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*** UPDATED x1 *** Fun with numbers

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

Thousands in Illinois Urge State Reps To Oppose SB 1715 on Statewide Day of Action Against Fracking

MoveOn Members in Illinois Launch Campaigns Urging State Legislators and Governor Pat Quinn to Support A Ban on Fracking

ILLINOIS - On Thursday, May 30th, MoveOn members from Illinois will be mobilizing as part of a statewide day of action against hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking. Activists are urging their state legislators and Gov. Quinn to oppose SB 1715, unless a one-year moratorium and the creation of a task force to study the effects of fracking in the Illinois are added into the bill.

As of this writing, the statewide petition has a mere 1,436 signatures. The other online petitions listed in the full press release have a total of 485 signatures. So, they’ll probably break 2,000 by tomorrow. “Thousands” will be accurate, I suppose, but not truly descriptive.

*** UPDATE *** From…

Hi Rich —

I just saw your piece referring to all the MoveOn members in Illinois who are starting and signing petitions on fracking.

Thanks for covering their activism. Just wanted to clarify one thing — there are currently 46 different petitions on the subject of fracking started by MoveOn members in Illinois, for a total number of 10,955 unique signatures on all of those petitions. As we noted in the advisory, 32 distinct House districts are targeted by these petitions.

You can view them here:

Please let me know if you have questions.


Stefanie Faucher

OK, I stand corrected.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* Meanwhile, large-scale fracking has apparently begun in southern Illinois before the regulations have kicked in

(AP) — State records indicate that high-volume oil drilling already has begun in Illinois, where lawmakers and others are scrambling to pass a bill to establish regulations for a practice that has generated intense national debate as energy companies push into new territory.

Carmi-based Campbell Energy LLC submitted a well-completion report last year to the Department of Natural Resources voluntarily disclosing that it used 640,000 gallons of water during hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” of a well in White County. A regulatory bill awaiting a vote by state lawmakers — but not yet written at the time the well was drilled — defines “high-volume” as the use of 300,000 gallons or more of fluid during all stages of fracking. […]

Brad Richards, vice president of the Illinois Oil and Gas Association, said he wasn’t surprised to learn of the Campbell well but stressed that the company did nothing wrong. And although the volume of fluid it used was a lot compared with what has traditionally been used in Illinois — the typical “frack” has been 100,000 gallons or less — it pales in comparison to states like North Dakota and Pennsylvania, where it’s not unusual for drillers to use 2 million to 8 million gallons of fluid in a well, he said.


Question of the day

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Should all current and future home rule ordinances regarding guns be abolished? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.



Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - The rest of the story and a Statehouse roundup

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATED x1 - Video *** Jaffe: Put Chicago casino in separate bill

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois Gaming Board Chairman Aaron Jaffe is a former state legislator. He surely knows from his experience that the best way to pass a bill which benefits Chicago is to also insert stuff for Downstate and suburban areas, and vice versa.

So, by arguing that the Chicago component ought to be stripped out of the gaming bill, he’s essentially undermining the likelihood of any gaming expansion approval

While it was unlikely that Illinois Gaming Board Chairman Aaron Jaffe’s idea would take shape before Friday’s end-of-session deadline, similar ethical concerns have been echoed in the governor’s office and came as final negotiations were in the works. The bill calls for casinos in Chicago, Danville, Rockford, Chicago’s south suburbs and Lake County, as well as numerous slot machines. It also sets aside revenues for certain groups.

Jaffe has publicly blasted the proposal - which remained in a House committee Tuesday - because it establishes a separate board to oversee a Chicago casino. He said giving that control to a board of mayoral appointees leaves the door open for corruption. He told The Associated Press that the bill is trying to do too much.

“It’s a Christmas tree bill,” Jaffe told the AP. “You have one political party that is in the governor’s mansion, controlling the Senate, controlling the House. You’re telling me they can’t pass one bill that will give the city of Chicago a casino? That blows my mind.”

* Rep. Bob Rita, the sponsor of the House gaming bill, held a press conference this morning to say basically the same thing I did at the top of this post. From’s Twitter feed…

* I’m also told that one of the things Gov. Quinn and Chairman Jaffe are fighting for behind the scenes is giving the board approval power in case Chicago decides to sell its license. Right now, that approval power rests with the General Assembly.

* And this is from Rep. Rita’s spokesperson…

There is a dispute between the City of Chicago and the Cook County Board over whether some revenues from a Chicago casino should go to Cook County, or whether county revenues should only come from a south suburban casino. Rep. Rita wants that issue worked out in a compromise.

I should have audio from Rita’s presser in a bit.

