* The governor had a couple of announcements today…
As of today, nearly 140,000 more student loan borrowers in Illinois will now get relief. IDFPR has worked tirelessly to secure loan relief options with 20 student loan servicers, allowing borrowers to request a 90 day forbearance, waived late fees, no negative credit reporting, the pause of debt collection lawsuits for 90 days and enrollment in other borrower assistance programs.
* And…
I’m so proud today to share another critical update from another of our agencies and that’s the Department of Human Services. Illinois requested an expansion of benefits to help put additional food on the table for all Illinois SNAP households with school aged children, more than 300,000 in all, and that expansion has now been approved, delivering an additional $112 million in food assistance to children across the state. … This increased assistance will be automatically added to family link cards.
As always, please pardon transcription errors.
* Dr. Ezike…
As of last night, 4776 individuals in Illinois were hospitalized with COVID-19. Of those, 1226 patients are in the ICU and 781 patients were on ventilators. 30% of hospital ICU beds across the state are open and available. Should anyone need intensive care of the ICU beds that are currently in use, 55% of all of them are being used by patients with COVID-19.
It’s also important to note that 60% of all the ventilators in the state are available for use, just over half of the ventilators that are currently being used are being used by patients with COVID-19. […]
As we continue to survey individuals with COVID-19, we have found that 54% of the cases reported to public health less than two weeks ago,report no longer having symptoms and being recovered. For those who reported a positive test four weeks ago, 77% of those reported being recovered.
This is encouraging news and I hope it will strengthen our resolve to continue the very tough sacrifices that we continue to make.
* On to questions for the governor. He was asked about the new modeling showing that the peak may occur in mid-May. He said he will be explaining that in more details in the next couple of days. “So say we don’t hit that peak until mid May… Do we have to be in a, in your belief, do we have to be in a stay at home order until we hit that peak? [Because he’d lift it earlier than the peak? I don’t get it.]…
Well, again, we will be making some changes to the stay at home order as it is. But it is true that it is working. And so to pull it off, he stay at home order, it seems to me you know to remove it, as I see some other governors may want to do, to remove it entirely is to simply open everything back up to infection. We heard Dr. Ezike saying in the last couple of days that the R0, the number of people that are getting infected by a single person who is infected has gone down significantly since we put the stay at home order in place. That will go right back up again if you remove all the restrictions.
* He was asked about the cost of keeping up the McCormick Place facility and said much would be handled by the federal government…
The consequence of being underprepared would be the loss of life and the consequence of being over prepared would be that we built out more than we may have needed and nobody can know exactly where we’ll end up until much after we’ve hit the peak and moved off of it.
* The New York Times has a front page story today reporting could take years before New York City completely recovers from the pandemic, in particular theater, restaurants, tourism related industry. Are we going to see that in Chicago as well?…
Well I don’t know and I don’t think anybody really knows, but I certainly have said to you that I think if we can get a treatment and a vaccine, ultimately that the damage that is suggested by an article like that wouldn’t be visited as dangerously or as difficult on the economies of our state. So I can’t really answer it and we can see what’s happened to the economy already. In this short period of time I’m hoping that we’ll be able to recover, much more quickly.
* We have a number of concerts that were set to take place in the month of May. Is it safe to say that they’re canceled?…
I think I just did read actually that a number of them were canceled in Chicago. So I think that probably answers the question.
* Even as you begin to reopen businesses on May 1, are there enough hand sanitizers, cleansers for a lot of these businesses especially small mom and pop places? You know, large companies can get their hands on enough hand sanitizers and cleanser. Is there enough of that type of material to be able to help businesses reopen?…
Yeah, so I want to caution that there isn’t, I don’t think there’s going to be some mass opening of lots and lots and lots of businesses on May 1.
But to the point, do we have enough hand sanitizer or dispensers? I don’t think anybody has been fully prepared for this and even each industry, and I’ve asked industry CEOs to look at how would you reopen, how would it work.
There’s no doubt that hand sanitizer and the use of PPE is going to be an important part of that. Will businesses provide PPE? That’s a question, will hand sanitizer be available to everybody that walks in the door, you know, should it be required. I agree that right now I don’t think anybody would say that there’s enough of that going on. We’re also going to have to develop some norms that people just understand that as you’re walking into a place you know getting hand sanitizer and making sure that you’ve used it, or making sure your mask is on as you enter someplace. I think those are all things that people are going to have to get used to and businesses are going to have to adjust to to make sure that their customers are protected.
