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Campaign notebook

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* “One thing I won’t cut,” Richard Irvin promises in this new TV ad (sent to me via text), “is Mike Madigan’s prison term. If he’s convicted, I’m not commuting his sentence”

Way to go out on a limb there, Richard. I mean, Madigan is under federal indictment. A governor wouldn’t be able to commute his sentence. But, hey, this is the same mayor who claimed he called out the National Guard, so whatevs. He got “Madigan” into an ad and paired him with JB Pritzker. Mission accomplished.

A higher resolution version is here.

* A reader pointed this out to me. US Rep. Sean Casten sent out a fundraising email for abortion groups today…

And right now, the most concrete step we can take is supporting abortion advocates on the ground. Your local abortion fund knows the needs of your community the best. You can split a donation between over 80 abortion funds here:

Donate: National Network of Abortion Funds

In solidarity,

Also today, Casten’s opponent US Rep. Marie Newman was fundraising for herself off the leaked SCOTUS decision…

I’ve seen the fury of the anti-choice movement on my own doorstep. But I didn’t back down. And together, we out-organized them and won. In 2022, we must organize again — and organize even harder.

I’m sure as hell not going to stop fighting. Because if we back down now, civil rights, economic rights, and LGBTQ+ rights are next on the chopping block for this right-wing court.

Are you with me, [redacted]? If you can, please donate to help me continue to fight for justice →



* Along those lines, Gov. Pritzker’s campaign is using the news to recruit volunteers…

Rich, Democratic governors are the last line of defense against these ongoing threats to the fundamental right to choose. Will you pledge today to be a volunteer for our campaign, helping us elect Democrats up and down the ballot who will defend reproductive rights?

Yes, I will sign up to volunteer.

We trust women in our state and refuse to let their most personal rights be violated. Together, we must fight on.

* Speaking of Pritzker…

Chicago, IL –– Today, Governor JB Pritzker, Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton, and pro-choice advocates will rally for reproductive rights at 3 p.m. at SEIU Healthcare located at 2229 S Halsted St, Chicago, IL 60608.

WHO: Governor JB Pritzker, Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton, Senior Director of Public Policy at Planned Parenthood Illinois Action Brigid Leahy, Director of the Women’s and Reproductive Rights Project for the ACLU of Illinois Ameri Klafeta, Deputy Director of Equality Illinois Mony Ruiz-Velasco, Executive Vice President at SEIU HCII Erica Bland-Durosinmi, and Personal PAC Board Member Bernadette Chopra.

WHEN: 3 p.m. Tuesday, May 3

WHERE: SEIU Healthcare located at 2229 S Halsted St, Chicago, IL 60608.

* This state Senate primary is really heating up…

Today, Democratic Candidate for State Senate La’Mont Williams (IL-16) announced the endorsements of State Senator Mattie Hunter (IL-3), State Senator Emil Jones, III (IL-14), and the SEIU State Council.

“I am proud to endorse La’Mont Williams, for State Senator in the 16th District of Illinois,” said State Senator Mattie Hunter. “La’Mont has been on the front lines of our county government in the fight to ensure economic opportunities for minority-owned and women-owned businesses. I know that he will bring that passion to Springfield and I look forward to working alongside him.”

“I am excited to endorse La’Mont Williams for State Senator,” said State Senator Emil Jones, III. “La’Mont is committed to ensuring affordable and accessible healthcare for our residents who have experienced the disparities that exist. We need to continue to improve and I look forward to working with La’Mont to achieve better health outcomes for all of our community members.”

The SEIU State Council’s endorsement marks one of the first union endorsements in the race.

“Given his family’s working class roots, La’Mont Williams understands the fight our members have for a living wage, better benefits, and the working conditions they deserve,” said SEIU State Council President Greg Kelley. “We need La’Mont Williams in the State Senate as he will lead the fight to address income inequality and ensure that the voices of the most vulnerable in our society are heard.”

“I am honored to have the support of State Senators Mattie Hunter and Emil Jones, III along with SEIU State Council,” said Democratic Candidate for State Senate La’Mont Williams. “Through their leadership, Illinois residents have seen historic investments in our communities as it relates to healthcare, education, violence prevention, and job creation. I look forward to learning from both Senator Hunter and Senator Jones III to build upon my experience and best serve the residents of the 16th District.”