*** UPDATE *** Video from the Rita presser

Thanks to my new intern Andrew Niebur for the video.


*** UPDATED x2 *** Budget roundup

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE 1 *** Cassiopeia’s comment was so good that I felt the need to front page it

This budget negates a significant part [of] the fiscal crisis argument that Madigan puts forth in SB1.

True dat.

From Madigan’s “statements and findings” passage

Notwithstanding these and many other steps and their major fiscal, economic, and human impact, the fiscal situation in Illinois continues to deteriorate. […]

The General Assembly finds that the fiscal crisis in the State of Illinois jeopardizes the health, safety, and welfare of the people and compromises the ability to maintain a representative and orderly government.

It’s difficult to see evidence of that in this particular budget.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* As usual, Illinois Issues has a great budget rundown

Both higher education and K-12 will be funded at essentially flat levels, compared to the current fiscal year. Human services would see cuts under the plan, but the outlook is not nearly as gloomy as it seemed just a few weeks ago. Sponsors of the various budget bills say that the situation would have been much bleaker if a windfall of $1.5 billion in unexpected revenues had not come in. “In April, there was a large surge because people sold a bunch of assets at the end of [Fiscal Year] ‘12 in anticipation of capital gains rate changes,” said Rep. Greg Harris, who sponsored the human services budget bill. […]

While Republicans blasted the spending in the proposal, Harris, who took over the human services budgeting committee this year, said this is the first budget in recent years that will fully fund human services. “We’ve made cuts across the board but we’ve retained funding in core community services such as mental health, substance abuse, homelessness programs,” he said. This year and several other times in recent history, human services agencies have had to come back to the General Assembly midway through the fiscal year and ask for more money to avoid the shutdown of programs. “In other years, they’ve not appropriated for a full year, and they’ve always come back for [supplemental spending bills]. … We wanted to pass something that was fully reflective of the realities of each department’s need,” he said. “I would say woe betide the department that comes back to us with a supplemental [request] this year.”

The budget does not explicitly include the raises promised to state union workers in a new contract. But personnel costs are provided in lump sums, and each agency is left to figure out how to work in the raises. “What we accounted for was their FY 14 raises, and they way we did that was to give our departments maximum flexibility.” […]

Some of the unexpected revenue would be used to immediately pay down nearly $600 million in old human services bills. Harris said many of those payments would be eligible for federal matching funds under Medicaid. Some of the additional revenues were incorporated to the revenue estimate for next fiscal year and will be used to defer cuts to education and corrections.

Go read the whole thing.

* Finke is also definitely worth a read…

Quinn’s budget office said it does not believe the spending plan approved by House Democrats will result in layoffs at state agencies. However, several agency directors said they will not be able to fill vacancies. […]

Rep. Greg Harris, D-Chicago, chairman of the House Human Services Appropriations Committee, said larger human services agencies will see about a 2.5 percent reduction in the amount allocated for their operations. Richard Calica, director of the Department of Children and Family Services, said his agency is looking at about a $7 million cut in staffing expenses, which will result in the department not filling vacancies. […]

Harris, though, said the budgets for human services agencies will maintain funding for mental health, substance abuse, community child care and homelessness-prevention services. Money for rape-victim assistance lost because of the federal sequester will be restored. Funding is also provided to the Department of Public Health to implement the medical marijuana program.

The Department of Corrections budget was also given a lump sum that agency officials could use as they see fit. Republicans argued that was giving Quinn and his agency directors too much leeway.

Again, read the whole thing.

* The Republicans said they weren’t happy

Republicans wanted to hold the line on spending and use some of the additional April revenue to help pay down the state’s mountain of old bills. They said Democrats should not count on the one-time April money to build the budget, especially when a temporary income tax is set to expire next year.

“We’re on the brink of financial collapse,” said Rep. David Reis, R-Willow Hill.

* Tribune

One major issue that appears headed toward resolution between lawmakers and Quinn was the issue of back pay for members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees for the current and previous budget years. The $140 million was part of the union’s lengthy and often confrontational bargaining with the Quinn administration over a new contract.

But if union workers are to get contractually mandated raises in the upcoming budget year, state agencies will have to carefully manage the money they get.

In other budget developments, House Democrats approved an $844 million supplemental spending measure, largely to cover bills through the June 30 end of the budget year. Supporters said the measure would fund the payroll of state prison workers and allow the state to capture federal money and pay down past-due bills.

* Hmm

Harris is quick to point out the state will spend a little less of its own money next year, but will spend “hundreds of millions more” in federal dollars.

Bellock’s arithmetic differs. She said Illinois will spend anywhere between $45 million and $85 million more on human services this year. Much of that new spending will go to state workers.

