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This just in… Special election ruling handed down

Monday, Aug 2, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 6:49 pm - Judge John Grady’s order is exactly what we expected. The special US Senate election will take place Nov. 2nd. No primary will be held. Winners of the February primary and those who otherwise qualify for the ballot will appear on the special election ballot. Read Judge Grady’s permanent injunction order by clicking here.


IEA endorses Topinka, Kelly

Monday, Aug 2, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As I told subscribers last week, the IEA has endorsed Judy Baar Topinka for comptroller. This is important to the race because the union gave a huge pile of money to Topinka’s Democratic opponent Rep. David Miller in the primary. From a press release

The 133,000-member Illinois Education Association (IEA) is recommending Republican Judy Baar Topinka for state comptroller and Democrat Robin Kelly for state treasurer. […]

“Her experience as three-term state treasurer ensures that Judy Baar Topinka will hit the ground running as comptroller at a time when an experienced hand is crucial for the good of our state,” [IEA President Ken Swanson] Swanson said. […]

“We all know that our state budget is in crisis. Robin Kelly has the experience needed to run the treasurer’s office at this important time in our state’s history,” Swanson said.

Other recommendations announced by IEA include: Democratic incumbents Lisa Madigan and Jesse White for Illinois Attorney General and Illinois Secretary of State.

Topinka is a surprise because of the primary contributions to Miller and his sponsorship of a big tax hike. But Miller also voted for that pension reform bill. Kelly has to be pleased with this nod since the union often polls extensively before endorsing. The IEA also endorsed Lisa Madigan and Jesse White. The union has not yet endorsed in the US Senate race.

* Related and a roundup of stuff I forgot to post earlier today…

* Quinn puts brakes on school mandates: Gov. Pat Quinn has signed a new law that holds lawmakers from passing any new instructional mandates. Instructional mandates require school districts to integrate certain topics into their curriculums. The mandates can call for new standards in subjects ranging from history and language to driver’s education and physical health.

* AT&T, others made big donations, got action in Illinois General Assembly : AT&T asked the Legislature to ease telecom regulations so it could more easily compete in the exploding wireless market. The bill, though controversial among consumer advocates, was approved without a single “no” vote from state elected officials — who, collectively, have received more than a half-million dollars in campaign donations from the company since January 2009.

* Cheers & Jeers: Quinn continues to wreak havoc on lives

* Illinois Views: Furlough plan filled with confusion

* Our Opinion: Quinn has opportunity to offer in-depth budget proposal

* Our View: Quinn should stop abusing his veto power

* Reject rewrite of bill to clean up lists of voters

* Illinois Ready To Help Michigan

* Critics blast law allowing flood-plain development

* Employers who fail to pay workers to face tougher penalties

* Illinois penalizes employers who shortchange workers

* Illinois Stiffens Penalties for Wage Theft

* Our View: New watchdog will help improve tollway’s image

* Quinn makes appointments to 4 state boards

* State grants help fund renovations to Kelly Park


Strike two

Monday, Aug 2, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* You would think that after the state treasurer’s office stirred up a hornet’s nest by opening satellite offices right before the election they’d be extra careful about mixing state business with politics. You’d be wrong

Alexi Giannoulias is the state treasurer of Illinois, but it’s hard to tell from the just-published quarterly issue of his office’s Financial Education Newsletter, which has almost nothing to say about what the Democratic incumbent’s been up to but is chock full of news about his chief of staff.

That would be Robin Kelly, who is pictured five times in the four-page newsletter and is prominently quoted on at least three pages. She happens to be the Democratic candidate to succeed Mr. Giannoulias as treasurer in the November general election, just three months from now.

Right on page one, the newsletter talks about how Ms. Kelly welcomed attendants at the office’s annual Smart Women Smart Money conference. A couple of pictures of her presenting awards are on page two.

Page three shows and tells about Ms. Kelly working to establish savings accounts for children and to award Bright Start scholarships. And while there’s no picture on page four, she is quoted again talking about a new program to help low-income folks save money.

Page four also happens to include the only mention of Mr. Giannoulias that I could find.

Go have a look for yourself. Blatant. Not only is she pictured five times, her name is mentioned on every single page.

…Adding… From the treasurer’s office…

Hi Rich,

I’d like you to clarify a few items for your readers.

Under this administration, we’ve cut our staff by 17 percent (about 40 positions) at the same time we’ve worked to improve outreach and financial education through free or low-cost means such as satellite offices and newsletters.

The financial education newsletter has been distributed on a quarterly basis since Winter 2008 via email — not by mail – and they are all available on our website for review. It has always featured both Robin and Alexi, along with other members of our Financial Education staff.

Recipients voluntarily sign up for the newsletter at our financial education events, including Smart Women Smart Money conferences. SWSM was established under the previous administration 10 years ago and continues to draw hundreds of participants each year from across the state. SWSM is presented by Dollars & Sense Inc., a not-for-profit organization, thanks to corporate sponsorships.

The Illinois State Treasurer’s Offices operates six satellite offices across the state to save money and improve constituent services. We put out this fact sheet in July, but it appears that people need to be reminded that these offices have been rolled out since 2007 at a net savings to taxpayers.

FACT: In every year of the Giannoulias administration at least one new satellite office has been opened.

FACT: In every instance the satellite office is rent-free.

FACT: STO employees were already working in every part of the state and were incurring high travel expenses prior to satellite offices opening.

