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*** UPDATED x4 *** This just in… AG Madigan motion denied in St. Clair County

Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 3:29 pm - A St. Clair County judge has denied Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s motion to dissolve a 2015 court order mandating that the state pay its employees without an appropriation. More in a bit.

*** UPDATE 1 *** From AFSCME…

AFSCME, other unions successfully defend state employee paychecks

A St. Clair County Circuit Court judge has denied a request by the Illinois Attorney General to dissolve an order previously won by unions representing state employees, ensuring that state workers would continue to get paid on time and in full even in the absence of an enacted state budget.

Legal counsel for the unions led the defense of the order, arguing persuasively that by agreeing to abide by court orders, the General Assembly has in effect appropriated funds for state employee payroll. The judge indicated that he did not want to see state government shut down and that the balance of equities in the case favored continuing to pay state employees.

“Through all state government’s chaos of the past two years, the people of Illinois have been able to rely on state workers to be there, providing important public services,” AFSCME Council 31 Executive Director Roberta Lynch said. “This decision ensures that that commitment can continue.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Rauner administration…

The Rauner Administration issued the following statement from General Counsel Dennis Murashko in response to a St. Clair County judge denying the Attorney General’s motion to block state employee pay.

“We’re pleased our hard working state employees, who show up to work every day on behalf of the people of Illinois, will continue to be paid. It is our hope the Attorney General drops this lawsuit so the bipartisan negotiations in the Senate can continue in order to reach a balanced budget with changes to get our state back on track.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** Attorney General Madigan’s spokesperson…

We think the law is clear. The Illinois Constitution requires an enacted appropriation for state spending. Under the current injunction, the state has spent over $3 billion in taxpayer money without any transparency or legislative debate as required by law. The Governor is using this injunction to avoid following the Constitution and enacting a budget, irreparably harming the people of Illinois. We will appeal the court’s order.

*** UPDATE 4 *** We don’t have the judge’s ruling yet, but a friend who was in the courtroom said the judge appeared to be swayed by an AFSCME argument which references this language in the stopgap budget passed last June

All appropriation authority granted in this Act shall not supersede any order of any court directing the expenditure of funds for fiscal years 2016 or 2017.

The GA didn’t appropriate any money for state employee payroll in that approp bill. It instead relied on the court order to pay workers.

Most of the stopgap expired at the end of December, but there are other approps in that bill that last through the end of the fiscal year.

AFSCME’s filing is here.


Question of the day

Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From February 10th

Cullerton later told reporters Rauner’s support of the package would help Republicans feel more comfortable voting for some of the most controversial of the bills.

“He would certainly, I would think, help [Senate GOP Leader Radogno] get some more votes for the package so that she wouldn’t have so many people voting present,” the North Side Democrat said.

* Cullerton also said this about the impact of Rauner speaking up on his own side of the aisle

“He wouldn’t help our caucus too much. I didn’t vote for him, you know, for governor.” Cullerton on whether it would help the grand bargain to pass if Rauner came out in support of it.

* The Question: On the whole, do you think the governor weighing in on the grand bargain yesterday was a good idea or a bad idea? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

bike tracks


A quick look at one of the governor’s “grand bargain” demands

Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Sun-Times writes an editorial aimed at House Speaker Michael Madigan

Delivering his annual budget address Wednesday, Rauner ran down a list of things he’d like to see in the grand bargain. A number of those items, such as term limits on legislative leaders — that’s aimed at you, Mike — and making permanent a tax credit for research and development, already are in the mix. Other items, such as making a property tax freeze permanent and excluding food and drugs from an expanded sales tax, are not.

Only time will tell whether those are hard or soft demands by the governor, and whether they are politically doable or deal-breakers. The governor’s next steps will reveal just how amenable to compromise he really is.

But now the Senate could use a similar signal from you, too, Mike. Senators on both sides of the aisle will be asked to take difficult votes. That’s easier to do if they know they’re not taking a risk for nothing, if they know this grand bargain stands even a chance in the House and with the governor.

Would this be a win for Rauner? Sort of. He would get a few of the reforms he has insisted on. But only after 20 months of losing really badly.

If you were out to make point, Mike, you have.

Now let’s do what’s best for Illinois.

If the governor expects the Senate and the House to pass all of his “grand bargain” demands as-is, the whole effort is probably dead. Let’s hope he’s flexible.

* In the meantime, let’s go back to yesterday’s budget speech…

We’re asking for a worker’s compensation system that matches Massachusetts.

As we’ve discussed before, Massachusetts is a “causation” system and the Democratic Party here does not love that idea.

The Massachusetts Division of Insurance told Illinois’ Legislative Research Unit in 2015 that, in addition to its significant statutory reforms, “a changing mix of industries” in the state with “fewer high-risk occupations” as well as a statewide health care cost containment program contributed to that state’s lower costs. Some of that couldn’t easily happen here, but they do appear to have a very smart and effective medical cost-containment strategy.

* However, the Massachusetts Division of Insurance also told LRU that it is tasked with approving workers’ comp insurance rate changes. As of 2015, those rates had declined nearly 25 percent since 2001, when rates were increased by a single percentage point.

Speaker Madigan has been strenuously arguing for state control over workers’ comp insurance rates here because he believes they are artificially high. So, maybe it’s time to make a counter-offer.

* More editorials…

* SJ-R: Lawmakers need to agree on more than the need to work together

* Daily Herald: The governor’s call for ‘political will’ on Illinois budget crisis

* Tribune: Illinois senators, fly the plane


*** UPDATED x1 *** CTBA: Almost one of every five spending dollars isn’t funded by governor’s budget

Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Center for Tax and Budget Accountability took a look at yesterday’s budget address. Here’s some of what they found

The speech broke little new ground, and repeated some long debunked myths. CTBA is combing through the details of the proposed budget, and will be providing more in-depth analysis over the next few days and weeks. […]

The first is that the Governor has proposed a budget with a $4.57 billion deficit — at a time when the state is projected to begin the next fiscal year with as much as $13.5 billion in unpaid bills. Even discounting that backlog, nearly $1 of every $5 the Governor proposes to spend on General Fund services is not paid for. […]

One of the most glaring inaccuracies in the speech was that Illinois has the nation’s fifth largest state and local tax burden. This ranking comes from a Tax Foundation report that includes taxes paid to other states. If you look only at taxes actually collected by governments in Illinois, then our state ranked just 27th in state and local tax burden as a percentage of income in 2014 — slightly below the median. And 2014 was before the phase-down of the temporary income tax increase; if our income tax had been what it is now, CTBA estimates Illinois would have ranked 37th, tied with Idaho and Texas. […]

The Governor’s demand for a permanent property tax freeze is not sound fiscal policy either. Freezing the main revenue source for local governments and public education will cause severe strain in communities across the state. Indeed, such an initiative would make it virtually impossible for communities to maintain adequate levels of such basic services as police and fire protection. This is an especially questionable proposal now, given that recent state law imposed a significant increase in pension funding requirements on local governments that will continue to grow over the next two decades. [Emphasis added.]

*** UPDATE ***  The Senate Democrats have posted their own analysis of the governor’s budget plan. Click here to read it.


Asked and answered… in 2015

Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Remember these unusual blame-shifting demands from Gov. Rauner’s legal filing to stop Attorney General Lisa Madigan from lifting a court order that mandated state workers be paid without an appropriation?

Thus, even if the Attorney General could demonstrate that no specific appropriations existed to pay state employees (a factual matter that the Attorney General simply assumes to be true), the Attorney General would be required (but completely fails) to specify which employees’ pay can be stopped despite the above legal grounds for paying them. […]

In the event that the Court elects to follow this course, the Attorney General should explain which employees she believes must be deprived of a paycheck and which services she believes should no longer be provided to the people of this State.

* Well, take a look at this June 29, 2015 Attorney General Lisa Madigan press release


Attorney General Lisa Madigan today issued an overview of information her office has provided to Illinois’ constitutional officers and legislative leaders to help prepare for the possibility that a State budget will not be in place for the new fiscal year. Attorney General Madigan issued this guidance in an effort to make sure that all offices and agencies have a legally supported plan in place to ensure that the State provides services critical to the people of Illinois in spite of the budget impasse. […]

Based on the Illinois Constitution, and consistent with previous litigation, the Attorney General has provided the constitutional officers with an overview of the application of the FLSA, so that State offices and agencies can be prepared to comply with that law in time for the payroll deadlines in mid-July. A copy of that guidance is attached.

Additionally, to ensure that all State offices and agencies are prepared, if necessary, to continue providing essential or core government services, the Attorney General also provided the constitutional officers with an overview of the process for identifying essential personnel and services. The Attorney General’s Office has indicated it will work with the respective constitutional offices to ensure that their essential government functions and personnel are appropriately identified and maintained in the interest of the health, safety and welfare of the people of Illinois.

