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Pritzker says pols who say they won’t comply with new assault weapons ban law “are trying to politically grandstand” - “You don’t get to choose which laws you comply with”

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. JB Pritzker was asked today about the Republican legislators and others who have said they will not comply with aspects of the assault weapons ban law. His response

You don’t get to choose which laws you comply with in the state of Illinois. … There are, of course, people who are trying to politically grandstand who want to make a name for themselves by claiming that they will not comply. But the reality is that the State Police is responsible for enforcement, as are all law enforcement all across this state. And they will in fact, do their job or they won’t be in there.

After a follow-up

Well remember that anybody who doesn’t comply there are consequences for that. We’ve given people I think a year, about a year right for people to comply, to fill out the paperwork and so on and and we expect them to do that.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Pritzker to sign the assault weapons ban tonight at 8

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* There will be no BlueRoomStream password on this event, so you can watch online by clicking here

This post will likely be updated.

…Adding… The House has a parliamentary hold on the bill, but that’ll be removed whenever the chamber returns. Even so, the House and Senate still have a lot of work to do, so this might not happen until later this evening.

…Adding… They’re setting up

…Adding… The governor’s office has officially scheduled the bill-signing for 8 o’clock tonight, so I changed the headline.

*** UPDATE *** Here you go…

Standing alongside lawmakers and gun control activists, Governor Pritzker signed the Protect Illinois Communities Act banning the sale and distribution of assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and switches in Illinois, effective immediately.

“For the past four years, my administration and my colleagues in the State Capitol have been battling the powerful forces of the NRA to enshrine the strongest and most effective gun violence legislation that we possibly can,” said Gov. JB Pritzker. “I couldn’t be prouder to say that we got it done. And we will keep fighting — bill by bill, vote by vote, and protest by protest — to ensure that future generations only hear about massacres like Highland Park, Sandy Hook, and Uvalde in their textbooks.”

“Gun violence anywhere is a threat to wellbeing everywhere. In Illinois, lawmakers, advocates, and gun violence survivors stood together and worked for decisive, protective change,” said Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton. “Thank you, Governor Pritzker, for your steadfast leadership on this issue. Illinois is proud to do the work and to pass one of the strongest pieces of legislation in the country to make communities safer. Gun violence is not our normal, and it never will be.”

“From ending the sale of assault rifles to stopping the tidal wave of guns flooding into Illinois from surrounding states, the Protect Illinois Communities Act is one of the strongest gun safety laws in the nation,” said House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch. “This legislation is the culmination of months of negotiations between advocacy organizations, law enforcement, state leaders, and stakeholders from across the state. We know that gun violence is an epidemic and an overwhelming majority of Illinoisans agree that the time for common-sense reform is now. Delivering on this promise - the promise to remove these weapons of war from our parks, our schools, our movie theatres, churches, and communities throughout Illinois - will remain one of my proudest achievements as Speaker of the House.”

“I have spent my career working to protect people from the growing plague of gun violence that touches every corner of our state,” said Senate President Don Harmon. “This new law begins the pushback against weapons whose only intent is to eviscerate other human beings. I am proud to have worked on it and even prouder to see it signed into law.”

“Our state demanded firearm reform to reduce gun violence, and the legislature stepped up and delivered one of the strongest bills in the nation, one that can serve as a model for states,” said state Rep. Bob Morgan (D-Deerfield) “I thank Gov. Pritzker, Senate President Harmon, Speaker Welch, and the countless survivors and family members who sat with us, shared their stories, and refused to give up until they got the change we all needed.”

“Illinois joins other states with the strongest assault weapons ban in the nation sending the message that lives are valued over guns,” said state Rep. La Shawn K. Ford (D-Chicago). “Doctors, victims, advocates, and survivors sent a strong message and the General Assembly and the Governor took action.”

“Today, Illinois took a stand against the senseless barrage of gun violence that has plagued our state for far too long. The Protect Illinois Communities Act will undoubtedly save many lives and lead to safer streets, schools, and communities at large,” said state Rep. Maura Hirschauer (D-Batavia). “In honor of the lives lost and changed by gun violence, we must not grow complacent. Let today’s legislative action be the first of many as we work to end gun violence once and for all.”

“This moment is the result of the dedication and leadership of hundreds of survivors, advocates and organizations that lent their voice to this fight to help enact what is now one of the strongest pieces of gun safety legislation in the country,” said Protect Illinois Communities Chair and President Becky Carroll. “We are ever grateful to Governor JB Pritzker for his unwavering commitment to this issue, and signing the Protect Illinois Communities Act into law, and to Speaker Chris Welch, Senate President Don Harmon, and Representative Bob Morgan for their leadership on making this historic day possible. We were fortunate to join forces with leading organizations here at home and from across the country, including Brady, Everytown, Giffords, Gun Violence Prevention PAC, and others, to take real action on preventing gun violence in our communities and saving lives.”

“This lifesaving package will go a long way toward getting assault weapons and high-capacity magazines off the streets, keeping guns away from people in crisis through red flag laws, and holding illegal gun traffickers accountable for taking advantage of weak laws in neighboring states,” said Everytown President John Feinblatt. “This victory was made possible by Illinois Moms Demand Action volunteers, who were a vocal presence in Springfield. Everytown is grateful to Governor Pritzker, Representative Morgan, Speaker Welch, President Harmon and their colleagues for honoring the victims and survivors of gun violence with action.”

“Today, Illinois took a major step in better protecting families and communities, and ensuring that tragedies such as Highland Park never happen again,” said Brady President Kris Brown. “We have the power to prevent these uniquely American tragedies, and a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines is a critical step towards that future. Our movement will continue until the sale of assault weapons is banned everywhere in the U.S. With this new law, the people of Illinois have shown why they are a leader of gun safety laws. Brady thanks Governor Pritzker, Representative Morgan, Speaker Welch, President Harmon, the entire legislature, GPAC and Protect Illinois Communities, as well as the countless advocates and survivors who persisted in getting this passed.”

“On July 4 in Highland Park, a day of celebration turned into a nightmare after a shooter opened fire on parade watchers, killing seven people and injuring 48. Assault weapons are built to kill and injure quickly and efficiently,” said Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. “Our communities deserve safety and security. I applaud Illinois leaders Representative Bob Morgan, Speaker Chris Welch, President Don Harmon, and Governor J.B. Pritzker for having the courage to act to remove these weapons of war from our streets.”

House Bill 5471 also caps sales of high-capacity ammunition magazines, bans “switches” that convert legal handguns into assault weapons, and extends the ability of courts to prevent dangerous individuals from possessing a gun through firearm restraining orders.

The new law also requires existing owners of semi-automatic rifles to register their ownership, ensuring that law enforcement knows the location of these weapons of war and who to hold accountable if they fall into the wrong hands.

Governor Pritzker has also signed legislation to ban unserialized, privately made “ghost guns,” the first Midwestern state to do so (HB 4383). In 2021, Governor Pritzker signed legislation expanding background checks on all gun sales in Illinois and modernizing and strengthening the Firearm Owners Identification Card System (HB 562). Additionally, Governor Pritzker signed legislation (SB 337) to combat the scourge of illegal gun trafficking, making Illinois the 16th state to require gun dealers to be certified by the state after more than a decade of work. Governor Pritzker’s Reimagine Public Safety Act also established the first ever Office of Firearm Violence Prevention, providing a historic investment in community-based violence prevention for the communities most affected by firearm violence.

House Bill 5471 also codifies the Illinois State Police’s internet-based system for reporting stolen firearms and enhances security around certain gun transfers by requiring such exchanges taking place after July 1, 2023 to be filed with a federally licensed firearms dealer and extending the record-keeping time from 10 to 20 years.

