Bruce Rauner applauds Donald Trump as he gives a tax cut to corporations and the wealthy at the expense of the middle class, tries to dismantle healthcare, and puts forward a nominee to the Supreme Court set to end a woman’s right to choose. This failed governor thinks this president is doing a great job, but for some reason can’t focus long enough to tell Illinoisans if he voted for Trump in 2016.
* The Question: How would you rate this new TV ad? Don’t forget to explain.
* Mary Shaw passed away recently. She was only 42. Mary worked for the Senate Democrats for a dozen years. She ran campaigns and then moved on to work for the Illinois Retired Teachers Association. I think I’ll mainly remember her as one of those unique people who could hold everything together and make things happen. You could always count on her. Always. Excerpt from Toby Trimmer’s tribute…
There really aren’t words that can wrap up the impact that Mary Shaw has had on the lives to so many of us under the “dome of make believe.”
Pumpkin… Maybe that’s a word. It was her go-to label to show endearment, comfort, genuine interest and love for many of us.
Mary was a fixer. She could maneuver the personalities of the statehouse like few others I’ve known. In my role as an administrator at one time, I knew Mary as strong ally and a partner – not a subordinate. She wasn’t to be managed. She didn’t need to be.
And now Mary needs us…
Marebear's cancer treatment was harder than anyone I've ever heard of. She was in and out of Barnes and Northwestern as well as day-to-day care in Springfield. The bills will be staggering. The GoFundMe is still accepting donations.
If you worked with or were friends with Mary Shaw you always knew one thing – through good times and bad, Mary had your back.
Mary recently lost her battle with cancer.
Thank you to all who have given to help cover costs associated with her cancer care. This fund is going to continue in an effort to assist and support her husband Shawn and son Lucas.
Mary always had our backs. Now, we need to have hers.
Gov. Bruce Rauner and top Illinois Dept. of Transportation officials called for a halt to Amtrak Hiawatha Line expansion project plans, which include building freight holding tracks in Glenview and Lake Forest, until concerns by the two towns are given more study.
“We have heard loud and clear the concerns expressed by Lake Forest and Glenview,” Rauner said in a written statement issued late Friday, Sept. 7. “We listened to you. Clearly, a timeout on this project is needed so you can get the answers you deserve. This project will not proceed until that happens.” […]
Since a plan to expand Amtrak Hiawatha service between Chicago and Milwaukee from seven round trips (14 trains) to 10 round trips (20 trains per day) was announced in 2016, which included adding tracks to hold freight trains in Glenview, Northbrook, Lake Forest and Bannockburn, leaders and residents in those communities have expressed serious concerns about potential impacts from noise, vibration, pollution from diesel engines and impacts to traffic as trains slow to enter and exit holding tracks.
In Glenview, six neighborhoods would be impacted by a proposed two-mile holding track, which would run from West Lake Avenue to Willow Road. Additionally, trains which were moving at 50 mph through the village would now be slowing in and out of that holding area, affecting rail crossings at West Lake.
To build the freight train holding track, a 20-foot retaining wall would need to be built to hold the rail bed, officials said. Building the retaining wall would mean the green space that provides a buffer between the nearby residential areas and the existing tracks would be cut down.
“The combination of Metra’s opposition to a third main for at least a few decades, and IDOT now stepping back from approving an [environmental assessment] for the foreseeable future, effectively defers such a project being approved for a very long time, if ever,” [Lake Forest Mayor Rob Lansing] said, in response to Blankenhorn’s letter.
* It’s far too early to pick horse-race winners and losers with robopolls like these. These are just fun snapshots in time, and perhaps blurry snapshots at that. Here’s Mary Ann Ahern…
In a brand new SEIU poll conducted by Public Policy Polling, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle leads the field with 25 percent of the vote. Preckwinkle is expected to announce Monday that she will form an exploratory committee to run in the February contest. […]
Undecided voters check into second place in the poll, with 19 percent of voters saying they are unsure as to whom they will support.
Paul Vallas is in third at 16 percent, former Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy is in fourth at 13 percent, and businessman Willie Wilson is in fifth with 10 percent of the vote.
The poll spoke to 600 likely voters, with a plus or minus average of 4.9.