Click here for her legal advice on determining who is an “essential employee.” And click here for her legal advice on how to determine which employees are exempt and non-exempt under the FLSA.


Democrats loudly and mockingly laughed at Rauner yesterday

Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I heard loud laughter in the chamber

“This isn’t about pointing fingers or assigning blame,” the governor said to some laughter from Democrats during his address in the Illinois House chambers. “We are where we are. It’s not about the past; it’s about how we move forward together.”

Nevertheless, there were some partisan games ahead of the address. Just before the speech, House Republicans urged Madigan to remove four signs that were taped onto podiums on the Democratic side. They read “Rauner budget = fake news” and “Rauner budget = alternative facts.”

Madigan’s response?

“I think they’re within their rights to decide whether they want to put a sign up or anything else,” he said.

The signs were a bit much.

Also, I was astonished at the amount of derisive laughter during the address. He is the governor, after all.

* SJ-R

Rauner also renewed his call for legislator term limits. He said term limits “get job creators excited. Passing term limits is one of the most important things we can do to send a positive recruiting message to job creators.” Democrats laughed openly at the statement.

Rauner urged the laughing Democrats to ask “job creators” about the topic and insisted they do support it.

* AP

Recalling the length of the stalemate, rife with accusations on both sides, Rauner said: “This isn’t about pointing fingers or assigning blame. ” That prompted a round of laughter from Democrats in the chamber.

* The line right after that also got some laughter

It’s not going to help us move forward if right after this speech, Democrats run to the media claiming we’ve never proposed a plan to balance the budget.

* But at least they were laughing with him and not at him when his teleprompter broke

Rauner was talking about the income tax increase contained in the Senate’s “grand bargain” when he suddenly stopped.

“I just lost my word there,” Rauner said, as the device blinked out.

Rauner asked for a paper copy of the speech, but that didn’t prove satisfactory.

“I don’t have my reading glasses for this,” Rauner said. “I’m a little old for this type.”

While waiting for the machine to be reset to the proper part of the speech, Rauner said, “Does anybody have a good story?”

* More

Rauner’s chief political nemesis, Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan, who was standing behind the governor as is custom at the Capitol for such speeches, then offered some words that prompted Rauner to laugh.

“Speaker said, ‘It’s the Russians,’” Rauner told the assembled lawmakers and guests, prompting laughter and applause. It’s a reference to the national political scene and questions about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and influence with President Donald Trump’s administration.


Cardinal Cupich speaks out against House abortion bill

Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Calling on parishioners to “speak for the children in the womb,” Cardinal Blase Cupich condemned legislation that would expand Illinois women’s access to abortion services.

The bill in question would eliminate a so-called “trigger” provision that would make abortion illegal in Illinois if Roe v. Wade is overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. It also would allow women with Medicaid and state employee health insurance to use their coverage for abortions.

The measure is a direct response from Democratic state lawmakers to Republican President Donald Trump, who has touted anti-abortion policies and said he would appoint Supreme Court justices with the goal of overturning Roe v. Wade. […]

The measure could be voted on in the House as early as Thursday. Cupich urged parishioners to ask their lawmakers to reject the bill and instead focus on passing a budget that funds “essential services.”

* From his letter

It is with some urgency that I write to you today, about a bill in our Illinois legislature, HB 40. The bill in question, if passed, would use tax dollars to pay for taking the life of a child in the womb through an abortion. There are strong indications that HB 40 could be enacted into law if we fail to act.

In addition to mandating state funding of abortion through the Medicaid program, HB 40 also calls for abortion coverage in state employees’ health care plans. It also allows for the use of tax dollars to fund grants to organizations that refer, counsel for and perform abortions, e.g., Planned Parenthood. All of these state-funded mandates are currently prohibited by Illinois law.

We have raised our voices in the past for those who have no voice, whether they be the immigrant or the refugee, the poor, or the unemployed. We now need to speak for the children in the womb, who are the weakest among us.

We need to let our elected officials know that taxpayers should not be forced to fund the taking of human life. In fact, tax money should be used to fund prenatal services for the poor and child care for working mothers, as well as expand health-care options for those in need. Please join me in advocating for all life by urging your state representative to reject HB 40 and work instead to pass a budget that funds all essential services.

The last abortion-related bill approved by the House only passed with 61 votes, all of whom were Democrats. One of those Democrats, Mike Smiddy, lost to a Republican last year.

…Adding… A group called Catholic Vote has issued a warning to Gov. Rauner

If he supports a new law to authorize taxpayer funding for abortion — Catholics will oppose him next year. This is no empty threat.


Rauner wants to merge IHPA with IDNR

Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From page 280 of the governor’s budget book

The fiscal year 2018 budget also recommends the Historic Preservation Agency (HPA) merge with DNR to consolidate the administration of state historic sites and monuments within one agency. By positioning HPA administration within DNR, core competencies will be centralized. The merger, which includes $9.2 million in new appropriation authority for DNR, is anticipated to result in $3.2 million in savings and ensure the continued collection and preservation of state historic resources.

Hat tip: Capitol Outdoors.


“Working together on grand bargain”

Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the governor’s budget office

* SJ-R

Rauner also outlined areas where he wants to increase state spending, including K-12 education, college grants for needy students and more investigators for the Department of Children and Family Services.

However, Rauner did not mention in his speech that his budget proposal would spend about $37.3 billion while state revenues are estimated at $32.7 billion. Rauner’s budget plan also counts on $4.6 billion under a category called “working together on ‘grand bargain,’ a bargain that is still being negotiated in the Senate. Rauner’s budget director Scott Harry nonetheless insisted Rauner had presented a balanced budget to the General Assembly.

* Sun-Times

Rauner’s budget proposal — deemed “balanced” by his budget director — is reliant upon on the Senate plan passing. Within the budget proposal is a mixture of spending cuts, revenue and projected economic growth to try to reach a magic number of nearly $4.6 billion. The governor is seeking to fill the remaining $2.7 billion plus by getting legislative authority to make cuts.

“His preferred option is to continue to work with the General Assembly,” state budget director Scott Harry said during a briefing with reporters.

The reliance on the plan — as well as lack of specifics in his budget address — had some Democrats launching attacks. Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza said Rauner has “shirked his constitutional duty.” And State Sen. Terry Link, D-Vernon Hills, said Rauner “shied away from the opportunity to lead.”

* Tribune

Despite repeatedly insisting to reporters that the proposed budget was “balanced,” Rauner’s budget chief, Scott Harry, did not offer much in the way of specifics as to how the governor would close the hole. Not contained in the 570-page budget book is any mention of ways to raise more money to avoid cuts.

Rather than detail additional cuts to close the gap, Rauner’s budget instead includes a $4.57 billion line-item titled “working together on ‘grand bargain.’” Harry said the governor’s “preferred path” out of the hole would be “a mixture” of more spending cuts, tax hikes to generate new revenue and policies to create more economic growth, which would lead to higher tax revenues.

That deep hole already assumes Rauner would be able to make $2.7 billion in other cuts he proposed in the state’s main checking account. One provision would shift state workers into a less expensive pension program by offering a 401k-style retirement plan as an alternative to the constitutionally protected, defined-benefit plan workers currently enjoy. Rauner’s team says the move would save $500 million. When asked how the administration had estimated the savings when participation in the new plan would be voluntary, Harry punted to another Rauner aide, who said only that “assumptions were made on what the choices would be.”

Also factored into Rauner’s proposed savings is $240 million he estimates would be generated from selling the state’s James R. Thompson Center building in the Loop, $340 million in savings from changes to the state’s procurement processes, $120 million in cuts to a program that allows people with disabilities to avoid institutionalization by receiving home-based care and a $500 million reduction in compensation for state workers.

I didn’t go to that budget presentation, but it sounds like it was similar to some recent White House press briefings.


*** LIVE *** Session coverage

Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Follow along with ScribbleLive

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Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Rauner already campaigning on budget proposal

Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I subscribe to the governor’s campaign YouTube channel and just got an alert that this video was posted. I expect to receive a press release about it soon. Have a look

* Script…

Whatever it takes. Bruce Rauner’s plan to balance the budget reforms Illinois, builds a new economy, freezes property taxes, caps spending, pays down the debt and term limits politicians’ power. Learn more at

The website is here.


He may not have mentioned them in the speech, but the governor did propose cuts

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background for this post is here. From Emily Miller on some of Gov. Rauner’s proposed budget cuts for DHS…

After school programs are zeroed out, immigrant services were zeroed out, epilepsy grants zeroed out, ARC of Illinois was zeroed out, autism services for children were zeroed out

* Also, these…

…Adding… A more complete list of zeroed-out lines…

Welcoming Centers

Epilepsy Services

ARC of Illinois Life Span Project

Best Buddies

Project for Autism

Children’s Place

Teen Parenting Services

Youth Employment

Teen Reach (afterschool programs)

Emergency Food Program

Funeral and Burial Aid

Immigrant Integration


Today’s number: $5.1 billion

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Did anyone else notice that the governor asked for a bunch of additional state spending, outlined some reforms to save some money, but did not propose a single state program cut in his budget address today? This is why…

Go see it all for yourself by clicking here.