FACT: Even after accounting for expenses like phone lines and internet, the reduced travel costs have saved the STO $30,000 and counting already.

FACT: STO regional employees are cross-trained on all STO programs allowing them to provide service to citizens and communities throughout the state.

FACT: Prior to opening the satellite offices Illinois citizens were forced to drive to either Springfield or Chicago to go to the Treasurer’s office. Here are the distances saved:
· Rockford (90 miles)
· Rock Island (160 miles)
· Effingham (90 miles)
· Collinsville (80 miles)
· Mt. Vernon (130 miles)

FACT: The State Treasurer’s office has 17% fewer employees under the Giannoulias administration than under the previous one.



Question of the day

Monday, Aug 2, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* OneMan was passing by the federal building today and took this snapshot of a few media types awaiting the Blagojevich verdict…

* The Question: Caption?


Dumbest lede of the week, and other media weirdness

Monday, Aug 2, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yeah, it’s only Monday, but I’m pretty confident this entry will hold up. From the Kankakee Daily Journal

Scott Lee Cohen has been called of many things since his early March departure as the Democratic Party nominee for lieutenant governor.

The word “quitter” isn’t among them.

The 45-year-old Cohen, now an independent candidate for Illinois governor, was in Bourbonnais Friday afternoon and stated he’s in this race because that’s what the people have asked of him.

Nobody has called SLC a quitter since he quit the lt. governor’s race? Really? Huh. I must’ve missed that.

* Bankrupt Mother Tribune spent precious dollars polling 800 Chicagoans and then posted the results on its Breaking News page

The poll found a sparse 4 percent of Chicago-area residents consider August their favorite month. June ranked No. 1 at 21 percent, with July and its accompanying fireworks a close second at 18 percent.

As summer gives way to fall, people remain moderately happy through October — 13 percent ranked it as their favorite — then the bottom drops out with only 1 percent ranking November tops. December’s slightly more popular with 3 percent, but that’s likely just the holiday bump, and well within the poll’s plus or minus 3.5 percent margin of error.

Thanks so much.

* I originally posted this one below, but I’ve moved it up here because it’s gotta be our most vacuous story of the day

Not only did Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign embrace social media, but social media, in turn, embraced Obama.

The story then goes on to report how many Facebook friends and Twitter followers various suburban candidates have. Scintillating…

Facebook and Twitter, too, reveal similar numbers of followers and message styles. Seals has 1,222 followers on his political page. Dold has 1,319. Twitter shows Dold has 162 followers with 27 tweets, and Seals has 224 followers with 82 tweets. […]

On July 20, Dold posted on Facebook about his first radio ad, which he said introduced his reasons for running for office, and his “philosophy as a fiscal conservative and social moderate.”

Those looking at the page not only had the opportunity to click on a link to hear the ad on his website, but could comment on the ad itself. A dozen different Facebook users either commented on the ad or “liked” the post.

“We don’t want to overload people,” Dold said. “We’ve been focused on creating a conversation.”

This would’ve been a great opportunity to point out the dangers of a candidate posting his/her thoughts on Facebook, like when Dold appeared to approve of a hugely controversial budget plan and then deleted his Facebook post when Seals tried to make some hay out of it. But, no.

* Least dubious commentator of the month award (and it’s only August 2nd) goes to a Fox News contributor

“I just got a call earlier today from Michael Steele’s office. I can’t disclose what’s going on right now, but I do expect a lot of support from the RNC,” Hayes told me on July 27.

Regardless of support and the Blagojevich trial touching Jackson’s reputation, the fight will be difficult for Hayes. At the moment, he has only $30,000 in his war chest and Chicago’s 2nd district has not elected a republican since 1950.

The “Hayes” in the story is Isaac Hayes, the Republican opponent of Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. Hayes’ fight will be more than just “difficult.” It’s impossible. The 538 site just rated the district as the tenth most Democratic in the nation. I really doubt Chairman Steele has that kind of money to burn.

* Most flat-out bizarre slam on me that I’ve ever seen

Now the Capitol Fax has not to date written a word about Al Gore meeting prosecutors because an Irish female masseuse wouldn’t give him a hand.

Thanks, Tom. I laughed so hard I almost cried. Made my week.

* The power of “E.” From the Drudge Report…


Mistakes happen.

* Seen anything goofy lately?

…Adding… I forgot about this lede. Let’s call it our first runner-up

What could have been a soul-stirring celebration of the music of Stephen Sondheim — and a thrilling culmination of ten years of distinguished Sondheim celebrations at the Ravinia Festival — was allowed to fall victim to some bone-headed planning on Saturday night. The debacle on the North Shore was a textbook example of what can happen when an arts venue worries too much about food and drink for its big donors and forgets its real business of fulfilling the artistic souls of the regular folks — the Sondheim lovers without the bow-ties and the fine gowns — at the back of the pavilion and out on the lawn.

Debacle? Really?


Sam Adam’s torment

Monday, Aug 2, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune’s profile of Sam Adam, Jr. reveals a very nervous man in anticipation of the Blagojevich verdict…

“I’m so nervous, I can’t eat. I can’t sleep,” he says. “I’m dead tired, so it’s tough to stay focused. I’m sort of a wreck.” […]

In the end, Adam says he gave “about 70 percent” of his planned closing. During his final argument Tuesday, Adam apologized to the jury for rambling. On Friday, three days later, he was still analyzing his performance.

