Live CBS 2 broadcast *** Updated x1 ***
Wednesday, Nov 28, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller Click here or on the the promo pic below to watch tonight’s live broadcast of CBS 2 News at 10… ![]() If you need a refresher on what this is all about, here is the promotional script for the story we’re tracking…
*** UPDATE *** In case you missed the live broadcast, click here for the full script and the video.
This just in… *** Governor predicts all of his House loyalists will vote for transit bill *** Hoffman claiming to be a “Yes” vote *** HDEMS to see gaming bill tomorrow *** Not looking good ***
Wednesday, Nov 28, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * 1:10 pm - I told subscribers about this problem earlier in the week, but Senate President Emil Jones just confirmed that he doesn’t have enough members in town to even bother calling the mass transit bill, if it somehow makes it out of the House…
* 1:27 pm - Republican presidential filing begins today in Illinois. Rudy Guiliani and Ron Paul didn’t file delegates at all, and Fred Thompson only filed delegate slates in five districts: 2nd, 3rd, 10th, 17th and 19th. More from the SJ-R.…
* 1:32 pm - If you’re wondering why session hasn’t started yet, it’s because the leaders are meeting in the governor’s office. Rep. Jay Hoffman, the governor’s House floor leader, is reportedly at the meeting. Hoffman was telling people yesterday that he would vote “No” on the new transit bill, but the governor’s been putting the arm on him, so he’s now said to be in the “undecided” camp. As I told subscribers this morning, if Hoffman votes “No,” practically nobody will ever believe that Blagojevich really worked on behalf of this bill. * 1:36 pm - The House is starting up. Listen or watch here. *** 1:41 pm *** The governor reportedly told the leaders today that all of his House Democratic loyalists will vote for the transit bill. The House will likely go to caucus soon. * 1:49 pm - Rep. Gary Hannig, who is sitting in the Speakers chair, was just asked whether the House would conclude business today after caucus and committees, or tomorrow. Said Hannig: “I’m advised that there will be an effort to try and conclude tonight, but that’s not for certain.” * 1:57 pm - Rep. Mautino just brought up a big issue for Downstate House Democrats: Project reappropriations. Lots of projects didn’t get reappropriated in the final enacted budget this year. It’s just another log to throw on the gigantic pile of what members are demanding for a final solution to this session. The House has now recessed for caucus and committees. *** 2:06 pm *** Rep. Jay Hoffman has now confirmed to someone else that he and the governor’s other four ducklings will be voting “Yes” on the transit bill today. That means all eyes are now on House GOP Leader Cross. If he succecssfully pushes for the bill, then it will likely pass the House and the mess will arrive in the Senate. *** 3:46 pm *** It looks like we’ll see a gaming bill tomorrow. The House Democrats are planning to caucus on Madigan’s new expansion proposal after the 10 o’clock session. The plan today, so far, is to run the transit bill after caucus and committees. Right now, it looks like there will be enough HGOP votes to pass this thing, but one can never be certain in this climate, so stay tuned. The Repubs are still caucasing as I write this. *** 7:25 pm *** Members have been dropping off like flies for the past few hours, and it now appears that not all the governor’s minions are going to be on board as promised, and that several other House members of both parties are turning against the bill. I’ll have more on the “why” in tomorrow’s Capitol Fax. Leader Cross, who predicted a couple of minutes ago that the transit bailout bill would fail in the House, got an earful in caucus about the absence of a capital bill agreement and has now called for a special session on the topic. Cross’ people say they want the governor to keep members in session as long as it takes until the capital/gaming issue is resolved.
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Wednesday, Nov 28, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
Question of the day
Wednesday, Nov 28, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * Bruce Ramsey of the Seattle Times had this to say in today’s column….
Question: How would you define “citizenship”?
Tricky politics *** Updated x4 ***
Wednesday, Nov 28, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * While others may have slobbered over Mayor Daley’s endorsement yesterday of the Blagojevich/Cross mass transit bailout plan, Kurt Erickson kept his head and asked questions…
* But when Daley talks, the Chicago media always plays it up. Don’t get me wrong. Daley is very important. But the actual roll call is much more important, and it’s not there yet…
* More…
* Listen to all of Daley’s press conference at Chicago Public Radio, or just hit the button below… * To get a small idea of how politically volatile the new bailout proposal is, read this commentary by former state Rep. Cal Skinner…
Whatever you may think of Cal, he’s right. * More transit and session stuff, compiled by Paul…
*** UPDATE 1 *** Metro Networks‘ Springfield bureau chief Ben Yount has an excellent analysis that you can listen to at the Illinois Farm Bureau site or below… *** UPDATE 2 *** Fox Chicago’s Senior Political Editor Jack Conaty scored an exclusive interview with Speaker Madigan yesterday that I just noticed thanks to a commenter here. Madigan told Conaty that it was “very, very sad for Illinois government” that some leaders demand a “linkage” between a mass transit bailout and a Conaty asked Madigan if we are now “at the end of that unfortunate legislative drama or is this simply one more act?” Madigan’s reply…
“Despite the optimism in Chicago,” Conaty says, “the funding crisis at the CTA is likely to continue.” Click the pic for Conaty’s full story… ![]() …Adding… Many thanks to Fox Chicago for their prominent placement of my blog on their political news page. *** UPDATE 3 *** The Tribune editorialized on gaming expansion again today. Take a look. *** UPDATE 4 *** Cogent analysis from the SJ-R’s editorial board…
Hit on three fronts
Wednesday, Nov 28, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * The governor will probably want to talk about how he’s “saving” mass transit today, but reporters will probably want to ask him about this development as well…
* The General Assembly could be in session two days this week. If that’s the case, then reporters will likely press the governor tomorrow about a story which will appear at 10 o’clock tonight on CBS 2. Click the pic for the station’s promo, which is running in heavy rotation… ![]()
Oof. I’ve been hearing about this piece for weeks. Apparently, the station staked out the governor’s home and monitored his work habits. We’ll have to wait and see if the hype matches up to the substance, but I’m sure it will be a fun viewing. I’ve asked the station to provide me with a live link to tonight’s broadcast. So, if you’re outside the Chicago area, check back tonight and you’ll probably be able to watch it right here. *** UPDATE *** I have the link ready to go and will post it later tonight, so check back. * And then there’s this…
Rate the ads
Wednesday, Nov 28, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * It’s time, once again, to play “Rate the campaign TV ads,” campers. First up, Jay Footlik’s * Next, we have Democrat Bill Foster’s new ad. Foster is hoping to challenge whatever GOP candidate emerges in retired Congressman Denny Hastert’s district… * And, finally, Republican Kevin Burns, one of the Republican candidates in the race to replace Hastert… What do you think of each? ![]()
Morning shorts
Wednesday, Nov 28, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Some Illinois school keep moment of silence…
* Silence law challenged by federal court * DuPage Co. ‘doomsday’ budget approved
* Stroger floor leader says budget would pass if Todd ‘were a white man’
* Stroger’s take: ‘We are stuck’ * Chicago Public Radio: Cook Co. budget battle continues * Filing for special election to replace Hastert has already begun
* Quinn wants count of veterans scholarships
* Opinion: Public suffers if aldermen fail to debate * Top cop candidate threatens to withdraw if name goes public * Michael Sneed: Tipsville
* Tollway to hold hearing on tentative 2008 budget
* Editorial: Checks at casino good way to keep addicts out * Tribune Editorial: Bring FutureGen to Illinios * Phil Kadner: A ‘Chose Life’ plate for Illinois * Illinois farmers enjoy record harvest
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s Capitol Fax (Use all caps in password)
Wednesday, Nov 28, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller