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Campaign notebook

Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* You may recall that, based on his campaign kickoff video, I asked Richard Irvin not long ago why he thinks kids are being indoctrinated in Illinois

What I said is students should not be indoctrinated and that parents should have a voice in their education in the state of Illinois. We should make sure that we give parents the opportunity to to participate in their youth’s education.

Hannah Meisel followed up to ask if he thought kids were being indoctrinated here. Irvin ignored her question.

Well, here’s a new Richard Irvin Facebook ad

* Politico

— Lobbyist reform: Ald. Silvana Tabares (23rd) has 15 aldermen on board for an ordinance that would clamp down on lobbying in city government. As we mentioned yesterday, the move was prompted by reports that City Clerk Anna Valencia failed to disclose her husband’s income as a lobbyist.

Valencia called the ordinance “a political stunt” since Tabares has endorsed her opponent for the secretary of state race, Alexi Giannoulias. Hanah Jubeh, Giannoulias’ campaign manager, responded that Valencia is “finger-pointing” instead of “taking responsibility.” NBC 5’s Mary Ann Ahern has more

It’s clever. You gotta give ‘em that.

* US Rep. Mary Miller has been endorsed by the Club For Growth. Here’s the Rodney Davis campaign’s response…

Carpet-bagging politician Mary Miller is touting the endorsement from a Washington, DC, group opposed to the Farm Bill, even as her family businesses have raked in over $1 million in government subsidies from Farm Bill programs over the years. The Club for Growth is the most prominent advocate for defeating the Farm Bill, calling it in 2018 “…nothing less than socialism with a Republican seal of approval on it.” Why would Mary Miller tout an endorsement from a group so hostile to her own constituents? Does Mary Miller agree that the Farm Bill is nothing less than Socialism?

“Like a true politician, Mary Miller has mastered the art of saying one thing and doing another. She has personally profited off Farm Bill programs to the tune of $1 million even as she touts the endorsement of a group who opposes the Farm Bill. By bragging about receiving the endorsement of Club for Growth, Miller is telling Illinois farmers that she wants to go back to Washington and work with a group who is actively opposed to the interests of the Illinois agriculture community. Miller should be ashamed for aligning herself with a group so outwardly hostile to our way of life. She should renounce her endorsement from Club and publicly reject any financial support they may be willing to offer.” - Davis campaign spokesperson Aaron DeGroot

Club for Growth, a DC based dark money organization, has been one of the leading opponents of the Farm Bill, federal legislation with vital programs that support the American farmer, agribusiness, and rural America as a whole. Club for Growth opposed the Farm Bill in 2018 and 2014 and is expected to oppose it again next year.

Club for Growth also runs a DC-based Super PAC that will be one of Miller’s biggest backers in her campaign for Congress. Miller said she was “honored” to be endorsed by Club for Growth. They are opposing Rodney in part because of his support for legislation like the Farm Bill, which delivers for Illinois Farmers.

Meanwhile, Mary Miller’s family business has received over $1 million in government subsidies from Farm Bill programs over the years. Mary Miller and her husband Chris are officers and co-owners of Miller Bros Farms, which is incorporated in the state of Delaware, a domestic tax shelter.

Chris Miller, has received $942,419 in USDA subsidies. Mary’s businesses Miller Bros. Farms, Inc. and Miller Bros Inc, have received $104,742 and $34,871 in USDA subsidies, respectively.

Rodney Davis is a strong supporter of the Farm Bill and the benefits it provides to Illinois farmers. As a member of the House Ag Committee, Rodney served as a Farm Bill conferee in 2013 and 2018, negotiating a successful Farm Bill and improving its programs twice. Rodney regularly meets and talks with Illinois farmers and members of the Illinois Farm Bureau and advocates for their concerns in Congress. He knows how vital Farm Bill programs are to farmers in Illinois and across the country. He is a proud recipient of the Illinois Farm Bureau ACTIVATOR endorsement for the 2022 Primary election.

* More Schneider oppo

Democratic Rep. Brad Schneider of Illinois violated a federal conflicts-of-interest law by disclosing two personal stock trades about two months past a federal deadline, according to financial records reviewed by Insider. […]

“Representative Schneider inadvertently did not hit the ’submit’ button when entering a stock transaction in December,” spokesperson Maggie Harden told Insider in a statement. “He discovered the error last week and immediately submitted the data and paid the associated late fee. The mistake has now been fully resolved.”