“Of course you second-guess yourself,” he says. “I have nothing to do but wait. So I replay the entire trial in my head and wonder if I should have done something differently. But I believe I did the best I could.”

On Thursday, the first full day of deliberations, Adam says he sat in his Woodlawn office and watched his computer screen as a slideshow of his two children played on an endless loop. The jury sent a note around 10:30 a.m. apparently asking for the transcript of the prosecution’s closing. Adam says he and his father, Sam Adam Sr., who defended the case with him, spent an hour or so debating its possible meaning before deciding they couldn’t possibly know.

Watch the Trib’s video, though, and you see true torment. The Trib didn’t use some of the best Adam quotes…

“If we lose this case, to some degree it’s true it’s my fault.”

“I know that family. I know Annie, I know Amy, I know Patti, I know Rod, very well. And to think of what’s going to happen, it’s a very nervous thing… I’m living a case in which this man is going to be taken away from his babies. Taken away from his babies. Of course I’m nervous about that. And that my f-f-f-failures. or my bad decisions, or my ability, or should I say non-ability, to make the jury see what I see, of course that makes me nervous. If this happens it goes on me.”

“You very well may have a technical violation of the law. You may… All I can tell you is I did the best that I can… This is politics, this is politics as usual. Maybe I lose that argument, I’ll be the first to say ‘OK, I couldn’t make the sale.’”

Watch it

* Roundup…

* Morning hearing canceled, jury back for day 4

* A corruption verdict and 12 angry voters

* If only big brother Rob had given brotherly advice

* Blagojevich die-hards small, but loyal

* Blagojevich on corruption: In his own words

* Don’t be so hard on Rod

* Me on Rod B: The early years

* The lighter side of the Blagojevich trial

* Northwest Indiana Serbs Awaiting Blagojevich Verdict


On taxes and third parties

Monday, Aug 2, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My latest syndicated newspaper column is about last week’s Quinn/Brady dustup and some related polling crosstabs. Read on

Gov. Pat Quinn was in rare form last week as he attacked state Sen. Bill Brady before his Republican opponent had a chance to get his own licks in.

Quinn was put in an extremely awkward position by his budget director, who indicated to an out-of-state reporter that the state’s income taxes would be increased to 5 percent from its current 3 percent come January. Democrats were predictably stunned by the political stupidity of such a thing, and Republicans were predictably foaming at the mouth with outrage. The virulently anti-tax Brady quickly scheduled a press conference, and we all knew what was coming: Unadulterated vitriol.

The governor explained to reporters that his budget guru had been “misconstrued.” Raising the income tax to 5 percent wasn’t his plan, Quinn declared, vowing to veto any tax increase above 1 percentage point.

But in between the defenses, the governor engaged in a full-throttled attack on Brady for proposing to cut education funding by 10 percent as part of Brady’s across-the-board budget reduction plan. Quinn claimed Brady’s proposed billion-dollar slash would force the layoffs of “thousands of teachers,” crowd classrooms to the breaking point and, most importantly, cause property taxes to “skyrocket.” You could barely count to three in between Quinn’s warnings about how Brady would force property taxes through the roof.

“I’m a person who wants to hold down property taxes,” Quinn said. “If we want a growing economy, we cannot have politicians from Bloomington running around Illinois telling people before an election nothing is going to happen as far as tax reform when it comes to supporting education, but then after the election presiding over the biggest property tax in Illinois history.”

“I don’t want to see these local property taxes go up,” Quinn said moments later. “You’ve got to be careful of these apostles of ‘no tax.’ When they talk, they have their fingers crossed because they know the local government is going to raise the property tax on people.”

And he wasn’t finished. “I know that there’s going to be false prophets running around Illinois saying, ‘We don’t have to do anything, just stand still, cut the budget of state government for education by 10 percent.’ Make sure that everybody knows what this fellow is talking about. He wants to cut the school budget in Illinois, the education budget, by 10 percent. How are you going to fund the schools?”

Yeah, he laid it on pretty darned thick.

And considering the position Quinn was in, the property tax angle might not have been a bad push-back. People are probably more upset about the property tax than any other tax in the state. If he has to divert attention from his own proposed income tax hike, that’s the way to go. There is also little doubt that large, permanent cuts to education and local government eventually will lead to property tax hikes.

Then again, the negative messages pushed by Quinn apparently haven’t worked all that well. The latest Rasmussen poll has Brady with a seven-point, 44-37 lead, despite Quinn already having spent $2 million or so on viciously anti-Brady TV advertising.

More ominously, the poll of 750 likely voters taken July 26 found that a big chunk of Quinn’s “must get” vote is now seriously considering voting for a third party candidate. And there may be plenty of those to choose from this year.

A staggering 23 percent of African-Americans, 19 percent of moderates, 14 percent of Democrats and women and 10 percent of liberals chose “Some other candidate” in the poll. Just one of those demographics - moderates - was in double digits in Rasmussen’s June 7 poll. Quinn’s advertising has been so crushingly negative (which tends to push people away) and his job performance has been so utterly abominable lately that people apparently are heading for the exit doors.

That isn’t happening to Brady. His natural base - Republicans, conservatives, men, whites and people making more than $100,000 a year - are all still in the single digits on the “Some other candidate” response. Just 3 percent of Republicans are thinking of straying, for instance.