* From Sen. Chapin Rose’s Facebook page this morning, regarding an appropriations hearing

Gov’s guy just said they won’t adhere to all provisions of the newly signed AFSCME contract minted last month if the Dems budget bill passes.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Sen. Rose clarifies

To be clear on the AFSMCE contract issue- Gov’s guy said they will need $140 million over and above the dem’s proposed budget to fund this and that they would have to come back and ask for more $ to pay it before they would.

* Related…

* Quinn promises to sign Medicaid expansion after Senate’s passage

* State lawmakers looking to spare schools’ bus money

* How a retired teacher’s pension adds up to $400,000 - Little-known pension program sparks debate


Where’s the fire?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Carol Marin’s column today attempts to convince Bill Daley to run for governor...

If Illinois Democrats are determined to march into a bloody primary war with their own incumbent governor, Pat Quinn, better to do it in Braveheart fashion. Because trying to dump your own guy who topped your own ticket, regardless of his current public unpopularity, will require energy, focus, and, most of all, passion.

Um, that Braveheart guy died at the end of the movie. Daley seems to understand this. Check out his quotes

“The question is, at this stage is it a Don Quixote thing?” Daley asked rhetorically by phone on Friday. […]

But again he asks rhetorically, “How do you, in a practical way, pull it off?”

Especially when more women than men vote in the Democratic primary.

“Two men and a woman, we’ve seen that movie before,” he said.

I think he’s right to be cautious here. The polls aren’t in his favor in a three-way race.

But, Carol is right on one thing. If you want the office, then go for it and stop with the Hamlet act.

On the other hand, if you don’t have the fire in the belly, it’s best not to run. Do those quotes show any real fire? Not seeing it.

* Meanwhile, Crain’s published an op-ed today that purports to show how Illinois Republicans can take the state back. I don’t disagree with the conclusion, but the premise that it’s all about Downstate turnout and little to nothing about ideology is fatally flawed

Had the downstate turnout just matched the collar county average turnout rate of 51.4 percent, Mr. Brady most likely would have defeated Mr. Quinn instead losing to him by a mere 46 percent-46.8 percent.

The trouble with this analysis is that it focuses solely on the importance of generic Downstate turnout and ignores the fact that three moderate Republicans won statewide in 2010: Mark Kirk for US Senate, Judy Baar Topinka for comptroller and Dan Rutherford for treasurer.

* The piece also ignores something that it trumpets

As most Illinois residents know, the Democrats’ stronghold is Cook County, while Republicans populate most of the rest of the state. There is a persistent myth among voters in Illinois that Cook County’s vote determines who wins statewide elections because of its population numbers. But the truth is only 40.5 percent of Illinois’ population resides in Cook County. The collar counties — DuPage, Lake, Kane and Will — make up another 21.5 percent of the state’s population, while the rest of its residents (38 percent) live outside the five counties. So, while the rest of the state (predominantly Republican) almost ties Cook County’s population (predominantly Democrat), it’s the collar counties that usually determine who wins and loses elections in the Prairie State.

You don’t do well in many of the collars by running hard to the right. Suburban women may be more conservative, but they’re not generally that conservative. And they also tend to be independents who are willing to take a Democratic ballot if the Republican alienates them.

* Yes, the Republicans absolutely need a much better turnout game. But they also need better candidates and a non-divisive general election message.


Rep. Ford sticks his neck out

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This decision took some guts

State Rep. La Shawn Ford has joined the four other House Black Caucus members who publicly support same-sex marriage legislation, with the measure’s fate uncertain as a Friday deadline looms.

As you know, Ford (D-Chicago) was indicted by the feds for bank fraud. The charges seem a bit iffy and he was accompanied to the federal courts building by a large number of ministers from his district.

Many of those very same ministers oppose gay marriage, so Ford has been in a very tough spot. He could stand with the ministers on gay marriage, or break with them and risk not having that community support as his trial commences next April, after the Democratic primary.

* Rep. Ford obviously believes the gay marriage bill will pass this week or he probably wouldn’t have stuck his neck out

“I think it’ll probably get 63 or 64 [votes],” he said. “Greg Harris is a smart legislator and he understands - he counts the numbers. And he measures twice and cuts once. So, he’s going to be ready.”

I know of several other House members who want to vote for gay marriage but are afraid of a voter backlash. Ford ought to be an example for them.


Only a matter of time?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Ben Yount has a very good roundup of videos from yesterday’s Senate Executive Committee hearing to show how despite the failure of the House’s bill, concealed carry backers have pretty much won the Springfield debate. For instance

The debate is now about where you will be able to carry a gun, not if you will be able to carry a gun. Sen. President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, has been one of the biggest gun controllers in Illinois. Even he is signaling support for a concealed carry law.

