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Walter Burnett’s son sworn into the House

Friday, May 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Comments are now open on this post.]

* Mark Brown

A group of Democratic ward committeemen set aside questions of nepotism, residency and turf Friday to choose Ald. Walter Burnett’s son as the newest state representative on the city’s West Side.

Jawaharial “Omar” Williams, 44, a laborer in the city’s Department of Water Management, was selected over seven other candidates vying to occupy the Illinois House 10th District.

The vacancy was created by the election of Rep. Melissa Conyears-Ervin to the post of city treasurer.

Conyears-Ervin is married to Ald. Jason Ervin, the 28th Ward alderman and Democratic committeeman, who objected to Williams’ selection and tried to advance a “placeholder” candidate who would not run for re-election next year.

…Adding… A follow-up story that focuses on the nepotism of Chicago politics and Williams’ appointment ends this way

Among the other candidates who presented their credentials Friday, probably the most prominent was WVON radio host Maze Jackson, best known for his catchphrase: “What’s in it for the black people?”

Jackson, a veteran political strategist and lobbyist who like Burnett got his start in White’s organization, said he plans to be a candidate for the seat next year, and if elected, intends to continue hosting his radio show.

That would be different.

Jackson, by the way, is married to Metropolitan Water Reclamation Commissioner President Kari Steele. She is the daughter of former 6th Ward alderman and state appellate court justice John Steele.


Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, May 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We’re at 14 days and a wakeup, campers

I offered up my innocence and got repaid with scorn

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What Is The Credit Union Difference?

Friday, May 17, 2019 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

It’s simple. Credit unions are member-owned, so any earnings are simply returned in the form of lower loan rates, higher interest on deposits and lower fees. Credit unions create a fair financial alternative for the taxpayers of Illinois. Credit unions are not-for-profit financial cooperatives that don’t focus on increasing revenue or paying dividends to outside stockholders. Illinois credit unions are focused on the member-owners we serve. Visit to learn more about the benefits of credit union membership.

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Question of the day

Friday, May 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Friday afternoon and I’m running out of brain power. So let’s do an Illinois-centric open thread. Be nice to each other, please.


Capital plan react

Friday, May 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m told the Senate Transportation Committee Chairman was invited to every capital bill working group session, but chose not to attend until today’s unveiling…

State Senator Martin A. Sandoval issued the following statement in response to the Pritzker administration’s early draft of a construction program.

“We’ve been eagerly awaiting a framework from the Pritzker administration. As the Senate has gone around the state and led this bipartisan effort, there have been many changes, and I expect many more to come. What you have here is an early draft of what a framework could look like. Going forward, I hope the governor’s as committed as I’ve been to an open, bipartisan process.”

* Chamber…

“We appreciate that the Governor’s Office has begun their capital conversation in earnest with a specific revenue and spending package, some of which the business community supports,” said Illinois Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Todd Maisch. “We are encouraged to see some of the ideas the Illinois Chamber has promoted included in their plan. However, most of the revenue in the governor’s proposal is not new revenue for additional maintenance and new projects, but rather existing state, federal, and local sources that were already planned. We look forward to learning more about all proposals and working towards a bipartisan solution.”

“One particular concern in the governor’s plan, is the reliance on a new media streaming tax for non-transportation construction. The Chamber believes this will be an unreliable foundation for funding because it will be complex, unpopular and possibly unconstitutional.”

The streaming and satellite taxes are gonna be a big lift.

This post will likely be updated.

* Sun-Times

Steve Brown, spokesman for Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan, called the proposal “another good step.”

“House caucuses will continue to work with [the] Governor to put out a plan that creates jobs and reverses neglect,” Brown said in a statement.

Others weren’t so happy with the nearly $1.78 billion in proposed new or higher taxes.

“I oppose this plan because it includes massive tax hikes, including a gas tax increase, streaming tax and real estate transfer tax,” State Rep. David McSweeney, R-Barrington Hills said. “We need a capital bill, but it should be funded by issuing bonds supported by a stream of future cash flows from sports gambling revenues and potentially the prudent expansion of some other existing kinds of gambling.”

