Raoul out of the running
Thursday, Aug 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * From a press release…
Question of the day
Thursday, Aug 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * Your advice for new House Republican Leader Jim Durkin?
This just in…
Thursday, Aug 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * 1:37 pm - I’m told that Rep. Jim Durkin was just elected House GOP Leader.
Dillard’s not so secret secret
Thursday, Aug 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * Pretty much everybody knows that Sen. Kirk Dillard will choose Rep. Jil Tracy as his running mate, so Sen. Dillard didn’t even try too hard to hide it this week…
Thoughts on Tracy?
The importance of party backing, or lack thereof
Thursday, Aug 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * Years ago, I asked House Speaker Michael Madigan how his precinct captains were able to get majorities for all of his ward’s Democratic candidates in 1984, when Ronald Reagan won the 13th Ward. Madigan said his captains were ordered to not talk to people about the presidential race. Voters, he said, like to make up their own minds about top of the ticket contests, so it’s best not to ever argue with them. The race for governor is pretty much the same. A captain who gets into a long discussion at the doors over the governor’s race is not gonna be able to convince those voters to go along with the ward’s choices for judge, or some other obscure elected office. That being said, in some wards, townships and suburban and Downstate counties, party leaders can have an impact. The late John Gianulis of Rock Island County was one of those guys. There are a few others. Mostly, though, the party structure just isn’t all that effective. I remember when Dan Reitz ran his first election for the House. Local county chairmen actually complained that Reitz was walking too many precincts. Clueless much? * The bottom line here is that Gov. Quinn’s slating by the Cook County Democrats will have some impact, but only in certain wards and with certain types. Same goes for his support by the vast majority of Downstate and suburban chairmen and chairwomen. In a close race, that backing might prove crucial. But slating for top offices is a bit overrated, so I tend to at least somewhat agree with Bill Daley here…
Again, in a close race, it might turn out to be crucial. Maybe. It just depends on the reaction the captains and committeemen get at the doors, if they even walk precincts. Daley needs to figure out how to crush Quinn, and all the door-knocking in the world won’t turn those votes around. It’ll be all about the paid media. And, by the way, I’m still not convinced that Daley can actually turn those votes around. The path just isn’t all that clear to me.
Attempting to define the beginning
Thursday, Aug 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * For some reason, reporters lately have been trying to pinpoint when Campaign 2014 began for Gov. Quinn. From earlier this week…
That was the moment? Really? How about when he vetoed the salaries in the first place? Or how about his splashy press conference accompanying his amendatory veto of the concealed carry bill? * The AP tries to define the start as being today…
He’s kept his campaigning low key? This is a silly news hook. No matter what they say, incumbents who want to run for reelection are always, in one way or another, in campaign mode. …Adding… A good point from a commenter…
Get it together, man
Thursday, Aug 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * Last fiscal year, the Quinn administration approved more than $135 million in no-bid emergency purchases. That’s a new record. Some of it is understandable…
But some of it clearly ain’t…
This is a laughable explanation…
Oh, c’mon. A “matter of good planning” would be to make sure that basic state contracts don’t have to be let on an emergency, no-bid basis.
Defining the party down the drain
Thursday, Aug 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Tribune editorializes against electing Rep. Raymond Poe as House Republican Leader…
* The paper’s political cartoonist piles on… ![]() Poe represents his district and he does it well. To suggest that somehow makes him a Democrat is as ludicrous as calling his chief rival Rep. Jim Durkin a Democrat because he has voted with the trial lawyers in the past. * On the other hand, as mentioned yesterday, the social conservatives believe that Rep. Jim Durkin is far too liberal to be the GOP Leader…
The problem with the Republican Party is that too many of its factions believe they possess the sole authority to declare who is and who is not a “true” party member. That wrong-headed thinking has resulted in a long string of losses in this state. Ray Poe is a Republican. Jim Durkin is a Republican. That should go without saying. Sheesh.
Caption contest!
Thursday, Aug 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * From the Du Quoin Evening Call…
So, he’s moving into a kingmaker role? Um, I don’t think Plummer will have much more success with Grogan than he did with his own campaigns. Just sayin’. The photo… ![]()