Cullerton is now saying he supports state preemption of local concealed carry ordinances - a position that would’ve been unthinkable last year, or even last month, for that matter. Watch

* After saying that going past the June 9th deadline was no big deal, it does seem that Cullerton and his top people want an agreement this week

No one wants to go past the June 9 deadline anymore. State Sen. Don Harmon, D-Oak Park, acknowledges that Illinois is going to have to meet the federal court deadline on concealed carry.


* More

The two plans still on the table are very similar on concealed carry. Sen. Harmon and state Rep. Brandon Phelps, D-Harrisburg, say the only difference between the plans is legal language for other gun laws.

They are quite similar. Video

* Back to Ben

But even the plan favored by the Illinois Senate would allow people to legally carry a gun in Illinois, including the city of Chicago.


* And

Concealed carry is no longer an issue that pits farmers against city folk. Guns have always been a regional issue, but suburban GOP Leader Christine Radogno said her district is evolving on the issue.


Ben concludes by saying there is “plenty of time for a compromise to be worked out” by Friday. He’s right.

Have some patience while the sausage is finalized, please.

* Related…

* Zorn: Deadline could backfire on gun-control advocates

* Illinois Senate concealed carry showdown: one up, one down

* Illinois Senate panel advances stricter gun-carry bill

* Senate panel spikes Madigan concealed-carry bill, advances stricter alternative


Against it before he was for it

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As I’ve pointed out before, former attorney general Ty Fahner and his Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago have been all over the place on pension reform.

This, for instance, is from a statement Fahner issued back in February…

The Civic Committee opposes Senate Bill 1 (SB1) for a number of reasons, described below.

Sending two alternative pieces of legislation in one bill makes no sense. On appeal, it would confuse the legislative record and intent, invite the Court to take on the Legislature’s role and it would only further delay the implementation of reforms. In addition, the bill as currently drafted presumes that Part A is unconstitutional. It also presumes Part B is constitutional and without flaws of its own.

Part A:

Any serious pension reform proposal should reduce the unfunded pension liability by $30 Billion or more (with additional substantial reductions in the retiree health care liability to be pursued later). Because of changes incorporated in this bill, it is no longer apparent that it meets this standard. [Emphasis added.]

* SB 1, of course, was since amended to include just Speaker Madigan’s pension proposal. The Civic Committee endorsed that plan earlier this month

Tell your legislators to support SB1 as it will generate the cost savings necessary to help move our state forward and on its way to good financial health.

SB1, which generates real and significant savings for Illinois, recently passed the House with bipartisan support. Other proposed bills, like SB2404, simply do not go far enough, leaving Illinois with a substantial pension burden.

* But yesterday, Rep. Elaine Nekrtiz released the actuarial data for Speaker Madigan’s pension reform bill. The totals…

$21 billion off unfunded liability
$187 billion off total payments
$1.9 billion off first-year payment

One wonders if Fahner will oppose the Madigan plan, now that it comes up $9 billion short of Fahner’s demand.

Don’t hold your breath.

* Meanwhile

Downstate school districts could escape increased pension expenses under a proposed cost shift if a House pension reform plan is approved, lawmakers said Tuesday.

Rep. Elaine Nekritz, D-Northbrook, said benefit changes and higher employee contributions contained in the House plan would cover downstate teacher pension costs going forward. It’s those future pension costs that House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, wants to shift away from the state and onto local school districts.

“The employer (ongoing) cost would be zero,” Nekritz said. “I think that will be part of the discussion on cost-shift going forward.”

* Related…

* Ill. Teachers Plans Hedge-Fund Overhaul

* Unes: How and why ’shifting’ became the new ‘taxing’


Vote Yes on SB 103: Renewables Cut Power Costs $177 Million/Year; Supported by 87% of Illinois Voters

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Renewables Save Hundreds of Millions for Ratepayers

The Illinois Power Agency recently issued its 2013 report on the costs and benefits of renewable energy in Illinois. It found “a savings of $176.85 million” in total payments for electricity generation in both 2011 and 2012.

SB 103 Would Save Ratepayers $281 Million MORE Between 2014-2017

According to an analysis verified by both the ICC and IPA, SB 103’s unified competitive procurement approach would save Illinois ratepayers an additional $281 million between 2014 and 2017.

87% of Illinois Voters Support Renewables

A Clean Energy Trust/Zogby poll of 700 likely voters earlier this month found 86.7% of likely Illinois voters support “policies to bring renewable energy to Illinois.” 77% support SB 103.