* Crain’s

The biggest income producer in that list is the ride-hailing tax, which would generate a projected $214 million a year, followed by the cable/satellite tax at $150 million and a new gallonage tax on liquor that would pull in $120 million. The booze levy would raise current levies by up to 50 percent, with the tax on wine, for instance, going up 66 cents on top of the current $1.39 a gallon.

Lobbyists for the affected industries already are objecting, and the plan almost certainly will change if it passes at all. But it’s been a decade since the state adopted a capital plan, and there’s a huge thirst for one in Springfield.

* Senate Republican Leader Bill Brady…

Members of my caucus, who were part of the capital working group, received a briefing on the governor’s proposal this afternoon. We look forward to these discussions continuing as we work toward a plan that addresses our state’s critical infrastructure needs and creates jobs.

* Build UP Illinois…

The Build UP Illinois coalition applauds Governor Pritzker for putting forth a construction plan that balances the need for maintenance and repair to our roads, bridges, schools and state facilities with new investment for campuses, hospitals and emerging technologies. A plan of this size will create thousands of new jobs, support hundreds of thousands of existing jobs and provide a major economic boost to our local economies. While not a finished product, coalition members will continue our efforts to assist lawmakers and the governor in seeing a capital plan to the finish line.

* IMA…

The Illinois Manufacturers’ Association (IMA) released the following statement today in response to Gov. JB Pritzker’s preliminary capital infrastructure proposal:

“Illinois’ infrastructure is crumbling, and we applaud Gov. JB Pritzker for his desire to invest in our roads and bridges, strengthen career and vocational education opportunities and further develop our rail, air and waterways,” said Mark Denzler, president and CEO of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association. “Manufacturers share the goal of creating modern, updated infrastructure to better move people and products around the world. However, this must be achieved through responsible funding solutions. We look forward to working with the governor and lawmakers to help craft a balanced capital bill.”

* SJ-R

Sen. Andy Manar, D-Bunker Hill, who’s been involved in negotiating the capital plan, said the proposal “clearly lays out a path forward,” but said there is still work to be done on the revenue ideas.

“There’s no such thing as an easy revenue vote, so they’re all challenging,” Manar said. “I don’t interpret the plan the governor laid out today as the final plan, nor was it described as such.”


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Fundraiser list

Friday, May 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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It’s just a bill

Friday, May 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Capitol News Illinois

A bill that would ban for-profit immigrant detention centers in Illinois is on its way to Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

The Illinois Senate voted 34-14 on Thursday to pass House Bill 2020. It passed the House on April 10 by an 85-26 vote.

The bill would prohibit the state or any local unit of government from entering into any agreement to detain people in privately-owned facilities. It also prohibits them from spending any money to subsidize or defray the costs of developing or operating one. […]

The bill was introduced in response to a proposal to build a private federal detention center in the village of Dwight, about 80 miles southwest of Chicago.

* Let’s now move on to HB822

Allows a school to maintain a supply of glucagon in any secure location that is immediately accessible to a school nurse or delegated care aide

Dusty Rhodes has the story of how this bill came about

Last year, a school nurse in East Moline faced a moral dilemma when a diabetic student lost consciousness in her office. Now she’s trying to make sure no other school nurse has to face the same tough choice.

Low blood sugar can usually be cured with orange juice and a granola bar. But those snacks and glucose tabs weren’t helping the 7th grader sitting in Jennifer Jacobs’ office.

Go read the whole thing. You’ll be glad you did.

And now let’s move from “What a great story!” to “What the heck?”

* Sinclair Broadcast Group’s News Channel 20

A bill that would allow food stamp recipients to use SNAP vouchers at restaurants now heads to the governor’s desk.

The bill has passed both Illinois chambers. It now awaits Governor JB Pritzker’s signature.

