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DCCC poll: Schneider up by 5

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Despite spending by outside interests approaching $1.6 million in the 10th CD, freshman Democrat Brad Schneider is still apparently leading former Congressman Bob Dold. Lynn Sweet shares details

An automated poll by the Democratic House political operation shows Rep. Brad Schneider D-Ill., ahead of former Rep. Bob Dold Ill., by five points.The survey of the north suburban 10th congressional district in Illinois was conducted in-house by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and found 11 percent undecided. […]

In the head-to-head, Schneider was outpacing Dold by 47 percent to 42 per cent.

From a DCCC polling memo…

    “Schneider performs especially well among women voters, where he leads by 7 points (47% to 40%) and maintains especially strong personal favorabilities (+20 net positive, 38% favorable, 18% unfavorable). By comparison, women voters’ opinions of Dold are almost evenly divided (36% favorable, 31% unfavorable, 33% unsure).”

The DCCC is doing in-house automated polls, eh? Interesting.


The race to the bottom accelerates

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Oh, for goodness sake…

Pay to Play Insiders Reward One of Their Own: Rauner

Rauner receives campaign cash at fundraiser hosted by man who voted with convicted fixer Stu Levine to give Rauner’s firm $50 million in state pension business

This morning, billionaire gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner was the beneficiary of a campaign fundraiser hosted by Jim Bruner, who along with convicted political fixer Stu Levine voted to give Rauner’s GTCR $50 million in state pension business in 2003. The fundraiser was held at the Sangamon County Republican Headquarters, the location where convicted felon William Cellini endorsed Rauner in April.

Um, wait. Is the Illinois Freedom PAC actually claiming that Jim Bruner was in on the alleged scam?

* We continue…

Rauner was joined at the fundraiser by scandal plagued New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who is under fire for allegedly mixing public pension business with political fundraising.

“Bruce Rauner is the clear choice of pay-to-play insiders because he’s one of them,” said Neal Waltmire. “Rauner won’t shake up Springfield, he’ll shake down taxpayers.”

So, again, are they saying that Bruner was in on the scam? Let’s continue to find out…

According to federal prosecutors, there was an “illegal deal” involving Stu Levine, William Cellini, and then-Governor George Ryan to re-appoint Bruner to the Teachers Retirement System (TRS).

Actually, according to the US Attorney’s office: “The government notes that it does not have evidence that Bruner was aware of the deal that Cellini struck with Governor Ryan on Bruner’s behalf.” And Bruner forcefully denied any such knowledge.

* Back to the press release…

Bruner became chair of the TRS board and helped approved the deal for Rauner’s firm. Bruner also later donated $10,000 to Ryan’s legal defense fund. Ryan, Levine, and Cellini were eventually convicted on corruption charges.

Man, is that ever a stretch.

* This is truly getting ridiculous. First we have Rauner demanding that the governor sever all ties to somebody whose e-mails were subpoenaed (and who made it through the entire Blagojevich administration without suffering so much as a single, solitary scratch), and now this.

Do you know who else hosted that fundraiser? Jim Edgar. Yeah, man, that was a really corrupt little crowd.

…Adding… From commenter Arthur Andersen

The President of the IEA made the motion to approve the TRS money for GTCR in 2003 and voted for the motion.

Quinnsters, is she corrupt, too? #SitUpStraight


Rauner demands Quinn direct staff to cease contact with Lavin

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Illinois gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner today called on Governor Pat Quinn to direct his staff and agencies to cease communications with Quinn’s former chief of staff and lobbyist Jack Lavin.

“Jack Lavin is the poster boy for cronyism and corruption in Pat Quinn’s administration,” Rauner said.

“Governor Quinn should direct his staff and agency directors to cease communication with Lavin and urge legislators to do the same.”

Just today it was reported that Lavin is a lobbyist for a medical marijuana company that is part of a selection process that is neither open nor transparent. Lavin is now at the center of the criminal investigation into Quinn’s NRI slush fund but yesterday Quinn named him as the key player in the illegal hiring scandal at IDOT as well. Despite his central role in two ongoing investigations, Lavin is allowed to continue making money off his political connections and ties to Quinn.