And it also isn’t happening to Quinn’s fellow statewide Democrat Alexi Giannoulias. Not a single one of those “must get” Democratic constituencies is in double-digits on Rasmussen’s “Some other candidate” response for the U.S. Senate campaign.

Pat Quinn’s worst enemy has always been Pat Quinn, and it’s no different now.

* In fairness to Quinn, he’s only the third most unpopular governor facing reelection this year, according to Public Policy Polling. Iowa’s and Massachusetts’ Democratic guvs are polling worse.

* Related and a campaign roundup…

* ADDED: Poll watch: Dems find glimmers of hope: One of those is in Illinois, the 10th District seat currently held by Mark Kirk. And an internal poll from that race, obtained by the Swamp, showed Dan Seals (D) with a 46-38 lead over Robert Dold (R). The poll was conducted in late May; though there have been few major developments specific to the race, the national climate remains volatile. But we’ve seen Illinois races less prone to national trends, given President Obama’s consistently strong numbers in his home state.

* Introducing Partisan Propensity Index (PPI): It turns out that there’s one other factor which is fairly useful to look at, which is socioeconomic status. Relative to how they do for the Presidency, Democrats are somewhat more likely to win races for Congress in poorer districts, and somewhat more likely to lose them in wealthier ones. Another way to put this is that a split ticket of Republican for President, Democrat for Congress is more likely to occur in a poor district, whereas a split ticket of Democrat for President, Republican for Congress is more likely to occur in a wealthy one…. Most of the places where Democrats hold seats in the House in spite of a disadvantageous PVI — think TX-17 or MS-4 or TN-4 or OK-2 or the couple of Democrats in West Virginia — are poor, and most of the places where the reverse is true — think Mark Kirk in upscale IL-10 or Mike Castle in Delaware — are fairly well-off.

* Congressional Candidates: No Residency Required: Bobby Schilling acknowledged he doesn’t live in the district he’s seeking to represent, but noted that his Moline restaurant and his life history are tied to the 17th District.

* Democrats Maintain Advantage on Generic Ballot, 48% to 44%

* First thoughts: Are Democrats closing the gap?

* Cut minimum wage? Readers speak out

* Brady’s conservative roots go deep in Bloomington

* Nancy Brady provides steady dose of reality

* An alternative for Illinois: Adam Turl talks to Rich Whitney, the Green Party candidate for Illinois governor, about solutions to the economic crisis and the November election.

* Rich Whitney on WBBM Radio’s At Issue program [Fixed link]

* Independent governor candidate drops out, sells T-shirts: Frequent political candidate William “Dock” Walls is withdrawing from the Illinois governor’s race for the second time this year, but the latest announcement from the veteran African-American activist was a bit unusual. Last night, Walls sent out e-mails to reporters touting a T-shirt business that listed him as the contact. There was no word about his latest independent bid to run for governor, just a plug for customizable t-shirts. It wasn’t until today that a news release arrived from Green Party candidate Rich Whitney in which he claimed Walls’ endorsement. Whitney said in the statement that he was “thrilled that he has the support of such an important force for social change in Chicago.”

* Lex Green press release: Bill Brady found to be against voter choice in Illinois: The truth is out about who is behind the attack on voter choice. During petition challenges against the Constitution Party, one of the objectors stated that he is working for Bill Brady. In spite of Senator Brady’s silence about this disregard for ethical ballot choice, he is, in fact, a co-conspirator. And the lawyer who is the principle objector is John Fogarty, long time ally of Tom Cross. It looks like the Republican Party is calling out the big guns.

* GOP candidate for treasurer to launch iPhone app

* Why not terrify pols with voter clubs?

* Bernard Schoenburg: Franken to rally local Democrats

* Daley well-aware of Claypool danger


What am I missing here?

Monday, Aug 2, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Other than making a little pop as President Obama rolls into town, I’m not quite sure what the purpose is behind today’s Sun-Times story

By February 2006, businessman and political fixer Tony Rezko was already politically radioactive, caught up in a federal investigation that would see him criminally charged by the end of that year.

News reports had linked Rezko, a key adviser and campaign fund-raiser for then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich, to shady deals involving state pension funds — among the crimes that ultimately would send him to prison.

This was the Tony Rezko who, looking for millions of dollars for a massive South Loop development, turned to Broadway Bank, owned by the family of Alexi Giannoulias. Giannoulias, the Democrat now running for U.S. Senate, had left his post as a senior loan officer at the Chicago bank in late 2005 to mount a successful campaign for Illinois state treasurer, though he still held an ownership stake in the bank.

Giannoulias has said previously that he and his family’s bank couldn’t have known back in 2002 when they loaned Rezko money that he would become so radioactive. That’s the big hook for this story: Aha! Rezko got a loan in 2006! Everybody knew he was shady by then!

But, wait a sec. Rezko’s name appears nowhere on the loan because he was a minority partner. The company got the loan at least three months after Giannoulias took a paid leave of absence from the bank. The company paid the loan back a few months later by taking out another loan from a different bank.

Am I missing something here?

* This story, however, is more meaningful

Giannoulias, already facing questions about his fundraising after bringing in less than $900,000 for his general election campaign in the past quarter, finished June with more than $200,000 in debts left over from a competitive fight for the Democratic nomination.