Unintended Conflict Has Broken Down the Law

As reported in the Chicago Tribune (“Energy Fund Lacks Power”, May 13, 2013) and Crain’s Chicago Business (“A Mighty Wind Problem”, April 8, 2013), the RPS law has broken down because of an unforeseen conflict with the municipal aggregation tidal wave.

A No-Cost Fix

SB 103 contains a simple solution to resolve this problem that preserves rate caps and increases efficiency.

Fix the RPS - Vote Yes on SB 103

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Puppy lemon law advances

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The puppy lemon law passed the House yesterday 67-49 and now heads back to the Senate for concurrence

The measure’s backers include the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association, the Puppy Mill Project and Illinois Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka, but several kennel clubs across the state oppose the idea.

Under the plan - which would not apply to breeders or shelters - consumers who purchase an ill or diseased cat or dog from a pet store would have three options: get a new pet, get a full refund or have the store pay for veterinarian treatment.

A licensed veterinarian would have to deem the pet unfit for purchase within 21 days of the sale date, and only pet’s with certain conditions, not including hereditary or congenital diseases, would qualify. Zalewski said 17 other states have similar laws. […]

Illinois now requires pet stores to provide information about a pet’s health history but gives consumers no remedy if they unknowingly buy an ill animal. […]

“We have bills of great importance,” Rep. Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro) said. “Now, I want to let you know how important this is. The office of the governor has come in as a proponent for this. [He] can’t stand up for any other thing we’re doing around here, but the puppy lemon law. You talk about somebody riding issues to the hilt. That’s ridiculous.”

* On a related note, Oscar the Puppy took his first pontoon boat ride several days ago. He loved it…

* He really needs a haircut, but so do I. We’ll get it done after session…

* Lately, Oscar has taken to tugging on his leash. Gotta break him of that habit…

* One more…

Oscar is always positive, happy and fun-loving. He’s just a great puppy.


Question of the day

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Elaine Nekrtiz released actuarial data for Speaker Madigan’s pension reform bill today. The grand totals…

$21 billion off unfunded liability
$187 billion off total payments
$1.9 billion off first-year payment

From her spokesperson…

We have said from the outset that pensions present a real math-based problem, and any reform must be driven by the math. These numbers prove that Senate Bill 1 is the clear winner in the criteria needed for a real, comprehensive solution to this complex problem. It acknowledges the problem is very real and very significant, and will require an equally significant solution. It provides a solution with certainty — there is no wiggle room in these numbers, and no ranges of savings from scenarios that bring unpredictability into play. And it provides a solution that is clearly sufficient to address the problem while preserving benefits earned by workers and retirees and protecting taxpayers and those who depend on vital state services and programs.

* The Question: Should the Senate pass the House’s pension reform bill? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

customer surveys


Rep. Moffitt loses 100 pounds, keeps it off

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Don Moffitt (R-Gilson) is my new hero. He sent me this e-mail today…

Dear Rich,

You indicated that you would like to have a “before” and “after” picture of my weight loss efforts, which I have enclosed. The “before” or heavy picture, was at the start of my weight loss journey in December of 2011, and the “after” or lighter picture was taken in January 2013, when I reached my personal goal of losing 100 lbs. I have been able to maintain my new reduced weight since January of 2013.

You also asked me to explain how I was able to lose the weight. In order to reach my goal of losing at least 100 lbs., I consulted with my family doctor and developed my own plan which was to have a target goal of approximately 1,500 calories per day, but never more than 2,000 calories per day. In addition, I wear a pedometer and try to walk 10,000 steps per day, which is about three miles.

There are also many very good, healthy, low-calorie snack items that have been helpful to me. These include products or snack bars made by The Quaker Oats Company, Kellogg’s and Nature Valley, to name a few. The important thing for me was to keep track of my total daily calorie intake with the goal of being between 1,500 and 2,000.

Also, “fast food” does not necessarily mean “fat food” since some restaurants do an outstanding job of listing calories on their menu boards. I frequently eat at McDonalds and stay within my calorie goal. I also eat healthy snacks like baby carrots, fruits, vegetables and peanuts, but always watch my total daily calorie intake.

Losing 100 lbs. in about one year has not been an easy journey, but it has been a worthwhile one. If I can do it, then I know anyone can do it! At my heaviest weight, I was on medications for high blood pressure, cholesterol and would have probably soon needed medication for diabetes. Now I am being phased off of all medications. In addition, I no longer have sleep apnea.

I have been talking with Senator Martin Sandoval and with lobbyist Betsy Mitchell, who have both been very successful in their recent weight loss efforts. The three of us are exploring the possibility of starting a new caucus next spring to encourage a healthier life style for all of us serving in Springfield.