“He is Pat Quinn’s best friend, and Quinn not only kept him on after Blagojevich went to jail, he gave Lavin a promotion and made him his chief of staff,” Rauner added. “Pat Quinn should do everything in his power to keep his closest associate away from taxpayer money. Cleaning up Springfield begins with sending the message that if you are involved in patronage or under federal investigation, you can’t profit off your connections, even when your best friend is the governor.”

Lavin previously worked for Tony Rezko, and it was Rezko who got Lavin his job with Blagojevich.



Caption contest!

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Chris Christie is in Springfield today campaigning for Bruce Rauner…

…Adding… Cullerton has his own caption via press release…


SPRINGFIELD – Illinois Senate President John J. Cullerton offered Wednesday to drive New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie around during his visit here in hopes of avoiding any partisan traffic jams like the ones Christie’s top aides created back in the Garden State a year ago.

“Governor Christie, of all people, knows how bad and unexpected traffic can be. I want to make sure he gets around safely and isn’t subjected to any politically motivated traffic shenanigans during his visit,” Cullerton said.

Cullerton, a Democrat representing part of Chicago, was also in Springfield on Wednesday working with staff on ways Illinois can continue to make its full pension payment and not short the retirement funds like the governor of New Jersey proposed while also keeping Illinois’ income taxes lower than New Jersey’s.

“I’m hoping we can learn from New Jersey’s mistakes,” Cullerton said.


New Quinn TV ad lampoons Rauner’s van

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Have a look

…Adding… Script…

Bruce Rauner: “Had this thing twenty years”

Voiceover: So what’s Billionaire Bruce Rauner been up to for the last 20 years?

He raked in millions outsourcing jobs to China and Mexico.

He stashed millions in the Cayman Islands, perhaps to avoid paying U.S. taxes

Now we find out he spent $140,000 to join an elite wine club.

Does all that wine fit in the van?

So the next time Bruce Rauner tells you he’s just a regular guy…

maybe, not so much.


Rauner reverts back to earlier version of Payton Prep story

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the 46:07 mark of yesterday’s debate

QUINN: I want to say one thing. When he was at this Editorial Board, he has given money, I know, he says, to schools and education—including Payton, Walter Payton. Last time he was before this Editorial Board, he lied to you. He lied to you. The Inspector General of the Chicago Public Schools determined that his daughter did not qualify. Was not on a principal’s list. He told a falsehood. As he has today, one falsehood after another, his whole operation is based on deception, includes his education budget. You cannot have excellent schools if you cut the budget of Illinois, the state budget, for education, in half. That’s savage cuts that will hurt people who don’t have a lot of money like Mr. Rauner and who aren’t getting a million dollar tax cut because of these policies that he’s advocating.

QUESTION: Did you lie to us?

RAUNER: No. We went through the process, we followed it appropriately. It’s just like hundreds—

QUINN: [Interrupting] That’s not what the Inspector General said.

RAUNER: Just as hundreds of other families did.

Really? He did nothing different than “hundreds of families”?

* Here’s part of a long exchange with the Tribune editorial board before the primary which the governor referenced yesterday

Rauner: At no time did we ask for a special treatment, or special deal, or special favor for our daughter. We got her name on the list just like hundreds of other families got their children’s name on the list for this Principal’s list.

Tribune: Why did you mention your daughter to Duncan?

Rauner: Oh we talk about getting his advice on what’s the process, I heard about the principal’s list, what do you do, how does it work?

* From a June 26, 2014 AP story

Rauner has said that his daughter’s attendance record was marred by illness and hurt her overall admission score, which was the reason for the rejection. He said the family appealed through a principals’ discretionary process.

However, [outgoing Chicago Public Schools Inspector James Sullivan] told The Associated Press on Thursday that Rauner didn’t use the formalized principals’ process. CPS policy says that principals of selective high schools can use discretion for up to 5 percent of incoming freshmen.

Sullivan said Rauner contacted then-CEO Arne Duncan’s office, had at least two conversations with a chief aide, and the admission status was changed after the aide called the principal.