The candidate owes a total of $208,438 to vendors and staffers, according to his most recent Federal Election Commission filing. More than $61,000 of the debt is owed to consulting firm Adelstein Liston, which produces Giannoulias’s television ads. An additional $41,450 covers unpaid bonuses to staff members and consultants left over from the primary. […]

Giannoulias has held onto his debt for months, though: The Illinois primary was the first of the year, back in February. And his fundraising contrasts sharply with Republican nominee Mark Kirk’s. The congressman raised $2.3 million in the second quarter and ended June with $3.9 million in the bank, compared with $1 million for Giannoulias.

It’s one thing to owe a debt to yourself because those don’t have to be paid back right away. It’s quite another to owe that much cash to vendors and staffers this far away from the primary. Giannoulias’ position is mighty tenuous. He’d better raise a whole lot of moolah when the preznit hits town.

* Meanwhile, does anybody in their right mind really think that a VAT will pass after the election if the national Democrats lose a ton of seats? Senate Republicans are gonna line up to help break a filibuster shortly before their position is improved? This looks like a straw man

U.S. Senate nominee Mark Kirk, now a congressman from the North Shore, has new legislation that would ban the federal government from imposing a national sales tax, more commonly known as a value-added tax, or VAT.

The action amounted to a bit of political theater, since no authority exists now for the feds to impose a VAT; one would have to be approved by Congress. But the good congressman was trying to make a point, and did: no new taxes named VAT.

* Related…

* Peoria needs more than lip service, generic priorities in Senate race: Republican U.S. Senate candidate Mark Kirk dropped into town a little over a week ago to unveil his “Peoria Agenda.” … Unfortunately, after looking through his “Peoria Agenda,” our first-blush reaction is that it’s rather generic. Of Kirk’s nine priorities, only three involve specific policy proposals. The remainder are vague pledges of support for things no sane candidate would oppose.

* Mark Kirk on southern Illinois swing


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Monday, Aug 2, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: This just in… Major Friday night action on controversial bills

Saturday, Jul 31, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, Jul 30, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It’s been a pretty good week. Hope the weekend is even better. The Ditty Bops will play us out

When you stomp your feet you aren’t hurting me

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And here’s the Vaught video…

Friday, Jul 30, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yesterday, Gov. Pat Quinn claimed that Bloomberg News had “misconstrued” his budget director David Vaught’s remarks when it ran this story

Lawmakers will likely increase the personal tax to 5 percent from 3 percent, generating $6 billion of new revenue, the budget director, David Vaught, said in an interview. The legislature failed to address the deficit this year because of the pending November election, he said.

“We’re going to pass a tax increase in January,” Vaught said. “We expect it is going to be substantial.”

Bloomberg has posted the video from the interview. I’ve edited it down a bit. Have a look

When asked how he defined “substantial,” Vaught pointed to Gov. Quinn’s latest one-point tax hike plan, but then went on to describe how the Senate had already passed a 67 percent income tax increase and related how the governor himself had testified at a House committee in favor of that very same tax increase.

More importantly, listen closely to what John Sinsheimer, Quinn’s director of capital markets, has to say. He points out that the “deficit” is $6 billion…

“The overseas investors we talked to, when we told them we could balance the budget with a 2 percent increase in individual and corporate income taxes, that pretty much raises $6 billion, slightly less than that.”

So, the Quinn team was also telling foreign investors how they could wipe out the deficit with a 67 percent tax hike.

I’ll leave it to others to judge whether or not Bloomberg “misconstrued” the remarks, but it seems clear from these excerpts, at least, that the two men were pointing heavily at increasing the income tax from 3 to 5 percent come January.


Question of the day

Friday, Jul 30, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Every campaign season about this time, I have to begin issuing stern warnings to newcomers and oldtimers alike.

The passions are understandably increasing as election day draws near, and that means the comments are sometimes turning ugly.

If you’re new here, try to keep in mind that this isn’t a newspaper website or a “normal” blog. We thrive on vigorous, healthy debate on this site. We don’t have any tolerance for stupid drive-by comments, Ad Hominem attacks, racism, swearing, bumper sticker slogans, rumor mongering, sock puppetry or the rest of the madness that you’ll find just about everywhere else on the Interwebtubenets. I’ve permanently banned two newbies in the past 12 hours, and I’ll continue doing so. You’re not welcome here if you can’t behave. And if you go too far over the line, I’ll personally track you down at your job or at your home and mete out some real-life punishment. I’ve done it before, I’ll do it again. Don’t push me.

And to the oldtimers, most of you love this site as much as I do. Don’t blow it by going all nutso on us. Lifetime bans, like diamonds, are forever.

This place is like my tavern. Feel free to come in and enjoy yourself, befriend the other customers, even consider it your second home. I fully believe that this is your place, too. But get too far outta line and you’re gone.

* I received an e-mail early this morning that you should all read…

I love your site! I never participated in blogs before, but found myself at the Tribune trial blog after looking for info on the Blagojevich trial. I must say that this 60 year old woman was shocked at some of the ignorant and stupid comments.

Anyway, your site was mentioned and i have been so pleased. I have learned so much in just 3 days. How refreshing that people can disagree and express opinions without being insulting and calling names. Thank you so much.

Let’s keep it that way, please.

* The Question: What, in your opinion, is the worst Illinois website for ugly, out of control comments? Give examples if you can. But keep it clean.


