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NBC Poll: Pritzker leads Rauner by 16 points

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Exclusive NBC News/Marist poll

Pritzker 46
Rauner 30
Jackson 6
McCann 4

They didn’t say during the broadcast, but that would be 14 percent undecided [. So Pritzker’s lead would be greater than the undecideds.

Rauner’s unfavorable rating is at 52 percent, according to the poll. His unfavorable rating is about twice the size of his favorables.

Pritzker is at 38 favorable, 35 unfavorable.

Pritzker leads among women and men. Pritzker also leads everywhere but the collar counties. But Rauner is only at 40 percent in the collars.

* From the story just posted online

In addition to the race for governor, 49 percent of respondents preferred a Democratic-controlled Congress, while 35 percent preferred Republicans in charge. The state has at least three tight U.S. House races slated for November.

The results also indicated 56 percent of registered voters in Illinois disapprove of President Donald Trump’s job so far. In 2016, Trump got 38 percent of the vote in Illinois.

“President Trump and his job rating at 31 percent is dragging down Republicans up and down the ticket potentially,” Murray said.

Twenty-seven percent of Illinois voters named economy and jobs as the most important factor in their vote. Another 19 percent said health care, 14 percent said immigration and 11 percent said federal taxes and spending, according to the poll.

* The poll was taken August 12-16. But this is odd and I don’t understand it

The NBC/Marist poll of Illinois was conducted Aug. 12-16 of 831 adults (which has a margin of error of plus-minus 4.2 percentage points) and 734 registered voters (plus-minus 4.4 percentage points).

I’ll ask for clarification.

…Adding… The crosstabs are here, along with an answer to my question.

…Adding… The crosstabs show the results shown above are for registered voters and undecideds are at 13 percent. “Other” is at 2 percent.


Blair Hull wants limits on deposition in Madigan case

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As we discussed yesterday, the federal judge in Jason Gonzales’ lawsuit against Speaker Madigan and others ruled that Blair Hull will have to sit for a deposition by Madigan’s attorneys. Hull backed Gonzales’ 2016 Democratic primary campaign against Madigan and contributed to Gov. Bruce Rauner’s 2014 election.

Hull’s attorney filed a motion today for a protective order on his deposition. All emphasis is in the original

However, [Blair Hull] is rightfully concerned that the deposition—which will essentially be conducted by a political rival within Mr. Hull’s party—will go far beyond Mr. Hull’s firm’s contributions and loans to Illinois United for Change. Instead, it could be used to pry into Mr. Hull’s own political activism, personal connections, and support for candidates that are opposed by Defendants, including after the March 15, 2016 Primary Election between Plaintiff Gonzales and Defendant Madigan.

Such limitless discovery would politically advantage Defendants, while undermining Mr. Hull’s own right to politically oppose them, turning the discrete constitutional dispute in this case into a “political proxy war.”

More importantly, such areas of inquiry are unlikely to lead to the discovery of evidence admissible at trial in this action, which, again, concerns Defendants’ conduct as to which Mr. Hull possesses no information. As such, the Court should enter the appropriate protective order limiting the length of Mr. Hull’s deposition to two hours and its scope to the contributions and loans made by Mr. Hull’s company during the Primary Election.


Because… Madigan!

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Again with this?…

…Adding… March of 2014

“I apologize but we may have to go through a little rough times and we have to do what Ronald Reagan did with the air traffic controllers,” Rauner said referencing Reagan’s decision in 1981 to fire 11,000 striking air traffic controllers.

“We sort of have to do a do-over and shut things down for a little while, that’s what we’re going to do,” Rauner said. […]

“It’s going to be rough. It’s going to be hardball but I’m used to that. I’ve transformed a lot of business organizations in my life and I can bring that same discipline in Springfield,” he said.

* April of 2015

Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner kicked off a campaign-style statewide tour Monday by indicating he’ll try to “leverage” the state’s money woes into securing a series of pro-business changes from a General Assembly controlled by Democrats likely to fiercely oppose them.