This legislation is effective immediately.


*** UPDATED x1 - House passes bill *** Agreed bill on reproductive and gender-affirming health protections passes Senate

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* HB4664 now goes to the House for concurrence. The House passed a similar bill the other day which was sponsored by Rep. Kelly Cassidy, but there were some issues in the Senate. Things got worked out over the past few days and Rep. Cassidy and stakeholders were able to get to an agreement…

The bill essentially protects patients, doctors and parents who come to Illinois for care. More in a minute.

…Adding… This press release helps explain the bill…

After the overturning of Roe v. Wade, State Senator Laura Fine helped pass legislation to protect people who seek reproductive health care in Illinois. House Bill 4664 passed the Senate making reproductive health care procedures and medicine more accessible and secure, while also increasing support of reproductive health care providers.

“The right to make choices about your body and your health is fundamental,” Senator Fine (D-Glenview) said. “It is disheartening that this right is no longer protected on a federal level. However, in Illinois, this legislation will further protect this right so that no one will be criminalized for seeking or performing reproductive health care.”

Following the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, House Bill 4664 would protect legal and practical access to abortion care in Illinois. With this legislation, people who use reproductive health care in Illinois would be protected from out-of-state subpoenas related to reproductive health care, and out-of-state patients would be eligible to file a counterclaim if a judgment is made against them in another state. Similarly, this bill would protect the licenses of health care professionals who are penalized for providing care that is illegal in another state but legal in Illinois. These protections shield people who utilize reproductive health care in Illinois, where the ability to use or refuse reproductive health care is a fundamental right.

Additionally, the Illinois Department of Public Health would provide grants to underserved areas and transportation hubs for reproductive health care training, ensuring these communities have access to safe and accessible care.

“Attacks on reproductive health care disproportionately impact our most marginalized communities,” Fine said. “Making reproductive health care more accessible will ensure individuals in these communities are able to make the best and safest decisions for their health.”

…Adding… From sponsoring Sen. Celina Villanueva’s closing remarks

Don’t sit here and tell me that you have the moral high ground on your soap boxes over mine. You don’t get to decide what happens to my body. You don’t get to decide what happens to the bodies of a lot of different people from other states that are coming to this state seeking refuge. … We are protecting patients, providers and families here. Illinois is a refuge for people. And I will spend every last breath in my body ensuring that those protections exist for anybody that is coming here seeking to live their lives openly and freely and honestly. I ask for an aye vote.

Her remarks were made in response to claims that the legislation was immoral.

…Adding… Senate President Harmon…

Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) issued the following statement after the Senate passed a comprehensive bill protecting the rights of Illinoisans to receive reproductive and gender affirming health care:

“The Supreme Court sent a clear message when overturning Roe v. Wade that it is willing to ignore precedent and roll back previously granted rights.

“In Illinois, we trust women, and we will protect their right to make their own decisions about their health care and their bodies.

“The legislation passed today solidifies our state against current and future attacks from those looking to roll back the clock and reverse progress.”

*** UPDATE *** The bill passed the House 70-39.

…Adding… Personal PAC…

Personal PAC is thrilled the Illinois General Assembly passed HB4664 today. Illinois has taken another step forward to protect a women’s right to an abortion. The bill ensures that patients and providers have protection and continued access to reproductive healthcare.

* Equality Illinois Deputy Director Mony Ruiz-Velasco…

We are excited House Bill 4664 passed the General Assembly tonight and is on its way to the desk of Governor Pritzker. Illinois is making history as one of the first states to further protections for patients, providers, and families who access reproductive healthcare and gender-affirming healthcare.

LGBTQ+ communities across the country are under attack. Trans people in particular are in urgent need of protection and access to the health care they need and deserve, including abortion and gender-affirming care. This legislation ensures essential protections and access.

We applaud Senator Villanueva, Representative Cassidy, President Harmon, Speaker Welch, and Governor Pritzker for their leadership and perseverance to protect providers, patients, and families in Illinois and those who may come to our great state seeking reproductive healthcare and gender-affirming care and protection from anti-equality, anti-choice states. Thank you for ensuring that Illinois keeps moving forward.

We also appreciate our deep partnership with the providers who care for patients and families and who we advocated with for this important legislation, including Planned Parenthood Illinois Action and Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri. We are humbled to be in this ongoing fight with you to advance human rights and access to affirming healthcare.

* Jennifer Welch, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Illinois Action…

“Planned Parenthood Illinois Action applauds Representative Kelly Cassidy, Senator Celina Villanueva and the pro-choice champions in the Illinois General Assembly for passing a crucial piece of legislation that provides protections for providers and patients and improves access to reproductive and gender affirming health care, ensuring that our state remains a haven in the Midwest. This legislation is an important step in the work that needs to be done. Because of the ever shifting national landscape since Roe was overturned, attacks on bodily autonomy are increasing. Now more than ever we need to continue to fight for equitable access to essential reproductive health care like abortion and gender affirming care because all people should have the freedom to make medical decisions that are best for their bodies, their lives and their families.”

* Yamelsie Rodríguez, president and CEO, Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri (PPSLRSWMO)…

We commend the General Assembly’s urgency and leadership to listen to providers and advocates and act on the public health crisis unfolding in this post-Roe era. PPSLRSWMO looks forward to Governor Pritzker signing the bill into law and operationalizing these bold new policies, which will bring urgent and necessary relief to the abortion care system in Illinois.

* Rep. Kelly Cassidy, lead sponsor of HB4664…

“In the face of grave threats to the rights to privacy, reproductive care and bodily autonomy of Americans everywhere, Illinois once again has stepped up. With this legislation, today, we are ensuring that Illinois will continue to serve the thousands of people traveling to our state every month to receive abortions and other reproductive and gender-affirming health care, which they can no longer access in their home states.

“I thank my colleagues on the Reproductive Rights and Dobbs Decision Working Group who worked with singular focus to craft this legislation, including Leader Greg Harris, Leader LaToya Greenwood, Representatives. Lakesia Collins, Terra Costa Howard, Margaret Croke, Dagmara Avelar, Anna Moeller and Ann Williams. I am grateful to Sen. Celina Villanueva, a fierce champion and relentless voice for reproductive justice in the Senate. And I salute Speaker Welch, Senate President Harmon, and Governor Pritzker for their continued commitment to lead us in the protection of reproductive and gender affirming health care in this state.

“Finally, we all owe a debt of gratitude to the heroic activists and providers across our state who have continued to show up in exceedingly difficult circumstances and provide needed care, all while simultaneously advocating for stronger protections and additional funding in Springfield.”

* Khadine Bennett, Advocacy and Intergovernmental Director at the ACLU of Illinois…

We applaud the members of the House and Senate for acting to reinforce protections for abortion and gender-affirming health care in Illinois. In the wake of the Dobbs decision, we see other states seeking not just to prevent people from accessing abortion in their own states, but also trying to reach beyond their borders with their dangerous abortion restrictions, to places like Illinois. And with hundreds of bills being considered across the country limiting gender-affirming health care, that care also is being threatened.


Illinois lawmakers have made clear that in this state, we trust people to make their own health care decisions with their health care providers, despite attacks from the Supreme Court; we cannot stand by and allow state legislatures elsewhere to create hurdles for patients and providers in Illinois.


The right to health care is an empty promise without meaningful access. House Bill 4664 enhances access for patients and protection for providers in Illinois. This is good policy. 


We especially want to thank Senate President Harmon, House Speaker Welch, Representative Cassidy, Senator Villanueva, and the House Reproductive Health and Dobbs Decision Working Group and staff for all of their work, and commitment to getting this important legislation to the Governor’s desk.