* I told you yesterday that it looked like US Rep. Mike Quigley is testing the waters for the 2023 mayor’s race with a new poll. From Greg Hinz’s subsequent report

Lightfoot shrugged off news of the polling by Quigley. “What I focus on every day is doing my job. The politics will take care of itself,” she said when asked about the polling at a press conference. “I’ll make my case to the people. The voters will be the ultimate decision makers.”

Quigley floated his name in 2018 as well.

* Press release…

Today, Alderman Gilbert Villegas announced the endorsements of four new members of Congress from across the country. U.S. Representatives Salud Carbajal (D-CA 24), Joe Neguse (D-CO 4), Kai Kahele (D-HI 2), and Richie Torres (D- NY 15) released the following statement in support of his campaign.

“In an uncertain world with ordinary people facing tremendous economic challenges, voters need a proven fighter like Gilbert Villegas in Congress. Gilbert’s service in the Marine Corps, leadership in the Teamsters union, and service to the people of Chicago in the City Council give us confidence he’ll focus on the right priorities and get things done for the people of Illinois. We’re proud to support his campaign,” said U.S. Representatives Carbajal, Neguse, Kahele, and Torres.

Villegas released a response in reaction to the endorsements.

“It’s incredibly humbling to receive the support from so many incredible public servants from across this great country.” said Alderman Gilbert Villegas.”Our campaign is gaining momentum every day because we’re staying focused on the issues that matter most to the voters.”


  1. - Arsenal - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 1:07 pm:

    lol, “anti-life”. Who knew Ken Griffin was a fan of Jack Kirby?

  2. - Steve Rogers - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 1:09 pm:

    It seems like Irvin starts a lot of his answers with “What I said…”

    If you’re doing that, then you’re doing a terrible job of explaining things the first time.

  3. - walker - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 1:09 pm:

    I’m guessing, charitably, that Ervin is too smart to believe the nonsense others have created and distributed on his behalf.

  4. - ItsMillerTime - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 1:28 pm:


    I think accusing your opponent of being a necromancer is a first in campaign history

  5. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 1:35 pm:

    “Hannah Meisel followed up to ask if he thought kids were being indoctrinated here. Irvin ignored her question.”

    Irvin knows CRT is just a Republican scare word but doesn’t care. He used to be against racism, until the prospect of big Griffin bucks came along.

    Was wondering when that part of white fear would come into play in Illinois: CRT. Criminal thugs and CRT. Heavy racist dog whistling for the Republican base.

  6. - SLoop - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 1:35 pm:

    Victory has clearly defeated Schneider. A few silly little mistakes now that the Trumpist have banished Bob Dold and he has nothing to fear.

    Guy doesn’t have the brains to go any higher, but that seat is his until he stops wanting it unless…

  7. - Henry Francis - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 1:44 pm:

    I am confused by the Irvin campaign ad. I thought Pritzker had kids, so doesn’t that make him a parent? Is he against himself and his wife? I also assume that he is living. But if he is anti-life, then what is he doing breathing?

    I really don’t understand how this ad can be persuasive. Irvin’s campaign is being run by the same guys who ran Rauner’s campaign. Yet I don’t recall his ads being this over the top. (Perhaps I have forgotten) Chalk it up to the Trump dumbing down of the GOP? Can’t they be serious about anything?

  8. - Bruce( no not him) - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 1:46 pm:

    My opponent is the candidate of anti-life.
    I am the candidate of pro-death…
    Wait a minute…

  9. - H-W - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 1:47 pm:

    I routinely teach Critical Race Theory (and Critical Feminist Theory) in my classes. My students actually seem to appreciate this framework a lot. But I must add, Gov. Pritzker did NOT require me to do so, nor even consult me. Nor did I consult him. [awkward smile]

  10. - Norseman - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 2:04 pm:

    Inquiring minds want to know how Pritzker put CRT in classrooms.

  11. - Norseman - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 2:06 pm:

    At least Irvin got more than thirty pieces of silver for selling his soul.

  12. - H-W - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 2:07 pm:

    @ Norseman — Using double-speak, he did so by not preventing it. Isn’t that how this sort of argument goes? He didn’t create a law blocking it. Q.E.D., he caused it to be in (every?) classroom.

