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Isabel’s afternoon roundup

Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Some good news from the Illinois State Board of Education

The Illinois State Board of Education released new data today from the College Board that shows Illinois’ Class of 2024 set new records in Advanced Placement (AP) participation and performance. The report highlights the results of Illinois’ commitment to college readiness and equity pertaining to access to advanced coursework.

The percentage of Illinois graduates scoring a 3 or higher on an AP exam has increased by 6.7 percentage points over the past decade, rising from 21.6% in 2014 to 28.3% in 2024 — outpacing the national average of 22.6%. […]

Illinois ranks among the top five states in multiple AP success metrics, including:

    - Third in the nation for the 10-year increase in the percentage of graduates scoring a 3 or higher on an AP exam during high school.
    - Fifth in the nation for the percentage of the Class of 2024 scoring a 3 or higher on an AP exam during high school, up from sixth place last year.
    - Fourth in the nation for the percentage of Black/African American graduates taking an AP exam during high school, a jump from 11th place last year.
    - Fifth in the nation for the percentage of Hispanic/Latino graduates taking an AP exam during high school, maintaining the same ranking as last year.
    - Third in the nation for the percentage of Asian graduates taking an AP exam during high school.
    - Fifth in the nation for the percentage of graduates taking an AP exam during high school.

* Spotted!

*** Statehouse News ***

* WCIA | Illinois legislators introduce proposal for more clean energy storage: A bill in the Illinois State Capitol aims to create 15 gigawatts of energy storage to help prep for a clean energy grid. The bill expands on the Clean Energy and Jobs Act, Illinois’ goal to curb carbon emissions coming from transportation and energy that was signed into law in 2021. The storage would keep excess solar and wind power to use later when the weather is not ideal.

* Crain’s | Raoul and other AGs urge Supreme Court to protect preventative services in ACA: As the U.S. Supreme Court considers the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act’s preventative care provision, Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul and 22 other attorneys general are urging it remain protected. Raoul’s office said he led the coalition in filing an amicus brief with the court in the case of Kennedy v. Braidwood Management Inc., in which the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit ruled the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is unconstitutional. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is appealing the 5th Circuit decision.

*** Chicago ***

* Crain’s | City Hall’s legal chief and inspector general trade barbs over ethics ordinance: The city’s corporation counsel, Mary Richardson-Lowry, today said an ordinance put forward by Ald. Matt Martin, 47th, at the request of Inspector General Deborah Witzburg “not only flies in the face of 30 years of precedent, it’s just legally deficient on its face.” Witzburg urged the City Council to take up the ordinance in a memo sent to members of the Ethics Committee Martin chairs. Her memo followed a meeting where members questioned why Office of Inspector General investigations take so long to move forward.

* Block Club | Alderman’s Office Kicks Reporter Out Of Meeting On Controversial Bar Reopening: “It very well could be a First Amendment violation,” said attorney Matt Topic, who specializes in government transparency and media laws. “We’re at a time when there are enough attacks on the press already and they shouldn’t be coming from members of the Chicago City Council.” Sigcho-Lopez Lopez dismissed these concerns, saying it is a “tragedy” when “corporate media” centers a story “around some sort of First Amendment rights that are being made up.”

* Tribune | Search for next US attorney in Chicago underway, again, in dramatically changed landscape: After nearly two years without a permanent leader, the search for the next U.S. attorney in Chicago is officially underway in a dramatically changed landscape that has seen years of political turmoil and a steep drop in productivity. U.S. Rep. Darin LaHood, a Peoria Republican, announced in a news release Tuesday that he is leading the search for potential nominees to give to President Donald Trump, who’s ultimate selection for the plum job would then go through a confirmation process in the U.S. Senate.