Leaders respond to budget address

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Senate GOP Leader Christine Radogno…

I am heartened by the Governor’s speech today –and his very public demonstration once again of his willingness to work with Republicans and Democrats to bring Illinois out of this crisis.

I share his sense of urgency – the time is now. Illinois goes $11 million further into debt each and every day we continue to spend without a budget in place. Today the Governor also acknowledged the great deal of groundwork that has gone into negotiating a package that can pass in a Democrat-controlled Senate and encouraged us to keep working. We can now consider the Governor’s advice in our discussions as we move forward.

We want what the Governor wants – a bipartisan compromise that is a good deal for the taxpayers.

Notice that she pointedly did not embrace the governor’s advice.

* Senate President John Cullerton…

“Right now the Senate is working on this year’s budget because there isn’t one. We need to restore stability and sanity to Illinois’ finances. That begins with a budget for the here and now. That’s what the Senate is trying to do.”

Nothing whatsoever about the governor’s advice, which isn’t going down so well, to say the least.

* Speaker Madigan…

Madigan: Democrats are Proposing a New Way Forward on Budget, Economic Reforms

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, D-Chicago, issued the following statement Wednesday after Gov. Bruce Rauner’s Budget Address:

“Throughout my time in state government, legislators and governors from both parties have agreed that the state budget must be a priority. While the House has passed a number of budget bills to fund critical services for seniors, children and public safety, it appears that for the third straight year Governor Rauner has failed to introduce a balanced budget.

“As the governor told a newspaper recently, his plan is to ‘stay the course.’ That means continuing to use the disabled, the elderly, school children, victims of abuse, and many others as negotiating tools in his effort to increase profits of big corporations at the expense of middle class and struggling families. ‘Staying the course’, as the Governor wishes, means billions of dollars in new debt, and lost services for tens of thousands of Illinois’ most vulnerable children, seniors and families.

“Unlike the governor’s ‘stay the course’ plan, Democrats are proposing a new way forward. We want to work cooperatively with the governor to pass a full-year balanced budget and improve our economy, but we don’t accept that the only way to create jobs is by cutting wages and stripping away protections for workers in an effort to increase profits for businesses – all at the expense of middle-class families. We will pass reforms that lift up the middle class and provide good jobs for working families while also helping businesses grow and expanding our economy.

“We want solutions that address the challenges Illinois is facing right now. We continue to urge the governor to join us and pass a full-year budget that provides for the needs of middle class and struggling families, cares for the elderly, invests in our schools, and keeps our communities safe.”

Nothing new there.

And nothing yet from the House Republican Leader. Check back.

…Adding… Leader Durkin…

The Governor fulfilled his constitutional obligation with today’s budget address. It is now time for the legislature to fulfill its constitutional obligation by working jointly to pass appropriations that do not exceed funds estimated by the General Assembly during the year, or otherwise, pass a balanced budget. Again, this will only be accomplished when both parties respect the priorities of each. Our caucus is prepared to negotiate a fair compromise and break this unprecedented impasse on behalf of all Illinoisans.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Your thoughts on the governor’s budget address?


Rauner lays out his parameters on the Senate’s grand bargain attempt

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Subscribers knew some of this already. From Gov. Bruce Rauner’s budget address…

The current Senate proposal calls for a permanent increase in the income tax rate but offers only a temporary property tax freeze in exchange. That’s just not fair to hard-working taxpayers across the state.

We need a permanent property tax freeze in Illinois, just like the one the House passed last month. Over time, as our economy grows and revenues expand, any increase in the income tax could be stepped down – dedicating future surpluses to taxpayers, not more government spending.

The current Senate proposal would expand the state’s sales tax to cover everyday services, and raise taxes on food and drugs. We’re open to a broader sales tax base to mirror neighboring states like Wisconsin, but let’s make sure it’s best for the people of Illinois, not for the lobbyists in Springfield. We cannot raise taxes on people’s groceries and medicine – just as we cannot tax people’s retirement incomes. We can find a way to balance the budget without hurting lower-income families and fixed-income seniors.

We must all support raising the earned income tax credit to help low-income families. And we must support making the research and development tax credit permanent to encourage innovation and job creation.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, a good deal for taxpayers comes with economic and regulatory changes that are significant enough for job creators to get excited about the future of Illinois.

Term limits get job creators excited. Passing term limits is one of the most important things we can do to send a positive recruiting message to job creators: “it’s a new day in Illinois, we’ve turned the corner.”

Workers comp changes get job creators excited. We must get our worker’s compensation costs in line with other states. We’re asking for a worker’s compensation system that matches Massachusetts. Massachusetts is a blue state with a strong middle class–and it’s growing.

Now, those parameters aren’t controversial– they’re right in line with what Democrats and Republicans have said they agree with. And while the Senate package is still evolving, it wouldn’t be that hard to reach a good deal for taxpayers.

I firmly believe that we can come to agreement on these issues. And I pledge to you that I will sign that good deal for taxpayers the minute it arrives at my desk.

This is now a question of political will. I’m know I’m willing– I hope you are too.

So, a permanent property tax freeze and a stepped-down income tax hike. In the briefing earlier today, I thought there was some willingness to go with a temporary property tax freeze if the income tax is stepped down within the Senate plan. Not sure at the moment by reading what was written for delivery.

The broadening the sales tax base like Wisconsin is a reference to the service tax proposal, which is in the Senate’s grand bargain.

The Senate’s proposed sales tax on food and medicine polls horribly, and the governor wants no part of it. Same goes for the tax on retirement income, which the Senate hasn’t proposed.

The Senate’s proposal for term limits for legislative leaders, I was told, will be sufficient in this context.

I would have to go back and look at the Massachusetts stuff to get a good grip on that one.

Your thoughts?


On a lighter note

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Rauner’s Facebook Live event yesterday started late because of problems with the captioning feature. During the delay, nobody noticed that Rauner’s mic was hot. The Tribune tells us what happened

Rauner complimented the attire of an off-camera female aide, saying, “You’ve got that good red dress going. It’s a good … very …”

The aide responded that it was “a day of love,” and lamented that her boyfriend had moved to Chicago and that it would be “just me and my dog tonight.”

“Are you going to wish everyone Happy Valentine’s Day?” the aide asked Rauner. The governor replied, “I wasn’t, but now maybe I will.”

“You don’t have to but,” the aide said before Rauner cut her off, adding, “I think it’s a good idea.”

“It’s humanizing,” the aide responded as Rauner laughed.

Apparently, the governor needs advice on how to appear more human. /s

* And check this out from when they were testing the caption feature…

Wow. Even their techies are on-message.


Just get it done already

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz

Though he and his people are loathe to admit it, they seem to have realized that, to win new term, Rauner needs to show some accomplishments, more than standing on a pile of junk that used to be the state’s economy and declaring that he fought Madigan to a tie.

So what will he do and how far will he go? We’ll know more later today.

* Not exactly clean hands here

“Tomorrow, our governor is gonna give a speech, a budget. He has to deliver a balanced budget that funds education. Our kids are too important. They’re making all the reading gains and math gains,” [Mayor Rahm Emanuel] told his audience of movers and shakers.

“I see a bunch of CEO’s and business leaders and people working in business. If I’m the mayor, I’m the chief executive of this city. You expect me to deliver a balanced budget, which I do. Dan Cronin in DuPage County — you expect him to deliver a balanced budget. Toni Preckwinkle — you expect her to deliver a balanced budget. We need a balanced budget that funds education and moves this state forward.”

Emanuel noted that the “biggest adverse effect” for Chicago and its drive to recruit even more corporate headquarters is “the uncertainty the state is creating over the business climate. … Uncertainty is our biggest threat. Our kids can’t afford it. Our businesses can’t afford it and the state can’t.”

Pounding the podium for emphasis, the mayor said, “I want the governor to hit the re-set button by having a balanced budget that finally moves this state forward. We cannot be the last state in the union without a budget.”

* Laurence Msall is tired of the finger-pointing

LAURENCE MSALL: “I would say there’s very little benefit in trying to point (to) who’s done the worst job in the past. The question is: Who’s actually presenting something in the present that has the potential to move our state forward?”

Msall says between the governor’s proposals and Democrats’ own unbalanced budget legislation, there’s plenty of blame to go around, and the problem is only getting harder to solve.

MSALL: “But that doesn’t relieve them of their obligation to do the best they can to make it better for the citizens and for our state. And that’s why we need a budget.”

Rauner says in today’s budget address, he’ll finally weigh in on some of the elements in the so-called grand bargain. That’s the bipartisan plan hatched by top leaders in the Illinois Senate to finally slow Illinois’ long fiscal decline.