Williams has also been endorsed by State Senator Jacqueline Collins (IL-16), State Senator Robert Peters (IL-13), State Senator Ram Villivalam (IL-8), and Cook County Commissioner Bill Lowry.

Williams is up against Willie Preston.

* Another problem for Rep. Denyse Wang Stoneback (D-Skokie)…

Today, Democratic Candidate for State Representative Kevin Olickal (IL-16) announced the endorsement of Chicago Firefighters Union Local 2.

“Kevin Olickal has proven to be a candidate who will fiercely advocate for working families and organized labor. Kevin understands the importance of standing up for workers, especially those who sacrifice so much for the safety of our community.” Said Jim Tracey, President of Chicago Firefighters Union Local 2. “We need legislators who will stand shoulder to shoulder with organized labor to safeguard and expand protections for workers. Chicago Firefighters Local 2 are proud to endorse Kevin Olickal for state representative and look forward to working with him in Springfield.”

“Firefighters protect our communities at all costs, often putting their own lives at risk,” said Democratic Candidate for State Representative Kevin Olickal. “I am committed to championing policies that protect our Essential Workers. Firefighters are true heroes as they play one of the most critical roles in ensuring the mental, emotional, and physical health of our families in emergency situations.

Olickal has also been endorsed by U.S. Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi (IL-8), LiUNA! Chicago Laborers’ District Council, National Association of Social Workers IL, and the Indo-American Democratic Organization.

* Danny Davis opponent…

Today, Chicago Alderman Daniel La Spata endorsed gun violence prevention advocate and Democratic candidate for Congress, Kina Collins in her primary bid in IL-07. The endorsement comes weeks after Kina joined Ald. La Spata at a UIC Graduate Workers Rally where they stood with striking graduate workers and demanded fair contracts. With the endorsement, Ald. La Spata joins a growing coalition of local electeds and becomes the second Chicago Alderperson to back Kina’s campaign, joining Ald. Byron Sigcho-Lopez of the 25th ward. Both represent key wards in the Illinois 7th Congressional district.

Ald. La Spata has represented the 1st ward in Chicago’s City Council since 2019. The 1st ward includes key regions of IL-07, including parts of West Town, Wicker Park, Humboldt Park, Noble Square, Ukrainian Village, and East Village.

* Politico

Five Republicans, among the most conservative members of the Illinois General Assembly, are forming the statehouse version of Congress’ Freedom Caucus, a far right arm of the GOP.

Andy Roth, president of the State Freedom Caucus Network, will join Republican state Reps. Chris Miller, Brad Halbrook, Dan Caulkins, Adam Niemerg, and Blaine Wilhour to announce the formation of the group in Illinois on Thursday. Miller will serve as caucus chairman and Halbrook as vice chair.

Connecting the dots: Roth previously headed the conservative Club for Growth Foundation, which is connected to a political action committee that has endorsed Miller’s wife, Congresswoman Mary Miller.

No comment from Illinois House Minority Leader Jim Durkin on the formation of the group.

Not sure if that’ll do much of anything.

* Another primary race to keep an eye on…

Abdelnasser Rashid blasted the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday for its expected ruling that will overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 case that enshrined women’s right to abortion in federal law.

“This ruling aims to turn back the clock, threatening women’s reproductive rights nationwide,” Rashid said, “Before 1973, women still had abortions, but by making them legal, Roe made them far safer. With federal protections set to be overturned, state legislatures must step up. We need to codify women’s right to safe and legal abortion in federal law.”

Rashid also called out Illinois State Representative Michael Zalewski for his failure to support efforts in the General Assembly to protect abortion rights. In 2021, Zalewski joined right-wing Republicans to vote against the repeal of a state law requiring minors to notify their parents before having an abortion that, according to Human Rights Watch, had forced “young people to continue pregnancies against their will or to endure abuse, humiliation, and punishment by unsupportive parents.”

“Voting against the Youth Health and Safety Act was a vote to put the health and lives of young women at risk,” Rashid said.

Zalewski is the only Democratic incumbent facing a primary challenge who is not supported by either Planned Parenthood or Personal PAC, both leading voices in the pro-choice movement.

Terry Cosgrove, President & CEO of Personal PAC recently stated that Zalewski “is not a pro-choice incumbent.” Rashid, who is running against Zalewski in the Democratic primary to represent the 21st District, believes that ensuring safe and legal access to abortion is non-negotiable.