* Block Club | Kenwood Shelter To Stay Open As State Plans To Transfer Operations To City: Illinois’ funding to operate the Best Western shelter ends June 30, after which the state plans to transfer it to the city, local officials told residents at a public meeting last week. The shelter would continue serving new arrivals and longtime Chicagoans alike. The Chicago Department of Family and Support Services will soon issue a request for proposals, seeking a nonprofit or another agency to operate the facility once the city takes over July 1, said Christine Riley, the city’s director of homeless prevention, policy and planning.

* Bloomberg | Southwest Airlines plane narrowly avoids runway collision in Chicago: Video shared on social media showed the Southwest Boeing Co. 737 abort its landing moments from touching down before rapidly ascending again after the smaller jet began crossing the runway from a taxiway. “The crew followed safety procedures and the flight landed without incident,” Southwest said in a separate statement. “Nothing is more important to Southwest than the safety of our customers and employees.”

*** Cook County and Suburbs ***

* Tribune | Cook County housing authority union workers say they struggle to afford rent, mortgage payments: Rachel Dubose had just bought a house and started a new full-time job at the Housing Authority of Cook County as a housing specialist, helping low-income county residents obtain and maintain their subsidized housing. She made $40,000 a year at HACC in 2022. Her bills piled up. While she never fell behind on her mortgage payments, her credit card debt was “getting too out of control,” Dubose said. She started a part-time job at Walmart. Some days she would go straight from her job at HACC to Walmart until 10 p.m., having been up since 5 a.m. It “took a toll,” she said.

* CBS Chicago | High early voter turnout for Dolton, Illinois primary with embattled Mayor Tiffany Henyard on ballot: Along Sibley Boulevard in Dolton, a crew has been trying to convince anyone going grocery shopping to get out and vote. Under the brand “Clean House,” Dolton Village Trustee Jason House is running against Henyard. House and Henyard were part of the same ticket in 2021. Now they are rivals.

* Daily Herald | Defendant returns to court as jury selection continues for accused Highland Park parade shooter: After skipping court Monday afternoon, the 23-year-old Highwood man accused of fatally shooting seven people and injuring dozens of others during Highland Park’s Independence Day parade in 2022 returned Tuesday morning for the second day of jury selection. Lake County Judge Victoria Rossetti has admonished Robert E. Crimo III several times that the trial will continue despite his absence.

*** Downstate ***

* WSIL | Rep. Mike Bost issues statements after constituents upset in regards to Telephone Town Hall: During Bost’s Telephone Town Hall meeting, many community members complained to News 3 they never received a phone call and were angry about not getting an opportunity to speak with Bost. […] “I apologize again to any constituent who registered but was unable to participate in Monday night’s telephone town hall. To connect with more people during a time of high political engagement, we expanded the number of households we reached out to by 50%. In doing so, it may have caused technical issues that are currently under review to minimize the chances of them happening again. We have scheduled another telephone town hall for March 11th and made the decision to work with a new service provider moving forward. We will also work to best inform constituents in advance about why their phone numbers could be automatically filtered out of the system, particularly by carriers flagging the calls as spam. I remain committed to being accessible and accountable to the people I’m blessed to represent,” [Bost said in a statement.]

* Press Release | SIU Simmons Law School to host Illinois Supreme Court arguments: Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s Simmons Law School will host the Illinois Supreme Court as justices hear oral arguments in two cases on March 18 in the Student Center. “This is an extraordinary opportunity for our students and the broader Southern Illinois community to witness the Illinois Supreme Court in action,” said Angela Upchurch, SIU Simmons Law School acting dean. “This experience provides students in our community with direct exposure to the judicial process, enhancing their education and inspiring future careers in law. We are honored to partner with the Illinois Supreme Court to bring this historic event to our campus.”

* Muddy River News | Adams County CARES initiative to address local child care worker shortage with comprehensive approach: A new program to address the local child care shortage was announced Monday afternoon by the Community Foundation Serving West Central Illinois & Northeast Missouri and its partners. Adams County Child Care Advancement and Recruitment Effort (CAREs) will offer scholarships, paid internships and sign-on bonuses to “encourage and incentivize individuals to enter and remain in the child care field,” according to the program’s newly launched website.