HB3343, also known as the ‘Restaurant Meals Program’, would expand the options for food stamp users by allowing them to eat at certain restaurants.

Scroll down

Only SNAP benefit recipients who are disabled, elderly or homeless would qualify for the program.

The photo at the top of the story shows healthy-looking, non-elderly, likely not homeless black people having drinks with their food at a nice restaurant…

Do better.

* Other stuff…

* Low Tax Rates ‘Key’ For Sports Betting Success In Illinois

* IL Lawmakers Approve Expanding MAP Grant Eligibility

* Democratic legislation would take appointments away from GOP county board chairman: If Hoffman’s measure goes through, it would lead to Granite City, a traditionally Democratic area, to having its mayor on the sanitary board, and setting up Democratic control of the board.

* McSweeney’s township consolidation bill heads to Pritzker’s desk for consideration


*** UPDATED x1 *** Pritzker’s preliminary draft capital plan relies on about $1.8 billion a year in new or higher taxes

Friday, May 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** Click here for the full briefing.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* The governor’s preliminary draft of the capital plan pitched to lawmakers today includes numerous proposed tax and fee increases and some brand new taxes. Some of these ideas are more likely than others to pass.

The packet distributed to members today claims the proposal will include a “combination of bonding and consistent, annual pay-as-you-go funding.”

…Adding… Total bonding over six years will be $17.807 billion. Total pay as you go will be $7.035 billion over six years. Total federal money is banked at $10.032 billion. Local/private share is listed as $6.642 billion for a grand total of $41.515 billion over six years.

A proposed motor fuel tax increase of 19 cents per gallon for gas and diesel, double what it is now. The increase is lower than both the Local 150 plan and the Illinois Chamber plan (both were 25 cents). $560 million a year.

The current $101 a year vehicle registration fee would go to $199 for vehicles 3 years old or newer, $169 for vehicles 4-6 years of age, $139 for vehicles aged 7-11 years, and $109 for vehicles 12 years and older. Kind of a progressive tax without using auto values. $490 million a year.

The registration fee for electric vehicles is now $34 per vehicle and would rise to $250 per year. $4 million a year.

The Real Estate Transfer Tax (for non-residential transactions) would rise from 50 cents per $500 in market value to $1. The fee hasn’t been changed since 1989. $34 million a year.

Current liquor gallonage taxes are 23.1 cents on beer and cider, $1.39 on wine, and $8.55 on distilled liquor. The new proposal would increase the rate per gallon by 4.6 cents, 66 cents, and $4.05, respectively. $120 million a year.

Currently, traded-in property provides a sales tax exemption on the purchase of property up to the value of the property traded-in. This proposal would introduce a $10,000 cap per trade-in transaction. $60 million a year.

The video gaming terminal tax is currently 30 percent of net. According to the draft: “The structure for this proposal is to be determined, but a portion of the revenues from the current discussions to restructure this industry can be allocated to the capital budget, on top of operating budget needs.” $90 million a year.

A new state tax on ridesharing of $1 per ride. $214 million a year.

A new 7 percent tax on cable, satellite and streaming services (an almost perennial proposal that has never passed). $150 million a year.

A new parking garage tax of 6 percent tax on daily and hourly garage parking and a 9 percent tax on monthly and annual garage parking. $60 million a year.

Total: $1.782 billion a year.

Your thoughts?

…Adding… Many of these ideas were not generated by Pritzker or his staff, but came from the working groups, some of which were bipartisan.

