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Because… Madigan!

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mike Madigan and the leader of the free world he controls…


SIU President outlines budget cut proposals

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Southern Illinois University President Randy Dunn…

As I promised in my last Connection column, I am using the space today to share with you budget reduction plans that I regretfully must present during SIU’s first round of appropriations testimony for FY17 — that being with the Senate Appropriations II Committee tomorrow in Springfield.

Let me say a couple of things right out of the gate. I apologize for this coming to you later in the day than normal — you’re used to getting it earlier, I know — but what you will read in the links below was under review literally up until the release of the message now. And please remember that the lists below — as you take them in line by line — are proposals only, and relate to the FY17 state budget.

Most regular readers at this point are aware that we will be able to make it through to the end of the current 2016 fiscal year on June 30, even though we have not received one thin dime of state support for general university operations since last summer. Indeed, if payments to the universities would have been made thus far this year — and done in a timely fashion (not a standard practice in Illinois, I grant you) — SIU would have had about 150 million more dollars passing through its coffers by this point.

Nonetheless, we’re managing for this year. As you also know too well, one way that is getting accomplished is by not filling positions. One of the key exhibits I’ll be presenting during the approps hearing is the number of positions sitting vacant right now across the SIU System. Look at it here … because it’s shocking to consider. But we’re making a go of it … to the extent that an independent third party has taken note of it. […]

To refresh everyone’s memory from my previous write-up, budget officers and other top administrative staff from across the SIU System gathered in Edwardsville a little over two weeks ago to build upon the earlier reductions made across our campuses heading into this year. The planning objective from that budget “war room” was to determine the reductions necessary to minimally cover the projected loss of state support for regular operations and other purposes (e.g., pension cost shift) next year under Governor Rauner’s budget proposal. Those revised numbers are as follows: SIUC, $22.856 million; School of Medicine, $8.799 million; SIUE, $14.074 million; and System, $807,000.

You can see that combined list of potential reductions here.

Further, I asked the campuses to draft additional short lists of “worst-case” reductions they would deem necessary to keep the campuses open and core operations intact through December 31 in the almost-unbelievable event there is no state budget deal until after the November general election.

You can see the list of those possible larger program cuts and eliminations here.

During tomorrow’s hearing, I will explain to the state senators gathered together all that is at risk under the budget the governor introduced three weeks ago. Obviously, we still are working collectively with the other public institutions for a solution that will allow us to avoid implementing these reductions.

As may become clear from your review of these cut lists, some actions will not translate into immediate savings. Rather, they represent structural changes for which financial benefit will only be realized further down the road. Additionally, I acknowledge that some actions displayed could demand certain steps be taken prior to implementation (e.g., impact bargaining under union contracts, program teach-outs); nothing you see of these reductions should be read as intending to contravene any required steps for winding down program operations.

Make sure to click on those links.


Reboot Illinois bought by investor group

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

AFK Media Group today announced it has completed the acquisition of Reboot Illinois from Reboot Media Group, LLC.

Reboot Illinois

Founded in 2012, Reboot Illinois, a political journalism website based in Chicago and Springfield, covers the ideas, people and politics behind government in Illinois. In just three years, Reboot Illinois has become Illinois’ top digital hub for political news, infographics and opinions. Its content is distributed on its website, through email newsletters and a variety of social media, as well as through a network of newspaper and website affiliates. Reboot Illinois also sponsors events, debates and lively conversation around the state’s big policy debates.

The platform reaches a broad spectrum of lawmakers, political thought leaders, lobbyists, journalists and activist citizens. Its website has grown rapidly, averaging nearly 600,000 page views per month. Its “Daily Tip-Off” newsletter and other newsletters reach more than 20,000 subscribers across the state. The Reboot Illinois team built a coveted and highly active social media community with more than 115,000 highly engaged Facebook fans and 13,000 Twitter followers.