* As is the Jacksonville Journal-Courier

Gov. Bruce Rauner is preparing to step up to the lectern a few hours from now and go through the motions of presenting a plan for a state budget. It will be followed within minutes by leaders of the controlling Democratic Party summarily dismissing it.

It’s a tired plot line at this point. Rauner will talk about the need for controls and reform. Democrats will try to convince anyone who will listen that the status quo will work just fine if taxes are raised to allow uncontrolled spending to continue. […]

Forget that the state constitution is clear about the roles of both the governor and the General Assembly when it comes to a budget. The governor has to present a balanced budget each year to lawmakers. Lawmakers are required to approve a budget.

Not every now and then.

Not most of the time.

Each year.


Senate’s office supply vendor not accepting new orders

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Senate President’s chief of staff sent this e-mail to members today…


This email is intended to inform you that the Senate’s office supply vendor of choice has effectively stopped accepting orders for paper, printer ink and toner, and other office supplies.

While we have alternative options in place to address immediate needs, it is unclear how long we can make them work. Employees of the Office of the Senate President have been asked to conserve supplies by limiting printing and copying activities, and lean heavily on sharing documents electronically when they are able to do so.

We will do our best to manage through this situation. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Lawsuit filed to block the Exelon bill

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Steve Daniels at Crain’s

When Gov. Bruce Rauner signed legislation bailing out two money-losing nuclear power plants, operators of Illinois coal- and natural gas-fired facilities promised to take the state to court.


A group of competitors of Chicago-based nuclear giant Exelon filed a lawsuit in federal court in Chicago today to stop the ratepayer-funded bailout from going forward.

They include Houston-based Dynegy, the second-largest generator in Illinois after Exelon and dominant player downstate, and Princeton, N.J.-based NRG Energy, which operates coal and gas plants in northern Illinois. […]

In the lawsuit, the competitors allege the subsidies undermine wholesale power markets that are the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal government via the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). They challenge the law on jurisdictional and constitutional grounds.

The competitors say the law unfairly tilts the playing field in Exelon’s favor, keeping open two plants that otherwise had announced they would close.

The lawsuit is here.

* AP

“It will profoundly disrupt the FERC-approved energy market auction structure and result in the transfer of hundreds of millions of dollars a year of ratepayer funds to Exelon at the expense of other generators that would have been economically viable without discriminatory subsidies,” the lawsuit stated.

Exelon contends the legislation provides it similar mechanisms that have aided renewable energy development for years.

“Exelon opposes misguided and parochial efforts to block state lawmakers from taking legitimate steps to protect the environment and promote sound economic policies for their citizens,” Exelon said in a statement Tuesday. […]

The plan, to go into effect in June, would cost 3.1 million northern Illinois customers of Exelon’s power-distributing subsidiary, ComEd, an average of 25 cents more per month during the life of the plan. In central and southern Illinois, Ameren’s 1.2 million customers would pay an additional 12 cents or less monthly, the company said.

* And this is from the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition…

“This lawsuit will not stop Illinois from implementing the biggest clean energy breakthrough in its history, which will create tens of thousands of new jobs across Illinois, save customers billions on their electric bills, and make Illinois a national leader in the clean energy economy. Solar and wind energy are already out competing fossil fuels and energy efficiency is the cheapest energy resource to help lower demand and monthly bills while cutting harmful pollution. Today’s lawsuit suggests that big polluting industries would rather shackle Illinoisans to higher costs and dangerous fuels of the past rather than invest in Illinois’ bright clean energy future.”


Legislators criticize Rauner over AFSCME impasse

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Democrats and their union allies also used the eve of Rauner’s budget speech to bash the governor for his handling of his contract negotiations with state workers.

“This governor has been nothing but a disaster,” said Rep. Mary Flowers, D-Chicago. “This governor made it plain and clear that he is here for his business community and his business friends. That’s not our goal. And if he wants a strike, a strike it will be.”

The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31 is in the midst of a strike authorization vote, asking its more than 30,000 state worker members if they are willing to go on strike to resist Rauner’s attempts to impose a new contract. Rauner’s contract would increase employees’ out-of-pocket health care costs and give the state greater freedom to privatize jobs currently performed by unionized workers. AFSCME contends that the contract would cost the average worker $10,000.

“That might not be much to someone who can spend $50 million and put it in their political PAC, or someone that makes over $184 million a year, but to these people and the people from our communities and the people of the state of Illinois, $10,000 is a lot of money, Gov. Rauner,” said Sen. Omar Aquino, D-Chicago, referring to Rauner’s contribution late last year to his 2018 re-election campaign account.

* AFSCME also sent out a release about yesterday’s media event

Bridgette Mittons, an employee of the Department of Healthcare and Family Services and a member of the union’s rank-and-file bargaining committee said, “In Cook County, two-thirds of the state workers represented by AFSCME are African-American or Latino, two-thirds are women, and more than half, like me, are women of color. Governor Rauner is trying to weaken our ladder to the middle class.” […]

“The governor’s demand for a 100% increase in what employees pay for health care would cost the average worker $10,000 and hurt communities of color most of all,” state Sen. Omar Aquino said.

“Governor Rauner, how do you ask these working people to pay $10,000 more while asking nothing of your rich friends?” state Rep. Mary Flowers asked. “Just like the state budget, Rauner’s refusal to negotiate is causing big problems for the people of Illinois.” […]

“Unless Bruce Rauner is willing to compromise, our only other option is to go out on strike. The governor doesn’t seem to care about the harm a strike would cause,” said Roberto Botello, a mental health worker and member of AFSCME. “As public service workers, we are very concerned. We know that in the Chicago area a strike would hit African-American and Latino communities hardest.”

“Bruce Rauner should return to the bargaining table today and keep Illinois working,” state Rep. Emanuel Chris Welch said.

Senator Cristina Castro and representatives Jaime Andrade, La Shawn Ford, Sonya Harper and Christian Mitchell were also in attendance.


Pritzker talks a bit about a possible run

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bloomberg’s John McCormick interviewed JB Pritzker this week

“If I ran, I would self-fund,” said Pritzker, an investor, philanthropist and heir to the Hyatt hotel empire, who has an estimated net worth of $3.5 billion in the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Pressed on how much of his own fortune he’d be willing to spend, he said: “Whatever it will take to run a winning campaign.” […]

Pritzker, 52, downplayed his own family’s status in the party, while offering what could be viewed as a subtle jab at a likely future primary opponent.

“I don’t consider my family name to be a super high-profile Democratic name,” said Pritzker, who is a major Democratic donor nationally and one of the top supporters to groups backing Clinton in 2016. “I don’t come from a political dynasty.”

Pritzker declined to discuss timing for a possible announcement, but said he’s bullish about his prospects if he enters the race. “I’m going to work to elect the most viable candidate running, and if I’m running, I think I’ll be the most viable candidate,” he said.

Not much there, but it’s still early.


*** LIVE *** Session and budget address coverage

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ll be on Public TV today at noon and again just after the governor’s speech concludes. Check your local listings. Meanwhile, follow all the action with ScribbleLive


Rauner previews budget speech, talks up Senate negotiations

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tina Sfondeles

Calling himself the “most frustrated person in the state,” Gov. Bruce Rauner on Tuesday offered a glimpse into his third budget address — saying he’ll try to push along the Illinois Senate’s “grand bargain” plan.

Noting the high-pressure stakes of the plan – which includes a temporary property tax freeze, an income tax hike and changes in pension reform — Rauner spoke on Facebook Live to urge senators to “stay strong and do the right thing for the long-term for the people of Illinois.” […]

On Tuesday, Rauner called criticism that he’s never submitted a “balanced budget” a “common spin.”

“This spin is wrong. I have submitted budgets for two years and now I’m submitting a third budget,” Rauner said, adding that his 2015 budget with $6 billion in cuts was “ignored.”

He has indeed submitted budgets for two years and neither of them were even close to being balanced.

* Garcia, Geiger, BeMiller

“There are individuals and special interest groups on both ends of the political spectrum, both ends, who don’t want to see any compromise, who don’t want to see any grand bargain, who don’t want to see a budget deal, and they are sending attacks left and right,” said Rauner, who has yet to pass a full-year budget since becoming governor. “But we have got to find compromise. We need to listen to each other, respect each other and come up with some solutions that give us a better future for the long term.”

Rauner’s focus on the Senate plan underscores the likelihood that his own budget address is unlikely to offer much in the way of new ideas. He’s already said that his proposal will mirror the format that was shot down last year, in which he presented a plan that was at least $3.5 billion in the red and asked the Democratic-controlled General Assembly to work with him toward an agreement or to give him the power to make massive cuts on his own.