* Related…

* Report: Bad Roads Cost Illinois Drivers $18.3bn


*** UPDATED x1 *** Pritzker administration briefs legislators on preliminary draft of six-year $41.5 billion capital plan

Friday, May 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** Click here for the full briefing.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* I’ll get to how they hope to pay for this in a moment, so let’s look at the spending now. The brand name is “Rebuild Illinois.” I’m told that everything is open for negotiation. These projects do not include reappropriations (appropriated in earlier years, but the money wasn’t spent)…

Transportation: $28.6 billion

    • Nearly $11 billion in Multi-Year Plan roads and bridges
    • Over $12 billion in new roads in bridges
    • $3.4 billion in mass transit
    • $442 million for the Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency Program (CREATE)
    • $769 million in rail
    • $478 million in aeronautics
    • $607 million for miscellaneous transportation

Education: $5.9 billion

    • $2.4 billion in higher education, including deferred maintenance and new projects at public universities and community colleges
    • $3 billion for school construction
    • $111 million for early childhood education
    • $400 million for school maintenance

State Facilities: $4.4 billion

    • $4.4 billion in statewide deferred maintenance and state facility projects

Environment/Conservation: $1 billion

    • $140 million for renewable energy projects, including solar and energy efficiency upgrades at state facilities and transportation electrification in low-income communities
    • $873 million for environmental, conservation, and recreation projects, including:
    o $100 million for unsewered communities
    o $75 million for park and recreational facility construction
    o $31 million for flood mitigation
    o $22 million for dam and waterway projects
    o $20 million for conservation reserve enhancement
    o $29 million for Illinois green infrastructure grants
    o $290 million for hazardous waste
    o $92 million for ecosystem restoration
    o $25 million for land acquisition
    o $150 million for water revolving fund
    o $39 million for well plugging

Broadband Deployment: $420 million

    • $400 million for statewide broadband expansion
    • $20 million for Illinois Century Network

Healthcare and Human Services: $440 million

    • $175 million for affordable housing
    • $50 million for community health centers
    • $200 million for hospital and healthcare transformation
    • $15 million for human services grant program

Economic and Community Development: $711 million

    • $145 million for public infrastructure
    • $240 million for community development
    • $101 million for economic development
    • $50 million for prime sites
    • $35 million for ports
    • $25 million for education and scientific facilities
    • $50 million for economically depressed areas
    • $50 million for emerging technology enterprises
    • $15 million for Minority Owned Business Program

* More highlights…

Northern Illinois

I-80: $1.01 billion for Interstate 80 from Ridge Road to US 30 (Lincoln Highway) in Will County for reconstruction of 16 miles, construction of auxiliary lanes, and replacement of the Des Plaines River bridges, including pre-construction items. Interstate 80 is included in the primary freight network and carries 23 percent of truck traffic on this corridor.

IL 47 in McHenry County: $57 million for IL 47 in McHenry County from north of IL 120 (McHenry Ave) to US 14 for construction and improvements. Widening IL 47 is key to creating economic growth by enhancing mobility, fixing infrastructure, and improving safety in Woodstock and McHenry County. This section of IL 47 from US 14 to IL 120 has the highest existing traffic along the entire corridor and some of the highest crash rates.

Transit: $2.87 billion for the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA), which is one of the largest transit systems in the nation and includes the Chicago Transit Authority, Metra, and Pace.

Rail: $225 million for the Chicago to Quad Cities Intercity Passenger Rail project, which aims to restore service in the Quad Cities and improve connectivity between major Midwest cities. The project consists of reintroducing twice-daily round-trip service between Chicago and Moline, with a new intermediate stop in Geneseo, after a 30-year absence of service on this corridor. Other stations served will include Princeton, Mendota, Plano, Naperville, LaGrange, and Chicago Union Station.

Central Illinois

I 55/I 72 in Sangamon County: $135.4 million for Interstate 55/Interstate 72 in Sangamon County. The reconstruction of this interchange will reduce congestion where the two interstates meet.

Downstate transit: Transit districts outside of the RTA will share in $319 million to maintain and improve their systems.

New projects at universities: New science buildings at Western Illinois University and Eastern Illinois University, deferred maintenance and programmatic funding for University of Illinois, Champaign, Milner Library rehabilitation at Illinois State University, Library Learning Student Success Center at University of Illinois Springfield, and a math, statistics, and data science collaborative facility at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. […]

Veterans’ Home Campus Reconstruction. The Quincy Veterans’ Home is the oldest and largest veterans’ home in Illinois, consisting of approximately 37 buildings constructed between 1886 and 2002. It is home to more than 380 veterans and seniors and employs more than 500 direct care and support staff. The scope of work for construction of a new nursing home and domiciliary on the Quincy Veterans’ Home campus provides for additional beds.