Madeleine Doubek and Matt Dietrich, award-winning journalists who launched Reboot, will continue to lead the platform. Doubek covered Illinois politics for more than a decade and served as managing editor and executive editor of the Daily Herald for five years. Dietrich was the editorial page editor of The State Journal-Register in Springfield. As part of the transaction and effective March 15, Doubek will become Reboot’s Publisher and Dietrich will become Editor.

Reboot was founded by Anne Dias, the Chicago-based founder of Aragon Global Management, a hedge fund investing in global equities and in media/internet businesses. Dias provided seed capital for the start-up, hired the editorial and technology teams, and oversaw the digital and marketing efforts in the early days of the platform. “I am proud that Reboot has grown quickly to become a force in Illinois political media. I have always believed in a strong, independent press shining light on our government affairs so that citizens can play an active role in our democracy. The new ownership team shares this belief,” Dias said.

“Madeleine and Matt have led Reboot to decode what is happening in Springfield and how it affects all of us. Their coverage of Illinois politics has been shrewd and fair-minded.”

“In this time of upheaval in Illinois — both financially for many press outfits and politically with our state budget– the need for a strong and independent press is greater than ever. This is the right time for a new ownership team to take Reboot to the next level.”

AFK Media Group

AFK Media is a Chicago-based investor group that invests in digital technology platforms in Chicago and nationally. The principals have significant experience using technology to successfully grow audiences and revenue in digital media companies. Anthony Knierim, one of AFK’s partners, will join Reboot’s board of directors.

Knierim, a Chicago entrepreneur, has held a number of senior leadership positions at internet startups including, a digital fitness tracking and health community, as well as Packback, a digital textbook start-up. From 2012 through 2014, he helped launch Reboot Illinois as its director of digital strategy.

“Anne’s stewardship of Reboot has left a big imprint on the company. Reboot has created a great critical mass of engaged citizens and lawmakers who are active participants in the political process and debate. The culture of Reboot is fast-paced, data-driven and continuously innovative and it reflects Anne’s experience in the investment world.”

“We’re excited to take the platform to the next level. Our growth plans involve expanding Reboot’s content, its technology capabilities and its team of writers, building on the data-driven and strong editorial foundations of the business.” Knierim said.



Question of the day

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller


Illinois Senate President John Cullerton says Governor Bruce Rauner’s “inexperience” is the biggest hurdle to getting a deal together on pressing issues like a budget, school funding and pension reform.

Cullerton says Rauner doesn’t understand the complexities of trying to pass a pension reform plan or implement a school funding formula that doesn’t harm poorer school districts.

* The Question: Do you agree or disagree with Senate President Cullerton’s analysis of the “biggest hurdle” to breaking the impasse? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

survey solutions


“We are not all criminals”

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This Rep. Ken Dunkin mailer hit yesterday…


* This Dunkin mailer also landed in boxes yesterday…

* Related…

* Kass: Obama backs Boss Madigan the Chicago Way: And speaking of shrieking, just before the Obama endorsement in the Dunkin-Stratton race, another unproven allegation was made, that Dunkin was buying votes.

* Zorn: Ken Dunkin gets Obama’s seal of disapproval: No one seems to be able to remember a sitting president of the United States inserting himself into a contest this far down the ballot. But Dunkin vs. Stratton is likely to be the most pivotal race of the year — general or primary — in Obama’s home state. Dunkin is almost exclusively funded by Republican money. If he survives next week it will deal a major blow to the Democrats, effectively marking the end of their ability to use the threat of veto overrides to force Rauner to set aside his “turnaround agenda” items and negotiate a budget.


Because… Quinn!

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Tribune’s profile of the 8th Congressional District Democratic primary, comes this tidbit about state Sen. Michael Noland

Noland, also an attorney who has an MBA, pulled in about $76,000 from the state and $10,000 from his law practice in 2014, according to his financial disclosure statement. Noland cited “financial hardship” in 2014 when he modified his mortgage through a federal assistance program that helps homeowners reduce monthly payments and avoid foreclosure.

