokesman said, “Illinois doesn’t need higher taxes right now. We need to focus on lowering income taxes before we begin introducing new taxes.”

1) What specific budget cuts will the governor make to reduce the income tax rate?

2) What “new taxes” is the governor considering for the future?

* Marni Pyke

“I’m an anti-tax, anti-debt person,” said Rauner, a Winnetka venture capitalist. “I don’t like to borrow, but the appropriate place to borrow money is to fund infrastructure.”

3) If he’s “anti-tax,” why did he sign a budget that spent all of the tax hike revenues?

4) If he’s “anti-debt” and doesn’t “like to borrow,” why did he allow the state’s unpaid bills pile up into the billions?

5) If he wants to borrow to fund infrastructure, what specific revenue sources would he use to make the debt payments? And if it’s from GRF, where would he cut to afford those debt payments?


*** UPDATED x1 *** House GOP Leadership, several conservative lawmakers call on Rep. Long to resign

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Leader Durkin’s office…

Joint Statement from state Reps. Tom Demmer (R-Dixon) and Dan Brady (R-Bloomington):

“After being briefed by the independent investigators on the credible harassment allegations regarding Representative Long, the House Republican Leadership team stands unified with Leader Durkin’s actions and encourages Representative Long to resign immediately.”

Please note due to Rep. Norine Hammond’s position on the Legislative Ethics Commission, she has refrained from participating in this joint statement.

…Adding… Aside from Demmer, Brady and Hammond, the HGOP leadership team includes Reps. Grant Wehrli, Mike McAuliffe, Bill Mitchell, David Reis, Mike Unes and Keith Wheeler.

* Meanwhile, Rep. Jerry Long shared this post on his Facebook page…

This should be the new cover photo for the ILGOP and The HRO

After the phony sexual harrassment allegations about Jerry Long.

Jim Durkin head of the Elite Establishment HRO. Lied when he put out a press release.
To undermine Jerry Long campaign,
because Jerry Long would not bend to their liberal demands.

The HRO has no credibility. They are the same ones who told Jacob Bramel to drop out if the race 3 years ago.

You can click here and scroll down to see the photo if you want.

* So, I reached out to Reps. Jeanne Ives, Grant Wehrli, Dave McSweeny, Allen Skillicorn, Mark Batinick, Peter Breen and Tom Morrison via text and/or e-mail with this question…

Jerry Long has a post on his Facebook page about how he “would not bend” to the “liberal demands” of the House Republican leadership and resign. As a conservative House member, do you believe that Rep. Long should resign and/or drop out of his reelection bid?

* Their answers in the order in which they were received (an ellipsis indicates two separate messages)…

Rep. Batinick: Both.

Rep. Wehrli: Yes.

Rep. Skillicorn: On one hand I trust Durkin did his due diligence with the 3rd party investigation. On the other only Jerry and the accuser know what really happened. … If he did it, yes.

Rep. McSweeney: Resign! … And drop out to be clear.

Rep. Breen: Yes, Rep. Long should resign & drop out.

I’ll update if Ives (who advocated for two women in their #metoo claims against Democrats) and Morrison respond.

* In other news, remember when Rep. Long chided Sen. Sue Rezin yesterday for deciding to toe the party line without knowing the facts and forming her own opinion? From Sen. Rezin

“After the allegations against Rep. Long were reported last Thursday, I reached out to Rep. Long Friday morning. He told me he couldn’t discuss them and instead, he would have his lawyer call me. After four days, that never occurred, and that still hasn’t occurred. Rep. Long’s own caucus conducted a third party investigation and determined by that investigation that his behavior warranted his resignation. I made my statement. This isn’t about me.”
- State Sen. Sue Rezin.

* Also

Long said he will speak with only the Ottawa paper about the harassment charges lodged against him. He claims he can provide “the truth.”

Perhaps no coincidence that the other local reporter he won’t speak to is a female?

*** UPDATE *** Rep. Tom Morrison just called. “All I know about this situation is what I’ve read on your blog,” he said. “I really want to reserve comment until I see an official report.” He said while the leaders have seen the report, he hasn’t. “I’ve asked when that report will come out and I was told ‘later.’ It’s just not appropriate for me to comment until I’ve seen what others have seen.”