Southern Illinois

US 40/Illinois 33/Fayette Avenue: $61.2 million for US 40/Illinois 33/Fayette Avenue in Effingham County. This segment of roadway in Effingham carries 14,000 vehicles daily with nearly 9 percent being truck traffic.

Delhi Bypass: $24.4 million a new 4-lane roadway that will re-route US 67 to the east of Delhi. Existing US 67 is a rural 2-lane road built in the 1940’s with an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 11,000 vehicles per day including 1,000 heavy vehicles. The Bypass will extend the 4-lane section, tying in to recently completed 4-lane sections of US 67 to the south. […]

New projects at universities: Deferred maintenance and programmatic funding for Southern Illinois University, communications building at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, and a health sciences building at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville.


CREATE: $350 million in new funding for the Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency (CREATE) Program to complete the 75th Street Corridor Improvement Project and adjacent corridors to prevent costly delays in rail travel. Chicago is the nation’s busiest rail freight gateway and the world’s third largest intermodal port. One-quarter of our nation’s rail-shipped goods and products move to, from, or through Chicago.

New projects at universities: Simulated hospital/nursing Lab at Chicago State University, extension of an academic building at Governors State University, renovation, remodeling, and expansion of the Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies and the performing arts building at Northeastern Illinois University, deferred maintenance and programmatic funding for University of Illinois, Chicago, and a computer design research and learning center at University of Illinois, Chicago. […]

Cook County Public Health Laboratory: $126 million for the Illinois Department of Public Health for a new Cook County Public Health Laboratory. The IDPH laboratories are the backbone of many public health functions and provide unique and essential testing and surveillance. The Chicago facility is the state’s largest, but has deteriorated over the past four decades, jeopardizing the state’s ability to respond to public health issues. Funding will allow CDB to construct a new, state-of-the-art facility.

Lots of projects for community colleges, but there were so many I decided to leave them out of this already long post.

…Adding… The claim is 540,000 jobs, but that includes “direct, indirect and induced.”


We need a capital bill (and we may be seeing deets today)

Friday, May 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

…Adding… IDOT goofed, but the sentiment still stands…

* Illinois is the crossroads of America. We’re a top Internet hub connecting east and west. Our massive rail network and our largest airport are vital to the nation’s economic strength. And our highway network has long been a boon to interstate commerce.

So, this sort of thing must not be allowed to happen…

* This is the same bridge we discussed back in February

Interstate 80 motorists last week started seeing billboard warnings about the Des Plaines River bridge, courtesy of a construction workers union.

The electronic billboard messages come after news last week of inspection reports that rated bridge conditions as critical and intolerable. […]

One says, “Cross bridge at your own risk.”

The other says, “Bridge ahead in critical condition.”

The I-80 bridge in Joliet is “among the worst in Illinois. It’s certainly in the top 10,” said Edward Maher, communications director for Countryside-based Local 150 of the International Union of Operating Engineers.

I’m hearing lawmakers are being briefed on the governor’s capital bill proposal today. You’ll know more when I know more, but from what I’m hearing it’s pretty big.

* Hannah Meisel at the Daily Line

Gov. JB Pritzker’s office was the catalyst behind labor group AFL-CIO Illinois putting together a coalition to push for “vertical projects” — that is schools, public buildings and hospitals — to be included in a final capital bill, sources said.

Three sources confirmed to The Daily Line this week that Pritzker’s office set in motion the formation of Build Up Illinois, a coalition of 45 universities, health, housing and education associations and unions from around the state with vested interests in a “vertical” component to the first capital bill in a decade.