In an interview, Noland said his family faced a number of financial obligations, including student loans and private school tuition for his daughter. The senator called back the next day to add that his family struggled after then-Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn zeroed out lawmakers’ salaries during a 2013 budget fight. Lawmakers went two months without paychecks before a judge ruled the move unconstitutional and the money was paid out.

Also in 2014, Noland got $8,700 from the city of Elgin as part of its energy-efficiency revolving loan program. Noland said the money was used in large part to buy an energy-efficient furnace. City officials said he was one of 19 homeowners who took part in the program, which was open to all qualified applicants.

And yet, Quinn has endorsed Noland.

* Meanwhile, from a press release…

A new poll shows small businessman Raja Krishnamoorthi has bolstered his lead in the Democratic primary for Congress in the 8th District of Illinois that includes the northwest Chicago suburbs.

Krishnamoorthi has the support of 55 percent of voters with State Sen. Mike Noland at 17 percent and Villa Park President Deb Bullwinkel with 9 percent. Undecided voters accounted for 19 percent of the poll. The margin of error was +/- 4.9 percentage points in the poll taken by GBA Strategies. […]

Taken March 3-6 by GBA Strategies, this live poll of 400 likely Democratic voters asked 8th District voters in the northwest Chicago suburbs which candidate they would vote for if the election were held today.

The poll results follow fundraising reports filed by the candidates last week with the Federal Elections Commission and revealing that Krishnamoorthi has $1,019,784 cash on hand compared to $63,357 for Noland and $3,403 for Bullwinkel.

…Adding… Raja’s campaign claims he’s also leading in Noland’s own Senate district 47-32.


A hostage goes to jail

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Colleen Boraca, the director of the Northern Illinois University College of Law Health Advocacy Clinic in Aurora, writing in the Sun-Times

Seven months ago, I wrote an op-ed about Gov. Bruce Rauner’s proposed budget cuts, highlighting their impact on “Frank.” Frank — homeless and suffering from mental illness — was working hard to put his life back together.

Frank had multiple agencies supporting him. He was living in Aurora at Hesed House, the state’s second largest homeless shelter. His substance abuse counselor was helping him maintain sobriety. He was attending sessions with a mental health counselor. He was receiving regular medical treatment at Aunt Martha’s Health and Outreach Center. He was also working with law students from the Northern Illinois University College of Law Health Advocacy Clinic, which helps clients access public benefits.

Frank had a history of mental health hospitalizations but was receiving regular care and medication. He was optimistic about moving out of Hesed House.

Now, Frank has a new home: jail. […]

Zero state funding has been catastrophic for social service agencies and the people they serve. The hours of Frank’s mental health and substance abuse counselors were cut back at Hesed House, making it harder for him to access treatment. When Frank does not receive needed treatment, his mental illness and addiction issues impair his judgment, and he ends up in jail. The cost is not just Frank’s. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, every dollar spent on addiction treatment programs yields an average $4 to $7 benefit in reduced incarceration and costs of crime. […]

Frank and other Illinois residents rely heavily on Lutheran Social Services of Illinois, the state’s largest provider of social services. LSSI had to lay off 43 percent of its work force in January, resulting in the cutting of 30 programs — including Frank’s rehabilitation program — that serve 4,700 individuals. LSSI had little choice due to the $6 million unpaid by the state. The programs cut include those helping seniors, veterans, the homeless, individuals suffering from mental illness and those seeking drug/alcohol treatment.


Today’s number: $7.02 million

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* With almost a week to go in just two state legislative primaries…


Poll: Clinton with huge lead, while Trump’s ahead of a divided pack

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* OK, this is a bit dangerous after how ridiculous the pollsters looked last night in Michigan, but a new Capitol Fax/We Ask America poll has Hillary Clinton with a huge lead over Bernie Sanders among likely voters

If the Democratic Presidential Primary were held today, for whom would you vote?

    Hillary Clinton 62.30%
    Bernie Sanders 25.00%
    Someone else 2.42%
    Undecided 10.28%

She’s beating Sanders in every region and in every demographic and she’s doing particularly well among women and African-Americans.