That approach is again garnering opposition from Democrats who contend the governor is shirking his constitutional duty to present a balanced budget. Rauner was quick to shrug off the criticism, saying Democrats repeatedly have passed out-of-whack spending plans that helped create the state’s money problems.

In person, anyway, the governor is now trying to sound more like “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” than “Hardball.”

Also, the Democrats make a valid point with their criticism, but the Rauner response is also quite valid.

* Finke

Rauner said a great deal of criticism has been leveled “against those who are trying to find a common sense, bipartisan, centrist compromise.”

“I am a big advocate of compromise,” Rauner said. “We’re all going to have to give in on what we’d love in on what we’d love in a perfect world.”

More Mr. Rogers.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATED x1 - AG Madigan responds *** Rauner files motion in employee payroll case

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Bumped up from last night for visibility purposes.]

* Press release…

Governor Bruce Rauner’s administration today filed an opposition to the Attorney General’s irresponsible attempt to cut off paychecks for hardworking state employees.

“As we explain in our opposition, federal and state law requirements support continuing the Court’s July 2015 order that would ensure that state employees receive the paychecks they have earned,” said Dennis Murashko, General Counsel to the Governor. “Instead of fighting to cut off employee pay in the middle of the Senate’s work on passing a balanced budget with changes to the system, the Attorney General should become a productive partner in the process.”

Former Comptroller Leslie Munger retained her own counsel to fight vigorously for state employees to continue being paid for the work they do. Comptroller Mendoza has taken a different path, abdicating her responsibility to fight for state employees.

Our administration unequivocally stands with state employees. Last week, Governor Rauner sent a video message to state employees reiterating his dedication to ensuring they continue to be paid for their work. We continue to call on the Attorney General to abandon her quest to deprive Illinois state workers of their hard-earned wages.

* This is kind of an odd legal filing. Check it out

Although the Attorney General focuses exclusively on the appropriations process, numerous other legal grounds support paying state employees in the absence of specific appropriations for state employee payroll. As described below, federal law requires the State to pay its employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act, superseding state law. In addition, roughly eighty federal court consent decrees direct the State to perform a wide range of services, which tens of thousands of state employees must be paid to provide. Next, state employees must be able to protect the health, safety, and welfare (including the economic well-being) of the people under the State’s police powers. And finally, numerous legislatively-enacted commands mandate that state agencies perform a wide variety of services and functions, operating as a continuing appropriation of all funds necessary to provide them. Thus, even if the Attorney General could demonstrate that no specific appropriations existed to pay state employees (a factual matter that the Attorney General simply assumes to be true), the Attorney General would be required (but completely fails) to specify which employees’ pay can be stopped despite the above legal grounds for paying them.

Notice the incredibly broad police powers claimed in this filing. Even if AG Madigan wins this motion, they’re going to fight like heck to keep every possible function operating.

* More

For these reasons, or any combination of them, the Attorney General has not met her burden to upset the status quo requiring that state employees continue to be paid in full. This Court should therefore continue its July 2015 Order. In the alternative, this Court should reject the Attorney General’s invitation to create an artificial emergency and instead should continue its July 2015 Order until such time as it can oversee the fact-specific inquiry necessary to determine which state services must be provided. In the event that the Court elects to follow this course, the Attorney General should explain which employees she believes must be deprived of a paycheck and which services she believes should no longer be provided to the people of this State.

And now they want to put the burden on the attorney general to decide who should and shouldn’t be paid?


*** UPDATE *** The Tribune has the AG’s react…

Madigan spokeswoman Maura Possley said Rauner “is asking the court to relieve him of his responsibility to ever sign a budget covering the state employee payroll.”

“The governor should do his job instead of asking the court to do it for him,” she added.


Our sorry state

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Oh, man this is so not good

Illinois officials waited more than five months to alert dozens of domestic violence programs that their funding had been eliminated, an omission that has forced layoffs and other cuts at some facilities, according to interviews and documents reviewed by The Associated Press.

No one knows — or is saying — why approximately $9 million in state funding for 62 programs that provide shelter, counseling and advocacy for victims of domestic abuse was left out of a six-month budget that took effect July 1. When providers finally learned they were left empty-handed, they scrambled to make up the lost money by slashing jobs and salaries and expanding client waiting lists.

Although there is no indication officials intended to slice funding for the domestic violence programs, the money won’t easily be restored in the state’s precarious economic situation. Illinois has operated without a spending plan since July 2015 because of bickering between first-term Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner and Democrats who control the legislature. […]

Experienced state vendors know they sign state contracts that make payment dependent on legislative approval. But domestic violence program providers say they submitted budgets to DHS for review and, in some cases, had to amend them before getting DHS contract approval last spring. Without notice that there wasn’t money forthcoming, “They’ve already spent that money and they’re struggling,” said Vickie Smith, executive director of the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

This is a failure on multiple levels. But why wait until December to tell the providers there was no money?


Rauner wants more state cops to help deal with expressway shootings

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* AP

llinois Gov. Bruce Rauner will push for state funding to put more state troopers on Chicago-area expressways in an effort to combat gun violence.

Rauner’s office confirms a Chicago Sun-Times report that during his planned budget speech Wednesday the governor will say he wants the state to pay for 200 state police cadets over the next two years.

Last year in Chicago there were 762 homicides and more than 3,500 shooting incidents — totals that far eclipsed those in 2015. At the same time, the number of shootings on Chicago-area expressways rose significantly.

* The original Sun-Times story has some more numbers

Sneed is told the governor, who is involved in a contentious budget battle, will propose funding for two Illinois State Police classes for 200 cadets over the next two years — which would help deal with the violence spilling from the streets onto the expressways.

“Shootings are increasing on the expressways, which is not only tragic — but falls within the jurisdiction of the State Police,” a top Sneed source said.

“The governor plans to add resources to help contain Chicago’s violence, where 335 state troopers are already assigned to the Chicago expressway region. [There are 1,650 police statewide.]

* Reuters last month

In 2011 and 2012, there were nine shootings on [Chicago] expressways, according to state police, which had no data prior to that.

That number jumped to 16 in 2013 and 19 in 2014. It nearly doubled the next year to 37 and climbed again in 2016 to 47. Three shootings last year were fatal.


How did we get here?

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* James Krohe Jr. has an interesting story about one reason why there are so many tiny towns around Springfield

I hear that Jerome had to lay off its police chief. What, you didn’t know that Jerome had a police chief? Or that Jerome had a police department? Or that Jerome needed a police department? The village is home to only 1,651 people. As for the ability of its tax base to support the full spectrum of modern municipal services, if the freezers at Shop ’n’ Save break down for a week, Jerome would have to lay off a clerk.

Why did this agglomeration of very modest subdivisions (West Grand, Leland Highpoint and Alta Sita) in unincorporated Woodside Township undertake the perils of village-ness? For the answer we must go back to the 1930s. The City of Springfield, thanks to Commissioner Willis J. Spaulding, had a spanking new water system that delivered what he invariably described as “sparkling” water. This was a near-miracle; the only thing harder to swallow than Springfield’s politics over the years had been its water. Folks in the unincorporated parts of Sangamon County were still drinking water from holes in the ground. They’d never seen water that sparkled except in the movies, and they wanted some.

Springfield was willing to sell it to them, but how to deliver it? Or rather, how to pay for laying the new mains needed to deliver it? Washington was funding new water systems through the anti-Depression Work Projects Administration, which paid for labor. Locals were responsible for the rest. Unincorporated areas next to the city were connecting to Springfield’s mains, the city recovering part of the costs by assessing residents roughly a buck a lineal foot of pipe. But supplying the future Jerome would take a lot of pipe. (The neighborhood named itself Jerome because it sat on the farm that had belong to Jerome Leland, whose land it once was, and the area was still quasi-rural.) The residents would have to borrow to pay their part of the costs, and selling revenue bonds required that they band together as a corporate entity.

Thus the rush in 1939 to incorporate themselves as villages by citizens who were eager to enjoy modern municipal amenities but preferred that someone else help pay for them. The voters who created Jerome were joined that year by voters in what became Southern View and Grandview. (Residents on the east side rejected a plan to become a new village of Bergen.) […]

There are hundreds of toy towns like these around Illinois. Like special purpose districts and too-small counties and school districts, they duplicate services and waste money and most experts think they ought to be consolidated or otherwise put out of business.

Krohe says the problem is that state law requires both sides agree to an annexation. But that law actually makes sense. Why allow one town or one school district to gobble up another against its will?

Instead, maybe the state could give those tiny towns some incentives along with devising some sort of stick to nudge them toward mergers.