“She’s a very bright kid. She was close and just didn’t make it,” Sullivan said of the initial rejection.

So, he didn’t do what “hundreds of other families” did. At all.

It’s amazing to me that the edit board didn’t fully call him out on this.

* Let’s refresh ourselves on how this tale has evolved. Bernie’s column from Feb. 19, 2014

It had been back on Sept. 3, when I spoke with Rauner by phone, that I asked about this controversy. He told me then what a good student his daughter was, and how only illness had caused her to be denied regular admission. But, he said, there was at the time a special “principal’s list” then available in such cases, and she was admitted through that process.

And when I asked in September, he said “I did not” talk to [Chicago schools CEO Arne Duncan] about it.

After his round of TV interviews in January, I asked Rauner spokesman Mike Schrimpf about the discrepancy. Schrimpf told me Rauner and his wife, Dianna, both spoke often with Duncan, and one of them had asked about the process.

* From a January 13, 2014 CBS2 story

Rauner admits making a call to former Chicago Public Schools CEO Arne Duncan to see how he could get his daughter into Payton, despite what he calls a middle school attendance record marred by illness. He says principals have some discretion in admitting a small percentage of students, and parents have a right to make an appeal like he did.

“There’s nothing to apologize for that, there’s nothing wrong with it, and I would do it again and again,” he tells CBS 2 Chief Correspondent Jay Levine in a one-on-one interview.


“The family had a lot of buffers” - except maybe in this case

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pat Quinn tried to simplify the fairly complicated Lason Inc. story during the debate yesterday

[Quinn said] Rauner should be held responsible for whatever has gone wrong at businesses affiliated with his former investment firm. “You have to be accountable,” Quinn said. “You just can’t run out the door, collect the money, and leave vulnerable people suffering because of your neglect.”

* From a January 20, 2014 Tribune story

A few months after praising its performance [as a great example of how his venture capital firm built businesses], Rauner resigned from its board of directors just as the company’s high-flying stock began to crater. Lason imploded amid allegations by investors and criminal investigators that top executives cooked the books to boost the company’s value.

Neither Rauner nor his partners at the venture firm GTCR were accused of any wrongdoing. The firm netted at least $32 million from its investment by selling almost all of its stock before the earnings scandal became public. However, records show, other investors and lenders lost about $285 million as a result of the systematic accounting fraud, and three top executives went to prison.

Mike Schrimpf, a spokesman for the first-time candidate, said Rauner and GTCR had cooperated with authorities years ago in the criminal investigation of Lason. Neither Schrimpf nor Rauner would discuss in detail the nature of Rauner’s interactions with investigators or what he did at Lason.

“I don’t know, that was a long time ago,” Rauner said Thursday in a brief encounter with a Tribune reporter. “Sounds like the stuff you want to ask about is stuff that Mike’s told you about, and I probably don’t have that much to add.”

* Lason Inc. was indeed a disastrous fraud. But, as noted above, Rauner got himself off the board and profitably cashed his firm out of the company just before it crashed and burned. Here is a timeline distributed by the Quinn campaign…

1995: GTCRauner buys 54 percent of Lason a record management services for the Big Three American automakers, for $10 million. With Rauner at the helm. Lason3nitiates a spree of acquisitions of more than 60 competitors. (SEC Filing, 1996)

1996: Just months after he was fined $200,000 by the Securities and Exchange Commission, in a case involving insider trading, William Rauwerdink is hand-picked by Bruce Rauner as Lason’s Chief Financial Officer. [Chicago Tribune 1/20/2014]

1997: Under Rauner’s oversight, Rauwerdink initiates “Tailwind,” an accounting fraud scheme so vast it would be compared to Enron. As part of the fraud, financial data from newly-acquired companies would be used to vastly inflate earnings by up to 65 percent. [SEC Release, March, 2008]

1999: Rauner is still serving on the executive committee of Lason, alongside two of the three executives who eventually were convicted. That committee was responsible for its accounting policies, including Tailwind. [Chicago Tribune 1/20/2014]