From the pollster…

We see Mrs. Clinton’s strong lead wane as March 15 nears and she could—conceivably— end up under 60 percent Election Day, but she still holds an extraordinary lead over Mr. Sanders. Her strength among African American voters remains incredibly strong.

The Tribune’s recent poll had Clinton leading Sanders 67-25.

* OK, now on to likely Republican voters

If the Illinois Republican Primary for president were held today, for whom would you vote?

    Donald Trump 32.64%
    Ted Cruz 19.90%
    John Kasich 18.41%
    Marco Rubio 11.34%
    Someone else 1.49%
    Undecided 16.22%

* From the pollster…

We see Mr. Trump’s lead shrink slightly over the last 10 days, especially among the most likely voters (those who have voted in all three of the last three primaries). Both Cruz and Kasich are nipping at his heels among this (usually) older set.

Kasich does best among “R-3″ voters, meaning those who have taken primary ballots three times in the past three primaries. Trump does best among R-1’s.

The Tribune’s recent poll had Trump at 32, Cruz at 22, Rubio at 21 and Kasich at 18 with 7 percent undecided. So, it looks like Rubio is tanking here. But… I dunno. Not gonna make any hard claims this year.

* Methodology for the Democratic poll

This poll was conducted on March 7-8, 2016 using both automated (recorded) on landline phones and live interview calls to cell phones. In all, 994 likely Democrat voters completed all questions on the poll from both landlines and cell phones. In total, 400 of the responses came from cell phones… For this case, results with a margin of error of ±3.11% at the 95% confidence level

* Methodology for the Republican poll

This poll was conducted on March 7-8, 2016 using both automated (recorded) on landline phones and live interview calls to cell phones. In all, 1,009 likely Republican voters completed all questions on the poll from both landlines and cell phones. In total, 400 of the responses came from cell phones… For this case, results with a margin of error of ±3.09% at the 95% confidence level

* Related…

* Kirk holds big lead over little-known Republican Senate challenger: But the survey also revealed a warning sign for Kirk for the fall: barely half of Republican voters approve of his job performance during his five-plus years in the Senate.

* Duckworth easily outdistancing foes in Democratic Senate race: The survey showed Duckworth with 72 percent support compared with only 8 percent for former Chicago Urban League CEO Andrea Zopp and 4 percent for state Sen. Napoleon Harris, of Harvey, with another 16 percent undecided ahead of Tuesday’s primary… Nine out of 10 voters knew Duckworth, while about half said they were unfamiliar with Zopp or Harris. What’s more, nearly 7 in 10 Democratic voters have a favorable view of the congresswoman.


Because… Rauner!

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* If the Juliana Stratton campaign doesn’t use this Sun-Times editorial excerpt in a mailer and/or radio/TV ad, everybody in that effort should be sued for malpractice

A vote for Dunkin in the Democratic primary is a vote for Rauner at his most divisive, as he continues to pursue a failed strategy to win a war he can’t win. It is a vote for continued paralysis in Springfield… If Dunkin is not entirely in Rauner’s pocket already, he will be if re-elected.

* But Rauner dumped “right to work” almost a year ago

The governor just doesn’t get it. He will never get anything through the Democratic-controlled Legislature, even a basic state budget, as long as he insists on acceptance first of his various “turnaround agenda” reforms, such as an anti-union right-to-work law.

* And while some of his pals are supporting Jason Gonzales, Rauner has not openly taken a stand

For an old-school pol like the speaker, it is highly objectionable for a Republican governor to go messing around in a Democratic primary. Yet Rauner and his allies are not only going all out for Dunkin, they also are openly backing a candidate, Jason Gonzales, against Madigan in his Southwest Side district.

If Rauner’s organization was truly all-in for Gonzales, he’d have a whole lot more money and his advertising wouldn’t be so amateur hour.