  13. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 2:08 pm:

    ==Valencia called the ordinance “a political stunt” since Tabares has endorsed her opponent for the secretary of state race, Alexi Giannoulias. Hanah Jubeh, Giannoulias’ campaign manager, responded that Valencia is “finger-pointing” instead of “taking responsibility.”==

    Your candidate failed to responsibly manage a bank and a student tuition savings program.

  14. - Pundent - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 2:13 pm:

    I don’t really think Irvin believes what he’s saying here which is probably why he won’t answer questions on indoctrination.

    But the reality is that Irvin didn’t seek this office and then stumble upon Griffin’s money and team. He was recruited to fill a role and that’s what he’s doing. It’s not Irvin’s campaign to run. He’s merely along for the ride.

  15. - Google Is Your Friend - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 2:13 pm:

    Is Richard Irvin spouting CRT when he talks about being descended from enslaved people?

  16. - Stalling - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 2:14 pm:

    Why do Republicans continue to lie? Because they have no policies or records to run on.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 2:33 pm:

    ===It’s clever. You gotta give ‘em that.===

    Valencia is burning daylight. Gotta get those endorsements to not only matter, but matter in dollars and matter in getting a name ID rolling, somewhere, anywhere.

    To the Irvin/CRT thingy…

    Another instance where the Mayor and the Candidate are seemingly divided by how one wants each to be seen in a political light, or an actual belief system pillar.

    If I were Irvin, I’d be a lil bit more worried about the primary, meaning, trying to stave off critical political theory that Irvin isn’t a Republican or is worse a puppet of Griffin. Deciding to use CRT here is too much pandering to seem like a logical landing to help that cause, like a Hail Mary kinda feel, “let’s see if *this* works”

  18. - Nearly Normal - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 2:38 pm:

    Rabine was on WGN this afternoon. He mentioned the “indoctrination of children” as a major problem. When asked by Steve Bertrand what was he referring to, Rabine launched into politicians having more power over what is taught than parents. He spent more time complaining about masks and the imposition of masks on children and that the Governor has the control of who is on the state board of education.He had no specifics to share.

  19. - don the legend - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 2:41 pm:

    Henry Francis: Can’t they be serious about anything?

    That is the line of the campaign season. Dems should end every ad with that slogan: “Republicans, can’t they be serious about anything?”

  20. - Torco Sign - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 2:41 pm:

    It seems like Brad Schneider should tell himself and his team that he’s not a lock to win just so they get themselves together a bit. Sloppy (or Shady, depending on who you ask) Schneider isn’t a good reputation for an otherwise pretty unknown elected official.

  21. - Al - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 2:46 pm:

    Calling a one term out of district congresswoman a carpetbagger reeks of desperation. How far behind is Rodney?

  22. - Pundent - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 2:48 pm:

    =Rabine launched into politicians having more power over what is taught than parents.=

    I see no evidence of this whatsoever. And as a parent of a grade schooler I want my governor to address actual problems not make believe ones.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 2:50 pm:

    ===Rabine was on WGN…===

    If we had to do a reset of this whole GOP primary…

    We have The Apostle Darren Bailey doing tent revivals on Facebook when not grifting $15 for a dilapidated bus he seems to be praying it gets fixed.

    We have the Californian Sullivan with his dark money group designed to hide more of who he is like a valor stealing crypto coin enthusiast whose performance art includes ads of rehab buildings

    We have Irvin who could run on the merits of his own arguments of record but is in some sort of duality struggle of who he is and who Griffin is paying for

    We have Rabine and his magic bus, but unlike Bailey, the Rabine bus is the “Where’s Waldo” of silly product placements, all the while embracing a man who gladly broke bread with Putin and turned out to be a disgrace to the uniform he wore

    And we have Schimpf, who, if he could afford to have us pay attention to him, could try to seem like a nice lil candidate if he’d merely just not be anything like the other 4 for about 18 minutes…

    But, by all means, let’s have the discussion be “Pritzker/CRT”…

    Love of Pete…

  24. - Norseman - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 2:51 pm:

    H-W LOLOLOLOL. We must constantly be on the vigil by prohibiting things that aren’t being done.

    If you are so about prevention, I bet you really love JB’s actions mandating masks and vaccines since they are about preventing COVID.

  25. - Jibba - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 3:40 pm:

    ===Mary Miller has mastered the art of saying one thing and doing another===

    Project much, Rodney?