The first stop was at Tribune Tower, where the governor sought to frame up the last seven scheduled weeks of the spring session during an appearance before the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board. The governor and legislative leaders will try to craft a new budget before the May 31 adjournment deadline against the backdrop of a projected deficit of $6 billion and Rauner calling for major cuts.

“Crisis creates opportunity. Crisis creates leverage to change … and we’ve got to use that leverage of the crisis to force structural change,” said Rauner, borrowing from a political philosophy famously coined by his friend Rahm Emanuel that “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

…Adding… June of 2015

Gov. Bruce Rauner says a partial state government shutdown is worth the pain if it brings fundamental change to business and politics in Illinois.

The Republican told reporters Tuesday morning that “change is hard … but we need to have change.'’

* March of 2017

“It came down to three things: workers’ comp, parity in (the length of) the income tax and property tax and budget cuts. Cullerton’s position is, ‘This is the deal, take it or leave it,’ and as far as we’re concerned, it’s dead and there’s nothing more for us to do because we’re not going to take a bad deal and neither is the Senate (Republican) caucus,” [the Rauner confidant] said.

Radogno responded that no one in the governor’s office “speaks for the Senate (GOP) caucus.” She said the Senate’s grand bargain plan was “not and never has been a ‘take it or leave it’ from the Senate president and insisted talks on a “final version” were still taking place.

* December of 2017

Some Republicans joined Democrats in July to end the impasse by passing a major income tax hike and spending plan over Rauner’s vetoes. As a result, the governor said the state had “lost” an opportunity for economic change.

“We had the possibility of a transformation for the state with the crisis that we had — if we had a principled caucus. It’s the primary reason I ran. We had the opportunity for a massive transformation. We lost that,” the Republican governor said.


MLB open thread

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* You know it’s been a pretty horrific season when your favorite team’s two biggest highlights are a nun’s outstanding ceremonial first pitch and tonight’s first big league game by a highly touted pitching prospect.

First, the nun. Sister Mary Jo Sobieck from Marian Catholic High School in Chicago Heights

I was so impressed that I ordered her bobblehead.

* And now, the kid. Michael Kopech…


Question of the day

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Unsolicited Tribune columnist advice

Pritzker’s bottomless checkbook is feeding get-out-the-vote efforts, campaign staff, candidates, mailers and foot soldiers statewide. Will the media now refer to Illinois’ Democratic Party as Pritzker’s Democratic Party, as they have Rauner’s Republican Party?

They should. It is.

So, it’s no longer Speaker Madigan’s state party? Won’t the governor’s campaign be upset about this?

* The Question: Should Illinois political reporters now refer to the state Democratic Party as JB Pritzker’s party? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

survey services


It’s just a bill

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Many thanks to Dan’s dad for this idea

Gov. Bruce Rauner signed legislation Monday, sponsored by State Sen. Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods) and State Rep. Mark Batinick (R-Plainfield), giving motorists the option to register their vehicles for more than one year at a time.

House Bill 4259, which passed the House and Senate unanimously, allows motorists, beginning in 2021, to register their vehicles for one or two years. It also allows owners of trailers to register their trailer up to five years. The price per year would be the same, but motorists would be able to pay multiple years up front and would not have to change their sticker every year.

McConchie and Batinick say this legislation provides a convenience and saves the state money.

“About a year and a half ago, my dad came into the house frustrated after trying to put his renewal sticker on his license plate in the bitter cold saying, ‘I don’t know why we can’t renew our plates for more than one year at a time,’” McConchie recalled. “I remember thinking, ‘What a great idea!’ We could save the state money and provide greater convenience to taxpayers.

* Other bills…

* Illinois School Resource Officers to Undergo Training: Gov. Bruce Rauner signed a bill over the weekend that requires school resource officers, also known as SROs, to be better prepared to deal with the student population. The training will focus on de-escalation, crisis intervention and cyberbullying.