SoS Giannoulias signs Executive Ethics Order

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click here for the EO. Press release…

Keeping a promise he made during his campaign, new Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias signed a wide-ranging Executive Ethics Order shortly after taking office.

“During my campaign, I pledged to issue, implement and enforce a comprehensive ethics package for the Secretary of State’s office upon taking office,” said Secretary Giannoulias. “As my first act, this Executive Ethics Order achieves this commitment from the very start of my administration and sets the bar to adhere to the highest ethical standards in state government.”

The order upgrades and improves transparency, codifies key procedures in the office’s internal policy manual, enhances protections afforded to victims of sexual harassment or threats of violence, and simplifies the public’s ability to submit complaints to the Inspector General’s office.

There are six key provisions that comprise the Executive Ethics Order, including:

    • Performing a comprehensive review of the use of state vehicles to ensure they are only used for state business-related functions.

    • Requiring all Secretary of State inspectors under the authority of the Inspector General to receive training from the national Association of Inspectors General to ensure that inspectors serve with the utmost professionalism and have the most up-to-date training.

    • Establishing a dedicated Secretary of State Inspector General email account and prominently featuring it on the main Secretary of State webpage – – to boost visibility and make it easier for the public and employees to submit complaints and report abuse.

    • Strengthening the Secretary of State’s policy on sexual harassment to remove burdens from anyone mistreated or harassed and to ensure all victims are treated fairly and all perpetrators are held to account.

    • Prohibiting threatening behavior, words or actual violence by mandating this prohibition in the Personnel Manual to ensure all threats of violence or actual violence in the workplace will not be tolerated and will be treated with the utmost seriousness.

    • Prohibiting Secretary of State employees and contractual employees from contributing to the Secretary’s political fund by codifying this prohibition as official office policy.



*** UPDATED x1 *** Afternoon roundup

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Crain’s

A measure that would create a huge deal-closing fund to lure electric vehicle makers and other big manufacturers here cleared a major hurdle at midday and could be on Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s desk by day’s end.

The action came when, on an 11-4 vote, the House Revenue & Finance Committee approved and sent to the House floor for final action in that chamber a bill that would give Pritzker the same kind of discretionary incentive pot that governors in states including Michigan, Ohio and Texas already have.

In Illinois’ case, lawmakers already have authorized putting $400 million into the fund, which is being created with an eye toward getting Stellantis to convert its Belvidere Jeep factory to EV production but could be used for non-EV projects. Other provisions of the bill would make it easier for companies to get tax breaks under the state’s existing Edge program without having to prove they’d get a better deal in another state.

“I think it looks good, very good,” said committee Chairman Rep. Mike Zalewski, D-Riverside, who expects to bring the bill to the House floor this afternoon. The final version then must be approved by the Senate, but knowledgeable sources said they expect that to occur.

*** UPDATE *** The bill passed the House 86-23. From the IMA…

The Illinois Manufacturers’ Association (IMA) has issued the following statement after House passage of SB 2951, which builds on the state’s efforts to encourage in-state production of electric vehicles and related components:

“Manufacturers appreciate Gov. JB Pritzker’s commitment to creating an environment in Illinois to help attract the next generation of manufacturers and suppliers for electric vehicles, batteries, and semiconductors,” said Mark Denzler, President & CEO of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association. “This legislation makes Illinois more competitive with neighboring states by creating a closing fund that can be used to lure businesses, increasing incentives for retaining employees and expanding the program so small manufacturers can participate. We thank lawmakers for their support and look forward to growing this important sector.”

The bill now goes to the Senate for concurrence.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* New Lightfoot TV ad


You wouldn’t know it by watching the news…or listening to the haters.

But on crime? Mayor Lightfoot’s got a plan. She’s putting more police on the streets and getting more guns off ‘em.

When it comes to new strategies, new technology – Lightfoot’s invested more than any mayor.

Those are facts. Anyone that says there are simple solutions is lying. We didn’t get here overnight, and we have a long way to go. But Lightfoot won’t quit until we’re the safest big city in America.

…Adding… Rep. Buckner…

The nearly 3 million people of Chicago who care about safety are the latest to receive the brunt of Lori Lightfoot’s highly defensive insults.

In Lightfoot’s latest TV ad meant to make the people of Chicago forget about her failure to deliver on her campaign promises, she calls those of us concerned about crime and violence, “haters.”

“While I was in Springfield helping to pass the assault weapons ban after having successfully banned ghost guns from our streets just a few months earlier, Mayor Lightfoot blasted the people of Chicago concerned about safety by calling them ‘haters’,” candidate for mayor Kam Buckner said. “The truth is Chicago had nearly 700 homicides last year, 2600 shootings, including six children who lost their lives to gun violence. Crime is up, the clearance rate is down and Chicagoans don’t feel safe. We don’t need a mayor hurling insults at the people of Chicago who deserve public safety. We need a Mayor with a plan to keep Chicago safe.”

Buckner’s Safer 77 public safety plan that balances safety and Justice, calls for investment in communities and violence prevention, filling police vacancies and reforming CPD. The plan also details preventative engagement for Chicago’s youth and improving Chicago’s clearance rates.

* ILGOP email…


It’s a new year, which means new opportunities for Republicans in Illinois to take back the Land of Lincoln and make it STRONG. We need your help to finalize our plans and goals for the 2023 year.

Please take our quick 10-second survey NOW.

What issues should the ILGOP focus on in the new year?

    Firing Pritzker

Your response is very important to us, Rich. Take our survey before the link expires TONIGHT

Not sure how they can fire Pritzker since he was just reelected, but OK.

* Isabel’s roundup…


*** UPDATED x4 *** It’s just a bill

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE 1 *** Greg Hinz

In other action on the last full scheduled day before a new General Assembly is sworn in, another bill that would grant private-sector workers statewide a minimum of five days a year of paid leave for illness or other personal reasons picked up considerable momentum. Chicago previously adopted a similar law for those who work in the city.

“We have a deal,” said state Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth, D-Peoria. The latest version is to be amended onto a pending bill, but it’s not immediately clear whether there is enough time to deal with it before tomorrow’s deadline.

They’ll have the time if they want to make the time. This is a House amendment on a Senate bill, so the two chambers can both vote on it today. Also, Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford has picked up the chief sponsorship in her chamber.

The governor has supported the legislation since last year. This could have a huge impact on peoples’ lives.

…Adding… The bill will be heard at 3 o’clock today in House Exec.

…Adding… IRMA, IMA, Chicago Chamber are officially neutral on the bill. But I’m told they worked to get this accomplished.

…Adding… The bill was approved by the House Executive Committee 10-4-1. GOP Rep. Ryan Spain voted “Yes.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** The bill passed the House 78-30 and now goes to the Senate.

*** UPDATE 4 *** The bill passed the Senate 38-16 and will head to the governor.

…Adding… Sponsoring Rep. JG-B…

Today, Illinois State Representative and Deputy Majority Leader, Jehan Gordon-Booth, released the following statement on the Senate’s passage of Senate Bill 208, which will create paid leave laws across Illinois, and now heads to Governor Pritzker for signature:

“Today is a proud moment for our state as we celebrate creating paid leave laws across Illinois. Because of this legislation, more than 11 million hardworking Illinoisans will have access to paid leave at their place of employment that they once did not have. Our employees are not only the backbone of our economy, but the backbone of their families and our communities, and they all deserve paid time off.

I’m grateful to leaders in the business and labor communities who came together to make this historic legislation a reality, including the Illinois State AFL-CIO, SEIU, Illinois Retail Merchants Association, Illinois Manufacturers Association, AFSCME, UFCW, and the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce. Thank you to the advocates and organizations who have made their voices heard in this fight for years, especially those with the Shriver Center for Poverty Law and Women Employed.