Otherwise, they do make some good points

We struggle to understand what Rauner expects to accomplish with a slash-and-burn style of politics that can’t work in a state that has divided government. […]

(T)he governor is doing his level best to make an even bigger foe of Madigan, whose cooperation he will never stop needing. […]

But what is Gov. Rauner’s strategy here? If he can’t call the Legislature to heel — and saving Ken Dunkin won’t call anybody to heel — what is his end game?

Your thoughts?


*** UPDATED x1 *** After six years, McCann still hasn’t produced military discharge papers

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Here’s Republican state Senate candidate Sam McCann in the July 11, 2010 edition of the State Journal-Register

“I didn’t say I was a veteran. I said I was a member of the Marine Corps. … If the Marine Corps doesn’t call that being a member of it, I apologize for making a misstatement. But I signed a contract, took an oath of office.” […]

McCann also said earlier that he wasn’t sure technically what type of discharge he received, but said he has called it “honorable” because he knows it was not dishonorable.

Late in the week, McCann said he no longer has the discharge paper he got when his dream of being a Marine lifer was quashed, but he’s asked the military for another copy. He said he’s waiting for it to arrive.

* September 26, 2010 edition of the SJ-R

McCann previously promised to try to get a copy of his exact discharge papers, but said this week he has not received them.

He’s clearly touchy about the subject.

“Why is it that the president doesn’t have to display his birth certificate?” McCann said when asked about his discharge papers. The comment echoed the claims of “birthers” who think, despite overwhelming evidence, that President BARACK OBAMA isn’t a U.S. citizen.

When I asked McCann if he believes the president isn’t a citizen, he responded, “No, I didn’t say that.”

* October 14, 2010 edition of the SJ-R

His campaign literature also said he received an honorable discharge, although McCann later said he wasn’t sure what type of discharge he received. He hasn’t yet secured a document to illuminate that point.

* Today’s SJ-R

Aaron DeGroot, Benton’s spokesman, said he sent an information request to the National Personnel Records Center, asking about a “William Samuel McCann.”

“We have been unsuccessful in identifying a military service record for the above-named individual,” said the Jan. 19 response from an archives technician. “This does not mean the subject did not have military service, only that we are unable to identify a record based on the limited information you have provided.” […]

Neither McCann nor his campaign consultant, Glenn Hodas, responded to messages Tuesday about the military records issue. […]

McCann, DeGroot said, “has had six years to produce documentation to prove his version of events, and he has not done so.”

All emphasis added.

*** UPDATE *** Bernie has added a statement in an update. Here’s the relevant part

“I was never a veteran, so there are no discharge papers.”

And, yet, he said he had them and lost them and said repeatedly that he was trying to get them for months in 2010.


Good candidates get in front of this stuff. Not so good candidates allow themselves to be run over by this stuff.


Rate the new Jason Gonzales ads

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Blair Hull’s Illinois United for Change has a new negative ad against House Speaker Michael Madigan. Hull is backing Jason Gonzales in the primary

Time for a fresh start in Springfield. Jason Gonzales for State Representative.

Posted by Illinois United for Change on Monday, March 7, 2016

* And here’s a cable TV ad by Gonzales himself

* Related…

* Is Madigan’s Democratic opponent a Rauner plant?: Last year, while at Harvard, he had a revelation: he wanted to run for office. And of all the towns or communities he might have run in—Elgin, Carpentersville, Wrigleyville—he chose Archer Heights.

* Madigan, And His Match: Challenger Jason Gonzales: “My grandmother was here, in the adjacent district, on 26th Street, and spent early years in the area, growing up and spending time with her and on 26th Street … And then my parents moved us to the suburbs, you know, early on. And you know I’ve had ties to the district with friends and other relatives that live her. And I live in the West Lawn neighborhood. So I’ve been here, by the time the election comes, I will be here a few years,” he said. That’s just about how long Gonzales says he’s been considering running against Madigan.


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Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** LIVE *** Session coverage

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Caption contest!

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I have a few things to put together for subscribers, so here are two names I never thought I’d ever see in the same sentence: Paul Green and Lady Gaga


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Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

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