*** UPDATED x1 - Rauner administration responds *** CPS, five parents file suit to declare Illinois school funding system “unlawful”

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Chicago Public Schools…

On February 14, 2017, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and five parents of CPS students filed a two-count Verified Complaint for Declaratory Judgment, Injunction and Other Relief (Complaint) in the Circuit Court of Cook County seeking to end the State of Illinois’ discriminatory education funding scheme. Plaintiffs bring their claims under the Illinois Civil Rights Act of 2003, 740 ILCS 23/1 et seq., which prohibits the State from utilizing “criteria or methods of administration that have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination because of their race, color, [or] national origin.”

The lawsuit’s defendants are responsible for perpetuating and/or administering the State’s unlawful education funding, and include Governor Bruce Rauner, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), ISBE Chairman Reverend James Meeks, ISBE Superintendent Dr. Tony Smith and Comptroller Susana Mendoza.


On May 17, 1954, the United States Supreme Court decided the landmark case Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954). Facing the realities then present in American public education, the Supreme Court concluded “in the field of public education, the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place.” Id. at 495. Although Brown’s historic holding is rightly celebrated, more than 60 years later, the reality is that a child’s race continues to dictate whether she or he will receive a good education or something far short.

Chicago’s predominantly African American and Hispanic children still suffer from stark educational inequalities. The State of Illinois maintains two separate and demonstrably unequal systems for funding public education in the State: one for the City of Chicago, whose public school children are 90% children of color, and the other for the rest of the State, whose public school children are predominantly white.

Thirty-eight percent (38%) of CPS students are African American, 47% are Hispanic, and 6% are other students of color (for a total of approximately 90% children of color), and only 10% are white. In contrast, for Illinois children attending public schools other than CPS, 58% are white, only 12% are African American, 21% are Hispanic, and 9% are other students of color. Among public school students in Illinois, an African American child is 11 times more likely than a white child to attend CPS, and a Hispanic child is 9 times more likely than a white child to attend CPS.

Count I — Disparate Funding

In Fiscal Year 2016, the State spent 74 cents to educate Chicago’s children for every dollar the State spent to educate the predominantly white children outside Chicago. Combining all sources of funding from the State, in Fiscal Year 2016, the State spent $1,604,828,661 on CPS. The State spent $9,012,574,633 on all other school districts. CPS, therefore, received just 15% of the State’s $10,617,403,294 in education funding, despite having nearly 20% of the students, according to Fiscal Year 2016 Illinois State Board of Education (“ISBE”) enrollment records.
Unless enjoined by this Court, the disparity will continue. In Fiscal Year 2017, the State is projected to spend $9,571,937,253 in total on other districts, and $1,734,345,898 in total on CPS. As a result, CPS again will receive just 15% of the State’s $11,306,283,151 in education funding, despite having nearly 20% of the students. And the State’s discriminatory funding is expected to get even worse.

Count II — Disparate Pension Funding Requirements

Illinois also imposes a separate and demonstrably unequal pension funding obligation on CPS. The State assumes the primary responsibility for funding pensions on behalf of every school district in Illinois – except CPS. For example, in Fiscal Year 2017, Illinois’ statutory funding obligation requires CPS to spend $1,891 per student on Chicago pensions. Over the same period, non-Chicago school districts spend only $86 per student on pensions.

In Fiscal Year 2017, CPS’ statutory funding obligation to the Chicago Teacher’s Pension Fund amounts to approximately 35% of CPS’ total teacher payroll. By contrast, in Fiscal Year 2017, non-CPS school districts will contribute only 1.5% of total teacher payroll to the Teachers’ Retirement System.

Relief Sought

Plaintiffs are not asking the Court to dictate how the State should distribute its educational funds or asking the Court to reduce teachers’ pension benefits. Rather, Plaintiffs ask the Court to declare unlawful the State’s separate and unequal systems of funding public education in Illinois and to enjoin Defendants from perpetuating a system that discriminates against Plaintiffs.

The lawsuit is here.

…Adding… A history of school funding lawsuits in Illinois is here.

*** UPDATE ***  From the governor’s office…

Illinois Secretary of Education Beth Purvis released the following statement in response to Chicago Public School’s lawsuit:

“We have just received the lawsuit and are reviewing it.

But it is important to remember that the bipartisan, bicameral school funding commission just issued its report, which recommends an equitable school funding formula that defines adequacy according to the needs of students within each school district.

The Governor remains focused on moving forward these recommendations and hopes that CPS will be a partner in that endeavor.”


White backs new school bus seat belt bill

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I think I wrote my first story about Rep. Lang’s quest to enact a school bus seat belt law in 1990 or 1991…

Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White is teaming with longtime advocate of school bus seat belts, Deputy Majority Leader Rep. Lou Lang (D-Skokie), as well as Transportation Committee Chairman Sen. Martin Sandoval (D-Cicero) by introducing legislation requiring 3-point seat belts on school buses. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) supports 3-point seat belts in school buses.

“Nothing is more important than the lives and safety of our children,” said White. “I served with Rep. Lang in the House and appreciate his commitment to this issue over the years. With improvements in the technology of seat belts, along with NHTSA’s recommendation, now is the time to pass legislation pushing for a significant change in protecting our children on school buses.”

In late 2015, NHTSA endorsed seat belts on school buses due in large part to improved technology with 3-point safety belts. Up until NHTSA’s endorsement, federal and state safety organizations have largely remained neutral on the issue, with expressed concerns on whether 2-point lap seat belts improved the overall safety of a child riding a school bus. However, 3-point safety belts better protect children due to their ability to diffuse the forceful and sudden movement the body sustains during a crash over the chest, waist and shoulder areas.

“While school buses are a safe form of transportation, there is no amount of safety which could ever be enough to protect our children,” Lang said. “It is time to provide that safety by making sure that kids have seatbelts on their way to and from school just as if a parent was driving them.”

Six states — California, Florida, New Jersey, New York, Louisiana and Texas — have passed laws requiring seat belts in school buses.

Illinois is a national leader in school bus safety. In order to drive a school bus in Illinois, a person must obtain a special school bus permit, which is more involved than obtaining a typical CDL. To obtain the school bus permit, an applicant must possess a valid driver’s license that has not been revoked or suspended for at least three years prior to application. In addition, they must pass written and road school bus driver permit exams and must submit to and pass an Illinois-specific FBI criminal background check. The school bus permit must be renewed each year and requires an annual refresher classroom training course. The applicant must pass an annual physical examination, which includes drug testing.

“My mission is to make Illinois roads the safest ever,” said White. “This new legislation will help us accomplish this goal.”

* The technology has changed, but the objections haven’t: Cost. The state hasn’t been willing to fund this mandate

Depending on size, a typical new school bus can cost $75,000 to $85,000 and outfitting a single bus with seat belts can cost between $5,485 and $7,346, according to NHTSA, based on the number of seats and whether a lap belt or shoulder-and-lap belt is ordered.

* From the NHTSA

A school-transportation-related crash is a crash that involves, either directly or indirectly, a school bus body vehicle, or a non-school bus functioning as a school bus, transporting children to or from school or school-related activities.

Since 2003 there were 348,253 fatal motor vehicle traffic crashes. Of those, 1,222 (0.35%) were classified as school-transportation-related.

Since 2003, there have been 1,353 people killed in school-transportation-related crashes—an average of 135 fatalities per year. Occupants of school transportation vehicles accounted for 8 percent of the fatalities, and nonoccupants (pedestrians, bicyclists, etc.) accounted for 21 percent of the fatalities. Most (71%) of the people who lost their lives in these crashes were occupants of other vehicles involved.

Since 2003, 119 school-age pedestrians (younger than 19) have died in school- transportation-related crashes. Sixty-five percent were struck by school buses, 5 percent by vehicles functioning as school buses, and 30 percent by other vehicles (passenger cars, light trucks and vans, large trucks, and motorcycles, etc.) involved in the crashes. There were 42 (35%) school-age pedestrians 5 to 7 years old killed in school transportation-related crashes and a similar number and percentage who were 8 to 13 years old.


It’s just a (Drew Peterson) bill

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* WGN Ben Bradley

Drew Peterson is back in the news, but this time it’s because he’s costing you big money.

The cop who was convicted of killing one wife and suspected of murdering another is piling up legal bills for a different crime: plotting to murder the prosecutor who put him behind bars.

The State of Illinois has paid to defend inmates who kill other inmates and spent far less than it did to defend Peterson. And no one was hurt. […]

Peterson’s attorney submitted bills to the state totaling $75,293. The Illinois Department of Corrections says Peterson’s lawyer’s bill was three times the amount corrections spent in all of last year on all of the private attorneys appointed to defend inmates. […]

Add up the lawyer’s bill, investigator’s charges and work done by a forensics lab and you get a grand total of $264,808, all spent to defend a man already in prison.

That story was posted last night.

* This press release just landed in my in-box…

Governor Bruce Rauner announced today his support for a bill that would help ease the burden of the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) and taxpayers by taking into account an inmate’s ability to pay for a private attorney. As a WGN investigation noted, state taxpayers paid the attorney and investigator fees to defend convicted murderer Drew Peterson in his murder-for-hire trial.