This legislation will help make our state a more livable, desirable place for workers of all trades and industries, and sends a strong message that Illinois is a place that not only values the contributions of our employees at their place of work, but as they build a life for themselves and their families.”

SB208 creates paid leave laws across Illinois by requiring all employers to provide a minimum of 40 hours (or five days) of paid leave per year to be used for any reason. It also allows for unused paid leave to carry over annually, up to 40 hours.

[ *** End Of Updates *** ]

* Another day, another quote the local sheriff and nobody else news story

The Illinois Senate passed legislation that could leave mentally ill inmates in county jails for longer periods.

Right now, the Illinois Department of Human Services is supposed to transfer inmates who are unfit to stand trial to a suitable psychiatric facility within 20 days. However, that hasn’t always been happening.

Instead of a 20-day deadline, DHS would have 60 days to transfer inmates.

According to Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell, DHS continually misses that 20-day deadline, leaving inmates in the county jail.

“Every day they’re in our custody, these inmates require a lot of mental health treatment. About a third of our jail, which is about 100 inmates, have serious mental health conditions. So, we have other inmates that need that mental health treatment, that now we’re taking away from them because these other ones require a lot of mental health treatment,” Campbell said.

From Jordan Abudayyeh…

The provisions in the legislation relating to DHS will help to move individuals faster from county jails into DHS secure treatment facilities – it does that in multiple ways and will ensure access to urgently needed mental health services, promote the safety of defendants, and the staff who serve them in county jails and State psychiatric hospitals. To claim that this legislation “harms” jail operations and individuals in jail custody completely ignores the language in this bill.

There are five parts of this comprehensive proposal and the Sheriff has singled out one part to spread misinformation while ignoring every one of its other provisions that help overcome the challenges he claims to care about fixing. This legislation does not extend an existing deadline. The 20-day period in the current statute is for DHS to provide notice of where an individual will be placed, not to transfer the individual.

For the first time, the legislation would insert a deadline into the law. That deadline would be 60 days. And if DHS cannot meet that deadline, it must provide evidence to explain its efforts to the Court every month. That is significantly more than required in the current law – and it will help every part of the criminal system to have transparency on DHS operations.

DHS has taken and is taking extraordinary steps to increase its ability to care for more individuals found unfit to stand trial or not guilty by reason of insanity. Here are just a few: IDHS is filling more positions to establish more capacity – at McFarland (25 new patient beds), at Elgin (44 new patient beds), with even more underway at Alton and Chicago-Reed Mental Health Centers. Unprecedented efforts to recruit Mental Health Techs and other key positions in the State Psychiatric Hospitals have worked - but there is more to do.

The number of referrals to DHS have significantly increased - by over 40% in 2022. In 2022, an unprecedented number of people were ordered by the criminal courts into DHS custody – 957. (This compares to 792 in 2021.) In the month of October alone, over 90 people were ordered into DHS custody: an all-time one-month high.

The problems experienced by Sangamon County can’t be separated from the larger mental health crisis across the State. Unless the court system as a whole – working with DHS and every other entity in the mental health community – addresses this crisis, DHS and Sangamon County and every other county will continue to have to deal with a crisis. This bill is a step that will help to address the crisis, but we need to work together to do more.

* Misleading bill story from Center Square

House Bill 2542 would amend several state statutes preventing Illinoisans from changing their names due to their inclusion on watchlists.

The bill would allow exceptions to the Sex Offender Registration Act, the Arsonist Registration Act and the Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registration Act for people who want to change their name.

The bill’s sponsor, state Rep. Kelly Cassidy, D-Chicago, touted the measure as a victory for transgender rights when it passed the House last spring.

State Sen. Terri Bryant, R-Murphysboro, said this legislation is bad and is being quickly forced through during lame-duck session.

The bill passed the House in April [of 2021]. It’s not a last-minute thing. From the synopsis

Amends the Arsonist Registration Act, the Sex Offender Registration Act, and the Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registration Act. Provides that a person required to register under the Act may change her or his name if the change is due to marriage, religious beliefs, status as a victim of trafficking or gender-related identity as defined by the Illinois Human Rights Act.

Text message from Rep. Cassidy…

It actually closes a loophole in all of them that requires when someone on a registry changes their name, they have to register in the new name. I got Republican votes specifically because of that.

The bill received 85 House votes. In April [of 2021].

*** UPDATE 1 *** The bill also passed the Senate and heads to the governor. From Sen. Peters…

State Senator Robert Peters supported a measure to allow justice-impacted individuals to legally change their names, which passed out of the Senate Tuesday.

“There are a million reasons why someone could have been impacted by the justice system, and sometimes you find their only crime was trying to survive,” said Peters (D-Chicago). “Sometimes, people need a new identity for their safety, and for their ability to truly lead a good life. This legislation would be an aid in those scenarios.”

House Bill 2542 allows individuals on various criminal registries to file for a name change if the change is sought for the reasons of marriage, transgender identity, religious beliefs, or status as a victim of trafficking.

In particular, many transgender people and victims of human trafficking have crimes of survival in their backgrounds, and need to be able to change their names in order to move on with their lives.

“This legislation is important because it could save someone’s life, or help them move on from a past that wasn’t kind to them,” Peters said. “Further, this could help affirm someone’s chosen gender. It’s necessary that we allow people with justice-impacted backgrounds to change their name.”

House Bill 2542 now awaits consideration from the governor.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* Press release…

January is a time of renewal and recommitment for many. A group of legislators and advocates say it’s the right time to focus on cervical health.

State Rep. Anna Moeller and several female colleagues in the Legislature joined together Tuesday at a Statehouse news conference to discuss new legislation declaring January 2023 as Cervical Health Awareness Month in Illinois.

When the new 103rd General Assembly is sworn in Wednesday, they will officially file a House resolution calling for the special designation in January across the state.

The need for more attention to the issue is great. Cervical cancer affects 13,000 American women year, often in the prime of their lives, and 4,000 of them die. But with increased Pap testing and newer testing for human papillomavirus (HPV), the number of cases and deaths from cervical cancer has decreased significantly over the past 40 years.

HPV – one of the most common sexually transmitted viruses – now affects about 80 percent of men and women by age 45. It is a primary cause of cervical cancer, and early detection of cervical cancer is key to helping those affected survive and recover.

The disease hits minority and disadvantaged communities the hardest. The American Cancer Society reports Hispanic-Latina and Black women have the highest rates of cervical cancer cases.

There is hope, with proactive efforts. Legislators and advocates note proper HPV vaccination, screening, and treatment are formidable and effective tools in preventing the disease. COVID-19 pandemic changes dropped cervical cancer screenings by 11 percent, which raises concerns.

“We know cervical cancer can be devastating and deadly, but it doesn’t have to be,” said State Rep. Anna Moeller, D-Elgin. “We hope to use this legislation to call on all Illinoisans with a cervix and for all of their loved ones to understand the serious risks, take the steps needed for prevention and treat every January as the right time to put your cervical health first.”

Advocates note with proper awareness and proactive health care, cervical cancer has little chance. The five-year survival rate is 92 percent when detected early.

* Press release…

Liquor delivery services would be expanded under a measure supported by State Senator Doris Turner that passed the Senate Monday.

“Our bars and restaurants are the backbone of our communities and bring a uniqueness to our neighborhoods,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “We are continuously working to strengthen our local economies, and expanding liquor delivery services is a great way to do that.”

Senate Bill 1001 would eliminate state and local fees for liquor delivery throughout Illinois. Additionally, it brings parity for liquor delivery between home-rule and non-home rule municipalities to regulate liquor delivery.