* WCIA | Champaign Central High School hires first African American principal in school history: The Champaign School Board has approved a new high school principal who is making history. Montia Gardner was officially appointed at Monday’s night meeting. The vote for Gardner’s appointment was unanimous. District officials told WCIA they believe she is the first African-American principal at the school.

* WCIA | Actor Nick Offerman returns to U of I for book signing: On March 8, Offerman will be interviewed by Emmy Award Winning Documentarian Alison Davis during an “intimate gathering,” at the University of Illinois. After the interview, attendees will have the chance to meet Offerman and have their copies of his book signed.

*** National ***

* NYT | DOGE Quietly Deletes the 5 Biggest Spending Cuts It Celebrated Last Week: The “wall of receipts” is the only public ledger the organization has produced to document its work. The scale of that ledger’s errors — and the misunderstandings and poor quality control that seemed to underlie them — has raised questions about the effort’s broader work, which has led to mass firings and cutbacks across the federal government.


Chicago Mayor Johnson says the state will have to ’show up in a stronger way’ if there are federal grant cuts

Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson was asked if his budget requests have shifted during a press availability today

Reporter: So we know that there are lots of questions about what could happen in Washington and how that funding could affect what comes to Illinois. Governor Pritzker presented a very austere budget. Does that mean the city is now adjusting what its requests are for the legislature? And can you offer a little bit of how you might be adjusting what you’ll be asking?

Mayor Johnson: As I said before, what the state of Illinois is dealing with, the state of Maryland, states across the country, cities across the country, are dealing with these deficits. And these are heavy lifts in this moment, and I do want to acknowledge that. And look, we fought hard to secure $426 million from the federal government to respond to the to the victims of flooding back in 2023. So we’re moving full speed ahead to repair the damage in those homes, as well as make sure that individuals who are repairing that damage reflect the neighborhood where the damage occurred.

So there is some uncertainty. If I get this right, I believe [Christina Pacione-Zayas] said that about 80% of the funding for CDPH is through grants, 85% federal grants, right? So there are some real challenges, make no mistake about that. And this is why local governments, as well as state government, will have to show up in a stronger way. Now, in the city’s budget, we did have cuts across the board. I’m not going to look back at our commissioners, because I know I’m going to trigger them in a second, but they worked hard to find the 3% — It was only 3% right? — Okay, all right. They said only sure mayor, only.

They found those efficiencies, and that wasn’t that wasn’t easy, and they found them. But we didn’t have to lay people off. We didn’t have to cut services.

In terms of our request. Look, our state and its vibrancy is certainly connected to the vibrancy of the city of Chicago. Everybody’s in agreement with that. Our requests are not that much different than any other municipalities across this the state. We still need more support for special education, for bilingual education, transportation within our public schools.

So those requests, we’re still holding strong to those. Our Chief Operations Officer, part of his portfolio, and the 20 plus years of service that he is lended to the city and the county, he has been a part of every single department in the city of Chicago [during] course of his time, and we’re looking very closely at Chicago Transit Authority and how we can have more equitable funding.

Help me out here. [Chief Operating Officer John Robinson], I believe, CTA we attribute for what percentage of the overall transportation input into the state?

Robertson: Over 80 percent.

Johnson: Over 80 percent. But do we get what back? About 40 percent, right? So that’s an unequitable distribution, in terms of our output. And so we want balance and equitable structures that complement who we are as a city.

And then, as I mentioned before, progressive revenue is one that we are still paying attention to. But there are mayors across the state we’re all in agreement that the LGDF structure is woefully underwhelming, right? So we want to see some progress there. And you know, we’ll continue to push the General Assembly to help support local municipalities. And then, of course, as I said before, the personal property replacement tax and the telecom tax just some areas of cleanup that we need to do to ensure that there’s revenue available for our cities.