“Taxpayers are on the hook too easily for inmate legal bills,” Governor Rauner said. “In a time when financial resources are tight across state government, there are better uses for the more than $200,000 the state is paying to defend Drew Peterson. This common-sense proposal protects taxpayers.”

A new bill, sponsored by State Rep. Brian Stewart (R-Freeport), would require IDOC to pay for legal fees only if it’s determined the person cannot afford a private attorney and is eligible for the public defender. If the court appointed a private attorney to represent the defendant because the public defender if not able to take on the case, IDOC will only pay if the inmate is financially unable to do so.

“We need to balance an inmates right to an adequate defense with the rights of taxpayers,” Rep. Stewart (R-Freeport) said. “While using a public defender is always the department’s first option, some communities do not have the capacity to handle a large case like the Drew Peterson murder-for-hire trial. Now taxpayers are on the hook for these legal fees. This bill will make the judge take into account the inmates ability to pay if they choose to assign an outside defense attorney.”

“Illinois taxpayers are paying for Drew Peterson’s plan to have the Will County States Attorney killed,” said IDOC Assistant Director Gladyse Taylor. “Illinois law requires the Department pay the nearly $265,000 in legal fees that Peterson raked up in the case. That is in addition to the thousands of dollars in defense fees the Department pays for other offenders who commit crimes while incarcerated. This money could be better spent on programs and services that reduce recidivism and ensure offenders are more prepared to return to society when they leave our custody.”

The bill is HB 3555.

Taylor’s comment was way over the top, but the legislation isn’t.


Question of the day

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Stephen Gossett at Chicagoist

It was probably meant as nothing more than an innocuous tip of the hat to on a day where everybody in Chicago seemed to be angling for some residual Chance shine, but when Gov. Bruce Rauner on Monday Tweeted a congratulations to Chance the Rapper following the Chatham native’s barnstorming triple win at the Grammys, Chance—true to form—wasn’t going to let an opportunity for deeper engagement slip by.

“Thank you Governor, I would love to have meeting with you this week if possible,” Chance replied after Rauner’s Tweet.

A couple hours later, the governor finally accepted. “Let’s set up a meeting soon. Looking forward to our conversation,” Rauner said.

What we’d give to a be a fly on that wall. If you know of Chance’s biweekly Open Mike series with Chicago youth or saw him lead a Parade to the Polls or have listened to a minute of his music, you know his social conscious precedes him; and he won’t likely let Rauner off the hook on Chicago gun violence or statewide social-service cuts.

* The Question: What pressing question should Illinois’ most accomplished independent musical artist ask the Governor first? This is not a snarky question.


Rauner claims he was outspent

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* At the 45:45 mark of this Chicago Sun-Times video, Gov. Bruce Rauner was asked if he was troubled by the fact that the three leading people who are running for governor right now (including Rauner himself) “could only do so because they are extremely wealthy.”

Rauner’s response

“In general, in many races the candidate that has the most money doesn’t win. Money is relevant, money does matter, but it’s not the deciding factor.”

Very true. But then he went on to say this

“I believe we got outspent in my race. We got outspent in my race.”

Um, what?

* I checked with the folks over at the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, who sent me a spreadsheet. Click here.

ICPR totaled up all money spent by both major party 2014 gubernatorial candidates and also by outside groups. It came up with $42,007,560 spent by or on behalf of Pat Quinn and $65,432,067 by or on behalf of Bruce Rauner.


Cullerton sends letter to AFSCME

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a letter sent by Senate President John Cullerton to AFSCME Council 31 executive director Roberta Lynch

Ms. Lynch:

After nearly two years of no state budget, it is state workers who are bearing the brunt of the impasse, a fact not lost on me as we negotiate for a deal to end the gridlock.
To me, the most important part of the plan we are piecing together is the budget for the second half of the current fiscal year.

That budget includes $1.81 billion for the state employee group health insurance program. That’s the amount needed to cover the full costs of the program in budget year 2017. These provisions are included in SB 6. Let me be direct to make sure there is no mistake about our plan: The state would fully fund the costs of the state worker health insurance program. That program has been victimized in the past, intentionally underfunded by Governor Quinn to make his budgets look balanced. We would put an end to that in the 2017 budget in the Senate budget plan.

Looking ahead, Illinois Senate Democrats are committed to fully budget for any and all salary, health care and other costs that come with a new AFSCME contract.

You and you members know better than most that our state has teetered on the financial brink of disaster for the past two years. It’s time to restore stability for you, the state workers, and everyone else.

John J. Cullerton

* Doug Finke wrote about the letter and here’s his take

Cullerton’s letter was sent as he and Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno continue to revise parts of the grand bargain in an attempt to secure enough votes to pass it to the House. Last week, three of the less controversial bills in the package passed with only Democratic votes. A fourth, dealing with pension reform, went down to defeat when only 18 Democrats voted for it. No Republicans voted for the bill.

Cullerton’s letter may be intended to blunt opposition to the pension reform bill by public employee labor unions. AFSCME is a member of We Are One Illinois, a coalition of those unions opposed to the pension changes. AFSCME members would not be affected by changes in the pension bill as it is currently drafted. Cullerton said he excluded AFSCME while its contract issues are unresolved.

At the same time, all of the dozen bills in the package — including both the spending plan and the pension changes — must be approved or none of them can become law.

AFSCME spokesman Anders Lindall said the union believes the pension bill is unconstitutional. The union did not have comment Monday about Cullerton’s letter.


The dire consequences of continued inaction

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

You may have read a news story or two about the latest blistering report from New York-based S&P Global Ratings about Illinois’ fiscal and economic woes.

But it’s far more brutal than anything reported by the media and it pretty obviously lays the blame for much of the morass at Gov. Bruce Rauner’s doorstep while calling on legislators to assert “governing control.”

The title of the report was: “For Illinois, Having A Plan Beats No Plan.” That title refers to the Illinois Senate’s bipartisan attempt to forge a “grand bargain” of a balanced budget and non-budgetary reforms.

The credit ratings agency took no position on the Senate plan itself, but claimed “if lawmakers were to begin asserting governing control over state finances, that could help alleviate some of the pressure currently bearing down on Illinois’ credit quality.”

“Illinois’ fiscal crisis is, in our view, a man-made byproduct of policy ultimatums placed upon the state’s budget process,” S&P analysts wrote, then immediately added, “As we see it, the governor interpreted his election in 2014 as a mandate to pursue various institutional changes that the legislature has steadfastly opposed.”

To my eyes, those two connected sentences blame Rauner and his longstanding refusal to negotiate a real budget that balances revenues and spending until his non-budgetary demands were approved by Democrats who could not ideologically accept most of them.

Maybe you think you haven’t felt any direct effects of the stalemate. But maybe you just didn’t realize that our state’s declining economic well-being of late is related to the inability of our Statehouse leaders to get their acts together.

“We believe Illinois’ distressed fiscal condition and dysfunctional budget politics now threaten to erode the state’s long-term economic growth prospects,” S&P wrote.

The agency claimed residents and businesses had already begun to “vote with their feet” to flee the state’s governing disaster.

“(W)e have viewed the ability in the U.S. of residents to migrate easily from state to state as providing an implicit check on gross mismanagement. The recent outmigration pattern seen in the Census Bureau data suggests this phenomenon may have begun to assert itself in Illinois to the detriment of the state’s economic outlook.”

In other words, lots of people are leaving Illinois because the government is so screwed up, and that’s making our economic situation even worse, which will, of course, worsen our government’s fiscal problems.

With S&P blaming the governor so directly, it should be no surprise that some Democrats and labor union leaders still don’t want to negotiate with Rauner. But here are a few scary numbers for those who insist that the governor shouldn’t be given any political “wins” by acceding to some of his demands for non-budgetary items.

Let’s start with $27.7 billion, the official projection of the state’s unpaid bill backlog for June 30, 2019, the end of fiscal year 2019. The Governor’s Office of Management and Budget projects the backlog will rise about $7 billion a year. So, by January of 2019, when the next governor is sworn into office halfway through that fiscal year, the backlog will be about $24 billion.

Because so many state vendors, particularly social service providers, aren’t being paid on time, the Senate’s grand bargain includes borrowing $7 billion to pay off many of the state’s overdue bills. The plan budgets a billion dollars a year to make the bond payments.

So, a similar plan to pay off vendors by whoever wins the 2018 governor’s race would have to borrow at least three times that amount, pushing the bond payments to over $3 billion per year. That’s equal to about a percentage point increase in the personal income tax rate — just to make the bond payments. It’ll also cost a lot more to equalize state spending with revenues by then, particularly if the economy tanks into a recession, when revenues fall and spending pressures rise.