* Last question from me. A lot of people have been asking about this and other states are starting to open, obviously other states are in different, you know, phases when it comes to this. Golf courses. People are so anxious just to get out on the green to be outside. Golf courses. Maybe you could do it in a socially distant kind of way. Is there, is there any talk about opening up those type of sectors when we go into that, does that all kind of come into your decision making?…
Yeah, we’re looking at lots of things. We understand summer is different than what we’ve had up to now, which has been colder weather. So we want to consider all of those things. That’s just one of the many, many things that we’ve tried to take into consideration.
But I do want to remind everybody that once again, we have bent the curve, because we have had a stay at home order. And so the fact of a stay at home order in general, being a very positive thing before we ever have enough testing, because there isn’t enough testing and there won’t be for some time to really open everything up. And the fact [is] that we’re going to need a whole lot more.
* We see Senate President Harmon has asked for financial aid from Congress, to what extent are you asking for financial help lobbying Congress members talking on the phone, how many people are assigned to these tasks?…
I don’t think there’s anything that can be more effective than a governor calling… talking to them about reaching out to their delegations. A Governor does have the ear of members of their delegation. And so I’ve made many many calls like that, on behalf of our common interests in all the 50 states to get the federal government to help us with support for our states and for the industries in our states and so on. I do that quite often and a number of members of my staff have also been on the phone with staff members of those various representatives and senators across the nation.
* How much has the state spent on former vibra Hospital in Springfield?…
I can’t do that for you right here at the podium I don’t have it in front of me. But at this moment there’s been no work done on Bibra so at least that part of any expenditure has not been undertaken.
* For Dr. Ezike: How worried are you for a second wave of COVID-19 this fall?…
I think we should be concerned. Obviously, we’re following information and data that’s coming from all around the world. We know that the Fall is already traditionally an established time for flu outbreaks. So, the flu is is our epidemic that we see on a scheduled basis. so if there was supposed to be any resurgence, we could see why that would be at that time and so if you had COVID, as well as flu. It’s very concerning that there could be a significant second wave or a second surge and so that’s why without treatment without a vaccine for COVID, those two overlaid could be very, very problematic.
* If masks are required in cities like Chicago, how will your administration ensure everyone particularly low income people have access to face coverings and can go into public?…
It was pointed out to me yesterday by one of the elected officials I was talking to that I really should stop using the word mask and I should start using the word face covering.
Because the truth is that you don’t need to have an official mask. That’s not what everybody is suggesting, what doctors are saying. You do need to cover your nose and mouth with a, can be a T shirt. I saw a video of how you can prepare a T shirt for yourself as a mask and there are lots of different things fabric masks that you can create for yourself there. […]
And for people who cannot afford them I agree with you that I would like very much to make face coverings more available. I think that would probably be more in the disposable types. And so we’re looking at that and how we would do that, again industry by industry, and then for people who just want to go outside. I’d like to make it more available so we’ll be thinking and talking about that.
* We were told by the Fulton County Board Chair the five correctional officers from the Illinois River Correctional Center in Canton, were promised a 14 day paid quarantine plus a COVID-19 test after volunteering to work at state Correctional Center. Can the governor confirm this and tell us what conversations he’s had with DOC about this matter?…
That is a subject of labor negotiation so that’s, that’s an ongoing conversation.
* Rock River Times: What would you say to people who feel the shutdown is a punishment, driven largely by the COVID situation in Chicago, one that has no chance of affecting them when they are many many miles from the city?…
Punishment. That is awkward to use.
We are in a global pandemic. When this broke out, nobody, nobody knew how fast this would travel. Nobody knew who was most susceptible to it. Nobody knew how to counter its effects. And much of that information, although we’ve discovered, some is still unknown to experts. And so, in, you know, all due caution to protect all of the people of the state of Illinois we put orders in place that would keep people healthy and safe and, and hopefully prevent people from getting COVID-19 who otherwise might.
So, you know, in terms of the different effects in different parts of the state, you’re, you know it’s correct to, to say that in more rural areas there have been fewer cases. The interesting thing to look at and I there are places you can go online to look at this to the, you know what, number of days. the doubling time is for different counties, you can find that online, and you’ll find different areas of the state, even though they have smaller populations have a higher doubling time than some very urban areas of the state.
So there’s no punishment involved. The goal here is to do the right thing for everybody. And it’s true that in some areas of the state there’s been a lower infection rate, and a lower doubling time. And so, that needs to be taken into consideration as we make changes.