Back in June, Morrison joined with Rep. Jeanne Ives and others to call on Speaker Madigan to resign over the House’s #MeToo problems

The GOPers tied their call for resignation to accusations of Speaker Madigan allowing a culture of corruption, abuse of power, bullying and sexual harassment as well as discrimination among his House members and staff.

Rep. Ives, of course, appeared at a press conference with Rep. Lou Lang’s accuser. Lang was later cleared by the Inspector General.


Candidates debate their TV ads

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tina Sfondeles on the Sun-Times editorial board meeting with the AG candidates

State Sen. Kwame Raoul, the Democratic candidate for Illinois Attorney General, on Tuesday tried to paint his Republican challenger as an inexperienced litigator with shifty views on same-sex marriage and adoption — while Erika Harold offered rebukes of the Democrat’s accusations and vowed not to use the post to “punish political opponents.” […]

Both Raoul and Harold took issue with their opponent’s critical ads on constant rotation on TV right now. Raoul has run three ads which claim Harold said at age 19 that she’d prefer a child be placed in a foster home with abusive straight parents over being placed in a home with a “loving gay couple.” The comments were allegedly made during a closed-door interview with Harold, who was a Miss Illinois contestant, according to a story on NBC5 that cited three unnamed sources.

Harold’s campaign initially said she did not recall making those comments and says she now supports same-sex couples being able to adopt and being able to be foster parents. She noted the ads had been rated “false” by Politifact. […]

For his part, Raoul accused Harold of changing her mind on same-sex marriage in light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision regarding marriage equality. […]

Sun-Times Editorial Board editor Tom McNamee asked Harold if her views about same-sex marriage and adoption would change should the U.S. Supreme Court overturn marriage equality.

“Of course not,” Harold said.

…Adding…. She kinda gave a different answer to WGN TV

After the debate, Harold said same-sex marriage is the “law of the land,” and she wouldn’t do anything to undo it, but didn’t comment on her personal feelings on the matter.

* Tribune

In a Harold ad, she calls the real estate tax system a “scheme” and alleges “Mike Madigan and Kwame Raoul team up to raise property taxes.” It’s a reference to a bill Raoul and Madigan co-sponsored that originally contained language allowing the City Council to up its levy for pensions as part of a comprehensive deal with unions. The tax hike language was ultimately struck from the final bill. […]

“I stand by the fact that Sen. Raoul, instead of actually trying to do something to change that system, (serving as) the chief co-sponsor with Madigan, that would have only exacerbated this problem,” she said.

Raoul countered that the legislation offered the “tools” to help the city with its pension burden.

“I’ve never worked on a property tax appeals case in my life. I’ve never been at a firm that did any such work. But the insinuation in these commercials is that I’d engaged in that type of activity,” he said.

* ABC 7

Both candidates stood by their ads, and there was no indication they won’t keep running them, which just points out the nature of political ads and what we can expect this political season.

My view: I think there are significant flaws with Politifact’s ratings on both ads in question (in one case they ignored the actual history of the property tax bill and in the other case they took a dispute over an opinion and turned it into hard facts). However, since both candidates have publicly touted Politifact’s false ratings of their opponents’ ads, they ought to both abide by the ruling and pull them. Either that, or stop playing that game.

* NBC 5

Meanwhile, Libertarian candidate Harsy joined Raoul and Harold in saying they support the legalization of marijuana.

“We have bigger problems in Illinois going on right now than whether or not somebody smoke a plant that’s never killed anybody,” Harsy said.

* Watch the session yourself if you’d like…


Sanguinetti: “Bruce Rauner has been the only one to stand up to Mike Madigan”

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is a digital ad…

Today, the Rauner campaign is launching a new ad featuring Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti titled “Spring Chicken.”

In the ad, the Lt. Governor says that she was only three months old when Mike Madigan was sworn into power, and she’s no “spring chicken.” It’s why Governor Rauner is the right choice in November, because he is the only person who has stood up to the culture of corruption that Mike Madigan has cultivated for decades, and he will continue to work for reform throughout his second term.

* The ad

* Transcript

Lt. Governor Sanguinetti: “When Mike Madigan was sworn into power, I was three months old. I am no spring chicken, but this has been a lot of time for him to drive the state down. And now, he has JB Pritzker who he’s annointed. Bruce Rauner has been the only one to stand up to Mike Madigan, to stand up to the status quo, and that’s why this election is so important. It’s about our families and keeping our families here.”