Jurors want trial transcripts, judge says no

Friday, Jul 30, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rod and Robert Blagojevich’s jurors have asked for transcripts of the entire trial. Judge Zagel said “No,” but left the door open for transcripts from specific witnesses

“Is it permissible to obtain a transcript of the testimony. It would be helpful,” the note read.

And the answer to that question is no.

However, U.S. District Judge James Zagel said, with agreement by the lawyers, he will respond by telling the jurors that the testimony of certain witnesses would be considered.

Zagel noted that if (and when) that requests comes, it will take time to prepare the transcripts.

Blagojevich’s attorneys objected to transcripts of individual testimonies

“The government will have the benefit of presenting its case a whole second time,” said Sorosky, who pointed out that the jury took copious notes.

* Natasha Korecki at the Sun-Times believes the jury note could be “a sign that they’re in this for the long-haul,” which is echoed by Daniel Libit at the Chicago News Cooperative, who writes the request could indicate “that deliberations might be going on for longer than expected.” Jeff Coen at the Tribune writes the jurors “may be settling in for a long haul.” Susan Berger goes deeper

The second jury question “Is it permissible to obtain transcript of testimony. It would be helpful” Lots of speculation about this here at Camp Blago. Does this mean they are entirely lost and don’t know where to begin?

Or could it be that just a couple of jurors need convincing? And that they naively asked for transcript not knowing they could ask for just one witness’ testimony?

* Judge Zagel also denied a mistrial motion today

Zagel denied two defense motions – one for a mistrial and another challenging the jury instructions.

* Master predictor Eric Zorn has some more soothsaying for us

Five things to expect if Blagojevich is convicted

1. As is customary in white-collar crimes, he’ll remain free pending sentencing. He’ll immediately hold a news conference in the courthouse lobby at which he and his attorneys will vow to appeal the “unjust result of an unfair trial.”

2. Legal experts will declare that so many rulings went against his defense team that higher courts might well grant him a new trial. But they won’t. If the George Ryan timetable is any guide, the U.S. Supreme Court will deny his final appeal in the fall of 2012.

3. It will be December, maybe even January until Blagojevich’s sentencing hearing. In addressing the judge he will try – and fail – to sound chastened and remorseful while still not really admitting to anything that might jeopardize his appeal: “I should have been more vigilant. Should have been more watchful. Should have been a lot of things, I guess,” is more or less what he will say, echoing George Ryan’s feeble non-apology at his 2006 sentencing. “My charge in public office was to maintain and instill public confidence in the integrity of the government. I tried to do that, but I obviously failed.”

4. He’ll be ordered to report to prison two to four months after he’s sentenced. Again, this delay is customary. […]

5. He will mellow and lower his sights in prison, fashioning himself as a scapegoat and martyr who admittedly, regrettably did wrong, but did so only in an effort to thrive in a terribly corrupt system. Upon his release he will make a modest living as an inspirational speaker and freelance advocate for political reform.

Zorn also has a list of five things to expect if Blagojevich is acquitted. There’s no prediction for what happens in the event of a hung jury. Maybe later.

* Related…

* Jury asks to see prosecution’s closing argument

* Blagojevich jury seeks ‘road map,’ but left to own devices

* Gov rips gov: The Blago File . . .

* Giving Dan Walker a break


*** UPDATED x1 *** Nothing to see here, move along

Friday, Jul 30, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE 1 - 1:41 pm *** Oh, for crying out loud. Now Wikipedia has picked up on this bogus “Brady hacked the ILGA website” story. NBC5 and Chicagoist did so as well. Silly people. They posted their stories even though Progress Illinois has now retracted their original piece. Good job by PI, not so good by the others.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* Considering the massive weirdness of the Brady campaign hacking Wikipedia the other day, another seemingly related story looked kinda interesting when I saw it this week and then when Progress Illinois picked it up yesterday and ran the ominous headline: “Brady Scrubbing The ILGA Website?“…

Sen. Bill Brady’s campaign caught a considerable amount of flack yesterday for replacing factual policy positions on its candidate’s Wikipedia page with a series of canned talking points. Unfortunately, it seems the online encyclopedia isn’t the only website the Brady campaign is scrubbing. And this new allegation is far more serious.

Mark E. Wojcik, a law professor at the John Marshall Law School, penned a letter to the editor in the Windy City Times yesterday alleging that someone is trying to shield the public from Brady’s position on gay rights. The letter states that someone got the folks who run the Illinois General Assembly’s website to remove Brady’s name as chief co-sponsor of a proposed constitutional amendment (SJRCA 95) that would have prohibited the state from recognizing same-sex marriage, civil unions, or domestic partnership.

If coordinated, the effort was successful; Brady’s name is listed at the top of the amendment’s “Full Text” as having introduced the measure but does not show up on the “Bill Status” section at all. We called officials from both Illinois’ Legislative Information Services and the Senate Journal, which controls the website. Neither office knew how such a slip-up could happen and both said that the website should reflect his sponsorship. “Oh my, that should not be,” exclaimed one of the women we talked with.

Those are some pretty serious allegations. And, if true, they would warrant a full-scale probe.

In reality, though, this is a complete non-story because it is standard Senate practice on all resolutions, including constitutional amendments.