The Turner-backed measure would also lower the licensing fees for wineries to $750 if renewed online and $900 for initial or non-online certification. Under a law passed in 2021, the fees were raised to $1,200 if renewed online and $1,500 for initial licenses and non-online.

“This expansion will benefit our bars, restaurants and wineries that bring tourists to our area and spur economic development across Central Illinois,” Turner said. “We are giving people the opportunity to support local from the comfort and safety of their own homes and stimulate our local economies – that’s a win-win for all.”

* Taft Law

Illinois State Representative La Shawn K. Ford (D) appears to have prefiled the Illinois Compassionate Use and Research of Entheogens Act (“Illinois CURE Act”) on December 5, 2022. The CURE Act currently stands to be introduced as House Bill 00001. The publically available “Bill Summary” for the IL CURE Act can be found here.

If passed, the Illinois CURE Act legalizes and regulates the provision of psilocybin and psilocybin services in Illinois. Further, the Bill Summary specifically provides that the Illinois Department of Public Health (“IDPH”) “shall begin receiving applications for the licensing of persons to manufacture or test psilocybin products, operate service centers, or facilitate psilocybin services.”

According to the Bill Summary, the Illinois CURE Act also does the following:

Establishes the Illinois Psilocybin Advisory Board to advise and make recommendations to the IDPH regarding the provision of psilocybin and psilocybin services;

    -Expunges specified records concerning the possession of psilocybin and psilocin;
    -Removes psilocybin and psilocin from the list of Schedule I controlled substances;
    -Provides provisions concerning rulemaking, taxes, fees, zoning, labeling, and penalties;
    -Preempts home rule powers;
    -Creates the Psilocybin Control and Regulation Fund and the Illinois Psilocybin Fund and makes conforming changes in the State Finance Act;
    -Requires the Department of Agriculture, the Illinois Liquor Control Commission, and the Department of Revenue to perform specified duties; and
    -Amends aspects of Illinois tax related to the legislation.

The Illinois General Assembly convenes its regular session on January 11, 2023. Further updates will be provided regarding the full text of the legislation when available.

* One of House Republican Leader Jim Durkin’s last legislative proposals is HR1035

Urges the Illinois High School Association to take steps towards officially recognizing the game of cricket in Illinois.


Pritzker looks back and forward during inaugural address

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Crain’s

In an inaugural speech in Springfield, the governor generally appealed to fellow Democrats rather than Republicans to advance his agenda and pretty much ignored overriding issues that conservatives want, including pension reform and cuts in property taxes that put the state at an economic disadvantage.

But his tone was uplifting rather than divisive. He even made a joke of the “Fire Pritzker” signs that rivals spread around the state before the election, saying that young people equate “fire” with being cool. “So, I want to take this moment to thank everyone who put up those very encouraging signs,” he quipped.

More seriously, Pritzker made explicit recent suggestions that he wants the state to offer free college tuition “for every working-class family” and that he wants to offer preschool education “to every family throughout the state.” […]

Pritzker gave no immediate details, which presumably will come in his upcoming budget. But such positions would likely help him in a race for president of the United States if incumbent Joe Biden decides not to run.

* Tina Sfondeles

Pritzker’s 25-minute inaugural address was reflective and optimistic — and very different than previous inaugural addresses that ticked off many of the state’s deep problems. It also offered a glimpse — but not a lot of details — into his second-term policies, which took a backseat during a contentious political battle against Republican gubernatorial nominee Darren Bailey. […]

As the Illinois General Assembly continues to negotiate a measure that would ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in the state, Pritzker said in his address that Illinois must become the ninth state to pass an assault weapons ban — and the federal government “should follow our lead.”

“Now, I’m a firm believer that government functions best when we look for compromise. But I’m done with the NRA having its way when it comes to mass shootings,” Pritzker said in his address at the Bank of Springfield Center. “Why do we allow anyone to easily purchase a rapid-fire, high-capacity weapon that can kill dozens of unarmed people in under a minute?”

Democrats are also hoping to pass an abortion measure during the lame duck session that would expand the scope of medical professionals who can perform abortions, among other legal protections. And Pritzker said he’d continue to embolden Illinois as a safe haven for women in the Midwest.

* Capitol News Illinois

Pritzker said education will be a main priority in his second term, and he emphasized the importance of making preschool more readily available and college tuition free for every family with median-income or below.

“I propose we go all in for our children and make preschool available to every family throughout the state,” he said, eliciting an eruption from the crowd. “And let’s not stop there. Let’s provide more economic security for families by eliminating child care deserts and expanding childcare options.”

With time running out to pass a ban on the sale of assault weapons in Illinois before the new General Assembly takes office Wednesday, Pritzker used the opportunity to advocate for the version of a bill passed by Democrats in the state House last week.

“When I campaigned for reelection and promised to pass an assault weapons ban, eight states already had one. Very soon, Illinois must be the ninth. And we ought to have a real accounting of the assault weapons currently in circulation,” Pritzker said. “Let’s get it done, and then the federal government should follow our lead.”


Also being re-inaugurated Monday are Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton, Attorney General Kwame Raoul, Treasurer Mike Frerichs, and Comptroller Susana Mendoza.

“When we began this journey, we resolved to roll up our sleeves, do the hard work, and provide the governance and leadership our citizens deserve,” Stratton said in her inauguration speech.

Alexi Giannoulias will become the Secretary of State. Jesse White, his predecessor, served as the Secretary of State for six terms. making him the longest-serving Secretary of State in Illinois history.

Illinois’s legislators will be inaugurated Wednesday.

* Rick Pearson

Seeking to build on the successes of his four years in office, Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker offered a second-term agenda Monday that called for a state constitutional right to abortion, making preschool available to every family and making public college free for children in working-class families.

The 57-year-old governor also vowed that Democratic lawmakers will send to his desk comprehensive legislation to ban military-style firearms and to require such guns already in circulation to be registered. The governor and legislators reached a deal on a measure that was passed by the Senate later Monday, with a final vote in the House expected Tuesday.

In a pomp-filled ceremony at the Bank of Springfield convention center, Pritzker stood with his family on a massive stage flanked by white columns as he took the oath of governor for a second time shortly after noon from Illinois Supreme Court Chief Justice Mary Jane Theis.

The inauguration events culminated with a performance by pop superstar Bruno Mars at a gala at the state fairgrounds.

* NBC Chicago

All proceeds from the gala, which was sold out, went to charitable endeavors.

Even as Pritzker celebrated and laid out his agenda for the next four years, Illinois Democrats continued work in the closing stages of their lame-duck session. The Senate passed legislation to ban assault weapons, sending the measure back to the House for a likely vote on Tuesday.

Lawmakers will be back at the Capitol on Tuesday for the final day of the session before the new legislature is seated later this week.

* Illinois Freedom Caucus press release…

“Let’s be clear, JB. The people with signs in their yards reading ‘Fire Pritzker’ are not offering encouragement. They actually want to fire you, but nice try.

They want to fire you because your policies led to the death of 36 veterans at the LaSalle Veterans’ Home. They want to fire you because your inept administration paid out $2 billion in fraudulent workers’ compensation claims and under your leadership, a convicted felon was appointed to the Prisoner Review Board and your DCFS agency has continued to facilitate the abuse of children.

Your Administration has been marked by a decided lack of leadership and capability. Instead of identifying solutions to long-term problems such as skyrocketing property taxes and out of control pension costs, your idea of ‘bold’ leadership is to spend more money. Spending other people’s money is not leadership. Real leadership would be addressing the long-term problems of the state and putting aside the enormous power you have accrued by finally ending the endless emergency proclamations.

But despite our differences, we strongly support enhancing and improving access to education in Illinois. This is why we support giving parents real choice in education. Parents of all economic backgrounds deserve the opportunity to have a real choice in where to send their children to school. We are ready and willing to work with you to help kids get access to quality education regardless of income level.