The last thing that I’ll say to this is working people in the city of Chicago elected a working class man to fight for working class people. And that doesn’t change, because the circumstances are in flux. We have to remain committed to our overall agenda to repopulate Chicago with working people. Right now we can conservatively get 400,000 more people in Chicago. Aren’t we looking forward to 400,000 more people in the city of Chicago? We are! And that’s going to help increase our tax base. It’s going to put more people in homes. It’s going to make sure that our schools are vibrant, with young, smiling, diverse faces across the globe. So in other words, my commitment to working people has not changed. We’re going to push to ensure that investments in our city reflect the output of our city.


Question of the day

Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Capitol News Illinois in January

Rep. Suzanne Ness, D-Crystal Lake, wants to prohibit businesses and grocery stores from providing single-use plastic bags to customers, as well as prohibit grocery stores from providing customers with single-use paper bags.

If Illinois lawmakers pass House Bill 1146, Illinois would join nine other states that ban both paper and plastic single-use bags. The states with existing bans are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New York, Oregon and Vermont.

This is far from the first time a bill to ban plastic bags has been introduced in the Illinois General Assembly (2022, 2023, 2024), but none have gained significant traction.

* World Economic Forum last month

A new report from nonprofits Environment America, U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund and Frontier Group has found that bans on plastic bags around the U.S. have already reduced the number of bags used by billions.

The report, “Plastic Bag Bans Work”, found that bans in three states — New Jersey, Philadelphia and Vermont — and two cities, Portland, Oregon and Santa Barbara, California, have reduced the number of single-use plastic bags used each year by around 6 billion. According to Environment America, the number of bags saved could go around the planet 42 times.

Further, the findings suggested that plastic bag bans could cut single-use plastic bag use by around 300 bags per person each year once adopted. […]

But the report did outline some grievances, including that companies have used loopholes, replacing thin, single-use plastic bags with thicker plastic bags labeled as recyclable in some places with legislation that allows replacing bags with thicker, recyclable (but still plastic) bags. For instance, the report noted that California banned plastic bags in 2016, while still allowing thick, recyclable plastic bags for a 10-cent fee. Following this legislation, the weight of plastic bags used and thrown out per person increased.

Some areas have also swapped the plastic bags for paper, which are still single-use bags, with or without a fee. When charged a minimum 10-cent-per-bag fee, shoppers in Mountain View, California saw a decline in paper bag usage. But shoppers in Philadelphia used paper bags at a 157% increased rate amid the plastic bag ban when paper bags were available for use with no fee.

* The Question: Do you support a plastic bag ban in Illinois? Make sure to explain your answer…


It’s just a bill

Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Crain’s

The Illinois craft distillery industry could be at the breaking point — but a piece of legislation would throw them a lifeline.

Distillers say that if SB 1618 doesn’t pass — which would create a class 3 license that allows distillers the opportunity to both self-distribute and have on-site full-bar privileges — distilleries will begin to shutter. […]

Currently, Illinois’ some 60 craft distilleries can either self-distribute their product or offer a full bar on-site for guests that includes beer and wine. The legislation would change this, allowing distillers of whiskey and other spirits to now do both, matching similar legislation in states like New York, California and Kentucky. […]

This push for legislative change comes as the industry faces growing headwinds such as drinkers cutting back on booze and rising inflation that are more devastating to smaller distillers. Trump’s tariffs could also negatively impact the industry.


A new bill in Springfield could allow sexual assault survivors to use vouchers to pay for taxis or rideshare services like Uber and Lyft. Sponsors and advocates believe this is another way to help people going through trauma. […]

“It’s a voucher that they can use I think for 90 to 180 days afterwards at some point if they need follow-up care,” said Sen. Suzy Glowiak Hilton (D-Western Springs). “The voucher also pays for things from pharmacies as well. There’s a cap on that voucher.” […]

Although, some Republicans are concerned about the cost for survivors to use rideshare services. The Illinois Department of Healthcare & Family Services caps the current vouchers at $1,000 per service. […]

Senate Republicans said this is a well-intended bill, but they want to have more concrete answers on how long people could use the rideshare voucher and how many people could benefit from it.