August 1999: Rauner praises Lason, and is quoted in The Wall Street Transcript, saying, “We spend a lot of time living with our companies on a week-to-week basis, understanding what’s going on, and being in the flow of information, so we can be helpful and knowledgeable about the operation.” Of Lason, Rauner says: “They represent the essence of what many of our companies do.” [The Wall Street Transcript,8/09/1999]

October 1999: Lason fabricates $13 million in earnings in a press release. [Chicago Tribune 1/20/2014]

Nov. 12, 1999: Rauner abruptly departs the Lason board, 6 months before Rauner’s term is set to expire. [Chicago Tribune 1/20/2014]

Dec. 17, 1999: Lason finally acknowledges that earnings were off, after a precipitous stock drop that was blamed on “unfounded rumors.” The reality: it was fraud. [SEC Release, March, 2008]

2001: Lason files for bankruptcy. [SEC Archives, 2002]

2003: Three Lason executives, including Rauwerdink, are federally charged with the crimes. [SEC, 5/13/2003]

2007: Rauwerdink is sentenced to four years and is ordered to pay $285 million in restitution. [Crain’s Detroit Business6/07/2007] In sentencing Rauwerdink, a federal judge said that “greed and avarice” prevailed at Lason “at the expense of Lason’s shareholder’s, banks, employees and customers.” [CFO, 6/11/2007]

Primary 2014: Rauner deflects questions about Lason and his culpability in the massive fraud, saying, “I don’t know. That was a long time ago.” [Chicago Tribune 1/20/2014]

* Rauner said before he ran for governor that his firm’s chief strategy was finding the right CEO before moving into a new industry. They usually wouldn’t make the move if their preferred candidate wouldn’t agree to do it. And Rauner served on that company’s executive committee. This is as close to a “Rauner’s personal fingerprints” story as we may get.

But finding a way to make it easy to understand and turn it into an effective slam is quite another matter. We’ll see if the Quinnsters are up to the task.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune editorialized on yesterday’s Tribune editorial board appearance by the two gubernatorial candidates

Our hunch is that incumbent Quinn sees challenger Rauner as the smug kid who grew up to be a robber baron. Quinn swung early and hard at Rauner, so much so that he looked gassed and slumped into his chair. An aide repeatedly advised him to sit up straight; she got intermittent obedience. What did rouse Quinn was his desire to have the last words, often focused on Rauner’s alleged “deception.” Watch the video, at, and keep track of how many times Quinn looks as if he just wants to take a whack at Rauner. […]

Our companion hunch is that Rauner sees Quinn as an undisciplined payroller who couldn’t manage a pop stand. Watch Rauner sit as erect as an admiral addressing members of Congress and judge for yourself: Is he rigorous or rigid? Rauner, too, likes to have the last words, often wrapping Quinn in “cronyism, patronage and corruption.” As for wanting to take a whack at Quinn — keep track of how many times an unflinching Rauner looks dismissively toward Quinn, as if he wouldn’t go to the trouble of making it physical.

* The Question: Who won yesterday’s debate? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

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Rate Dick Durbin’s first TV ad

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Dick Durbin campaign…

Senator Durbin’s re-election campaign has its first commercial on the air and it’s a touching testimonial of how Sen. Durbin has delivered for the people of Illinois.

The ad, entitled Captain Simone, tells the story of just one of over 17 thousand families who are caring for our wounded warriors thanks to the assistance of the Veterans Affairs’ Family Caregiver Program. The Family Caregiver Program was created by a Durbin-authored provision in the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2009, which was enacted May 5, 2010. This program, which is helping families across the nation, provides technical, financial, and practical support to the caregivers of those injured in the line of duty.

The ad, that will run in the Chicago and Springfield markets, can be viewed at this link:

“We’re proud to go up with a strong, positive ad that tells the story of how Sen. Durbin has delivered for the people of Illinois – specifically our veterans,” said Anna Valencia who serves as the Campaign Manager for Senator Durbin’s re-election effort.

