RSLC busts the contribution caps for Leader Durkin
Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Press release…
They’re starting with a website. Durkin has only token opposition, so this likely isn’t about saving him. What this is about is Speaker Madigan busting the contribution caps for his own personal committee (Friends of MJM) last month with a $100,001 personal contribution. I asked for clarification, because I assumed if the RSLC is gonna spend “six figures” on Durkin they’ll spend at least $100,001 because a dollar less wouldn’t undo the contribution caps. I was told they will spend at least that amount. * Madigan has since used his capless committee to raise $300,000 from the Illinois Federation of Teachers and $500,000 from the Laborers Union’s DC headquarters. So now, contributions to Durkin’s personal committee won’t be capped, either. By the way, Gov. Rauner did this for Durkin two years ago by independently buying radio ads for him. I really should sell blog ads to people who do this stuff. I’m sure at least one person in Durkin’s district (Durkin) reads the blog. Man, what a racket that would be.
Pritzker revenue need “guesstimate” revised to $10.7 billion
Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * This post was was originally an update to an earlier post, but I thought it deserved its own space. JB Pritzker said this during a radio interview today…
So, going by the Civic Federation’s 2015 numbers, we can get a rough idea about what this would cost. Local property taxes fund about $18 billion in school spending out of about $29 billion in total. Subtract out the 12.3 percent supplied by the federal government and “other local” funding, and you wind up with about $25.4 billion. Half of that would be $12.7 billion. So, that would have been a 2015 increase in state funding, and corresponding decrease in local property tax funding for K-12 education of $5.3 billion. * My “guesstimate” last month for Pritzker’s proposed spending figured he’d increase K-12 by about $500 million. If we take Pritzker at his word, my guess was too low by maybe $5 billion. So my earlier guesstimate of $5.7 billion for new net revenue needs should be revised upward to $10.7 billion.
You can’t say you’ve “put forward a plan” when you clearly have not (Part 2)
Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller [I’ve moved the updates to their own post. Click here.] * Part 1 is here. From JB Pritzker’s appearance on the Here and Now program…
C’mon, dude. You’ve never put forward a tax plan. You haven’t even discussed an outline. It’s barely a vague concept. If you say you have a plan, then let’s see the plan. Otherwise, don’t say you have a plan. /rant * Full interview…
Mendoza’s July poll showed she had a 22-point lead
Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Politico…
Well, that was certainly a flattering piece. Way to go, Mendoza camp. * I asked for a polling memo and it turns out the numbers in the above story only reflect a two-way contest, not the actual three-way matchup. And, more importantly, despite their portrayal, these are not current numbers in any way. The survey was conducted way back in July…
A few quick takeaways. But keep in mind that this is just one poll taken for the comptroller and it was conducted in late July and all we have to go on is this cherry-picked memo. Also, this is a three-way race so she doesn’t need 50 percent plus one to win. 1) The poll may be old, but the memo was apparently crafted on September 9th, so the language is deliberately skewed to highlight a potential Chicago mayor’s race. But, if the numbers are close to accurate, she’s pretty well-liked in the city and by liberals and African-Americans. That’s a powerful combo. Notice, however, they didn’t include Latinx voters. But, again, while old, those are not discouraging numbers at all. And since Rauner is so wildly unpopular in the city, she can definitely use her constant fights with him to her advantage if she runs for mayor. 2) The Libertarian candidate seemed to be hurting Senger more than Mendoza, which might not be good news for the rest of the statewides, either. Mendoza’s one-on-one margin was 18 and her three-way margin over Senger was 22. Um, twenty-two? And that was in July, before national trends shifted even further away from Republicans. Hey, they can also shift back. I’m just sayin: 22. (And if she was up by 22 in July, just imagine what Jesse White’s lead might’ve been over the guy who whined again this week about how he can’t get any traction because the Chicago media doesn’t take him seriously.) 3) Senger had 13 percent statewide familiarity with just 9 percent favorability in July. Yikes. Even for July, that’s a yikes. She’s reported a mere $11,200 in contributions this quarter (plus an in-kind of $1,634 for an event room rental and food), compared to $340,100 for Mendoza, who was sitting on $1.4 million at the end of June, compared to just $32K for Senger. In other words, she’s definitely gonna need some Rauner bucks, but there might not be enough Rauner bucks in the world to win that one. Plus, he’s so far given no indication that big cash is forthcoming. He’s funding himself and the House Republicans and throwing some money at the attorney general’s race. But he’s also been clearly saying that others need to “chip in” to his effort. 4) While Mendoza had a big lead in July and currently has a decent pile of cash, there could be a temptation to sit on her advantage and hoard her dough for next year. One election at a time. The Republicans have tried to make a tiny bit of hay out of her possible mayoral bid, but that could intensify. Aside from “Because… Madigan!” it’s all they really seem to have. Will she serve out her full term if elected in November? Nobody has yet asked her that question. Anything else you noticed or thought?