* Illinois Municipal League…

- Brad Cole, CEO, Illinois Municipal League
IML President, Mayor Deborah Frank Feinen, City of Champaign
- IML First Vice President, Village President Sheila Chalmers-Currin, Village of Matteson
- IML Second Vice President, Mayor Gary W. Manier, City of Washington

WHEN: Tuesday, February 25, 2025 10 a.m.
WHERE: Illinois State Capitol Blue Room (basement, room 010)

WHAT: Municipal leaders will unveil their 2025 Moving Cities Forward legislative platform designed to ensure the long-term success of Illinois’ cities, villages and towns. This year’s platform promotes local government efficiency and modern policies that reflect community needs and resources. These policies include legislation that grants authority to fulfill public notice mandates electronically, ensures fair compensation for lift-assist services, creates equitable motor fuel tax authority, protects local authority in housing initiatives and reduces unnecessary financial burdens on small municipalities.

* Crain’s

Nearly three years after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled the sale of delinquent property taxes — as it’s been practiced for decades — unconstitutionally takes away owners’ property wealth, a bill in Springfield aims to bring Illinois counties into compliance with the ruling.

Illinois is the last of 12 states to look at becoming compliant. […]

“The Supreme Court ruled that homeowners’ interest in their property should be put first,” said Illinois Rep. Will Guzzardi, D-Chicago, who introduced a bill, HB 3146, on Feb. 6 aimed at fixing the issue. […]

The bill, which was referred to the Rules Committee Feb. 18, says property owners whose taxes are sold “shall have the right to recover surplus equity that was lost” in the sale.

* HB1428, sponsored by Rep. Kevin Olickal, is set for a hearing in the House Judiciary-Criminal Committee this afternoon

Creates the Isolated Confinement Restriction Act. Provides that the Act may be referred to as the Nelson Mandela Act. Provides that a committed person may not be in isolated confinement for more than 10 consecutive days. Provides that a committed person may not be in isolated confinement for more than 10 days in any 180-day period. Provides that the provision of basic needs and services, such as nutritious food, clean water, hygiene supplies, clothing, bedding and mattress, religious materials, legal materials, access to grievance forms, and access to medical and mental health, shall not be restricted as a form of punishment or discipline for committed persons in isolated confinement. Provides that a committed person in protective custody may opt out of that status by providing informed, voluntary, written refusal of that status. Provides that a committed person shall not be placed in isolated confinement if the committed person: (1) is 21 years of age or younger; (2) is 55 years of age or older; (3) has a disability as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; or (4) is pregnant or postpartum. Provides that nothing in the Act is intended to restrict any rights or privileges a committed person may have under any other statute, rule, or regulation. Amends the Unified Code of Corrections to make conforming changes. Effective immediately.

* Center Square

[Rep. Sonya Harper] filed House Bill 1227 last month. The measure to create the Slavery Disclosure and Redress Ordinance would require corporations seeking to do business in Illinois to pay reparations if the company had any ties to slavery. […]

Nineteen lawmakers have co-sponsored Harper’s bill, which was referred to the Illinois House Rules Committee on Jan. 28.

Harper said the state can do the work necessary to figure out how reparations are funded.

“We’re finding ourselves in new situations every couple of years where one minute we say, ‘We have no money, we’re in a deficit,’ but we find billions of dollars out of nowhere to fund different programs,” Harper said.


Stop Credit Card Chaos In Illinois

Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

A last-minute provision called the Interchange Fee Prohibition Act (IFPA) was snuck into the budget process last May and will create chaos for small businesses and consumers across Illinois if it takes effect on July 1, 2025.

The IFPA gives corporate mega-stores like Walmart and Home Depot — who pushed for this backroom deal — millions more in profits, while small business owners get new expenses and accounting headaches. What’s more, consumers could be forced to pay for parts of their transactions in cash if this law moves forward.