In the Senate, for whatever reason, they don’t put the original sponsor’s name in the bill actions section. Let’s look at a Senate resolution from 2007 which made Deb Shipley the Secretary of the Senate. Here is the section which lists sponsors…

Sen. Halvorson was the original chief sponsor. But her name appears nowhere in the actions section…

All it says is “Filed with Secretary.” It doesn’t say by whom. So, if Halvorson had withdrawn her sponsorship, her name would’ve disappeared from the sponsors’ section and you’d never know by looking at the actions section that she was part of the resolution’s history.

On constitutional amendments, the full text versions do list the original sponsors. Brady’s SJRCA95 is no exception.

The House does list sponsors on constitutional amendments in the actions section of their pages. But that wasn’t always the case. If you go back to the 92nd General Assembly and look at this proposed HJRCA, you’ll see that Rep. Doug Hoeft is listed as the original sponsor, but his name doesn’t appear in the actions section.

Anyway, that’s a whole lot of info to say that this is a completely bogus story. But I figured that the GA is my bailiwick so I ought to look into it.

* And speaking of vital issues of seemingly great import that turn up nothing, this story about a Smashing Pumpkins charity event piqued my interest as well

The event even attracted the attention of Gov. Pat Quinn, who appeared before the Pumpkins set to read a proclamation, naming Tuesday as Matthew Leone Day in the state of Illinois and calling Leone “a true American hero.” He also presented a check to the fund.

Rod Blagojevich used to love to go to events like that and hand out or promise state checks. So, was taxpayer money donated to the Pumpkins’ designated charity?

“No, not a state check,” responded Quinn press secretary Grant Klinzman. Turns out, Quinn wrote a check out of his own personal account.

* And speaking of Rod Blagojevich, Pat Quinn showed up late to a press conference this week and caught heck from some reporters

“I really don’t have time for this today,” complains one reporter, repeatedly, to no one in particular. “We’ve got stuff to do, and this isn’t it,” grouses another.

Finally, at six minutes to 10 the governor lopes into the room.

“Twenty-four minutes, guy,” a radio reporter chides, quite loudly, a surprising display of disrespect. Then again, any harried public schoolteacher can coax a classroom of 6-year-olds into their bee costumes and giant sun outfits and shepherd them onstage to sing about good nutrition without being this late

There are other things a governor occasionally has to deal with, and Blagojevich was often hours late, so this ain’t much of a big deal. Still, since his media coverage hasn’t been all that great lately, the guv might want to start showing up on time.

…Adding… Let’s call this one “Much ado about little, so far”

Republican newcomer Bobby Schilling is making a real contest out of his bid to unseat Congressman Phil Hare, D-Rock Island, and could yet produce an upset.

The Cook Political Report, which analyzes federal elections, has changed its rating for the 17th Congressional District of Illinois from “Solid D” to “Likely D,” a sign that Schilling’s campaign has gained some momentum. Real Clear Politics, another election analysis provider, has changed the seat from “Safe Dem” to “Likely Dem.”

There’s still a long campaign ahead before the Nov. 2 election and Hare has much more money to spend on the race. Schilling will be hoping he can ride a wave of anti-government feeling to beat Hare, although the odds are still stacked against that happening.

Hare is not a great campaigner and he’s stumbled and bumbled the past year or so. The map favors Democrats in this district, but it’s not overwhelming. Still, for Hare to go down, the Republican wave would have to be extremely large.

…Adding more… See ya

Key Findings from Recent IL CD-13 Survey July 29, 2010

The following outlines the key findings from a survey commissioned by Judy Biggert for Congress. Interviews were conducted July 27-28, 2010. The margin of error for the entire sample (n=400) is +/- 4.9% at the 95% confidence level.

Judy Biggert is in a strong position heading into October, more than doubling Harper’s vote share.
 Biggert leads Scott Harper 61% to 28%, with 10% undecided. 41% of voters are definitely voting for Biggert compared with only 10% definitely voting for Harper.
 Judy’s job approval is stellar, with 57% of voters approving of the job she is doing and only 30% disapproving.
Harper has very little definition and a rather poor favorable to unfavorable ratio.
 Harper’s favorable to unfavorable ratio is only 11% favorable: 8% unfavorable. Conversely, Biggert’s is 62% favorable: 26% unfavorable.
 Even among those who are aware of Harper (46% of the electorate), he still trails Biggert 56%-33%.
As seen in the rest of the country, the political environment has improved significantly since Harper’s previous attempt in 2008.
 In October 2008 the generic Congressional ballot in this district was tied (42%-42%). Today the generic Republican leads 47%-31%.
 Both Kirk and Brady are leading in this district as well, with Kirk leading Giannoulias 49%-37% and Brady leading Quinn 49%-35%.
Judy Biggert is well positioned to be re-elected with Harper facing a difficult political environment as well as an extremely popular and well financed incumbent. It is hard to imagine the Democratic Party and their donors becoming engaged in this race with so many vulnerable incumbents to protect.


Quinn, Brady spar over taxes, education cuts

Friday, Jul 30, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We have the audio files of Gov. Pat Quinn’s fiery press conference yesterday where he slammed Sen. Bill Brady for proposing a $1 billion cut to education funding and fended off questions about his budget director’s comments regarding the likelihood of a large tax hike in January. Part 1

At the beginning of Part 2, Quinn vows to veto any income tax hike that is over one percentage point

* Let’s look at the coverage. Sun-Times

Quinn said he only plans to push what he has publicly proposed previously — a hike to 4 percent, with the extra money to be spent on education. While he still has to convince legislators to support it, that could be easier to do after the Nov. 2 election.