* Rauner: Won’t sign bill to ease voting by jail inmates without changes: Representative Juliana Stratton, who sponsored the bill, said she is “clearly disappointed” by the governor’s response. She said that that supporters of the bill had negotiated with the Illinois Department of Corrections and Illinois Sheriffs Association to decide on a procedure for delivering “know your rights” information to inmates exiting custody, and that it would simply involve adding information on voting rights to a packet of information that inmates already receive upon completing their sentences. “It’s lost on me why the governor would not be in support of this information being distributed,” Stratton said.

* Illinois Governor Blocks Bill To Tell People With Criminal Histories About Their Voting Rights: In his veto, Rauner didn’t object to helping people get access to ballots during pretrial detention, but specifically took issue with the requirement that officials provide voter registration forms to people leaving jail and voting rights information to those leaving prison. He said he’d support the bill if lawmakers eliminated those elements of it.

* More than 10,000 FOIDs yet to be renewed from June: Gov. Bruce Rauner signed a law Friday giving a 60-day grace period for gun owners to renew their state firearms identification cards and still own a firearm, but it won’t help the thousands of gun owners that have let theirs expire. The law allows for a Firearm Owner’s Identification, or FOID, card to remain valid for 60 days after the owner has sent in for renewal. This means a gun owner can submit their renewal for the card and still be a legal gun owner if it expires before the Illinois State Police processes it.

* Law allows Medicaid flexibility for ‘medically fragile’ kids: The law means that their expensive, highly technical care which is covered by Medicaid is exempt from managed-care organizations. The state has moved 80 percent of its Medicaid clients to managed-care organizations to cut costs.


Rep. Miller-Walsh slammed for “scrubbed” Facebook page

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here. Monday press release from Illinois Sixth Congressional District Democrats

On Saturday, Helene Walsh was appointed by Lake County Republican Chairman Mark Shaw to represent the 51st District in the Illinois House, despite her controversial views on guns, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, civil rights and more.

Today, Helene Walsh scrubbed her Facebook page of all radical views and photos.

“Helene Walsh should be straight with the voters of the 51st District. If, for instance, she believes that children should be separated from parents who are applying for legal asylum, she shouldn’t be afraid to say so,” said Nancy Shepherdson, Sixth District Democratic State Central Committeewoman and Co-Chair of the Illinois Sixth Congressional District Democrats. Walsh deleted a July 3, 2018 post that stated: “Don’t want to be separated from your kids…don’t break our laws.”

Patrick Watson Sixth District Democratic State Central Committeeman and Co-Chair of the Illinois Sixth Congressional District Democrats, noted that Walsh also deleted extreme racist, xenophobic and divisive comments posted this year. Watson noted: “If Helene Walsh wants to represent us, she should tell us that she believes without holding back or trying to hide behind platitudes.”

The Helene Walsh Facebook page was scrubbed after a statement was released by Adam Didech, county board candidate in the 20th District, condemning Walsh’s extremely candid and divisive comments.

The seat Helene Walsh has been appointed to was left open after State Representative Nick Sauer resigned two weeks ago when allegations of “catfishing for men” using an ex-girlfriend’s nude photos were made public. Helene Walsh is the wife of former Congressman and right-wing talk show host Joe Walsh.

The Illinois 51st District stretches from western Waukegan and western Mundelein in the north to Vernon Hills, Long Grove and Barrington in the south, with most of Libertyville in its center. Helene Walsh will run against Democrat Mary Edly-Allen, a bilingual teacher who is a champion for freedom and rights for all.

I’m guessing that some folks were able to save much of her online activity, however.

* From her Democratic opponent…

* From 10th Dems…

…Adding… Miller-Walsh has been a fan of conspiracy theories, and now she’s being hit by one. This thing has spread around Facebook and Twitter…

It’s just so ridiculous. Joe Walsh started breaking with Trump long before the Sauer thing became public. But nutballs are gonna nutball, I suppose.