Several possible candidates weren’t tested in the poll, however, including Chi Party Aunt, my own personal favorite
Pitted in a head-to-head contest, U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez gets the support of 21 percent of respondents. That puts him just ahead of former Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, at 18 percent, and Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle’s 16 percent.
Trailing are former Police Board President Lori Lightfoot and former Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas, at 10 percent each. Both already were running before Emanuel folded his re-election race. City Treasurer Kurt Summers got just 4 percent.
Fifteen percent of those questioned said they are undecided, and 7 percent said they back another, unspecified candidate.
Given the results, the totals appear largely based on name recognition, though the finding that Preckwinkle trails Gutierrez and McCarthy may indicate voters remain upset at a series of tax hikes she pushed through.
How does someone put together an undertaking as vast as a mayoral campaign with so much to do in so little time? Where does one even start?
Obviously, the path is different for a major elected officeholder with an existing political infrastructure such as County Board President Toni Preckwinkle or state Comptroller Susana Mendoza than it would be for 2011 mayoral candidate Gery Chico, who in effect must put the band back together.
But the essentials are the same: assemble a team, raise money, pass petitions to get on the ballot, formulate a message, assemble a field operation that can identify supporters and get out the vote, and develop a media strategy that includes television advertising, direct mail and making connections via social media.
As far as that team goes, minimum needs are a professional fundraiser, a scheduler, a campaign manager, a press secretary, a media consultant, a direct mail consultant, a social media consultant and maybe an additional fundraiser to pay for the above.
Go read the whole thing. I would only add one point: There is a finite list of experienced people who can do all these jobs and an almost infinite number of candidates right now.
* Other stuff…
* Amanda Kass: Some Looming Pension Questions: As I see it candidates have three choices: First, they could pledge to cut pensions, thereby reducing pension contributions. But, the Emanuel administration already tried that, and the state supreme court ruled that effort unconstitutional. The other two options are: cutting spending or raising revenue. While many of the already announced candidates haven’t given detailed plans the common themes have been: a) stated commitment to make the payments; b) criticism of increased property taxes (which were increased to make the pension payments); and c) a desire to have a progressive revenue structure. I haven’t seen much discussion on cutting spending. Thus, it seems like most candidates are going with the raising revenue option.
* Post-‘Rahmbo’ Chicago and the Death of Triangulation: Without that threat, individual aldermen could very well break free of their infamous “rubber stamp council” label and substantively push back on the next mayor’s agenda. And the city’s activist community, which is deservedly viewing Mr. Emanuel’s exit as a victory, is poised to draw more clout, if not a big seat at the table.
* Mariame Kaba: Social Movements Brought Down Rahm—Now They Can Transform Chicago: I said at the beginning I’m surprised that he’s not running, but not shocked. He was under relentless pressure from the moment he won. He was under pressure before he won because people knew what kind of Democrat he was—from the corporate wing of the Democratic Party. The protests have been relentless. Rahm’s wife Amy Rule said in an interview a few days ago that “it’s no fun for [his family] having their front yard picketed.” We’re supposed to feel sorry for him because of that statement, when in fact what that shows is that people were relentless in pushing back against him all the time, which is exhausting and it can feel so futile. It can feel like people’s suffering is increasing and you’re having to fight like hell but seeing only minimal positive results.
Brady: The people want a change. They want Mike Madigan to leave office, frankly. They want term limits. In tying Democratic candidates to [Speaker Madigan] it really resonates. I mean, look at this, we go back to this example where three Democratic challengers against three of our candidates are running term limit ads on Mike Madigan and yet he still had the ability to force them to pull those ads. Because that’s what he wanted and people are tired of that dictatorship that they believe has put Illinois into the position that we’re in. He is the pivotal point of what people want to see different in Illinois. And that’s one of the reasons my candidates - John Curran, Tom Rooney and Mike Connelly - are for term limits. I’m for term limits. Bruce Rauner is for term limits. They believe more power should be given back to the people.
Pearson: But, I mean you’ve had a lengthy tenure in the Legislature.
Brady: I have.
Pearson: And even if we adopted a term limits amendment, it wouldn’t take effect for years.
Brady: It probably wouldn’t have any effect on the tenure of Mike Madigan, but it would stop future politicians from ever having that type of reign in Illinois government.
He’s probably right, of course. He’s just off-message.
Illinois Senate Republican leader Bill Brady said Sunday that voters are seeing state elections as being separate from a national referendum on President Donald Trump.