You have an opportunity to bring our divided state together. We urge you to take that path instead of enacting policies you know will only create more divisions.”

The Illinois Freedom Caucus is comprised of State Representatives Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich); Chris Miller (R-Oakland); Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville); Blaine Wilhour (R-Beecher City) and Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur). The members of the Illinois Freedom Caucus are members of the Illinois General Assembly who are advocating for limited government, lower taxes and accountability and integrity in government.

* From the bird app…


Question of the day

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Capitol News Illinois

Pritzker told the Associated Press Saturday that the idea for cabinet pay raises originated with him as an effort to retain top talent and make Illinois’ salaries commensurate with other large states. Lawmakers, he also told the outlet, maintain the authority to determine their own salaries.

Sen. Elgie Sims, D-Chicago, reiterated that the raises were meant to help Illinois attract “the best and the brightest.”

“I would love for all of us to be able to be millionaires and billionaires, I would love for all of us to be able to be wealthy,” Sims said. “That’s just not the case.”

* AP

“We don’t want a Legislature that’s only made up of the wealthy,” said House Majority Leader Greg Harris, the legislation’s Chicago Democratic sponsor who retires Tuesday. “We want people who can run for office, serve their community, but also be able to pay for their family and kids.”

The last raise for legislators came in 2008, and concerned about the optics, lawmakers voted against any increase each year until 2019, when the House surprised the Senate by backing out of an agreed-to freeze on cost-of-living increases. A locked-in COLA increase has since been adopted.

Pritzker originally commissioned a national salary study of jobs comparable to those of his cabinet. The led to pay raises for 21 agency directors who answer to the governor. […]

“People are willing to take a discounted salary off of what they might get in the private sector to come to public service, but you really have to be somewhat competitive. People are putting their kids through college or they’re paying their home mortgage or their rent. …,” Pritzker said. “We just want to be competitive and bring great people and then retain great people in state government.”

* SJ-R

Senate Republicans, including former gubernatorial candidate and state Sen. Darren Bailey, R-Xenia, focused on the pay raise portion of the bill.

“This legislation increases legislative pay to $85,000, which I think is absolutely pathetic,” he said, comparing the pay raise to average salaries in his and Sims’ Senate districts. “We don’t need more money to do this job.”


[Gov. Pritzker] defended the bill, saying it’s important for government workers to remain close to private sector jobs and many positions have not received pay raises in over a decade.

“While I know people are willing to take a discounted salary off of what they might get in the private sector to come to a public service, you really have to be somewhat competitive,” the governor said on Saturday. “People are putting their kids through college, or they’re paying their home mortgage or their rent. You can’t ask people to take 50% of what they were taking in the private sector.”

* Illinois Policy Institute

In a lame-duck session that included a scramble to pass bills on abortion and gun control, state representatives put through a bill for mid-year spending adjustments that included the pay raises. They added $11,655 per lawmaker, raising the base to $85,000 annually for a legislature that is technically part-time and as of 2019 was the fourth-highest paid in the nation.

In reality, many state representatives will get more than $85,000 if the bill becomes law because of salary bonuses for committee responsibilities and leadership positions ranging from $10,000 to $16,000.

The bill passed the Illinois House 63-35, with about 20 members not voting, some of them already gone for the weekend.

The raise in base pay is in addition to 2.4% annual cost-of-living increases lawmakers gave themselves in 2019 during another secretive move. Those increases have lawmakers making about $73,345 and hit every July 1.

* Fox Illinois

Senator Neil Anderson (R-Moline) released a statement on Monday saying:

Fiscal responsibility doesn’t exist in the state of Illinois and this vote was just another example of politicians lining their own pockets while residents continue to suffer from high taxes and monetary mismanagement. While millions of people are suffering from inflation costs, legislators are giving themselves a 17% pay raise.


“If Illinois Democrats have proven one thing over the years, it’s that they love enacting unpopular policies after elections to avoid the ire of voters during election season. They passed cashless bail and postponed the gas tax increase until after the election, and Chicago Democrats deferred property tax bills - all to avoid accountability with voters. Now, they’ve voted to raise their own pau. Illinois voters want fiscal sanity and responsible government, not tone-deaf pay raises for the Democrats and their allies,” said Illinois Republican Party Chairman Don Tracy. “It’s clear that this is self-benefiting overreach by Democrats reading the wrong mandate from the November elections. If Governor Pritzker signs this bill into law, Illinois voters should hold these legislators accountable next election.”

* The Question: What’s your position on the legislative pay raise? Make sure to explain.


*** UPDATED x1 - House concurs *** Assault weapons ban coverage roundup

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

*** UPDATE *** The bill will head to the governor…

That’s more “Yes” votes than last time.

…Adding… Press release…

Today, Protect Illinois Communities Chair and President Becky Carroll released the following statement on the House’s passage of the Protect Illinois Communities Act, sending it to Governor Pritzker for signature:

Thanks to the tireless efforts of the legislature and leadership in both chambers, including Speaker Welch, President Harmon, and original bill sponsor Representative Morgan, along with the voices of hundreds of survivors and advocates who bravely shared their stories, and the work of numerous organizations that worked to advance gun reform, Illinois is now poised to have one of the strongest gun safety bills in the country.

The Protect Illinois Communities Act will help save lives and reduce the trauma inflicted upon communities across our state. That’s something we can all be proud of, and we look forward to seeing Governor Pritzker sign this historic bill into law.

…Adding… Press release…

Statement of Mayor Nancy R. Rotering Regarding the Passage of the Protect Illinois Communities Act

Highland Park, Illinois – As we continue to mourn the horrific aftermath of last year’s mass shooting in Highland Park and the gun violence losses in so many other Illinois towns and cities, we applaud the sponsors of the assault weapons ban and all ILGA members who took action to save lives, making Illinois the 9th state to ban assault weapons.

Banning assault weapons has proven to be effective at curbing gun violence, as shown by the ten-year Federal Assault Weapons ban that expired in 2004. While we know that no town or county is an island and appreciate that this state-wide ban will make it that much harder for someone with horrible intentions to obtain a combat weapon, neither is a state. This important step taken by our IL legislators sends a clear message to other states and the Federal government that we need continued bold action to address mass shootings across our nation. We urge them to continue their work towards protecting all Americans’ rights to live free from fear of gun violence.

…Adding… Press release…

Following is a statement from State Rep. Bob Morgan in response to the Illinois House’s passage today of HB 5471, a sweeping gun reform bill that includes an assault weapons and high-capacity magazine ban:

“For decades, the residents of Illinois have demanded common sense gun reforms to reduce the ripple of firearm deaths, and this week, the legislature met the urgency of the moment.

“This firearm reform legislation is among the strongest in the nation, and can serve as a model for other states looking to protect their residents and end the carnage in their communities.

“I thank my colleagues on the Firearm Safety and Reform Working Group, Reps. Ford, Gong-Gershowitz, Harper, Barbara Hernandez, Hirschuaer, Hoffman, Smith, Stoneback, Willis, Yednock, and staffers Kat Bray, Fallon Sellers, Hank Strickler, John Webb. This bill simply would not have passed without the steadfast leadership of Speaker Welch, Senate President Harmon, and Governor Pritzker as we navigated this complex but vitally important issue.

“Above all, I am in awe of the countless victims and survivors and family members who sat with us, told us their stories, and refused to give up until they got the change we all needed. This victory is a testament to their strength and resilience in the face of unimaginable pain, and I am forever grateful to them.”

…Adding… Press release…

Following the passage of the assault weapons ban by both the House and Senate, Governor JB Pritzker issued the following statement.