* How do you respond to concerns from nursing home groups that their facilities were not prioritized soon enough by the administration including testing and PPE? They argue that this has led to even worse shortages of PPE and more positive cases and facilities as many cases went undiagnosed for limited access to testing…
Who is it that made the, not the question, but made the statement about PPE not being real? I think it’s an association. So I would just say this, that we have been from very early on and I spoke about this yesterday I hope you’ll go back and look at it because I’m not sure I can repeat it all for you right now but we’re from very early on I mean we started talking about and dealing with the problem in nursing homes in early March. This is before we ever had a disaster proclamation in the state, and long before we ever had a stay at home order. We shut down visitation at nursing homes and begin to do wellness checks of the personnel there. And then, as you know, more was known about how outbreaks in nursing homes occur. We made sure that everybody understood not just that there’s PPE available and by the way your local county Department of Public Health is provided with all of the PPE that they asked for from the state. That’s why we’ve been out acquiring PPE, they provide it to the local nursing home, and then we’ve been training nursing home personnel about how to put on that PPE, where that PPE properly and making sure that you know all precautions are taken to separate out people who are COVID positive from those who are not, and doing testing, and we’re doing even more testing now so there’s quite a lot being done. I don’t think it would be fair to say that we have not provided PPE to nursing homes or to the counties to provide to their nursing homes. But we certainly want to know when there are nursing homes where you believe there is not PPE being made available every day to the people in those nursing homes where there are COVID positive patients, you should let our IDPH know. Dr. Ezike and her staff are all over this and they want to make sure that every one of our seniors is protected.
We’ll have more on this soon.
* Have antibody test been made available to medical practitioners? What are healthcare workers advise to do if they test positive for COVID-19, or if the COVID-19 antibodies is it safe for them to continue practicing medicine?…
So a couple things I want to make sure you understand. The antibody tests are as yet a bit unproven, or at least some are and some are more effective, some are less. It is not widely used by states, or really anywhere, there is a body of researchers who are using antibody tests right now to determine whether people who have the antibodies in fact are immune. So it’s that is not even a proven fact yet. So that’s why we’re not providing antibody tests widely, we don’t provide that right now.
What we want to know is, where are there outbreaks? Where are people getting COVID-19? And then we want to make sure to contact trace all the people that are associated with all those who are tested positive, so that we can keep this from spreading and get that number of people who get infected by a single infected person down.
* Governors in Georgia, Tennessee South Carolina will let most businesses reopen May 1, even as COVID case loads and deaths rise. Have you ruled that out here and would you consider limiting travel to Illinois from the States?…
I have ruled out what they’re doing in Georgia and I’m not sure about all the other states but if they’re all doing the same thing which is essentially opening everything up. Yes, I have ruled that out for the time being. Because, as I have said time and time again, in order for us to truly open things up we need tracing, we need testing we need a treatment available and we need a widespread availability of PPE. And we don’t have those things available to us today. And the treatment of course is something that’s not in our control.
We are working on all the other three of those things to make sure that we are ready. But remember, Illinois is not even close to its peak, I mean we’re weeks away now. And you won’t really know you hit your peak until you’re on the other side of it, and are going down.
* Can you comment on how Illinois is going to close this projected budget deficits, what tools are you considering such as bonds for pension payments, do you expect service cuts or layoffs to state employees…
Well some of that I hope will get answered by the federal government. The Congress is considering a package, as I understand, that would provide more aid to the states and local governments and that will have a big impact on our decision making with regard to our budget.
But of course everything is on the table for consideration in the sense that I’m discussing with members of the House and the Senate how they want to proceed and what ideas we have and they have. This is an all hands on deck challenge, the state of our budget for the state of Illinois and so we’re looking at everything.
* Center Square: How long do you feel comfortable governing by executive order without checks on your authority from the legislature, or any potential legal action in the judicial branch?…
I don’t feel comfortable at all. … We’re in a worldwide pandemic we’re in an emergency situation we’re under disaster proclamation because people are dying and people are getting sick. And so as soon as we can get on the other side of this challenge.
Listen, I want regular order. There’s so many things that you’ve heard me talk about, the things that I want to accomplish for the people of the state of Illinois and those can’t be accomplished in the context of a pandemic.
* Why release convicted killers?…
I think some of you may know and understand that, because I’ve said it many times from this podium, that I want to keep the risk to people across the state of Illinois as low as possible. The risk of catching COVID-19, and the risk that might occur from somebody who has done something wrong in their past.
And so every time I consider a situation of somebody who’s asking for a pardon or commutation of their sentence, I’m taking into account how to make sure that we’re keeping the risk extraordinarily low.
For example, I have granted commutations to people who have been diagnosed with stage four cancer and are likely to die in three months. Hence, and they’re there. They’re confined to a bed. They can’t move around very much. And in the last three months of their life. It seemed to me that it would not be inappropriate for me to let them be with their family.