Don Moffitt
State Representative
74th District

As everyone at the Statehouse knows, Rep. Moffitt looks great. I’m gonna have to join that new caucus.

* Rep. Moffitt before…

* After…




*** UPDATED x1 *** Obamacare implementation passes House with all Republicans opposed

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The federal government will pick up 100 percent of this program for the first three years and then 90 percent after that

After nearly three hours of debate, the House approved a key part of President Barack Obama’s health care law. The proposed Medicaid expansion would cover low-income adults who don’t have children at home, and up to 500,000 uninsured Illinoisans would be newly eligible for coverage. Under the multifaceted measure, 342,000 people are expected to enroll by 2017.

“This is the cornerstone of our president’s agenda. Many of us have been waiting for this moment,” said Rep. Sara Feigenholtz, a Chicago Democrat and bill sponsor. She tamped down questions from Republicans over timing by saying those who need care can’t wait another day.

The Republicans have been arguing for delay for a very long time. Last year, House GOP Leader Tom Cross urged the House to wait until after the presidential election, to see if Obamacare would survive. Obama won, but yesterday they came up with more reasons, including waiting until after the debt ceiling talks in September - as if Obama would negotiate away his signature achievement.

* More

House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie (D-Chicago), who voted for the plan, said it would result in a financial windfall for Illinois because of an influx of $5.7 billion in federally-reimbursed Medicaid expenditures in Illinois, including for 48,000 veterans who would be newly covered under Monday’s expansion.

“The real point of this bill isn’t dollars and cents, although we make out like bandits if we pass Senate Bill 26,” Currie said. “The real point of Senate Bill 26 is to make for healthier Illinoisans.”


Sponsoring Rep. Sara Feigenholtz, D-Chicago, argued the plan would allow 342,000 poor adults to be eligible for the state-federal Medicaid health care plan who have long been denied coverage because they had no children.

* SB 26 passed with 63 votes with no House Republicans voting for it

Monday’s roll call included seven Democratic “no” votes. They included Reps. Jack Franks (D-Marengo), Stephanie Kifowit (D-Aurora) Martin Moylan (D-Des Plaines), Natalie Manley (D-Joliet), Sam Yingling (D-Round Lake Beach), Katherine Cloonen (D-Kankakee) and Sue Scherer (D-Decatur).

All targets, or, at least, people who believe they’re targets. And I cannot see how Rep. Franks thinks he can run in a Democratic statewide primary after voting against Obamacare.

*** UPDATE *** Thanks to Wordslinger for pointing out this letter to the editor from Doug Whitley, President and CEO, Illinois Chamber of Commerce, David Vite, President and CEO, Illinois Retail Merchants Association and Jerry Roper, President and CEO, Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce

As Illinois’ Legislature heads into the final weeks of the spring session, the business community is acutely aware of the serious decisions lawmakers must make to restore security to the state’s economic future. While it may seem counterintuitive to argue in favor of expanding Illinois’ Medicaid program to serve single, childless adults at or below 138 percent of the federal poverty level, our organizations believe expansion is an important part of a very complex equation in alleviating overall costs on employers in the short and long term (”Not enough doctors in Medicaid, state director says,”, April 10). That’s why we urge the General Assembly to approve Senate Bill 26.

Illinois stands to gain more than $12 billion in federal funding under the expansion over the next seven years, but not without incurring some additional costs—albeit a fraction of the funding gained.

Beginning in 2014, all employers with 50 or more employees must offer full-time employees and their dependents coverage that meets minimum criteria outlined under the federal health reform law. Failure to do so will result in a penalty if an employee obtains subsidized coverage on the insurance marketplace-exchange, but no penalty is assessed if the employee enrolls in Medicaid. According to a recent Jackson Hewitt study, without Medicaid expansion, Illinois employers would face up to $106 million more in penalties assessed annually. For employers in the nonprofit sector—many of which serve the Medicaid population and support low-wage staff—the added financial penalties could mean drastic cuts in services or even shuttered doors.

We ask lawmakers to support SB 26 to expand Medicaid in Illinois to protect employers from even higher short-term costs and employees from missed coverage opportunities, and to provide additional certainty in planning for 2014.

* Other important stuff…

* Illinois House committee approves $9B human services budget: Rep. Greg Harris is chairman of the committee. The Chicago Democrat says the state is able to use unanticipated revenues to make payments that qualify for federal matching dollars. Those federal funds will lead to an overall increase in the state’s human services budget for the fiscal year that starts July 1. Larger agencies still will face cuts of about 2.5 percent in their operations budgets.