“For a long time now, I and many other leaders in the Illinois General Assembly have prioritized getting the most dangerous weapons off our state’s streets. Today, honoring the commitment we made, we passed one of the strongest assault weapons bans in the nation, one I will be proud to sign.

No Illinoisan, no matter their zip code, should have to go through life fearing their loved one could be the next in an ever-growing list of victims of mass shootings. However, for too long people have lived in fear of being gunned down in schools, while worshipping, at celebrations or in their own front yards. This legislation will stop the spread of assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and switches and make our state a safer place for all. I look forward to signing this bill immediately, so we can stop the sale of these deadly weapons as soon as possible.

My deepest thanks to Speaker Welch and Senate President Harmon for championing this historic legislation, and to Representative Morgan for his leadership on this issue.”

…Adding… ISRA…

Dear Gov. Pritzker, President Harmon, and Speaker Welch,

Challenge accepted. The Illinois State Rifle Association will see the State of Illinois in court.

Best Regards,

Richard A Pearson
Executive Director
Illinois Rifle Association

[ *** End Of Updates *** ]

* More background is here if you need it. Patrick Keck

The Illinois Senate on Monday passed an amended version of the assault-style weapons ban. The Protect Illinois Communities Act now heads to the Illinois House of Representatives for a concurrence vote Tuesday.

The matter was discussed on the Senate floor in a relatively short debate with several Republicans rising in opposition to House Bill 5471. The final tally at 6:15 p.m. was 34-20 with four Democrats, including state Sen. Doris Turner of Springfield, voting against it.

Senate President Don Harmon introduced five amendments to PICA filed under HB 5471. Harmon detailed what they would entail on the Senate floor Monday evening.

The bill would prevent the sale, manufacture, possession and purchase of assault-style weapons, assault weapon attachments, and .50 caliber cartridges in the state of Illinois. It would also keep standards set in earlier versions of the act, such as maintaining the age to get a Firearm Owner Identification Card at 18.

* CBS Chicago

The vote came down after almost four full days of backroom discussions and debate. The clock had been ticking to pass the ban before current lawmakers leave office and newly-elected ones are sworn in Wednesday.

The bill must now go back to the Illinois House of Representatives for reconciliation, but this is really just a formality. The House passed its own version of the bill, called the Protect Our Communities Act, on Thursday night into Friday morning. […]

The bill would in addition expedite the implementation of universal background checks, but would not change the age range for Firearm Owners Identification cards.

Illinois Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) introduced the bill in committee Monday morning. On Sunday, state House Speaker Emmanuel “Chris” Welch said the House would not accept a watered-down version of the bill.

* Tina Sfondeles

During debate, Republican senators argued the legislation is unconstitutional and punishes legal abiding gun owners in the state.

“All of you that are thinking about voting for this today, you should resign,” state Sen. Neil Anderson, R-Moline said. “This is a blatant disregard for the United States Constitution.”

Sen. Chapin Rose, R-Mahomet, said the state should focus on enforcing the laws that already exist, instead of creating new ones.

“We’re going to make felons out of taxpayers. Why don’t we go after the bad guys, put hem being bars and actually keep them there?” Rose said. “Put the bad guys behind the bars, not the taxpayers, not the citizens.”


The breakthrough on the gun package came after dramatic testimony earlier in the day in the state Senate from Highland Park mother Ashbey Beasley, who was at the July 4th parade with her 6-year-old son, Beau.

She played a jolting phone recording of screams from another child who was trying to escape the chaos that ensued as a rooftop gunman sprayed the crowd with bullets. Neither Beasley nor her son were shot.

“What’s happening? What’s happening? What’s happening?” the boy screamed as senators sat stoically while Beasley played the recording of the boy’s shrieks in committee.

“This is what it sounds like when a child runs from an assault weapon. This is what happens when a child goes to a parade in our country. This is the sound of the loss of innocence,” Beasley told the panel in urging support for the gun ban.

* NBC Chicago

If approved, Pritzker has said he would sign it into law.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot praised the progress on the bill.

“I haven’t read the bill, like I said the devil’s in the details, but at least in the broad strokes, I think this is significant and important progress,” Lightfoot said.

* More…

    * Tribune | Gov. J.B. Pritzker sets out second term agenda as weapons ban bill heads for final vote: “Now, I’m a firm believer that government functions best when we look for compromise,” Pritzker said. “But I’m done with the NRA having its way when it comes to mass shootings. Why do we allow anyone to easily purchase a rapid-fire, high-capacity weapon that can kill dozens of unarmed people in under a minute?”

    * Crain’s | Illinois Senate passes assault weapons ban after heated debate: “After continued negotiations between the leaders, stakeholders and advocates, we have reached a deal on one of the strongest assault weapons bans in the country,” senate President Don Harmon said in a statement. “Gun violence is an epidemic that is plaguing every corner of this state and the people of Illinois are demanding substantive action.”


AG Raoul’s inaugural address

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Attorney General Kwame Raoul’s inaugural address was not given the attention that I think it deserves. You can watch it here, but here’s the address as prepared for delivery

Good afternoon. First, I would like to give thanks and honor to God for His mercy and generosity.

It’s my honor to acknowledge the presence of Rev. Otis Moss III, pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, the greatest church this side of the River Jordan. Thank you for being here today, thank you for your prayer this morning and thank you for reminding us in church yesterday to get a spiritual refill.

I must also recognize two people in the judiciary, each of whom I refer to as my ‘big sister.’ A fellow Trinitarian, Federal District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman, who administered my oath four years ago. And my other big sister, Illinois Supreme Court Justice Joy Cunningham, who swore me in moments ago. I offer up my heartfelt gratitude to you for your steadfast mentorship through the years. I want to give a shout out to biological big sisters who were unable to make it Edwidge and Ninaj Raoul.

So I was told I only had three minutes to deliver my remarks, I think I am going to fail at my first task in my second term. However in the interest of time, the entirety of my remarks will be the Thank You section of my speech. First, my wife, Dr. Lisa Moore, who is always by my side. Thank you sweetheart.

I had the distinct honor of watching my wife be a true hero during our unprecedented pandemic.

Day after day, she would faithfully head into the hospital, at a time when many of us were safe in our homes. I’ve watched her be a hero one night early in my first term while we were dining at Gibson’s, and she administered lifesaving care to a woman who started choking on a steak a table away from us.

The cool part of this for me now is that we can get a table at Gibson’s when I forget to make the reservation because she is now a celebrity there.

To my son Che, who was unfortunately robbed of a college graduation ceremony when the pandemic hit notwithstanding the fact he had earned honors for his academic performance at Lake Forest College.

Son, you have amazing character!

Che had the strength of character to quit his first job as a manager at a fulfillment center because he didn’t support having to impose discipline quotas and unfair working conditions on his
subordinates. Che embodies the spirit of my Workplace Protection Bureau, which has done an amazing job of protecting Illinois workers from misclassification, wage theft, discrimination and unsafe working conditions.

In Illinois we protect working families. And I thank you, Che, for affirming that spirit.

My daughter, Mizan, who could not be here, recently graduated from the University of Missouri and now desires to attend law school and become a public interest lawyer. I was so pleased to drive into the state of Missouri to attend her graduation last year, but not nearly as happy as I was to drive out of Missouri and get her the hell out of a state that doesn’t respect a woman’s right to make decisions about her body.

Thank you, Mizan for reminding me of how dedicated I have to be in protecting those rights.

I think as highly of my daughter as I do my Solicitor General, who has expertly argued before the DC Circuit Court of Appeals that the ERA is the 28th Amendment of our Constitution. I want my daughter to someday be able to hold up her right hand swear under oath to protect the United States Constitution, but I want that to be a Constitution that protects her as an equal.