A recent court ruling in the litigation challenging the law suggests IFPA is likely pre-empted by federal law for national banks and will only apply to credit unions and local Illinois banks, putting local banks at a disadvantage against their national competitors.

Illinois lawmakers should repeal the IFPA and focus on protecting small businesses and consumers across the state — not lining the pockets of corporate mega-stores.

Stop the countdown to chaos by supporting a repeal of this misguided and flawed policy. Learn more at

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Open thread

Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller

* RIP Roberta Flack

What’s up in your neck of the woods?


Isabel’s morning briefing

Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* ICYMI: Jim Edgar hopes to beat pancreatic cancer: ‘But to be very truthful, if it ended tomorrow, I’ve had a great life.’ Sun-Times

    - Former two-term Illinois governor Jim Edgar on Monday revealed he is battling pancreatic cancer — but told the Sun-Times he’s fighting the deadly disease because he’s “got a lot to hold out for.”
    - Edgar, 78, has been undergoing chemotherapy for three weeks after a diagnosis last month, the downstate Republican told the Sun-Times Monday night.
    - Edgar, who also served as Illinois secretary of state, and leads the Edgar Fellows program at the University of Illinois’ Institute of Government and Public Affairs, wrote in an email to the program’s fellows that he and his wife, Brenda, are “facing a new, significant challenge.”

* Related stories…

*** Isabel’s Top Picks ***

* KSDK | ‘I just want to promote this program that changed my grandson’s life’: Illinois apprenticeship program helps students with disabilities: A southern Illinois county is changing lives, one job opportunity at a time. It’s all through a registered apprenticeship program specifically for students with disabilities. The program gives high school students, who are often overlooked, an opportunity for real-world job experience. The goal at the end is to ultimately lead to full-time employment.

* Elizabeth Whitehorn | More uninsured Illinoisans would be ruinous for the state: Imagine being cut off from your prenatal doctor’s visits halfway through your pregnancy. Imagine having to choose between your child continuing therapy or buying groceries. Imagine forgoing a critical procedure to avoid out-of-pocket expenses that could become medical debt. These are the choices that millions of Americans will have to make if the Trump administration and congressional Republicans succeed in passing any Medicaid cuts.

*** Statehouse News ***

* WHBF | Gov. Pritzker’s proposal to fund resources for the homeless in Illinois: Advocates for the homeless in Illinois worry about the resources coming from the state and federal governments, as cuts to the federal workforce hit the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development hard.

* Chalkbeat Chicago | Illinois schools chief tells districts to follow state law, not Trump threats: In his weekly message sent Wednesday, Sanders said Illinois law prohibits discrimination against marginalized groups. “Black history is American history,” wrote Sanders, who noted that these and other topics are required by Illinois mandates for classroom instruction. “The study of events related to the forceful removal and illegal deportation of Mexican-American U.S. citizens during the Great Depression is American history. The study of the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people is American history.”

*** Statewide ***

* Sun-Times | Medical schools enroll fewer Blacks, Latinos from Illinois after Supreme Court’s affirmative action ban: While other factors are also at play since the ruling, the number of Hispanic medical students from Illinois plummeted by 42.6% between the 2023-24 school year and this year, data shows. The number of Black students decreased by 6.5%, and mixed race students decreased by 8.3%.

*** Chicago ***

* Crain’s | Johnson pressured to amend $830M borrowing plan before City Council vote: Johnson and his senior aides spent the weekend listening to what changes may be needed to avoid a loss at Wednesday’s City Council meeting after a vote on the plan was blocked last week. Further negotiations are expected to carry on through the week. The borrowing proposal has been criticized for its payment structure — which pushes off paying down the principal until 2045 — and a lack of trust among some in the council who say they want assurances that the funds go towards capital projects as intended.