It’s unclear what Build Up Illinois’ members’ final request will be for capital funding. In deferred maintenance needs alone, the coalition points to a combined $23.9 billion for just public universities, elementary, middle and high schools and state facilities. But the coalition is also vying for money for private universities, affordable housing, hospitals and veterans’ homes, which would include brand new construction.


Budget roundup

Friday, May 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Subscribers know more

With only two weeks remaining in the 2019 regular session, Democrats in the Illinois House say they are close to securing the 71 votes needed to pass one of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s top priorities, a constitutional amendment to overhaul the state’s income tax system.

“I think we are rapidly closing in on 71, and I’m confident the governor will, with the personal meetings he’s having with members, get us over the hump,” said state Rep. Robert Martwick, a Chicago Democrat and the lead sponsor of the measure in the House. […]

State Rep. Michael Zalewski, a Riverside Democrat who chairs the Revenue and Finance Committee, also said he’s hopeful Pritzker can secure the votes needed in the House.

“I think the governor has had some productive conversations with members in the last week,” he said.

Zalewski’s committee is scheduled to meet Monday, May 20, and some observers believe the amendment could come up for a vote then, sending it to the full House.

The Senate’s rate bill, sponsored in the House by Rep. Zalewski, is also posted for that Monday hearing, but there’s no guarantee that both will receive roll calls.

* In other budget-related news…

Illinois House Republicans called a news conference Thursday to unveil a “fiscal year 2020 balanced budget proposal” in the form of a one-page document detailing $2.6 billion more in revenue than House working groups had previously planned for.

“The important part here is we’re not presenting a plan and saying ‘take it or leave it,’” Deputy Minority Leader Tom Demmer, R-Dixon, said. “We’re saying there are new dollars that are on the table, that individual members have not yet been given the chance to weigh out. We believe their priorities should be heard.”

Demmer said House working groups have been negotiating a balanced budget without new revenue that would be achieved by cuts of 6 percent to 10 percent from fiscal year 2019 expenditures across agencies.

But many of those cuts will not be needed, he said, because of increased fiscal year 2020 revenue estimates by the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability and the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget, as well as a handful of other new revenue streams Republicans stand ready to support.

As subscribers know, that $2.6 billion number is being disputed by the governor’s office.

* From the administration…

One good month does not mean that Illinois can walk away from our financial obligations, or start spending money twice. That’s the short-sighted thinking that got us here in the first place. In fact, Illinois’ dire finances mean that the state was on track to end the 2019 fiscal year with a $1.6 billion gap, to say nothing of our multi-billion dollar backlog of unpaid bills and $134 billion unfunded pension liabilities. The responsible choice, and the governor’s path, is to use the additional dollars to close our 2019 budget gap and to make our full 2020 pension payment. The Governor’s door is open for working with Republicans who want to join him in approaching our finances responsibly.

Subscribers know more.

* Finke

Abudayyeh said Pritzker has had nearly two dozen individual meetings with leaders not counting eight cocktail parties he’s hosted at the Governor’s Mansion.

House Majority Leader Greg Harris of Chicago said the House Democrats were merely being cautious in crafting a spending plan.

“I think it’s really important to have waited this long to make sure we have the numbers right,” he said. “The one thing we don’t want to do as we move forward in closing out FY 19 and moving into FY 20 is use one-time revenues as a basis for ongoing budgeting.”

...Adding… I forgot to post Comptroller Mendoza’s react to the HGOP proposal…

April has historically been the state’s best month for revenues because that’s when people pay their state income taxes. Revenues for April came in about $1.5 billion higher than April 2018, so our office was able to pay down an extra $1.5 billion worth of bills on our backlog of bills, which now stands at $6.5 billion as of today. No one should confuse a $6.5 billion backlog of bills with a “surplus.”

* Illinois Public Radio

There have been several budget frameworks this spring. Gov. J.B. Pritzker kicked off budget season in February with calls for more spending and increased taxes, while Democrats in the House began from a much more austere place, assuming none of the governor’s revenue ideas would come to pass.