  26. - Facts - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 3:55 pm:

    District 65 indoctrinates elementary school students with the book “Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness”. I’m sure other IEA and IFT affiliates do as well, since Pritkzer has been elected. The book definitely is an example of Critical Race praxis.

  27. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 4:00 pm:

    Who knew that it was spelled KKKlub for Growth.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 4:05 pm:


    When one pushes for the banning of books, you have to wonder what one knows about learning or education.

    The dumbing down of education by the idea of banning books is not protecting children, it’s so adults can feel more comfortable in a world we all grew up in and want, or worse, go back to the 1950s

    What I’ve enjoyed is educators keeping that running list of “banned books” available for students to see the titles and remind students that the banning of books is what totalitarian regimes do to keep citizens down.

    Maybe my favorite is the chap you meet who goes on and on about being a Libertarian, but has this whole … manifesto… of the goodness in banning books.

    Reminds me too of the scene in “Field of Dreams”, and the meeting to ban Terrance Mann’s book… but, the woman wanting to ban the book is seen as the villain… today, Republicans see book banning as a core value.

    I watch that scene now and wonder how many people are cheering for the banning of the book, or at least cheering for the banning of any book.

    It’s a regression.

  29. - Mary Poppins - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 4:18 pm:

    I used to have respect for Rep. Bourne. Seeing her attach her name to this is so disappointing. More than Irvin, because she KNOWS how false all this is.

  30. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 4:19 pm:

    Rich and Hannah should ask Irvin if he believes that there is institutional racism baked into America. Has he, as a Black man, ever experienced or witnessed unfair treatment that he might attribute to the color of his skin?

    CRT is a loaded term. Ask him directly about his experience and see if he’ll answer. Then ask if we should be teaching the history of race in America to students. If not, why not?

  31. - SaulGoodman - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 4:28 pm:

    ** since Pritkzer has been elected**

    And this is JB’s fault how?

  32. - Ashland Adam - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 5:04 pm:

    “Ald. Gill Villegas, former floor leader of Mayor Lori Lightfoot, has been endorsed by out-of-town elected officials, and former Rep. Luis Arroyo.”

  33. - Just Me 2 - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 5:43 pm:

    Does Irvin have a source for this allegation? I guess it doesn’t matter.

  34. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 6:10 pm:

    It’s nobody’s fault. We owe it to the millions who sacrificed and gave us all of themselves so we can have a brighter today and tomorrow, to teach about racism and privilege. We owe it to the countless victims of racism, to teach about it. We must and will do it.

  35. - Facts - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 8:15 pm:

    OW- if you’re ok with six year old minds being exposed to the ideas in the link I shared, without being exposed to a book with a counter argument about color blindness, then yes, you’re ok with indoctrination.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 8:31 pm:

    ===if you’re ok with===

    Just stop.


    If you’re into book banning. That’s who you are.

    Book banning is dangerous to a free society and those propagating a sense of “indoctrination” likely have zero idea what it’s like to actually be indoctrinated or be in a closed society.

    Oh I know, “it’s ‘Merica and freedom” as Proud Boys with no children in school go and bully school board meetings with the expressed intent to ban books.

    So stop.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 8:33 pm:

    - Facts -

    As you prove my point, the link you sent is a fella who has in his… Twitter… bio…. “Freedom”

    … and wants books banned.

    So please. Spare me.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 8:43 pm:

    - Facts -

    Lets look at that link…

    Your fella there has a pinned tweet. Ok, no big whoop… what is it… it’s to grift… LOL

    I’m sure it gets better…

    Your link has a fella whose last tweets are about “Woke Marxists”… hmm, ok.

    These are the folks you look to?

  39. - Zoomer - Thursday, Mar 24, 22 @ 9:44 pm:



  40. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Mar 25, 22 @ 4:15 am:

    Valencia needs to start saying stuff like “A vote for Alexi is a vote to bring back George Ryan and corruption.”

  41. - Candy Dogood - Friday, Mar 25, 22 @ 7:48 am:

    I really hope someone makes a musical about how staying in school and being in the high school marching band is bad and that it is very important for kids to study at the “school of hard knocks” located at the pool hall. My suggestion for a title would be “76 Grams of Meth” from the title song “76 Grams of Meth in in the GMC.”

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