Costello doubles down with tough new ad
Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Rep. Jerry Costello II (D-Smithton) has been running this TV ad blasting his Republican opponent… No Show David Friess Ouch. * The Belleville News-Democrat published a Joe Bustos piece about the ad today entitled “Costello and Friess both issue fact checks. Neither can agree on what the facts are”…
The levy went up, but rates went from $0.81 per $100 EAV in 2014 to a high of $0.85 in 2016 to $0.82 in 2017. So, they went up, then came down a bit. But we’re talking tiny fractions here and “He raised your property taxes by TEN WHOLE DOLLARS!!!” ain’t much of an ad. Liberties are often taken in these instances. And that’s why we need local political reporters to cover this stuff and explain it to people. * Even though Friess probably has a right to be upset, voters too often don’t try to understand and therefore “don’t do nuance” and Costello’s new ad is even more brutal than the first one. Sorry for the video’s poor quality. It was sent via mobile phone… Man, that’s an effective spot. Whew. * Including cash-on-hand Rep. Costello has raised and/or others have spent (via in-kinds) a total of $601,554 this quarter. Friess’ number is $77,805.39. That’s almost 8 to 1, which is even more painful than those Costello hits. Friess has no money yet to put his response into his own TV ads. He’ll have to settle for an article in the BN-D. (That’s not a knock on the BN-D, by the way.)
Question of the day
Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Background is here. She doesn’t seem all that pleased…
Heh. * The Question: Since JB Pritzker used Amanda Vinicky for his TV ad and previously declined WTTW’s gubernatorial debate invitation, should Pritzker now grant Vinicky an exclusive one-on-one preelection interview? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please. online surveys
A different sort of “1 percenter”
Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Some minds were changed about outlawing the death penalty and legalizing marijuana when skeptics were shown how much tax money could be saved (and gained, in the case of pot) by changing current laws. The fact that police misconduct lawsuits cost Chicago taxpayers $662 million between 2004 and 2016 has been attracting growing interest in a city that can’t afford those costs. * With that in mind…
Yikes. * The limitation on this theory is it won’t save a ton of money…
So a million or so a year. The study is here. Thoughts?
Two months before election day, governor travels to Nebraska
Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * I hope he’s out there to finally nail down some of those “thousands” of Japanese jobs he’s been promising since his Asian trip almost exactly a year ago…
Or, maybe he’ll stop by the Ricketts family corporate headquarters and try to raise some campaign cash. Or, maybe he’s just leaving the state to give a speech, which seems kinda odd considering the polling. Weird year. …Adding… This announcement was reported by the Tribune today…
…Adding… Touché, Daniel…
…Adding… Make that 1,900 total jobs lost…
…Adding… Ouch…
McCann says gun sanctuary counties will help people “feel safe”
Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Yesterday, you’ll recall, Sen. Sam McCann introduced legislation to repeal HB40 and the JB Pritzker and Kwame Raoul campaigns used that bill to bash their respective Republican opponents. Well, here’s today’s McCann release…
The Tribune, by the way, played yesterday’s call and response straight.
*** UPDATED x2 - Scrubbed *** Apparently, Rep. Miller Walsh isn’t finished posting extreme stuff on Facebook
Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * You’ll recall that state Rep. Helene Miller Walsh (R-Mundelein) scrubbed her Facebook page of some pretty odd and extremist stuff shortly after she was appointed to the seat. Well, here’s her Facebook page today… Posted by Helene Walsh on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 * Under that [now-deleted 911 image was] this text…
Oh, for crying out loud. I’m old enough to remember when September 11th was supposed to be a national day of unity and remembrance. Now, apparently, some people want to twist it to bash the media and warn of a vast internal conspiracy to destroy the nation. *** UPDATE 1 *** Democratic Party of Illinois interim executive director Rep. Christian Mitchell…
*** UPDATE 2 *** Rep. Miller Walsh has taken down her divisive post. The person who pointed me to the post in the first place says FB commenters were posting screen shots of their online contributions to her Democratic opponent.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller
Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Follow along with ScribbleLive…