Obama/Pritzker coverage roundup

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. From WGN TV

Former President Barack Obama has recorded a video supporting Democrat J.B. Pritzker for Illinois governor.

The roughly 90-second video released Monday is the first Obama has recorded for the fall election. In it, he says he’s backing Pritzker to lead his home state because “J.B. gets things done.”

* NBC 5

Former President Barack Obama doubled down on his endorsement of Democratic gubernatorial candidate J.B. Pritzker.

“I am proud to endorse J.B. Priztker to be the next governor of my home state of Illinois,” he said in a new video. “And let me tell you why. It’s simple. J.B. gets things done.” […]

Wednesday’s endorsement marked the second time Obama has backed Stratton. While he was president in March 2016, Obama offered his support in radio and television ads to help Stratton, a political newcomer, unseat embattled Rep. Ken Dunkin in Illinois’ 5th District on Chicago’s South Side. That contentious Democratic primary battle was the most expensive House race in Illinois history, drawing Obama back into the local politics of his hometown.

Statewide, Obama also endorsed state Sen. Kwame Raoul for Illinois Attorney General. Raoul faces Republican Erika Harold in the race to replace longtime AG Lisa Madigan, who announced in 2017 that she would not be seeking re-election.

* Tribune

Democratic governor candidate J.B. Pritzker’s campaign on Monday unveiled a web video featuring Barack Obama, marking another foray into his home state’s politics for the former president. […]

It’s not a surprise that the former Democratic president would back Pritzker over Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner, and Obama this month released a list of endorsements that included Pritzker. The digital spot released Monday, though, gives the campaign another video to spread across the internet in the months before the November election.

Obama has gotten involved in state politics from time to time since heading to the White House, including backing Ald. Sophia King in her City Council race last year. […]

In a March 2012 Bloomberg TV interview, Pritzker hesitated on supporting Obama’s re-election efforts. “We’ll have to wait and see. I don’t know who the nominee’s going to be on the Republican side,” Pritzker said at the time.

* The Illinois News Network threw some shade

Obama and Pritzker do share another connection that Rauner has highlighted in his re-election campaign. Pritzker was recorded on FBI wiretaps in 2008 speaking to former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich about being appointed to the Obama’s U.S. Senate seat, something that would ultimately put Blagojevich in prison. Blagojevich and Pritzker also discussed possible campaign donations.

* But the Illinois Policy Institute’s former news service has nothing on The Onion’s take. Click here for that one-line jab. Ouch.

* Lynn Sweet has the back story

Obama taped the video in his personal office in Washington a few weeks ago.

Obama spokesman Eric Schultz told the Sun-Times, “President Obama of course wants to be helpful to Democrats as we approach the midterm elections. President Obama wants to help Democrats win at every level this year. He’ll ask voters to take a good look at candidates and their records — not just the top of the ticket — but critical local races, too. We need a strong pipeline to help the Party grow beyond 2018. We need activists poised to engage, volunteers motivated to mobilize and voters motivated to vote.”

Obama on Aug. 1 endorsed 81 Democrats, including many from Illinois: Pritzker, Kwame Raoul, who is running for Illinois Attorney General, and U.S. House hopefuls Sean Casten, Lauren Underwood and Brendan Kelly.

* Politico

On the sidelines no more, President Barack Obama flexed his political muscle in his home state on Monday.

In a boost to billionaire Democrat J.B. Pritzker’s gubernatorial bid, Obama went beyond his customary political comfort zone, leaning in hard by cutting his first video on behalf of a candidate in the 2018 midterm elections.

Um, the dude cut an Internet video in his office. And if doing that is outside his comfort zone, then what was this?


Truck “mystery” solved

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Governor’s campaign press release about his current campaign tour

As the governor said on Governor’s Day at the State Fair, “we’re here because we’re fighting for what’s right, and what’s just, and what’s good, and for a better future for our children and grandchildren.”