* And some local-level news…

Republican candidate for DuPage County Board Chairman Greg Hart today launched his first campaign ad titled “Keep DuPage Safe.”

The ad highlights the increasing wave of violent crime in Chicagoland and expresses concern that the crime is spilling over into DuPage County. This is evidenced by recent criminal activity including a shooting at Oak Brook mall where four were injured and even more recently, a family robbed at gunpoint at the same mall.

Hart provides his own solution, striking a hopeful tone in the second half of the ad.

“Greg Hart will stand with law enforcement and keep DuPage County safe,” the ad communicates.

“Public safety is critical. We need to support and fund our police so they can fight crime,” says Hart.

Hart has the endorsement of DuPage law enforcement leaders including Sheriff James Mendrick, former Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police President James Kruger, and Coroner Rich Jorgensen - all of whom have publicly vouched for Hart and his record in supporting law enforcement.

Watch the ad here.

The ad is playing on cable, I’m told.

…Adding… Rodney Davis fundraising email…

The U.S. Supreme Court is about to OVERTURN Roe v. Wade

MILLIONS of lives will be saved.

For nearly 50 years Pro-Life Americans have been praying, marching, holding politicans accountable, and doing whatever else they can to ensure that the lives of the unborn are protected.


However, nothing is official. In fact, the Radical Left and their pro-abortion groups are LIVID and have already begun protesting.

That’s why we’re calling every Pro-Life Patriot to PLEDGE their support one LAST TIME so we can ABOLISH abortion FOREVER.



We are pleading for your help. Biden and the Radical Left are doing everything in their power to KEEP abortion legal. Please, this fight has never been more important.

Thank you for your time.

God Bless,

Team Rodney


Question of the day

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Irvin campaign told me the same thing earlier. I was in the process of reaching out to other campaigns for react when someone sent me a link to this tweet…


Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts on Tuesday confirmed the authenticity of a leaked draft court opinion that would toss out longstanding abortion rights, but he noted that the court’s decision isn’t final.

* The Question: Is Richard Irvin making a mistake by not responding to the leaked SCOTUS opinion? Explain.

…Adding… Gary Rabine…

“Nobody really knows where GOP Candidate Richard Irvin stands on abortion. He’s given answers on both sides of the issue in his political history. With the recent draft opinion leaked yesterday indicating that the Supreme Court was going to strike down Roe V. Wade, Richard Irvin has been uncharacteristically silent. The Illinois Republican Party rank and file and the Illinois GOP Platform are pro-life. Don’t be fooled by Richard Irvin, he’s not a conservative, he is not a Republican and he should not be the GOP nominee for Governor.”

…Adding… Sullivan campaign…

Hey Rich. No comment necessary from me – the people of Illinois can hear his silence, loud and clear.

…Adding… Sen. Bailey…


Rate the new Richard Irvin TV ad

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. This new Richard Irvin TV ad was recorded by a subscriber using a mobile phone and texted to me while watching WGN TV’s noon news, so the quality is lousy

* The ad features several veterans talking about Jesse Sullivan

It was pretty disgusting what he did.

Jesse Sullivan repeatedly implied he’s a combat veteran knowing full on he was not in the military, did not serve in combat.

He was a social worker.

It’s a slap in the face. he didn’t go through any of the stuff that we went through.

I’ve lost some of my brothers in combat.

You don’t lie about it just so you can get a couple of votes.

What Jesse Sullivan did disqualifies him. He should withdraw from the campaign. I would not vote for Jesse Sullivan for dog catcher.


Rep. Cassidy talks about other laws Illinois might consider enacting if and/or when Roe v. Wade is overturned

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pritzker was asked today if there are any other bills that could be passed here in Illinois if Roe v. Wade is, indeed, overturned. Pritzker brought Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) to the microphone

We do have a lot of great stuff in place, but there are more things we can do.

I mentioned Representative Hirschauer’s bill that we passed right at the end of session that provides protections for healthcare professionals who perform both here and in other states, to protect them from adverse action from states that have have restrictions and penalties for providers.

There are also ways that we can make our state more welcoming to folks who are coming here for sanctuary. So, in theory, like, hey, Alabama family, you’re a teacher, we could make it easier for you to transfer your license and become an Illinoisan. We can provide protections for the various providers beyond just the health care providers. So there are things that we can do. We can ensure that there are resources available for patients who have used their last penny to get here from Texas. Can we make coverage available? Things like that.