…Adding… Two people have sent me this screenshot this morning. Notice the typos…


Rauner says Kavanaugh allegations should “disqualify” nominee if true

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Sexual assault allegations against President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, “should disqualify him” if they’re founded, Gov. Bruce Rauner said Tuesday.

“Those allegations are very serious, very serious,” the Republican governor said at an unrelated event. “They deserve to be investigated, and if they are determined to be founded … they would disqualify him. They should disqualify him.” […]

Rauner’s comments come about two months after the White House highlighted his praise for Kavanaugh in an email blast to reporters.

“Our nation deserves a justice who is qualified, experienced, and will faithfully interpret and defend the Constitution,” the White House quoted the Republican governor as saying. “Judge Brett Kavanaugh has impressive credentials and he deserves a fair hearing and swift vote on his nomination.”

* As Ted Slowik notes, not all Illinois Republicans agree

“We have learned nothing from the mistakes made in 1991 since Anita Hill’s explosive testimony and the political fallout that resulted,” Rep. Robin Kelly, D-Matteson wrote Tuesday on Facebook, referring to sexual harassment allegations against Justice Clarence Thomas during his confirmation. “What followed was the ‘Year of the Woman’ in 1992, electing five female U.S. senators.”

In contrast, Will County Board member Stephen J. Balich, R-Homer Glen, shared a post on Facebook Tuesday that questioned Ford’s claims.

“Anyone else think it’s a bit suspect that every single time a Republican is running for office or being appointed to a position at the 11th hour some anonymous person comes out and accuses them of sexual misconduct. Sorry, but I’m not buying it,” the post said.

OK, everybody take a deep cleansing breath before commenting. Maybe get up from your computer or put down your phone for a minute. And, remember, this isn’t Facebook.


“Vote early, vote often, whatever you can get away with”

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Joe Bustos at the BND

A local union leader made a comment about “voting often,” presumably in jest, that has Republicans saying he was encouraging voter fraud.

Charles “Totsie” Bailey, who is the business manager for the Steamfitters Local 439, was speaking at a labor union meet and greet on Saturday in Caseyville, prior to various Democratic candidates spoke to the crowd.

Bailey said to the crowd that J.B. Pritzker, who was in attendance, is a great candidate for governor.

“He won’t win if we do not get out and vote. You need to early vote, like I say, we can play East St. Louis rules…, vote early, vote often, whatever you can get away with,” Bailey said to a crowd that began laughing. “I shouldn’t say that, but I really don’t care.”

Oh, for crying out loud.

Bailey’s comments set off an election fraud firestorm, so click here and read the rest for all the shouting, finger-pointing and etc. Drudge hasn’t picked it up yet, but I assume he will.

* But there’s also a racial angle. “East St. Louis rules”? Not a smart move

Laninya Cason, who is running for Circuit Judge in St. Clair County, says likening voter fraud to the voters of East St. Louis is maddening.

“They didn’t say Belleville, Swansea or O’Fallon because they can’t buy their votes.”

“It infuriates me,” says Cason, “it’s a blatant disregard for our voting populous and they’re taking us for granted.”

“Most of the people that have been convicted of voter fraud in St. Clair County have come from East St. Louis or other minority communities surrounding it,” Cason said.

Cason is an African-American Republican running against Democrat Chris Kolker for the vacancy created by the death of Circuit Judge Robert LeChien.


Dem poll has Casten leading Roskam by 3

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tina Sfondeles with the scoop

A new poll commissioned by Democrat Sean Casten’s congressional campaign finds U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam, R-Ill., under water for the first time in a hotly contested race.

The poll, conducted by the Garin Hart Yang Research Group on behalf of Casten’s campaign, finds Casten ahead 47 to 44 percent, with 9 percent undecided. The poll was taken Sept. 8-10 of 402 likely voters in Illinois’ 6th Congressional District, which covers suburbs in Cook, Lake, Kane, McHenry and Dupage counties. The margin of error is plus or minus 4.9 percentage points.

Casten’s campaign framed the poll as proof that Roskam’s spending in the race isn’t working. The campaign released a summary of its findings but not all the data collected. The poll also found 39 percent of voters had an unfavorable view of Roskam, with 33 percent of voters saying they had a favorable view. […]

The poll also asked voters about Trump. Poll takers said that “nearly three in five voters,” or 58 percent, viewed Trump negatively in the district, which they claim is the worst ratings recorded for Trump since they began polling in the district.

More deets at the link.



Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

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