Quinn said the Bloomberg reporter misinterpreted what Vaught said.

“He was asked a question about another plan and the reporter, from Texas, misconstrued his answer,” Quinn said.

Did Quinn admonish Vaught, to whom Quinn recently gave a $30,000 salary increase?

“I don’t think he should philosophize about taxes. I will tell him that,” Quinn said.


Quinn said Brady is spouting “fairy tales,” noting his opponent has yet to offer specifics on how to get the state out of the red ink. Quinn said without a tax increase, Brady would have to cut education funding. Quinn said would lead to property tax increases as local governments try to make up the difference.

“You’ve got to be careful with these apostles of no tax,” Quinn said. “When they talk, they have their fingers crossed because they know the local government will raise the property taxes on you for schools and other things. I don’t think that’s the right way to go.”

A Brady spokeswoman dismissed those allegation.

“Pat Quinn will say anything to get elected,” Brady spokeswoman Patty Schuh said. “He proposes tax increases all year long, but somehow tries to blame someone else.”

The property tax angle was an integral part of Quinn’s pitch yesterday.


The governor vowed to convince voters before the election that, if Brady carries through with planned cuts spending for state programs including education, property taxpayers will pay the price.

“If the state doesn’t properly fund school, then local property taxes skyrocket. They’re backbreaking already,” said Quinn.

The Republican was asked about the governor’s charge that local property taxes would increase under a Brady administration.

“Now I’ve made it very clear. We have to cut a dime on every dollar, and we have to focus on waste, fraud, corruption, abuse and mismanagement,” said Brady.

That’s not very clear. Brady was a bit more specific with Crain’s

Asked directly if his plan would cut state aid to schools by 10%, Mr. Brady went out on his own political limb, saying it would. “Sure. It would apply to everything.”

Schools will jsut have to “rood out fraud and abuse” and take other efficiencies, he said. “We cannot afford to raise taxes on families and businesses.”

Fox Chicago

Brady responded that his proposed budget cuts “would not have to” force massive teacher layoffs. When pressed by FOX Chicago News for details of his budget cuts, Brady declined.

His chief spokeswoman said Brady is “working on” a plan with more details. Campaign sources, though, said that identifying specific budget cuts might not be smart politics.

They said it might open Brady up to new attacks from Democrats and special interests.


Steve Brown, spokesman for House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, said Madigan believes any revenue increase “would have to have a bipartisan coalition to pass,” meaning some votes would have to come from House Republicans.

House GOP Leader Tom Cross issued a statement Thursday that provided no hint that such a coalition is about to form.

“It is shocking to me that Governor Quinn’s administration remains fixated on an income tax increase by 67 percent, and not focused on reforms and streamlining government,” Cross said. “Taxpayers are sick and tired of paying for the Democrats’ flippant behavior when it comes to their money.

* Brady also defended his proposed cut to the gasoline sales tax yesterday

Brady offered a classic supply-side defense of his proposal to cut gasoline taxes. Instead of costing the state treasury, Brady predicted it would eventually bring in more revenue:

“People are travelling to neighboring states to buy their gas, to buy their beverages, to buy their cigarettes, and their bread. Reducing that tax will foster economic activity that will outpace the loss in very short order.”

George Ryan tried that and it didn’t work. In fact, Ryan said that was the biggest mistake of his administration.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Friday, Jul 30, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

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This just in… Dem women to demand answers about “cover up”

Friday, Jul 30, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 12:34 am - From a press release…


WHO: State Senator Iris Martinez, State Representative Karen Yarbrough, State Representative Sarah Feigenholtz, Melissa Widen, PersonalPAC Board of Directors Vice-Chairman


WHEN: Friday, July 30th at 12:00 p.m.

WHERE: Democratic Party of Cook County, 134 N LaSalle Blvd, 14th Floor, Chicago

SUBJECT: WOMEN DEMAND RESPONSE AFTER COVER UP OF SEXUAL MISCONDUCT ALLEGATIONS IN ILLINOIS GOP CHICAGO - Illinois women are demanding the truth from GOP standard-bearer Senator Bill Brady after his party covered up allegations of sexual misconduct by a top GOP leader. After two governors who betrayed the public trust, Illinois cannot afford a repeat of the problems of the past. Women and all voters should be concerned that a cover up of this magnitude was perpetuated by Illinois Republicans. The press conference will be held at the Democratic Party of Cook County offices, 134 N LaSalle Blvd, 14th Floor, Chicago, IL.

The background to this story can be found here. The mainstream Chicago media has completely ignored these allegations. We’ll see what happens after the press conference.


* Sunday roundup: Rep. Williams says no takeover; 'Guardrail' bill floated; More alderpersons sign letter; Biz weighs in; CTU president claims city pays the bills for 'every municipality in this state'
* News coverage roundup: Entire Chicago Board of Education to resign (Updated x2)
* Mayor to announce school board appointments on Monday
* Reader comments closed for the weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Question of the day (Updated)
* Ahead of mass school board resignation, some mayoral opponents ask Pritzker to step in, but he says he has no legal authority (Updated x5)
* Governor’s office says Senate Republicans are “spreading falsehoods” with their calls for DCFS audit (Updated)
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* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and some campaign and court-related stuff
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