* The ad is definitely a tear-jerker

* Script…

Andrea Simone: “I was actually watching the news that day, and I heard a report about the Taliban claiming responsibility for the helicopter getting shot down in Afghanistan. My husband and his gunner were the only survivors. Tony suffered a severe traumatic brain injury. There’s really not much about our life that is the same.

“Senator Durbin passed a law that provided me with the resources and the training, so that I am able to take care of Tony at home. I believe that for Dick Durbin it’s not about politics’ he cares for veterans and their families.

“I believe it’s absolutely a blessing that I am able to take care of Tony in our home with our children where he feels loved. And um, that has meant the world to us.”

Senator Durbin: I’m Dick Durbin, and I’m proud to approve this message.


A different sort of “out of touch”

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Illinois Leaks

With all the class warfare going in with the Governor’s race and millions being spent on attacking success (as if that’s a bad thing), I thought it would be interesting to see what kind of success the current governor has had in the private sector.

Turns out- Quinn’s private sector success is… ZERO! That’s pretty scary.

* The blogger took a look at the governor’s economic disclosure reports (which can be viewed here) and found

* Governor Quinn claimed no business ownership in any entity doing business in the State of Illinois in excess of $5,000 or dividends in excess of $1,200

* Claimed he has no business ties to professional organizations in which he was an officer, director, associate, partner or proprietor or served in any advisory capacity which derived in excess of $1,200 during the previous year […]

* Claimed he had no capital gain of $5,000 or more in the past year […]

* Claimed he has no ties to any business entity that did business in Illinois that earned income in excess of $1,200 […]

Having absolutely no private sector experience, the contrast for governor is stark. From humble beginnings, Rauner is highly successful. Gov. Quinn has no concept of wealth creation, job creation or the fundamental principles of how capitalism has made America into the greatest nation in the history of the world.

It’s definitely an interesting twist on the current debate.

…Adding… Quinn does have some private sector business. He ran a property tax law firm for several years in between government stints.


This needs to be changed

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Oh, this is not good

It’s unclear if Illinois officials will release complete information about companies seeking to grow or sell medical marijuana in Illinois because the state law that legalized medical marijuana exempts prospective companies’ applications from open records laws. […]

The lack of transparency will make it difficult to determine whether state regulators will show favoritism for companies with strong political connections, former state Sen. Susan Garrett, who oversees the Chicago-based Campaign for Political Reform, told the Springfield bureau of Lee Enterprises newspapers. Nobody should be denied this information, she said.

“There should be reason to prevent the public from having access to these applicants,” Garrett said. “If this process is clout-driven, taxpayers have the right to see it.”

Lobbyists and former government officials have already begun to team up to compete for the 22 growing center licenses or 60 dispensary licenses.

* I can see why companies might want to protect trade secrets or whatever, but as Kurt Erickson points out, the politically connected are all over this thing

Lobbyists and former top government officials have joined forces to compete for the 22 growing center licenses or 60 dispensary licenses.

Some companies have approached former lawmakers about sitting on their boards of directors as a way to curry favor with local and state regulators.

Gov. Pat Quinn’s former chief of staff, Jack Lavin, lists a medical marijuana company as one of his lobbying clients.

* From the Rauner campaign…

1) Lavin, Quinn’s long-time friend and former Deputy Treasurer, was a Tony Rezko associate who leveraged his Rezko ties to enter Rod Blagojevich’s cabinet. After Blagojevich’s impeachment, Quinn promoted him to be his chief of staff.

2) Lavin is the same ex-Quinn Chief of Staff whose emails were recently subpoenaed by a federal grand jury in connection with the ongoing federal criminal probe of Pat Quinn’s Neighborhood Recovery Initiative. […]

Key Questions for Pat Quinn

    1) Why is Jack Lavin allowed to lobby the governor and state agencies that control our tax dollars?
    2) Why is Jack Lavin allowed to lobby the General Assembly where our tax dollars are appropriated?
    3) Why is Jack Lavin allowed to lobby the state for state contracts and franchises?
    4) If Pat Quinn was serious about dumping his best friend and state lobbyist, wouldn’t he issue a statewide order not to communicate with him?