“What I see happening are people realizing that this is not a national agenda. There’s no question that the national scene and some of the president’s tweets and other things go south on people even though I think he’s done much in terms of policy,” Brady said on WGN AM-720.
“But as people realize this isn’t a national election, it’s a state election about the future of Illinois and it’s about whether or not you want to give control and another (redrawn legislative boundary) map to (House Speaker) Mike Madigan and (Senate President) John Cullerton, they realize how important this is,” he said.
The Bloomington Republican said he is seeing renewed enthusiasm among GOP voters, particularly among core social conservatives who have been divided over Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner’s tenure and his support of laws expanding abortion, immigration and gay rights.
But, hey, Billy might be right. Who knows anymore?
* Related…
* Rauner falsely claims graduated income taxes always hurt the middle class: Rauner said that in “every state that has put in a graduated income tax, the middle class always pays more.” But 11 of the 32 states that tax income at graduated rates would tax an individual earning the national median at lower rates than Illinois. In some of those states, the rate would be significantly lower. What’s more, tax rates tell only part of the story. Many states, including some with much higher rates, also offer taxpayers generous exemptions and deductions, significantly reducing their actual tax burden.
* Rogue billionaires are giving the GOP and Democrats a migraine: In Illinois, where Uihlein resides, he backed state Rep. Jeanne Ives to the tune of $2.5 million as she challenged GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner in the primary. Rauner survived, but is considered to be one the most vulnerable governors running for re-election this fall.
* September 7th Facebook post by Peoria Journal Star columnist Phil Luciano …
Once again, GateHouse has decided that the best way to serve the Journal Star readership and Greater Peoria community is by enacting layoffs.
Today, four newsroom employees — Shannon Countryman, Chris Kaergard, Thomas Bruch and Aaron Ferguson — will be terminated; a fifth, Wes Huett, will be terminated Sept. 21. To be clear, GateHouse and the Journal Star remain profitable enterprises; these cuts were made to “get to a certain number,” as we were told this week.
The Peoria Newspaper Guild tried to find reasonable alternatives and compromises, including the transitioning of employees to other, necessary work now going undone. We were told no; five employees had to be terminated.
As always, this is done by seniority: each of these gents is a rock-solid journalist who made the paper and Peoria a better place. Further, these cuts occur on top of two layoff-triggered departures just weeks ago, along with the sports editor’s exit today via a buyout offer. Not only do these cuts decimate our ability to cover and report local news, but we do so now (among a great many other losses in recent times) with no sports editor, city editor or opinions editor — and this at the largest newspaper in downstate Illinois. There was no need for these terminations, except to increase the bottom line of a corporation already solidly in the black. This is a dark day not just for the Journal Star and our Guild, but for anyone who cares about communities, public discourse, and justice.
Kaergard is the political columnist perhaps best known as “the budget beard.”
Attendance and sales at the Illinois State Fair declined from last year, vendors said.
Vendors also said the mostly favorable weather didn’t help boost sales for the fair that’s seen a downward trend over the past decade, The State Journal-Register reported.
“We’ve had our busy nights, don’t get me wrong,” said Kelsie Vose, whose family runs the Vose Corn Dogs stand. “But I’ve heard from a lot of vendors, not just ourselves, but most of the vendors we’ve spoken to have all been on the same page about that. It’s not just us, it’s everybody.”
McMeen’s Taffy Owner Joan Ehlers said her family has sold taffy at the fair most years since 1924. She said her business is down 50 percent from 10 years ago.
The Illinois State Fair in Springfield saw 369,144 people walk or drive through its gates last month, an 8 percent drop compared to last year’s fair, state officials reported Friday.
Officials noted, however, that fairgoers this year appeared to spend more money than in 2017, according to an early look at vendors’ sales receipts.
This year’s attendance total was lower than the 401,648 who attended the 2017 fair but higher than the 347,855 who passed through the gates during the 2016 event that was plagued by flooding rains, extreme heat and power outages. The 2015 state fair, the first to be counted using a different formula, attracted 411,547. […]
The Illinois Department of Revenue reports that as of Aug. 31, fair vendors’ sales receipts totaled $1,392,497.21, an increase of 16 percent over the same date last year. Vendors have until Dec. 31 to submit their fair receipts to the state.