Again, you know they’re they’re suffering. And it’s also an alleviation of burden upon our prison system. So, you know, I think this is, it’s the right and the constitutional privilege granted to a governor to consider pardons and commutations. And in the context of a pandemic, in the context of what we’re going through now with COVID-19, trying to make sure that we keep our prison officials our officers who are working in the prisons and the people who are in prison who, some of them, are non violent criminals who were going to be led out in the next year anyway. To make sure that we’re making space in those prisons and keeping everybody safe as possible. Those are all some considerations that I give to pardons and commutations in this moment.
Everyone has their own priorities
Tuesday, Apr 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller
* April 14 on CBS 2…
Hundreds of thousands of Illinoisans have filed record-setting claims for unemployment benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic.
One of them is a struggling single mom who told us Tuesday night that she is out of cash – but the state is putting her money on hold for months.
As CBS 2 Political Investigator Dana Kozlov reported, Marissa Strickland said she has to wait almost five months to see any money at all – a wait that could leave her out of a home – all because of an issue she had two years ago and thought she had rectified.
It turns out the pandemic is not going to change that.
The governor was asked about this last week during a press conference and he said they’d check into it.
* April 20 on CBS 2…
CBS 2 Political Investigator Dana Kozlov had new information Monday about the penalty weeks that have been issued because of previous unemployment claims, which are costing some people their benefits – big time.
“Trying to do little odd jobs to take care of my family – best as I can,” said Anthony Gordon.
Gordon’s anxiety is running high as his money runs low. Almost a month after being laid off from his Ford job at the plant near 126th Street and Torrence Avenue, he is being told he cannot get any unemployment benefits until his penalty weeks are over. The weeks were slapped onto his account after he got $1,700 more than he should have.
“But I already had paid that money back already, so I’m trying to figure out what was going on, and all I’m getting is they’re saying I have a penalty, so I don’t know what to do,” Gordon said.
* I asked the governor’s office about these stories and they sent me what IDES sent the station…
Individuals who commit unemployment fraud and defraud the unemployment system are required by law to repay the benefits they received, pay a penalty fee, and serve penalty weeks. This is a statutory requirement that IDES is mandated by Illinois state and federal law to implement.
Claimants who have stolen someone else’s identity to receive benefits will receive a determination that they have committed unemployment fraud. Claimants who have been working while certifying that they have not been working in order to continue receiving unemployment benefits will also receive a determination that they have committed unemployment fraud. To be clear, claimants certify every two weeks, legally telling the department that for the two weeks prior they have not been working or receiving wages. A claimant who has developed a pattern of legally certifying that they have not been working or receiving wages when, in fact, they have been, will receive a determination of unemployment fraud. If the claimant appeals the determination, they will participate in a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge. If, at this hearing, the determination of unemployment fraud is upheld, the claimant will receive the total number of penalty weeks they must serve, in addition to paying back the benefits they received and paying a penalty fee.
If a claimant wishes to appeal the Administrative Law Judge determination, there is an internal review process, and the final decision can be appealed in the circuit court.
The General Assembly would have to make a statutory change to defer serving penalty weeks during this crisis. At this time, IDES is unaware of any legislative proposal from the General Assembly to defer penalty weeks for those who have committed fraud. We would recommend reaching out to the General Assembly.
The statute is here.
1,551 new cases, 119 additional deaths
Tuesday, Apr 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Press release…
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today announced 1,551 new cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 119 additional deaths.
Boone County: 1 male 20s, 1 female 60s, 1 female 70s
Carroll County: 1 female 80s
Cook County: 1 female 30s, 1 female 40s, 2 males 40s, 2 females 50s, 9 males 50s, 4 females 60s, 10 males 60s, 1 unknown 60s, 9 females 70s, 14 males 70s, 5 females 80s, 17 males 80s, 8 females 90s, 5 males 90s
DuPage County: 1 female 40s, 1 male 60s, 1 female 70s, 1 male 70s, 1 female 80s, 3 males 90s
Jackson County: 1 male 80s
Kankakee County: 1 female 90s
Lake County: 1 female 60s, 1 male 70s, 1 male 80s, 1 female 90s, 1 male 90s
Madison County: 1male 70s, 1 male 80s
McHenry County: 1 male 70s, 2 females 90s, 1 male 90s
Rock Island County: 1 female 70s
Will County: 1 female 50s, 1 male 80s, 1 female 90s
Winnebago County: 1 male 60s
Woodford County: 1 female 70s
Hardin County is now reporting a case. Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 33,059 cases, including 1,468 deaths, in 96 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years.