* Sun-Times | Mayor Johnson’s office intensifies push for CPS borrowing to avoid leaving city in the red: City Chief Financial Officer Jill Jaworski tells WBEZ the city will have to reach into reserves to cover the shortfall, which would likely be concerning to credit rating agencies. The city’s rating was recently downgraded to two notches above junk rating, which will result in city taxpayers being forced to pay higher interest rates on loans. Meanwhile, dipping into reserves would face scrutiny from a wary City Council that fiercely butted heads with Johnson during a drawn-out budget fight last year. Alderpersons, depending on where they stand politically, would likely blame both the city and the school district for the financial quagmire.

* Tribune | Chicago craft brewers expect Trump’s aluminum tariffs to raise the price of a six-pack: “Imagine something that you’re buying every day goes up 25% overnight,” said Jason Klein, 42, co-founder of Spiteful Brewing. “We would have no choice but to raise prices — there’s no way we can absorb that.” A niche segment of the beer industry, craft brewing has become big business in Illinois, with hundreds of mostly small manufacturers generating $3.1 billion in economic impact in the state in 2023, according to the Brewers Association, a Colorado-based trade group. But after years of explosive growth, craft brewers have struggled in the post-pandemic landscape amid a glut of competitors, with a number of high-profile brewery and taproom closings in the Chicago area. Tariffs may be another blow.

* Sun-Times | Passengers at O’Hare know flying is safe, but some have concerns after plane crashes: The 43-year-old said she reconsidered her flight “for about a second” before remembering that flying is still the safest way to travel. She brushed the momentary worry aside and boarded a plane with her daughter and her daughter’s best friend last week for a birthday celebration. “I just feel like you pray and you pack your bags. You don’t let [doubt] stop you from doing anything that you want to do,” Katrina said after landing Thursday at O’Hare from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

*** Cook County and Suburbs ***

* CBS Chicago | Dolton, Cicero, Aurora are among Illinois communities holding contentious primaries Tuesday: Tuesday is primary election day in Illinois. Chicago does not have any races this cycle, but dozens of suburbs do. Among the cities, villages and townships with primary elections on Tuesday, few races will be watched as closely as Dolton — as their embattled mayor is up for re-election.

* Sun-Times | Highland Park massacre suspect skips court half way through first day of jury selection: Seven of the jurors who will decide the fate of the Highland Park parade shooting suspect were chosen Monday — but the defendant in one of the worst massacres in Illinois history declined to return to the courtroom after the day’s lunch break. Among those initially selected for the panel in the murder trial of Robert Crimo III are a business analyst, a hospice nurse, a nursing home chef, a summer camp counselor and an accountant.

* Daily Herald | Nine-term incumbent and library trustee vie for office of Streamwood village president: The April 1 election for Streamwood village president sees Poplar Creek Library Trustee Asad Khan challenging nine-term incumbent Billie Roth for the opportunity to lead the village through the spring of 2029. Khan said he’s concerned about a declining population in the village, which he believes hurts revenues. “Shocking information is that in 2015 we were 40,000 people,” he said. “The new numbers are 36,000 and some change. That’s a 10% drop, which is unbelievable. People are leaving. Why? Why are people leaving, and what are we doing to address that?”

* Evanston Round Table | Chow, Suffredin trade blows as Sixth Ward race stays tense: No City Council race has made noise this campaign season quite like the heated competition for the Sixth Ward seat between incumbent Tom Suffredin and challenger Candance Chow. The two candidates have been trading blows for the last three weeks, since Chow suddenly called for a ban on elected officials acting as lobbyists on behalf of other municipalities. The move took direct aim at Suffredin, who is a lobbyist by day and represents clients like the Chicago Teachers Union and Amazon at the state house in Springfield.

*** Downstate ***

* BND | St. Clair County fired HR director for investigating official’s relative, he alleges: As human resources director, Bergman states that he also investigated inappropriate actions by Austin Thomas, who the complaint identifies as Jordin Simmons’ friend. Both men were dispatchers for the St. Clair County Emergency Management Agency, according to county salary information compiled by the Illinois Answers Project. Bergman filed the lawsuit late last year in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois against the county, Herb Simmons, County Board Chairman Mark Kern and Bob Jones, an attorney who represented Jordin Simmons and Thomas during Bergman’s investigation.