I watched a couple of football games Sunday (ugh, those Bears will kill me one day) and I saw the new Pritzker ad four times, but I only saw the original Rauner spot once and have yet to see the RGA’s ad.
Anyway, what do you think of the ad?
…Adding… I suppose it’s what definition you have for “propose,” but I disagree with this take from the Rauner campaign…
Hey, Rich-
Actually, Pritzker did propose a VMT, emphasis added:
Charging gas taxes based on how many miles people drive instead of how much fuel they burn could pump up revenues to help fix Illinois’ roads and bridges, Democratic candidate for governor J.B. Pritzker told the Daily Herald editorial board.
Called a vehicle miles traveled or VMT tax, it’s an idea worth exploring, the billionaire Hyatt hotel heir said in a Thursday interview where he also pushed for a graduated income tax, but gave few specifics.
“In some states (such as Oregon) they have done tests recently for a VMT tax because we have more and more electric cars on the road, more and more hybrids, and because gas mileage is rising. It’s only fair if you’re on a road and traveling on that road that you should pay your fair share,” he said.
A VMT tax “is something we should look at … we have to careful how it gets implemented and that’s why it should only be a test at this point.”
* Looks like a tracker is gonna win a bonus. JB Pritzker and Speaker Madigan had always studiously managed to avoid appearing in the same photograph with each other, but check this out from a weekend event…
Not exactly embracing each other, but it’s something.
The J.B. Pritzker campaign slapped a new label on Gov. Bruce Rauner the other day, calling him “Governor Veto” because he’s vetoed several bills that the Democratic candidate supports.
Since the legislative session ended, Gov. Rauner has vetoed 75 bills. By my count, 44 passed with veto-proof majorities in both legislative chambers.
So, he may or may not be “Governor Veto,” but he might turn out to be “Governor Override” come veto session in November.
The governor issued a Total Veto on 46 bills, and exactly half passed with enough to override. However, a bunch of those vetoes were slapped on bills that were duplicates in one way or another.
The more important issue is his amendatory vetoes. Rauner used his amendatory veto power to rewrite 29 bills, and 21 of those (72 percent) were passed with enough votes to override.
It’s rare for the General Assembly to accept an amendatory veto, mainly because House Speaker Michael Madigan will often kill them in his Rules Committee dungeon. If there aren’t enough votes to override, the vetoes are allowed to die. But legislators can and do override AVs if they can find the votes, and it sure seems like Rauner could be in for a bunch of those.
Take, for instance, House Bill 3418, which unanimously passed the Senate and cleared the House with 88 votes, 17 more than necessary to override. The bill would allow local governments to use tax incentives to create urban agriculture zones. The bill had no real opposition when it passed, but Rauner stripped out its tax incentives, stunning the bill’s supporters.
The General Assembly passed legislation to increase the amount that the Illinois Court of Claims can pay out in lawsuits against the state to $2 million, up from the current $100,000. Senate Bill 2481 was touted as a way to help the families of those who died at the Quincy veterans home. Rauner’s AV reduced that $2 million to $300,000. It passed the House 79-33 and cleared the Senate 42-7 and the sponsors are itching for an override.
I think the governor has gotten somewhat of a bum rap on that veto, by the way. A $2 million lawsuit cap could cost the state a bundle of dough that it currently doesn’t have. But $300,000 seems a little low. The $100,000 cap passed in 1971, and that’s $600,000 today, which seems more justifiable.
The governor signed all of Comptroller Susana Mendoza’s bills this year after getting thoroughly whacked last year when the House and Senate nearly unanimously overrode his veto of Mendoza’s legislation to require agencies to disclose how many unpaid bills they were sitting on.
So, Rauner instead turned his negative attention to Treasurer Michael Frerichs, vetoing several of Frerichs’ bills including an amendatory veto of legislation that would’ve allowed Frerichs to use money from the Unclaimed Property Act to buy a Springfield office building. Frerichs says buying one building instead of leasing two buildings would save taxpayers hundreds of thousands. But Rauner vetoed a Frerichs bill last year that allowed the treasurer to use third-party contingent fee auditors to make sure the life insurance industry was actually paying out claims. Rauner was overridden on that bill, so he used this year’s bill to again try to undo Frerichs’ law from last year.
