Sunday evening roundup
Sunday, Oct 31, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Everybody wants to know what turnout is gonna be. Here are some predictions…
* A flier was handed out at Catholic churches all over Illinois today with the issue positions of the gubernatorial candidates. Click here for the full view, and here are Bill Brady’s responses… ![]() * Gov. Pat Quinn didn’t respond at all… ![]() That can either be good or bad, depending. If Quinn had filled it out, he’d be on the opposite side of the Catholic Conference on three huge issues - abortion, vouchers and civil unions - and everyone would know it. By not filling it out, though, he disses the largest, most powerful religious organization in the state.
* But the Illinois Republican Party took Kilbride to task…
* And, now, some videos. A CNN reporter says “senior advisers” to President Obama are “very nervous” about Illinois’ US Senate race. Watch it… * Scott Lee Cohen fires up Rev. Meeks’ congregation… * The audio isn’t great on these next two, but here is Gov. Pat Quinn’s speech last night to the Obamarama GOTV event… * Alexi Giannoulias’ Obamarama speech… * Or, if you prefer, you can listen to just the audio clips by clicking on the images…
* ABC7’s Sunday evening report… * Is Gov. Quinn’s election night party really starting an hour before the polls close? Yep… ![]() At 6 o’clock, you’d think they’d want as many people as possible out at L stops and polling places, and making phone calls and knocking on doors. Bill Brady’s party won’t open the doors to his attendees until 7:30 Tuesday night, according to a press release.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: Dirty Democratic Halloween tricks?
Sunday, Oct 31, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
*** UPDATED x5 *** Tony Peraica busted for alleged yard sign vandalism - Stickney cops will be crucial
Sunday, Oct 31, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica was arrested last night for allegedly vandalizing yard signs of his Democratic opponent, McCook Mayor Jeff Tobolski. The coppers’ story…
Tobolski’s press release statement…
If the Stickney cops back up the McCook police chief, Peraica is in big trouble, man. *** UPDATE 1 *** I just got off the phone with McCook Police Chief Frank Wolfe. Wolfe says that a Stickney officer on patrol last night heard a person yell something like “Hey, cut it out! What’re you doing?” and observed a white Chevy van and a person entering the van with a pole in his hand. The Stickney officer, according to the McCook chief (who has since spoken with Stickney police), gave the man a verbal warning and then apparently put the event on the radio. Chief Wolfe said his officers heard the warning and shortly thereafter saw a white Chevy van backing out of a private residence. When the van failed to use its signal, the McCook police stopped the van. The occupants claimed they were posting Peraica signs, but there were no such signs in the area, according to the chief. One of the officers then noticed that a Tobolski sign had been vandalized at the house where the van had been parked. According to the chief, the yard sign was strongly reinforced. That’s where the pole comes in. Apparently, they were using the pole to knock down the signs. The owner of a business a block or so away then approached the police, Chief Wolfe said, and claimed that somebody destroyed two signs on his property and said that his tenant was a witness. The tenant was quickly brought to the scene and, according to Chief Wolfe, the tenant identified Peraica, who was then arrested. Oops. *** UPDATE 2 *** Ray Hanania has the mugshot… ![]() *** UPDATE 3 *** The Stickney Police Department has issued a press release which appears to back up the McCook story…
I called Deputy Chief Figueroa and he gave me a few more details. Figueroa said the officer heard someone yell something along the lines of “Hey! What’re you doing? You’re going to break that!” This all seems to fit. Peraica is claiming he wasn’t doing anything wrong and was set up by the McCook coppers, but it surely doesn’t look good for him right now. *** UPDATE 4 *** From ABC7… *** UPDATE 5 *** Peraica’s press release…