…Adding… Here’s your graph…
COVID-19 roundup
Tuesday, Apr 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The governor also said this yesterday while appearing on CNBC and I told subscribers about it this morning. Here’s the Tribune…
Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Tuesday said models are now predicting the new coronavirus won’t peak in Illinois until mid-May, weeks later than previously projected. […]
“So it’s been pushed out now, according to the models, to maybe mid-May, but at a lower level, and so we’re moving, inching toward that date,” Pritzker said. “People are doing what they need to do in the state of Illinois, staying indoors or staying at home, wearing masks outside as I’ve urged everybody to do, making sure they’re washing their hands and all the other things that we’ve asked people to do.”
He also said this yesterday during his media briefing…
In the same interview, Pritzker again said he he is looking at regional differences across Illinois’ 102 counties as he weights adjustments to the state’s stay-at-home order.
“We put in stay-at-home orders that were really across -the-board very effective, and now we’ve looked at what the infection rate has been—different in Cook County than it is in our collar counties, and different in our Cook and collar counties that it is in other counties across the state,” Pritzker said. “And now I think we can make some adjustments based upon hospitalization rates, based upon ICU bed availability, based upon infection rates.”
* Expected, but the IHSA probably spent too much energy keeping peoples’ hopes up…
The Illinois High School Association’s board of directors has announced the cancellation of the spring sports season. […]
“We support the decision by Governor Pritzker and the Illinois State Board of Education, and given the logistics, we simply felt we could not conduct state tournaments that meet the expectations of our member schools this spring, ” IHSA Executive Director Craig Anderson said. “As disappointing as it may be for students, it is the right decision for their health and safety, as well as for the health and safety of the general public, as we cope with this unprecedented pandemic.”
* Hannah Meisel at the Daily Line explains a complicated subject…
Illinois’ R0, or R naught, value is decreasing, but hasn’t yet fallen enough yet to let up on the state’s stay-at-home order, Ezike said. The R0 value is the reproductive ratio of a virus.
If the average R0 value in a population is greater than 1, the infection will spread exponentially. If the R0 is less than 1, the infection will spread more slowly and eventually die out. The higher the R0 value in a given population, the faster a virus will spread.
R0 is affected by a population’s size and proportion of people susceptible to the virus in a given population, the infectiousness of a virus and the rate of disappearance of cases — either by recovery or death. The length of time an infected person is contagious also plays a role in a population’s R0 value.
At the beginning of Covid-19’s spread in Illinois, which Ezike characterized Sunday as the “exponential growth phase,” Illinois’ R0 value might have been 3.5,” she said. But the figure is now closer to 1, she said.
“If one person can infect three [people], and then each of those people infect three additional [people], and then those people all go on to [infect more people], within 10 rounds you get to 60,000 people,” Ezike said. “And so, obviously we brought that way down — we think our R naught is low in the ones — and so the transmission has slowed tremendously, but of course, it’s not enough to have completely made sure that it died out.”
Pritzker added that epidemiologists are looking for a R0 value below 1.
* OK, on to the Tribune’s live blog…
Lightfoot says she’s expecting Illinois’ stay-at-home order to extend into June
Lightfoot awards $7.5 million in funding to Chicago community groups as they fight two battles: COVID-19 and uptick in violence
About half of Cook County juvenile detention center’s detainees will be tested for COVID-19
Reputed gang member released from federal jail in part due to COVID-19 spread, as inmate on R Kelly’s floor tests positive
City of Chicago starts cloth mask drive
Open two weeks — or two days — and then coronavirus: new business owners left in lurch by pandemic
U. of I. will use emergency coronavirus fund to provide relief to students ‘as much as we can’
As Chicagoans eat at home because of COVID-19, rats used to dining out on restaurant scraps follow the food supply
Correctional officer at Cook County Jail dies from COVID-19, death of second officer under investigation, as inmate deaths rise to 6
Mayor Lori Lightfoot ripped Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for reopening beaches and said Willie Wilson wanted millions in cash from the city to buy masks.
Officials said Chicago had 500 COVID-19 deaths as of Monday. Nearly 60% of those deaths were black residents.
A new Waukegan facility can sterilize up to 80,000 N95 masks a day
* Sun-Times live blog…
FDA approves first at-home COVID-19 test
Doctors ask death penalty states to share execution drugs for use in COVID-19 treatment
National Spelling Bee canceled for first time since 1945
Mental health therapists seek help from Blue Cross
Efforts outlined to bridge Chicago’s racial divide in coronavirus-related deaths
Another employee at the Cook County Circuit Court clerk’s office has tested positive for COVID-19, bringing the overall total to 20.
Muslims prepare for a Ramadan like no other
* Roundup…
* Coronavirus is largely spread by people without symptoms. Here’s what that could mean for reopening the economy.
* Coronavirus Kills More Americans in One Month Than the Flu Kills in One Year
* Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains new study finds
‘The risk is simply too high’: Germany’s Oktoberfest canceled due to coronavirus pandemic
* Peoria leaders navigate ‘uncharted waters’: There’s nothing left to cut, says the head of Peoria’s Police Benevolent Association.
* 14 residents, 9 employees test positive for COVID-19 at GreenTree at Mt. Vernon
* Winnebago County to begin testing all nursing home staff for COVID-19
* Lawmakers look to help prison workers who volunteered to go to coronavirus outbreak: At issue is a Facebook post made by Fulton County Board Chairman Patrick O’Brian who blasted the state’s prison system for not quarantining and testing the officers as they had allegedly been promised.
* US colleges brace for a devastating summer and fall
* Illinois Senate Republicans, including Schimpf, question Pritzker on prison sentence commutations: The Illinois Constitution states, “The Governor may grant reprieves, commutations and pardons, after conviction, for all offenses on such terms as he thinks proper. The manner of applying therefore may be regulated by law.” Pritzker pointed out Saturday that all cases also go through the Prisoner Review Board process.
The unmitigated gall of Congressman Mike Bost
Tuesday, Apr 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller
* May 3, 2013 Tribune editorial…
For more than six years, we’ve called for reform of Illinois’ public pension system. Some days we begged legislators, some days we harangued them.
Today we’re pleased to list the names of House lawmakers who took responsible action Thursday and voted “yes” on Speaker Michael Madigan’s pension overhaul.
Madigan acknowledged during debate that his bill is not salvation: It won’t solve the state’s financial problems — the unpaid bills, the (surely understated) pension system liabilities, the imminent budget pressures — but it hurtles the ball forward. That is worth celebrating.
Sixty-two House members voted for reform. By pushing the green button, they acknowledged that the status quo is harming our state, hurting taxpayers, discouraging potential employers and denying services to the truly vulnerable.
That bill was Senate Bill 1. One of the “No” votes was state Rep. Mike Bost. Rep. Bost voted “No” again on the conference committee report that was adopted in December by both chambers.
* From the synopsis of House Bill 1154 that same year…
For the General Assembly, State Employees, State Universities, and Downstate Teacher retirement systems, limits the salary of a Tier I member for benefit and contribution purposes to the greater of (i) the annual contribution and benefit base established for the applicable year by the Commissioner of Social Security under the federal Social Security Act or (ii) the annual salary of the member during the 365 days immediately preceding that effective date
The bill passed 101-15. One of the handful of “No” votes was Rep. Mike Bost.
* From the synopsis of House Bill 1165 from that same spring session…
For the General Assembly, State Employees, State Universities, and Downstate Teacher retirement systems, provides that, for a Tier I retiree, (i) the amount of each automatic annual increase in retirement annuity occurring on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act shall be the lesser of $750 ($600 if the annuity is based primarily upon service as a covered employee) or 3% of the total annuity payable at the time of the increase, including previous increases granted, and (ii) the monthly retirement annuity shall first be subject to annual increases on the January 1 occurring on or next after the attainment of age 67 or the January 1 occurring on or next after the fifth anniversary of the annuity start date, whichever occurs earlier.
That pension reform bill passed 66-50, with Rep. Mike Bost voting “No.”
* From the synopsis of House Bill HB1166 from that same spring session…
Amends the General Assembly, State Employee, State Universities, and Downstate Teacher Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Increases the retirement age by various amounts for certain Tier I members and participants, based on the person’s age on the effective date.
That bill passed 76-41, with Rep. Mike Bost voting “No.”
* On March 24, 2010, the Illinois House passed Senate Bill 1946, which created the Tier 2 system. The bill passed 92-17. Rep. Mike Bost was one of 7 “Present” votes.
* In December of 2015, Congressman Mike Bost began receiving his state legislative pension of $73,017.60, which increases at a compounded 3 percent rate every year.
* And yet, Congressman Mike Bost signed this letter yesterday to Senate President Don Harmon…
Illinois must reform its pension system to reduce long-term liabilities and make the system more equitable to the people of Illinois before federal money is used to support the pension system.
[Hat tip: Glen Brown.]
Question of the day
Tuesday, Apr 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller
* You had to figure this was going to happen…
After weeks of speculation over the fate of some of Chicago’s biggest summer festivals, the official word arrived Tuesday morning.