This week, the governor is touring the state with that exact message. He knows that home is worth fighting for, and he will never give up the fight for the future of Illinois.

Each day, he will make stops throughout the state speaking with voters. At least one stop per day will be accompanied by Bruce’s BBQ Big Rig, a tractor-trailer outfitted to serve BBQ to attendees at the events. [Emphasis added.]

So, now we know why he has a refrigerated truck, which, I’m told, is owned by Raymond Poe’s company. Poe, now the Agriculture Director, was a state Rep. when he ran for lt. governor in 2006 and had a truck built that could serve, if memory serves, something like 200-250 chicken dinners per hour. It was quite something to see. He wanted to set it up in Chicago, but said he couldn’t get a permit.

* The DGA claims there’s deeper meaning to the truck…

Rauner Brings Tractor-Trailer Filled of Failure to Illinois Communities

Yesterday, Governor Bruce Rauner began a new campaign swing called the “Fight for What’s Right” tour that unfortunately only highlights how wrong Rauner’s failed leadership has been for Illinois. Each community Rauner visited yesterday has been negatively impacted by his two-year budget fiasco. As a metaphor for his failed governance, Rauner’s campaign vehicle, a tractor-trailer, doesn’t list any accomplishments from the Governor’s first term.

“The only thing that Bruce Rauner’s tour will accomplish is reminding voters that they now have a tractor-trailer full of debt thanks to his failed leadership,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Every corner of the state is worse off after Bruce Rauner forced the state to go years without a budget and Illinois families will not forget that in November.”

Or, maybe it’s just a truck filled with tasty meats for hungry potential voters.

…Adding… Bernie

An 18-wheeler with an American flag motif on the cab and trailer wrapped in Rauner campaign blue, including the “Home is Worth Fighting For” slogan, has been provided to Rauner’s team by Poe Enterprises. That’s a farming and catering operation in which Poe is still a shareholder. Poe told me at the Governor’s Day rally at the Illinois State Fair — where the truck was parked on the road in the director’s lawn area as Rauner and others delivered their speeches nearby — that expense of the signage on the truck is shared by Rauner supporter Jason Fletcher of Athens.


Rauner on Quincy veterans home: “Occasionally some things stumble here or there”

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

On a Quincy TV station yesterday, Bruce Rauner claimed his administration did “an excellent job” responding to the Legionnaires’ crisis that took 14 lives since 2015.

“Well our team has done, by and large, an excellent job. People aren’t perfect. Occasionally some things stumble here or there,” Rauner said on WGEM Monday. Legionnaires’ has plagued the Quincy Veterans’ Home since Rauner became governor, sickening Veteran residents and staff in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 and killing 14. The Rauner administration waited six days to publicize the first outbreak, a delay one infectious disease expert called “mind boggling” and “inexcusable.”

“The fact that Bruce Rauner thinks Veterans and spouses in Quincy losing their lives to Legionnaires’ is him doing ’an excellent job’ is all we need to know about his failed leadership,” said Pritzker campaign spokeswoman Jordan Abudayyeh. “Fourteen people died on Rauner’s watch, but he still has the gall to go on a Quincy TV station, rewrite history, and insult those who lost loved ones.”

* Video

* And this man, whose Quincy veterans home resident father died in 2015, is not going away…

* Related…

* Rauner says improvements at Illinois Veterans Home moving at quick pace: The first step in the plan involved buying the nearby Sycamore Healthcare Center, which closed as a nursing home in April 2017. The state paid $625,000 for the facility and is gutting the complex so it can be rebuilt to house veterans during construction on the Veterans Home campus. It also can be used for other veterans-related services in the future. “The Sycamore facility is going to create a lot of options for us, so getting that done quickly — in the next few months — is a goal. And we seem to be on track to do that,” Rauner said. “We’re putting in all-new everything. We’re going to make it a world-class facility.”