Then came the April surprise — an unexpected $1.5 billion in tax collections. That has Republicans urging a middle ground.

While they say they’d support some new spending with that extra money, Rep. Grant Wehrli, a Republican from Naperville, says higher taxes should be out of the question.

“Income, cigarettes, bags, video-streaming, vaping — all those should be off the table until we do the hard work and come up with a balanced budget.”

Income tax revenue isn’t available for two years, video-streaming would likely be used for capital (if it can even pass and that’s doubtful) and they appear to be counting cigarette and e-cig tax money in their MCO assessment savings.

* Meanwhile

[Rep. Thaddeus Jones, D-Calumet City] called Senate President John Cullerton’s proposal to raise Illinois’ usage tax on tobacco products “too unreasonable” at a time when the General Assembly is considering a slew of other tax hikes.

Cullerton announced last week he wants to increase the state’s tax on a pack of cigarettes by $1, to $2.98. That is about triple the 32 cents Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker introduced in his budget proposal. […]

“I appreciate President Cullerton for his advocacy, but this is the wrong way to go. We’ve gone through several phases of taxing cigarettes that now is driving businesses and driving people away from Illinois and driving them to border states, and we’ve got to stop it,” Jones said. “It’s not having the effect that the president wants. It’s not stopping people from smoking. What it’s doing is making people in my community who can least afford it, who are on a fixed income, choose to go to Indiana to make sure they get cigarettes.” […]

“[Polling shows that Illinoisans] support it because research shows it encourages people to quit smoking or, even better, never start, which would save taxpayers millions of dollars in reduced health care costs,” [John Patterson, a spokesman for the Senate president] said in an emailed statement. “That has always been the Senate president’s motivation, and it appears that’s why the public supports it, too.” […]

“That’s not what the governor introduced, so I don’t think there’s support to increase it to $1,” [Rep. Jones] said. “I think there’s support to look at a sensible way to do it — maybe 32 cents, like what the governor was proposing.”


Madigan and Cullerton campaign committees spent $420K on sports tickets

Friday, May 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This looks like two baseball seasons’ worth of spending. NBC 5

From April 1, 2018, through March 31, 2019, Friends of Michael J. Madigan - the speaker’s political committee - made five purchases of Cubs tickets totaling $184,392, according to state campaign finance records.

During the same period, records show Madigan’s political campaign spent over $118,700 combined for White Sox tickets and Bulls tickets.

That puts his grand total spent on sports tickets, according to expenditures filed with the Illinois Board of Elections, at $303,125. […]

A spokesperson for Madigan said the tickets are used for supporters and volunteers, and that if the speaker - or his family - uses them, they pay for them.

A Cullerton political aide added that most tickets are given to charitable groups and used less for political purposes. […]

“It’s perfectly legal but I would also say it’s borderline, it’s right on the fringe,” [former state Sen. Susan Garrett, now the chair and co-founder of the Center for Illinois Politics] said. “If you look at other states, and we have looked, we don’t see any other states that allow for this type of practice.”

“It’s not how our government should work but it is in fact how our government works,” [Jay Young, executive director of Common Cause Illinois] added.


…Adding… Hmm…


Cannabis roundup

Friday, May 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a Taylorville Daily News interview of the Christian County sheriff

Sheriff Bruce Kettelkamp and the Sheriff’s Association along with the Chiefs of Police are very concerned over the pending legalization of marijuana put forward in the State of Illinois and Sheriff Kettelkamp is urging citizens to contact Senator Andy Manar and let him know that the proposal for the legalization of marijuana is a very bad idea and that it is creating a public risk and putting at jeopardy the safety of the citizens of Christian County and the state.

Sheriff Kettelkamp is also concerned with the home grown part of the law which would allow citizens to grow up to five plants in their yard. Kettelkamp says that he’s worried about the drug cartel coming in and buying up the houses and selling on the black market cheaper than at the commercial places.