* Recommended Illinois education budget $6.6B: Democratic Rep. Will Davis of Homewood is the chairman of the committee. He says the budget will fund schools at 89 percent of the amount recommended by a state commission. The proposed funding level averts schools from cuts in general state aid for the first time in at least four years. Davis says the funding for school transportation, early childhood education and bilingual education will remain the same as the current fiscal year.

* Tax hangup stalls bill to expand gambling: Rita said negotiations are centered around both the rates that are paid and when they will go into effect. He acknowledged that in some cases, the negotiations could lead to lower taxes for some casinos. Rita also said discussions are taking place about earmarking some of the gambling revenue for specific purposes. The expansion bill, which was previously approved by the Senate, calls for some money to be allocated to economic development programs in black and Latino areas and for specific agriculture programs like extension services and to repair the Illinois State Fairgrounds. The amounts of those various earmarks are under discussion.

* Deadline near, Illinois pension reform snarled in state politics

* UNO makes changes to win back state money, restart work on Southwest Side school

* Editorial: How to save the United Neighborhood Organization

* ADDED: UNO makes changes, ‘I have failed,’ CEO Rangel says


Illinois Voters age 18+ Say Natural Gas Rate Increases are a Bad Idea!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - Posted by Advertising Department

A recent telephone survey to Peoples Gas, Ameren and Nicor customers who are Illinois voters age 18+ found:

    • The overwhelming majority (71%) of Illinoisans oppose the state’s leading natural gas companies’ proposal to raise customer rates for extra infrastructure and non-infrastructure improvements beyond what is required by law.

    • Further, Illinois natural gas customers do not believe their state officials are doing enough to lower the cost of their natural gas bills (61%).

    • And, along with electric utility customers, they do not believe their interests are represented and taken into consideration when rate increases are proposed (60%).

AARP urges Legislators to represent their constituents
Vote NO on SB2266 (Natural Gas Rate Increase Surcharge)

For more information go to

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A little help, please?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Hollywood Reporter

First lady Michelle Obama will make a visit to Manhattan’s Park Ave. on May 29 for an exclusive LGBT reception, headlined by singer Sara Bareilles and NBA star Jason Collins, to benefit the Democratic National Committee.

Tickets to the 5 p.m. event, which is being hosted by the LGBT Leadership Council, are scaled from $32,400 to $1,250 apiece. Bareilles is expected to perform her new song “Brave” (from the forthcoming album The Blessed Unrest) which has become an anthem for gays struggling with coming out.

So, she can attend a swank LBGT event but not get involved in helping to pass a gay marriage bill in her home state?

No offense to the First Lady, but priorities, please.

* Then again, as a gay marriage lobster told me yesterday, a few stern words to recalcitrant members from Speaker Madigan might do a whole lot more to pass the bill than any phone call from FLOTUS.



New Senate concealed carry “compromise” surfaces

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m not so sure that this “compromise” concealed carry bill is gonna be all it’s cracked up to be

The House has already passed a bill, and the Senate may yet take it up. But State Sen. Kwame Raoul (D-Chicago) says he is working on another compromise which, he says, combines the best of the House bill and a stalled Senate bill.

“There were some good things from my perspective in the House bill, that was not in my bill. So I will add those,” Raoul said.

Raoul said he would take out language allowing police to object to a concealed-carry applicant based on “moral character” and add a House provision listing places where no weapons would be allowed.

Though Senate President John Cullerton does not like the House bill, he says “We’re gonna send both bills to Executive Committee and see what happens.”

The new amendment has surfaced and can be read by clicking here. Tell us what you see in comments.

Keep a close eye on our live coverage post for all updates. Live video will be here. Senate Exec convenes at 10:50 this morning.


To Modernize Our Natural Gas Distribution System, Illinois Needs a Legislative Solution – Vote YES on the 2013 Natural Gas Consumer, Safety and Reliability Act (SB 2266, HAM #3)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

The 2013 Natural Gas Consumer, Safety and Reliability Act (Senate Bill 2266, HAM #3) passed yesterday by 84-32 in the Illinois House and now awaits the Senate’s vote.

If enacted into law, this legislation will bring the Illinois regulatory system into the 21st century. This bill will provide a cost-recovery mechanism that will allow for gas utilities to recoup investments made to upgrade and improve Illinois’ natural gas distribution system.

These improvements and enhancements will make natural gas delivery safer, quicker and more reliable. This will benefit Illinois consumers and improve our state’s economy. It will be better for the environment, and it will create jobs.

With natural gas prices at near historic lows, we need to focus on replacing these outdated mains and modernizing our aging gas infrastructure. Illinois’ natural gas utilities need a legislative solution to have the continued confidence to invest and provide customers with the safe and reliable service they expect.