Out of an abundance of caution and adhering to state-mandated stay-at-home guidelines and social distancing guidelines from the CDC, the following events have been canceled according to the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE):
• 4th annual Chicago House Music Conference & Festival, May 21–24, various venues
• Chicago’s Memorial Day Parade and Wreath Laying Ceremony, May 23
• 35th Chicago Gospel Music Festival, May 27–30 in Millennium Park and the Chicago Cultural Center
• 37th annual Chicago Blues Festival, June 5-7 in Millennium Park
…The cancellations reflect only specific DCASE-run festivals through early June, and according to the official announcement, “is not official City guidance for other event producers; they should continue to follow the public health guidance of the CDC, City and State officials.”
* And even if late-summer events happen, large crowds may not show up. From one of those polls we discussed earlier…
Two-thirds of Americans (67 percent), including 66 percent of independents and 64 percent of Republicans, say they will continue to practice social distancing even after official restrictions are lifted; just 13 percent of Americans say they will not.
* The governor was asked yesterday how much testing needs to be done to reopen the economy. This was part of his answer…
Look, there’s not an exact number, but I would tell you this, that you need a lot more testing than we have today.
And the reason I say it that way, I’m saying not an exact number because you can debate this question. I would argue that as we start to think about it, remember you need a lot of other preconditions even according to the White House model of how to move into phase one of what they’re calling reopening. You have to get past the peak, you know, you have to have 14 days of numbers going down, right, all those conditions.
But on the testing front, I would ask you this question: What would make you feel comfortable going back into your place of work, how much testing [of] other people work with you, near you? How much, what would you need to feel comfortable as you go to work every day knowing that everybody in your workplace goes home, and they go to, the grocery store and they go to wherever it is they go visit their grandmother and so on and then they come back to work the next day?
* The Question: What’s your answer to the governor’s question?
[The following is a paid advertisement.]
The Illinois Kidney Care Alliance (IKCA) works closely with our partners from across Illinois, because we know dialysis patients are some of the most at-risk individuals during this pandemic. People with kidney failure and other severe chronic medical conditions face a higher risk of contracting COVID-19, which is why it is important to take all necessary precautions. They are also in more peril should they contract the virus.
Dialysis patients should:
Dialysis patients should continue to take any medicine prescribed by their physicians and should NOT miss their treatments.
For more information on the impact of COVID-19 on kidney patients, visit the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control and the National Kidney Foundation, and follow IKCA on Facebook and Twitter.
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The debate over testing capacity
Tuesday, Apr 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller
* President Trump yesterday…
Earlier today, Vice President Pence spoke with governors from all 50 states about our unified effort to defeat the virus. He had a great call. It was a great call, very positive in I’d say every way. Prior to the call, we provided each governor with a list of the names, addresses and phone numbers of the labs where they can find additional testing capacity within their states. Many, many labs. We’re providing you with the list. We’ll show it to you now if you need it. We’ll give you the details, but hundreds and hundreds of labs are ready, willing, and able. Some of the governors, like as an example, the governor from Maryland didn’t really understand the list. He didn’t understand too much about what was going on. So now I think he’ll be able to do that. It’s pretty simple, but they have tremendous capacity and we hope to be able to help him out. We’ll work with them and work with all of the governors.
Similar to the situation with ventilators, states need to assess their complete inventory of available capacity. Some states have far more capacity than they actually understand, and it is a complex subject, but some of the governors didn’t understand it. The governor, as an example Pritzker from Illinois, did not understand his capacity, not simply ask the federal government to provide unlimited support. I mean you have to take the support where you have it, but we are there to stand with the governors and to help the governors, and that’s what we’re doing and they have a tremendous capacity that we’ve already built up and you’ll be seeing that. We’re going to be introducing a couple of the folks in a little while to talk about it.
* I asked the governor’s office about this and was referred to Pritzker’s remarks yesterday at his own media briefing…
The main focus of that call was about testing. The White House is reiterating … the Coronavirus Task Force is reiterating that states have testing capacity. And I’ve said this before, but you know testing capacity is a function of how many machines do you have and if you ran them 24/7, what output could you get.
The problem is there’s a big difference between testing capacity and getting testing result and what’s the big difference in all those things in between that you need, like swabs, and viral transport medium and RNA extractor reagent. And then you’ve got to run those machines with lab techs, and if you’re going to run them 24/7, that’s three shifts.
So, what they really have said is ‘Hey, you’ve got plenty of machines out there, go to it.” And what all … the other governors who spoke, Republican and Democrats, really said the same thing which is, we all need swabs, we all need VTM. We all need RNA extractor and reagent.
And so, it was an interesting call because I think you can see what, how they’re thinking about what their responsibility is. But the fact of the matter is that when they say ‘There’s lots of testing available,’ it’s a far cry from testing capacity to actually getting testing results.