* WJBD | Salem Police no longer responding to non-violent mental calls: Deputy Police Chief Tyler Rose says the department is participating in a pilot program ahead of a new law that prohibits initial response to mental calls that takes effect in July. “If it is non-violent, there are no weapons, there no threat to another individual, it’s someone simply having a mental health crisis, the legislation forbids us from dispatching officers right away,” Rose said. “That will have to be referred to these mobile crisis units. For Salem, it’s going to be members of the Community Resource Center that come out and make contact with that that individual.”

* WIFR | Former Jackson Charter School executive director accused of stealing thousands: Emily Wallen, 39, of Rockford is accused of one count of theft ($10,000-$100,000) and one count of official misconduct. ISP reports its investigation began in September 2024 after the agency received a tip alleging theft and official misconduct against Wallen. Wallen was previously the executive director for Jackson Charter School, 315 Summit St. in Rockford.

* WTVO | No property tax on new homes? Rockford considers extending 3-year program: The Three-Year Property Tax Rebate Program for Newly-Built Residential Construction went into effect in 2023 and is coming up for renewal. “If you pulled a permit to build that home in 2024, you get a three-year tax rebate. So for the next three years, you don’t pay property taxes [and then] year four, year five, you start to pay property taxes,” said Mayor Tom McNamara.

* WREX | Rockford City Council Committee votes to keep “All People Are Welcome” sign: Alderwoman Torina responded by highlighting the city’s commitment to inclusivity and diversity, referencing the guiding principles that were written two years ago. The guiding principle was then read aloud in the meeting: “Rockford provides a welcoming, nurturing, inclusive community that values diversity, where community members feel safe and respected…” said Todd Cagnoni, City Administrator.

* News-Gazette | All 6 taxing districts OK agreement to bring $750 million plant to Douglas County: Six taxing districts have voted, and not one “no” was cast. In question was an agreement that will clear the way for the siting of a $750 million corn wet-milling plant west of Tuscola. All that’s left is for company officials to decide where the plant will be located.

*** National ***

* The Hill | EPA to make higher-ethanol gas available year round beginning in April: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will proceed with Biden-era plans to allow the year-round sale of higher-ethanol E15 fuel, a longtime ask of midwestern lawmakers and the biofuels industry. EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin said the agency would maintain the agreed-upon date of April 28 to make the fuel available in eight states. The governors of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin had requested waivers to sell the fuel throughout the year rather than only the high-demand summer months.

* WaPo | Firings of some federal workers should be halted, watchdog recommends: Hampton Dellinger, the head of the independent Office of Special Counsel whom President Donald Trump has tried to oust but a judge has temporarily kept in place, said the firings are likely illegal

* Forbes | mRNA Vaccine Shows Promise In Pancreatic Cancer Trial: “The latest data from the phase 1 trial are encouraging,” said Vinod Balachandran, MD, surgeon-scientist from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York and principal investigator of the trial. “They suggest this investigational therapeutic mRNA vaccine can mobilize anti-tumor T cells that may recognize pancreatic cancers as foreign, potentially years after vaccination,” said Balachandran, also senior author of the new publication.


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Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Live coverage

Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Click here and/or here to follow breaking news. Hopefully, enough reporters and news outlets migrate to BlueSky so we can hopefully resume live-posting.


Selected press releases (Live updates)

Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Robert Crimo III pleads guilty to Highland Park parade shooting
* Question of the day
* Tribune editorial board: 'Nevermind'
* Judge tosses bribery convictions in ComEd Four case, prosecutors indicate a new trial may not be necessary
* Fair hit?
* When RETAIL Succeeds, Illinois Succeeds
* It’s just a bill
* State finally making major progress on funding 'four core services'
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Yesterday's stories

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