On the (same) road again

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* In August of 2014, gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner’s “Shake Up Express” made a swing through Mt. Sterling, Rushville, Macomb and Monmouth…

* Almost exactly four years later, Gov. Bruce Rauner took his “The Fight For What’s Right” tour on a swing through Mt. Sterling, Rushville, Macomb and Monmouth…

Notice the shirts.

* He added a stop this year, though…

Sometimes, I just don’t understand how candidates can do this all day, day in and day out. Giving the same speeches, constantly smiling, shaking hands, making quick small talk and then heading to the next stop. That can’t be easy.

* I often get tired by just reading Rep. Tom Bennett’s Twitter posts. A small sampling


It’s a simple question, Rodney

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Watch Rodney Davis dance

* Bernie

U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Taylorville, said Monday that he did not personally send a campaign field director to a fundraiser for his opponent last week where that staffer was arrested for allegedly harassing the Democratic candidate and her supporters.

“There is no way that I would ever send anyone to go sit at a bar for multiple hours and become intoxicated with my opponent’s supporters,” Davis said when asked if his campaign sent Levi Lovell, 25, to the event for candidate Betsy Dirksen Londrigan at J.P. Kelly’s Pub in downtown Springfield.

Asked if his campaign might have sent Lovell to attend the event, Davis said, “I did not send anybody there. I don’t believe anybody on my campaign has ever said that they sent Levi to that event, and I certainly don’t condone the behavior. … I think it’s wrong, and frankly, there probably would have been disciplinary actions without the video that was in question.”

Sitting congresscritters don’t usually have direct control of their campaign trackers, so I’d be shocked if Davis personally sent that guy to Londrigan’s event. And I’d be even more shocked if the candidate ordered a tracker to get drunk and harass his opponent’s supporters. That sort of stuff just doesn’t happen.

But, notice this line, which was uttered after Bernie tried multiple times to get Davis to say if his campaign sent the guy: “I don’t believe anybody on my campaign has ever said that they sent Levi to that event.”

Right, they never said they sent him because Davis’ campaign refuses to answer questions about who dispatched the tracker.

* And now, this…


Barickman: “We don’t get to earn the right to govern simply by saying Madigan is the boogeyman”

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Last month. Sen. Jason Barickman (R-Bloomington) went on WJBC Radio and urged Gov. Rauner to be more optimistic and forward-looking on the campaign trail. This week, Sen. Barickman had a somewhat similar message to WGLT Radio

“I don’t think Republicans win elections in Illinois simply by saying we’re the defense to (Illinois House Speaker Michael) Madigan’s offense. We don’t get to earn the right to govern simply by saying Madigan is the boogeyman,” said Barickman.

Barickman said attacking Madigan is part of the strategy since the speaker is one of the most unpopular politicians in the state.

But Barickman said Rauner will have to show how he can lead in the future, beyond obstructing Democrats.

“I think the public will want more. I think the path forward for a Republican has to be demonstrating the leadership necessary to advance our state regardless of whether Madigan is speaker or not. That message, I think, wins a general election,” said Barickman.


…Adding… This tweet is a good fit for this post…

…Adding… Conversely…


Rate Rauner’s new TV ad

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, the Rauner campaign is launching a new statewide TV ad titled “The Main Thing.”

The ad centers around the main thing JB Pritzker would do if elected: raise taxes. Featuring quotes from newspapers across the state, it’s clear that Pritzker is deadset on raising taxes on hardworking Illinois families.

Illinois can not afford the Pritzker-Madigan agenda of higher taxes and more corruption.

* The ad

* Transcript…

The main thing JB Pritzker wants to do is raise taxes. An immediate increase in the current tax rate. A short and long term plan to increase income taxes. A threat, a promise, a plan that will punish Illinoisans. Madigan and Pritzker want more money. As soon as Pritzker takes office, a significant increase that will affect all taxpayers. JB Pritzker and Mike Madigan. Higher taxes. More Corruption.



Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

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