But even that prediction is optimistic because it assumes financial institutions will actually loan Illinois that kind of money, which, by then, would equal 81.5 percent of total projected revenues. Or, if they do, the interest rates will be usurious because the state’s credit rating will almost definitely be in junk bond territory by then. Can you imagine how high the tax hike will have to go if Illinois can’t get a loan to pay off those vendors, or has to shell out for payday loan-level interest rates?

If a Democrat does defeat Rauner, he or she probably wouldn’t be re-elected because the first thing that new governor will have to do is jack those tax rates up to unheard-of levels.

Food for thought.

The full S&P report is here.

* Related…

* Ahead of Budget Address, Financial Monitors Say They’re Watching: Gabe Petek monitors state finances for S&P Global Ratings. He says he’s not aware of any other state having gone this long without a spending plan. “I think it’s important to recognize that Illinois has separated itself from the state sector, and not in a good way.”

* Crain’s Editorial: For Illinois, there’s only one way out of ‘fiscal quicksand’

* Hinz: Civic Federation sides against Rauner in fiscal plan: Illinois needs a new budget immediately, without conditions about structural change elsewhere in state government. That’s the bottom line of a report out today from the Civic Federation that calls for tax hikes, spending limits and maybe a constitutional amendment to limit pensions, but effectively would defer Gov. Bruce Rauner’s demand for union-weakening moves, term limits and other changes he wants as part of the deal.


Mendoza demands Rauner propose real budget

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Comptroller Susana Mendoza

“The Constitution is very clear. It says in Article VIII, Section 2, ‘The governor shall prepare and submit to the General Assembly a balanced budget proposal.’ … It does not say, ‘The General Assembly shall prepare and submit to the governor a balanced budget proposal,’” she said.

She’s right about the first part, but she’s wrong about the second part. From the same article and the same section

The General Assembly by law shall make appropriations for all expenditures of public funds by the State. Appropriations for a fiscal year shall not exceed funds estimated by the General Assembly to be available during that year.

* From an op-ed by Comptroller Mendoza

Anything less than a complete document with all the cuts and hikes spelled out will be more of the same abdication of responsibility that the governor has shown since the day he took office, which is why our backlog of bills has spiked to $11.3 billion in two years. Phony savings projections from pension-reform ideas he knows the courts have already ruled unconstitutional or from union-busting fantasies won’t cut it either. […]

On Wednesday, do your job, governor. Spell out your cuts and revenues. Face the criticism you knew you’d face when you ran for this job. Negotiate. Accept a compromise, sign a balanced budget, and start the healing process.

I don’t disagree, but after years of watching governors propose phony budgets that were balanced with never-gonna-happen “revenue enhancements,” the General Assembly barred governors from using any new revenue streams to balance their proposed budgets. And, like most all reforms, this one also had an unintended consequence. Now, the governor simply proposes imaginary cuts.

* SJ-R

[Gov. Rauner] made it clear, though, that he wasn’t happy with the way the General Assembly treated his first two budget offerings.

“My budget was never discussed or debated by the General Assembly. It was ignored,” Rauner said. “A process needs to change. I don’t want to keep doing the same thing over and over, introducing a budget that just gets ignored and criticized. Either let me actually do it if I’m going to introduce it, or let’s do it together. No more I’m speaking in the wind and nothing changes. That’s a mistake.”

I’m not gonna introduce a real budget because it will be criticized or ignored?


* More

Rauner also disputed the oft-repeated claim by Democratic lawmakers that he’s never introduced a balanced budget.

“I introduced a balanced budget my first six weeks in office,” Rauner said of his 2016 fiscal year budget plan. “Some people didn’t like it because it had some pension savings. Changes to pensions could have been done.”

Yeah, but his proposed pension savings were unrealistic and pretty much everybody knew it at the time.


Manar takes Kennedy to task over school comments

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Chris Kennedy was interviewed by Bernie Schoenburg at the SJ-R

During an interview with The State Journal-Register, he mentioned the city’s three public high schools.

He said at Lanphier and Southeast, “less than 10 percent of the kids who graduate … are ready to go on to a university, enter a trade school, go to community college, or enter the workforce without remedial education. Ninety percent of those kids, therefore, are going to be doomed to a life of economic oppression.” […]

He said students at Springfield High are “three times more likely” to be college ready, but he said that number was still just 25 percent.

“The state needs to step in,” Kennedy said. “What is the economic impact of having all of those people unable to take care of themselves? Where is the moral outrage in the community?”

* But

I checked with Springfield’s District 186, and got a fact sheet from Superintendent JENNIFER GILL noting that based on 2016 ACT tests, college readiness was listed as 23 percent each at Lanphier and Southeast, and 54 percent at Springfield High. An ACT score of 21 or more was considered college ready, and all students, including those with a range of special needs, were included in the testing.

The explanation from the campaign was that Kennedy was referring to PARCC scores.

* Sen. Andy Manar, who represents part of Springfield and is considering a Democratic gubernatorial bid of his own, lashed out at Kennedy…


*** UPDATED x1 *** Candidates deal with the “Madigan question”

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Chris Kennedy was interviewed by Rockford’s WREX TV

When asked if he supported term limits, Kennedy said, “I think that it’s really important that people have faith in their government, and they don’t have that now. They want term limits wildly in order to restore that faith; and if that’s the price of getting people to believe in government, then I would embrace term limits.”

With that answer we asked him about the longest serving House Speaker in the country: Michael Madigan. We asked Kennedy if after more than 28 years as House Speaker was it time for a change in leadership?

“Every year he’s up. Let’s say every session he needs to earn the support of his members,” said Kennedy. “I think that’s between him and his members. I think the issues in this state are firmly on the governor’s shoulders. I don’t think the speaker or the legislature is the root of all evil. I think the governor’s refusal to negotiate a budget is.”

*** UPDATE ***  No need to edit this mess. From the WREX interview as posted by the ILGOP


[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* And the Peoria Journal Star criticized a recent Kennedy appearance before its editorial board

We’ve covered politics a long time, and all’s fair in … well, mostly war. But interestingly — and disappointingly — Kennedy pretty much took a pass on critiquing the performance of House Speaker Michael Madigan, though specifically asked.

Indeed, it’s not the Republican right but the Democratic left controlling the Legislature that has overseen the loss of people, jobs and investment and the erosion of services for the most vulnerable in Illinois. Democrats are responsible for drawing the maps and the gerrymanding that has guaranteed most races in Illinois now go uncontested. It’s Madigan himself who steadfastly has blocked redistricting reform. Arguably it takes an especially willful brand of denial to overlook Madigan’s contribution not just the last two but the last 30 years to putting Illinois at the bottom of the nation’s barrel.

If we may offer some unsolicited advice to Kennedy, to J.B. Pritzker who is reported to be mulling a bid, to any other Democrat who aspires to be governor: You’d be hard-pressed to find a politician more unpopular than Madigan in these parts, and in Illinois that’s saying something. There’s a reason the vast majority of counties in Illinois outside Cook have gone red in a lot of these statewide and national races.

We get the reluctance of Democratic gubernatorial hopefuls to cross the chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party, among the conflicts the Speaker has. We’d just say that real leadership requires courage, which includes standing up to someone who’s been around too long and has gained too much power, to this state’s ongoing detriment.

* OK, now on to Bob Daiber, who announced his campaign in Edwardsville yesterday. I happened to be in town anyway, so I went to the event and asked a few questions

MILLER: Do you think that the speaker should be negotiating non-budget items as part of a package?

DAIBER: Well, I don’t, I don’t, I think that’s the big hangup right now with the governor. I think most of the governor’s items that he has on the table he says he won’t pass a budget ’til he has these other reforms. So, um, I think the issue at stake in drafting a budget has to be budgetary items, not items that are not directly related to the line items.

MILLER: But they are doing that in the Senate. Do you support that?

DAIBER: Yes, I do.

MILLER: Do you support the plan?

DAIBER: Well, there are certain parts of what the Senate, I don’t agree with 100 percent of it, OK? But I agree with their compromise and the collaboration because they’re trying to move the state forward. So, I’m not gonna oppose any effort to get a budget because we need one so bad.

* Related…

* Can Chris Kennedy fix Illinois?

* Governor candidate Bob Daiber says labor, education and a budget needed for Illinois

* Democrat Bob Daiber officially declares candidacy for Governor of Illinois


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Another supplement to today’s edition
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Question of the day
* No, the mayor did not help pass the actual EBF bill
* Mayor Johnson announces school board appointments
* Roundup: Jury selection to begin Tuesday in Madigan’s corruption trial
* DPI down-ballot focus continues with county-level races
* Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Live coverage
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Sunday roundup: Rep. Williams says no takeover; 'Guardrail' bill floated; More alderpersons sign letter; Biz weighs in; CTU president claims city pays the bills for 'every municipality in this state'; Progressive Caucus supports letter
* News coverage roundup: Entire Chicago Board of Education to resign (Updated x2)
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