My stepson, John, is a student at Morehouse College. Pastor Moss, he is a Morehouse Man in the making! On the heels of George Floyd’s murder, he and my daughter had vigorous debates with me on issues connected to police reform. Those debates influenced me to take action and convene law enforcement partners to agree on language in the SAFE-T Act that would lead to greater trust of law enforcement, better training for officers and greater accountability for bad actors.

In other words, this SAFE-T Act language enhances our ability to maintain constitutional and professional policing throughout the state of Illinois and I want to thank the Chiefs of Police, the Sheriff’s and the State’s Attorneys for coming to the table in good faith.

My niece and goddaughter, Sydney Jackson, graduated with honors in computer engineering from Johns Hopkins University and then got her masters in computer science from there as well.

Sydney has been instrumental in educating me about the good and bad of technology. On account of conversations with her, I am proud that we are leading an effort along with other state AG offices to investigate social media platforms that pose potential dangers to our children. I am also proud that we are leaders in investigating the criminal use of online platforms to monetize the proceeds of organized retail crime for other criminal use.

I was happy to attend Sydney’s graduation a few years back. During that ceremony, the commencement speaker, Bryan Stevenson, delivered a powerful address.

“There is a justice deficit in this country,” he said. “We have a criminal justice system that will treat you better if you are rich and guilty than if you are poor and innocent.”

Those words ring relevant today as we prepare for arguments before our state’s high court with regards to the pre-trial fairness act. Consistent with our constitutional presumption of innocence, we should not hold people in jail simply because they are poor. We cannot continue to criminalize poverty.

Importantly, I want to also thank my outstanding staff. They say that when you’re an incumbent running for re-election, your best campaigning is what you have done while in office.

There were certain matters that I expected to take on at the outset of my term in 2019. I knew we had to begin the implementation stage of a consent decree with the Chicago Police department and work towards a model of constitutional policing. I knew we had to continue work on behalf of survivors of abuse in the Catholic Church. I knew we had to continue protecting communities from sexually violent people. I knew we would protect consumers from fraud, price gouging, the opioid crisis and predatory student loans. And I knew we would have to fight policies that were put in place by the incumbent president at the time I was sworn in.

Many of those policies threatened environmental protections, others encouraged inhumane treatment of immigrants, and some violated the rights of members of the LGBTQ community. I also knew we would have to fight the rise in hate. My staff has risen to the task on all things expected.

But I’ve got to tell you that what impressed me most about my staff was their ability to take on all of the things unexpected. I did not expect that we would be partnering with other state AGs and other lawyers nationally to literally save our democracy.

And then there was the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic that would change our lives in the spring of 2020.

Our Workplace Rights Bureau had to rise to the occasion to protect those whom we learned to call essential workers from unsafe working conditions. Whether in-person or virtually, my staff also had to battle countless frivolous legal actions that sought to undermine life-saving emergency protocols that had been put in place by our Governor and public health officials–policies, which have demonstrably saved lives in Illinois, as compared to surrounding states who were more lax.

We were forced into this predicament while largely working from remote locations, which meant we were heavily dependent on technology. We certainly did not expect at that moment for our office to be hit with a crippling cyberattack. I am proud to say that that ransomware attack did not stop my staff’s work! I want to sincerely thank you for your resilience and ability to adapt and continue representing the People of the State of Illinois.

I am also very proud of the partnerships we’ve developed with other law enforcement agencies at all levels. We are One Team!

Notwithstanding the fact that I joke that I’m currently the favorite defendant of many state’s attorneys, I think it’s important for the public to know that we’ve enjoyed a good history of working together. I work closely with state’s attorneys throughout Illinois on the opioid crisis, prosecuting murder, violent crime and sophisticated criminal schemes, such as organized retail crime. I am thankful for partnerships with prosecutors and law enforcement agencies at the federal, state and local levels.

I want to recognize and thank U.S. Attorney Greg Harris for allowing our office to partner with his to fight violent crime and also protect children from online predators. Since 2019, we have also partnered with the United States Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center on multiple training sessions regarding how to detect and prevent mass shootings in schools, places of worship and other public places.

The desperate need for these trainings hit home on July 4th of 2022, during the Highland Park Parade. One of our own prosecutors and his wife were wounded during that shooting–one took a bullet, the other was injured by shrapnel. What was amazing was that prosecutor’s desire to return to work. He actually emailed his supervisor the night he was shot and asked for a single day off! He was head of our statewide grand jury unit that has investigated and prosecuted gun trafficking cases.

I believe he perfectly exemplifies the dedication our staff.

As I reflect on the Highland Park shooting, I can’t help but reflect on two other mass shootings that took place mere weeks later. One mass shooting was in Washington Park, on the South Side of Chicago a block away from where I raise my children. The other was in Garfield Park, on Chicago’s West Side. Neither of those mass shootings received the same level of media attention as the Highland Park shooting.

As a matter of fact, it wasn’t until recently that we started to refer to such tragedies as “mass shootings” because of where they occurred. We all need to look in the mirror and ask why that is the case.

Illinois and the nation were traumatized by the horrific event that struck Highland Park. People, including myself, were rightfully shocked that such extreme violence had visited a place like Highland Park. But there should be no neighborhood where we expect gun violence to hit.

We shouldn’t be surprised when shootings occur in downtown Chicago and in the River North neighborhood where I currently live, when we’ve tolerated them and expected them to happen on the West and South Sides of Chicago, in Rockford, East St Louis, the East Side of Springfield and other economically disadvantaged areas of our state for decades.

I’ll say about gun violence what I’ve said about the opioid and heroin crises: We weren’t troubled when we thought they were quarantined to poor inner-city neighborhoods. We actually tolerated the impact of heroin and opioid addiction until it spread to more affluent areas. That should not be our normal and we should be ashamed.

My final thank you is to someone not here today—my mother. My mom was a praying woman and a devout Catholic from Haiti. My mother made her transition months after I began my first term as Attorney General. While on her deathbed, my mother shared with me why I had been given my middle name, “Yves.”

I had always assumed that I’d been given that name to honor some distant relative. The truth is that I had been named after Saint Yves, the patron saint of lawyers and abandoned children and the advocate of the poor. My mom explained that she recited the Prayer of St. Yves to me every night after I was born: “Help us to love justice as you loved it. Help us to know how to defend our rights without prejudice to others, in seeking above all, reconciliation and peace. Rouse up defenders to plead the cause of the oppressed so that justice may be done in love.”

I view that as my responsibility as Attorney General, to serve the abandoned children. And in Illinois, we have abandoned our children.

Gun violence has surpassed auto accidents as the number one killer of children. I’m asking our legislature to give me the power to go after those in the industry on behalf of the children we’ve abandoned.

Do not pass half measures and go home.

Do not surrender to the politics of self-preservation on behalf of our children. Please do not.

I want to thank you all for tolerating me. I went way beyond three minutes but it’s on behalf of our abandoned children.

I want to just end by saying, this is truly the work of my life and I have more work to do.

May God Bless our great State of Illinois. May God Bless the United States of America. And May God Bless and help us protect our abandoned children.

* A short clip



Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Inauguration week event list

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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What will he do if the SWAT Team really does show up?

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* People and their threats. Sheesh…

…Adding… As mentioned in comments, it’ll still be lawful to possess those weapons on his private property, and at gun ranges and other places. So, he’s stoking angry violence for no good reason, which is basically his schtick. Maybe we should all just move on and celebrate. /s


Open thread

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* What’s on your Illinois-centric minds today?


Morning briefing

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* He did put on a good show…

* Here’s your briefing…


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Live coverage

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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* Group says Clerk Martinez Tribune op-ed has 'fundamental and incurable flaws'
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