Sheriff Kettelkamp says that while Representative Avery Bourne is against the bill, he doesn’t believe Senator Andy Manar is, and he hopes that everyone contacts Senator Manar to tell him to vote against it.

Last I checked, Sheriff Kettelkamp himself hadn’t yet called Sen. Manar about the bill. Manar told Bernie this week he’s still on the fence

State Sen. ANDY MANAR, D-Bunker Hill, said he thinks there is “zero” chance of the session going into June — though he is also skeptical about quick passage of recreational marijuana legislation. Such a big change in policy “usually doesn’t happen in a matter of months,” he said, and he is not yet in the “yes” column for the change.

And as far as home grow goes, I have a tough time believing that a Chinese or Jamaican drug cartel could descend upon Christian County, which is 96.6 percent white, and remain unnoticed for very long.

* Possessing five or fewer pot plants is currently a Class A Misdemeanor in Illinois. According to the Illinois Sentencing Policy Advisory Council, 42 people were arrested in Illinois for that particular violation in Fiscal Year 2018. That’s way down from the 125 busted in FY 2010. A SPAC chart provided to lawmakers…

* Meanwhile, stubborn prohibitionists are helping the black market thrive in California

It’s been a little more than a year since California legalized marijuana — the largest such experiment in the United States — but law enforcement officials say the unlicensed, illegal market is still thriving and in some areas has even expanded. […]

California gives cities wide latitude to regulate cannabis, resulting in a confusing patchwork of regulation. Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose and San Diego have laws allowing cannabis businesses, but most smaller cities and towns in the state do not — 80 percent of California’s nearly 500 municipalities do not allow retail marijuana businesses. The ballot measure legalizing recreational marijuana passed in 2016 with 57 percent approval, but that relatively broad support has not translated to the local level. Cities like Compton or Laguna Beach decisively rejected allowing pot shops.

Regulators cite this tepid embrace by California municipalities as one of many reasons for the state’s persistent and pervasive illegal market. Only 620 cannabis shops have been licensed in California so far. Colorado, with a population one-sixth the size of California, has 562 licensed recreational marijuana stores.

* Related…

* Hundreds rally in Springfield to demand pot tax revenue go to communities hard hit by low-level drug crime: Lt. Gov. Juliana Stratton told the crowd at Thursday’s rally in Springfield the “best kind of policy-making is done when we hear directly from the people from our communities.” … “There’s another part of justice, and that is making sure that communities that have been harmed through decades of disinvestment also know that in order to restore our communities, we must also invest in our communities,” Stratton said. “And this means we have to make sure that as investments are made and we look at budgetary considerations, communities are not left out.”

* Here’s what’s holding up the Illinois marijuana bill: “I’m feeling cautiously optimistic that we’ll get this done,” Steans said. “Threading the needle on expungement is probably the most challenging part.”


White to be awarded “Distinguished Member of the Regiment”

Friday, May 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Secretary White’s 85th birthday is next month, so this is an excellent early present for him…

Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White will be honored with the Distinguished Member of the Regiment by the 187th Infantry Division and the 101st Airborne Division of the United States Army this evening, May 17. The ceremony will take place at The Bruce Conference Center in Hopkinsville, KY near Fort Campbell.

White is being recognized for his contribution to society as an elected official, an educator, the founder and coach of the Jesse White Tumbling Team and for his charitable efforts. White served as a paratrooper in the highly regarded 101st Airborne Division based at Fort Campbell, and again as a member of the Illinois National Guard and Reserve.

“I have the greatest respect for those who serve our country in uniform and the commitment they have made,” said White. “I am humbled to be selected for this meaningful honor.”

White noted his experiences at Fort Campbell remain integral to him to this day. Serving in the U.S. Army taught him the importance of teamwork, respect, commitment to duty and helping others in need.

“I believe when you are successful in life, you should do everything you can to give back and make a positive difference to society. This remains my goal in life.”

* Check out the attached pic…


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Friday, May 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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