…Adding… Bloomberg last week…
A lack of reagents, swabs, personal protective gear and specialized equipment has severely hampered testing capacity, according to an April 13 letter to Birx from AAMC Chief Executive Officer David Skorton. The association represents the academic medicine community that owns many of the 175 Abbott machines across the country.
“The inability to secure adequate quantities of any of these components will result in lower testing capacity,” Skorton said. “The absence of certain components could result in testing machines sitting unused.”
In some cases, labs trying to purchase parts, reagents and test cartridges to determine if patients have Covid-19 have been unable to do so, as they have been told that the federal government or other laboratories have a higher priority, the letter said.
A look at the numbers
Tuesday, Apr 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller
* HuffPost/YouGov poll of 1,000 people conducted April 17-19…
Just 15% said there are too many coronavirus-related restrictions in place where they live, with 53% saying restrictions are at the right level, and 23% that there are not enough restrictions.
A 78% majority said state governments that have told residents to stay at home unless they have an essential reason for going out are making the right decision by issuing such orders, with just 9% saying those states are making the wrong decision. Americans said, 60% to 24%, that they’re more concerned that states will lift the restrictions too quickly than that they will not lift the restrictions quickly enough.
* Yahoo News/YouGov poll conducted April 17-19 of 1,597 adults…
The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.
Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree. […]
Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent). […]
Two-thirds of Americans (67 percent), including 66 percent of independents and 64 percent of Republicans, say they will continue to practice social distancing even after official restrictions are lifted; just 13 percent of Americans say they will not.
* Detroit Regional Chamber poll conducted April 15-16 of 600 Michigan residents…
Michigan residents prefer how Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) has handled the coronavirus outbreak over President Trump’s response to the pandemic, according to a statewide poll released Monday.
The Detroit Regional Chamber’s survey found that 57 percent of residents approved of Whitmer’s handling of the pandemic, while 44 percent said the same about Trump. Disapproval of the governor’s response stood at 37 percent, compared with 50 percent for the president’s.
Approval for both political leaders was split along party lines. For Whitmer, 89 percent of Democrats backed her handling of the virus, compared with 22 percent of Republicans supporting her. Among independent voters, 56 percent approved of the governor’s efforts during the crisis.
* Washington Post-University of Maryland poll conducted April 14-19 of 1,013 adults…
How would you rate your state governor’s overall response to the coronavirus outbreak?
How would you rate President Trump’s overall response to the coronavirus outbreak?
* Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies conducted April 13-15 of 900 registered voters…
When do you think the coronavirus will be contained in the United States, to the point that the economy can return to normal and businesses can re-open and people can go back to work?
It has already 3
In the next few weeks 15
In the next few months 45
In the next year 26
Longer than the next year 6
Never 1
Not sure 4
Which worries you more about responding to the coronavirus and restrictions that require most Americans to shelter in place and only leave their homes for essential needs?
U.S. will move too quickly in loosening restrictions 58
U.S. will take too long in loosening restrictions 32
A bit of both (VOL) 3
Not sure 7
* Pew Research Center, conducted April 7 to 12 of 4,917 adults…
Democrats are largely united in their concerns over state governments easing bans on public activity; 81% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say their greater concern is that governments will lift these restrictions too quickly. Yet Republicans and Republican leaners are evenly divided. About half (51%) say their bigger concern is that state governments will act too quickly while slightly fewer (46%) worry more that restrictions on public movement will not be lifted quickly enough.
* Politico/Morning Consult poll taken April 10-12 of 1,990 registered voters…
More than eight in 10 voters, 81 percent, say Americans “should continue to social distance for as long as is needed to curb the spread of coronavirus, even if it means continued damage to the economy.” Only 10 percent say Americans “should stop social distancing to stimulate the economy, even if it means increasing the spread of coronavirus.” Nine percent of voters have no opinion.
While Democrats (89 percent) are more likely than Republicans (72 percent) to say Americans should continue the “social distancing” measures, large majorities in all demographic groups say it’s more important to stop the spread of the virus than to resume economic activity that could undermine those mitigation efforts. […]
By a ratio of more than 2 to 1, voters say they are more concerned about “the public health impact of coronavirus, including the spread of the disease which would cause more deaths,” than they are about “the economic impact of coronavirus including the effect on the stock market and increased unemployment.” Overall, voters break toward the public-health impact, 64 percent to 29 percent — though it’s more narrow among Republicans, 51 percent to 43 percent.
Three in four, 75 percent, say it’s more important for the government to address the spread of the virus, while 17 percent say it’s more important for the government to manage the economy.
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