“We don’t want officeholders to create their own empires, running their own little mini-governments,” Rauner told reporters when asked about that amendatory veto.
Rauner used his amendatory veto powers to rewrite HB4923 — Frerichs-backed legislation designed to tweak the Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program — to make the entire program optional instead of mandatory.
He AV’d a bill designed to loosen some state treasurer investment decision restrictions to say those investments could only be made with the approval of the governor. SB2661 passed with just 2 “No” votes.
Rauner rewrote SB2857 that passed with large super-majorities to allow the treasurer to keep up to $12 million in administrative charges to pay for operations. Rauner also outright vetoed another Frerichs bill (HB4922) that would’ve stopped banks from charging fees on rebate cards.
Last year, the governor vetoed 42 bills and AV’d another 10. So, he’s way ahead of that pace, particularly with amendatory vetoes. Fifteen of his total vetoes were overridden last year while just 3 AVs were overridden. I’m thinking those numbers could be higher this time around.
So, why did he AV so many popular bills? You got me, but, other than his ire at Frerichs, some think he finally decided to fully engage with the General Assembly after session ended.
Sam McCann Introduces Bill to Repeal HB40, Ending Taxpayer-Funded Abortions
SPRINGFIELD, IL – Friday, Conservative Party gubernatorial candidate Sam McCann filed legislation to overturn House Bill 40, a law signed by Governor Rauner earlier this year that allows public funds to be used for abortions. McCann’s Bill would restrict public funding of abortions and return provisions that would bring Illinois in line with federal law in the event that Roe v. Wade is overturned.
McCann issued the following statement:
I am taking action on behalf of conservative families in Illinois to send HB40 to the trash heap, where it belongs. This abominable law is not only immoral, but fiscally reckless, and Illinois can afford neither at this critical time.
After years of failed efforts to address Illinois’ financial crisis, Governor Rauner diverted badly-needed tax dollars to fund the expansion of abortion coverage across Illinois. This law forced taxpayers not only to accept the continued deaths of thousands of innocent babies, but to finance them as well.
I am hereby calling for colleagues in both parties to support this effort to protect innocent life and end forced public funding for abortions.
* Meanwhile, a letter to the editor from a 27-year-old small business owner supporting McCann has made it into two newspapers so far. The gist…
1. He is the only pro-life candidate running for governor (Gov. Bruce Rauner stabbed conservatives in the back when he signed a bill that allowed taxpayer money to fund abortions). J.B. Pritzker and Kash Jackson support the same abortion policies.
2. Sen. McCann is strongly against Gov. Rauner’s transgender birth certificate policy. J.B. Pritzker would also support transgender policies like this. Policies like this endanger children. Sen. McCann will protect children from dangerous transgender policies.
3. Sen. McCann is strong for the Second Amendment.
4. Sen. McCann is against Gov. Rauner’s sanctuary state policy.
“Unlike Bruce Rauner who waffled on HB 40 and supports a Supreme Court nominee who could overturn Roe v. Wade, JB Pritzker has always stood up for a woman’s right to choose and will fiercely defend that right as governor,” said Pritzker campaign communications director Galia Slayen. “JB opposes this draconian rollback of reproductive rights and would veto an HB 40 repeal if it reached his desk — but the question remains: will Rauner join him or will this failed governor abandon Illinois women once again?”
*** UPDATE 2 *** Now comes Raoul…
Kwame Raoul, Democratic candidate for attorney general, opposes legislation that state Senator Sam McCann introduced last week to reverse the protections in House Bill 40, raising the question of whether Republican attorney general candidate Erika Harold supports his move. HB 40 protects a woman’s right to choose and access healthcare even if Roe v. Wade is overturned.
“We simply can’t trust Erika Harold to defend a woman’s right to choose,” said Aviva Bowen, spokesperson for Raoul. “While she tells voters she’ll ‘enforce the law,’ her anti-choice allies, like Sam McCann and Peter Breen, are working hard to repeal a critically important law protecting women and their access to reproductive healthcare. Voters deserve to know; does Erika stand with McCann or would she actually defend HB 40 in court?”
Harold opposes abortion, even in cases of rape and incest. Last month, state Representative Peter Breen, the ringleader of opposition to HB 40 who even filed a lawsuit to try to block it, hosted a fundraiser featuring Harold.