Members of the Illinois Senate: Vote YES on SB 2266, HAM #3. Click here to learn more:

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

The satellite television industry serves a crucial role in connecting Illinois to the rest of the world with content that informs, entertains and educates – in many instances it’s the exclusive broadcast service provider available to Illinois homes. In addition, the satellite TV industry is an important economic driver creating hundreds of jobs in our state.

Facts About Satellite TV in Illinois:

    • Serves 1.3 million households in Illinois (almost a third of homes that subscribe choose satellite)
    • Employs over 790 people, plus more than 1,000 technicians at 481 local retailers
    • Rural Illinois depends on satellite TV since cable does not often provide service to their area
    • Satellite TV offers a wider range of foreign language programming in comparison to cable

Lawmakers continue to be prodded by the cable TV industry to place a NEW 5% monthly tax on satellite TV service. Previous versions of this discriminatory tax proposal have been defeated in Springfield—and similar bills are regularly defeated in other states including three times in neighboring Indiana, Iowa and Minnesota. This revenue generator needs to be clearly labeled what it is: An unfair tax increase on the 1.3 million Illinois families and businesses who subscribe to satellite TV.


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Scott Ives

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m pretty sure that if we let legislators vote on who is the most obnoxious and goofy freshman, Rep. Scott Drury (D-Highwood) would win hands down.

Yesterday, the House took up SB 1872 as amended. The bill, which would eliminate the felony prostitution penalty, is being pushed by groups like Protestants for the Common Good

Illinois’ felony punishment for a second prostitution offense is an expensive, ineffective use of diminishing local and state public safety resources. Illinois’ Department of Corrections reported 127 felony prostitution admissions for 2012, costing the state $2,011,680.

Felony prostitution unfairly targets women for harsher punishments. The “solicitation” offense for customers does not have a felony upgrade for subsequent offenses. In 2011, when law enforcement charged under the state criminal code, there were 1,875 arrests for prostitution and 95 arrests for solicitation.

Felony prostitution sentencing is rare in the United States – only seven other states have a felony prostitution sentencing option for subsequent offenses.

* No law enforcement or prosecutorial opposition ever surfaced. The bill passed the Senate 53-1.

* But Rep. Drury, who never stops reminding people that he is a former federal prosecutor, began by asking the sponsor, Rep. Mike Zalewski: “I mean, you know that I’m a former federal prosecutor, right?”

Drury then said that he worked on prostitution cases, claimed he rarely speaks of his former job (when he does it all the time) and actually charged that the measure “is a pro child prostitution bill.” Listen…

Drury’s remarks created a huge uproar in the chamber, with Republicans rushing to the Democratic sponsor’s defense and a fellow Democrat rising to ask Zalewski if he knew that she was “not a former federal prosecutor.”


* Drury demanded that everyone vote against the bill, but it passed the House with 82 votes, mainly with “targets” voting against it. Proponents said that Drury’s comments likely added 18 votes to the roll call.


* Runner-up might go to Rep. Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton). Last week, Ives spoke against a bill to waive collegiate requirements for certain military veterans applying to become state police officers “notwithstanding any Department of State Police Merit Board rule to the contrary.” The bill passed 109-1.

* Yesterday, Rep. Ives rose to speak about Memorial Day…

“I’d like to just simply add to the others’ remarks by thanking all the veterans’ groups and the individuals and the old soldiers who come out this day and pull out the faded Confederate uniform and plan for the ceremony and prepare remarks and actually hold something so dear to us as a rememberance of those who died.”


Confederate uniforms?

This is a Republican legislator speaking in the Illinois House, a body in which Abraham Lincoln once served, and she’s talking about the Confederacy?

As one of Ives’ fellow House Republicans cracked last night, “Will southern DuPage rise again?”

* Rep. Ives was approached on the floor by at least one fellow member who pointed out the Lincoln portrait on the wall and rose later to “clarify” her remarks…

“I inadvertently used the term ‘Confederate’ when I meant to include those who wear the ceremonial Union uniform as well.”



Many thanks to my buddy Dave Dahl for the audio files.


Storm report

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I lost a tree in yesterday’s very powerful storms…

I hate losing trees, but, thankfully, nobody was hurt. My wind sculpture was also roached, but I think it can be fixed. A neighbor wasn’t so lucky. One of his trees fell onto his house.

What happened in your neighborhood?



Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Blackberry users click here


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Bost and Bailey set aside feud as Illinois Republicans tout unity at RNC delegate breakfast
* State pre-pays $422 million in pension payments
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