Anti-fracker dirty tricks?

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Several landowners in Johnson County who had oil and gas leases received a letter recently which appeared to terminate their leases with Woolsey Energy Corp

“We are writing to inform you that the Oil and Gas Lease you have signed with our company, Woolsey Energy Corp., has been terminated” the letter to the oil and gas leaseholder began. “We offer our sincere apologies for this severance of our business relationship.”

The letter, which can be read here, is a fake. But it looks real at first. It has the company’s letterhead and the hoaxters even used an official-looking envelope.

But the reasons given for terminating the leases are pretty obviously not from an oil and gas company perspective. It cites the potential for fracking-induced earthquakes, possible contamination of water supplies and even birth defects.

* The energy company’s owner was not amused

The company was alerted to the letter after receiving a copy from one of the mineral owners, he said.

“It is outrageous and very disturbing that whoever sent the letter would be using this tactic,” Sooter said.

* And the leading anti-fracking group in the region denies responsibility

“I have no knowledge of anyone even loosely affiliated with SAFE doing something like that,” [Annette McMichael of Southern Illinoisans Against Fracturing Our Environment] said. “We absolutely condemn the letters. Any deceitful tactic is harmful to the movement.”

* Meanwhile, fracking proponents are holding a press conference today…


WHO: Mark Denzler, vice president and COO, Illinois Manufacturers’ Association
Brad Richards, executive VP, Illinois Oil and Gas Association
Jason Keller, legislative director, AFL-CIO
Tom Wolf, executive director, Energy Council, Illinois Chamber of Commerce

WHAT: Conference call with reporters and members of the GROW-IL coalition to detail their concerns with the hydraulic fracturing rules drafted by the IDNR. GROW-IL is asking the state’s JCAR committee to direct IDNR to redraft the rules guided by statute.

Ain’t nobody happy.


Key gay rights group still not satisfied with Rauner’s responses

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From yesterday’s Tribune debate…

Tribune - Why should people, if you are being so vague on so many issues, not assume maybe there’s another agenda there?

Rauner - I’ve been crystal clear on my agenda, crystal clear.

Tribune - Where are you on the Illinana Expressway?

Rauner - That’s one project out of many we need to do.

Tribune - Where are you on same-sex marriage?

Rauner - It’s the law. I’m comfortable with the law. I do not support advocating a change in the law.

Tribune - Two key issues you wouldn’t tell us a position on.

* Despite saying he’s now “comfortable” with the gay marriage law and doesn’t support changing it, Equality Illinois today blasted away…

Bruce Rauner again refuses to change his position on the new Illinois marriage equality law, trying to gloss over his stated preference to veto it, prompting the Chicago Tribune Editorial Page Editor R. Bruce Dold to tell him it is one of the “key issues you wouldn’t tell us a position on.”

Rauner, the Republican nominee for governor, appeared before the editorial board in a debate with his opponent, Gov. Pat Quinn, who campaigned for the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act and signed it into law last year.

Sitting beside Rauner was the Republican nominee for lieutenant governor, Evelyn Sanguinetti, an avowed opponent of the freedom to marry, who said she and Rauner are “like-minded” on issues. Stating that his agenda is “crystal clear,” Bruce Rauner refused to take back his position expressed as recently as June that he would be open to repealing the marriage equality law.

“Bruce Rauner is again trying to have it both ways, acknowledging that the freedom to marry is now the law in Illinois but not taking back his well-established and repeated opposition to it or explaining why he chose an apparently “like-minded” running mate who ardently opposes it,” said Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Equality Illinois, the state’s oldest and largest advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Illinoisans.

“Once again he refused the opportunity to take back his opposition to the right of loving same-sex couples to be recognized equally under the marriage laws of Illinois and give their families the same access to the rights and benefits of marriage,” Cherkasov said. “That’s not the leadership that Illinoisans deserve.”

Tuesdays exchange on the marriage issue began when the Tribune’s Dold challenged Rauner why he would not answer directly on another issue, whether the Illiana Expressway should be built

Fair hit or not?


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and crosstabs

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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