So that’s why I threw down the challenge of creativity, we have to think about what these patients and families who are coming here are in need of, and ensure that as a state we are setting the table.

* Synopsis of Rep. Maura Hirschauer’s HB1464

Provides that the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation shall not revoke, suspend, place on probation, reprimand, refuse to issue or renew, or take any other disciplinary or non-disciplinary action against the license or permit issued under the Acts to a physician, registered nurse, advance practice registered nurse, or physician assistant based solely upon the license of a physician, registered nurse, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant being revoked or disciplined by any state or territory for the provision of, authorization of, or participation in any health care, medical service, or procedure related to an abortion on the basis that such health care, medical service, or procedure related to an abortion is unlawful or prohibited in that state or territory, if the provision of, authorization of, or participation in that health care, medical service, or procedure related to an abortion is not unlawful or prohibited in the State.

The bill passed the House 68-41 and is sponsored in the Senate by Senate President Don Harmon.

Anyway, your thoughts?


Bailey calls accurate reporting about his farm’s mask policy “absolutely disgusting”

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Darren Bailey was on Tom Miller’s WJPF Radio show yesterday

People know who I am, they’ve been following me for two years. They know what I’ve done. They know my record in the General Assembly and just four short years that we have created this movement.

Yes, several thousand people on Facebook know who he is. Outside of that, however, I wouldn’t be too sure. And that’s why the rest of this post is important. The Richard Irvin campaign is spending a fortune to create a version of Bailey that’s distasteful for GOP primary voters. Some of it is downright false, some of it is exaggerated, some is spot-on. But Bailey is not able to respond in kind because he can’t compete with the other side’s money, so he’s in danger of being redefined out of existence.

* While Bailey was complaining about Irvin, he said

I mean, now they’re trying to say that I make my people at my farm wear masks. I mean, it’s absolutely disgusting.

* Well, hmm. On January 26th of this year, Bailey’s son Zachary signed federal paperwork “under penalty of perjury” that says differently

Our current safety requirements are as follows: […]

• Wear a face covering that covers your nose and mouth, always, unless you have received specific instruction otherwise.

• Stay at least 6 feet away from all other people, always. If a 6-foot distance cannot be maintained, a mask must be worn, even if you are otherwise exempted from that requirement.

Workers may also be required to quarantine, according to the document, which is valid through the end of June.

* As we’ve already discussed, Amanda Vinicky was the first to break this story several days ago and she noted back then that this isn’t the first time Bailey’s farms required masks

The Baileys use similar language in relation to COVID precautions and masking in a job order that led to the farm hiring migrant workers in the spring and summer of ‘21.


Willie Nelson returns to Illinois State Fair

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I will definitely be at this show…

We are 100 days away from the start of the Illinois State Fair and to celebrate, the Illinois State Fair announced today that Willie Nelson & Family will headline the Illinois Lottery Grandstand on Tuesday, August 16. Tickets for the show go on sale this Saturday, May 7.

Willie Nelson has earned every possible award as a musician over a career that has spanned seven decades. The ten-time Grammy Award winner has also garnered reputable credentials as an actor, author, and activist. In 1985, Nelson co-founded Farm Aid to raise awareness about the loss of family farms and help raise money to keep family farms on the land.

“Willie Nelson is a true champion for farmers,” said Illinois State Fair Manager Rebecca Clark. “I can think of no one better to help us celebrate our state’s number one industry during the fair. On top of his love for agriculture, he will be performing hits that fairgoers from every generation can sing along to.”

Opening for Nelson will be four-time Grammy nominee Elle King. King is hailed as a rising star across multiple genres, collecting hits on both the country and rock charts. King is best known for her smash hits, “Ex’s & Oh’s”, “Different for Girls” with Dierks Bentley, and most recently, “Drunk (And I Don’t Wanna Go Home)” with Miranda Lambert.

Four other supporting acts have been added to the 2022 Illinois Lottery Grandstand lineup:

    • Sean Stemaly and Shelby Darrall will open for Sam Hunt Friday on August 12.
    • Southern Illinois native and singer songwriter Kendell Marvel will open for Brooks & Dunn on Sunday, August 14.
    • Hard rock vocalist Ann Wilson of Heart will open for Sammy Hagar & The Circle on Sunday, August 21.

The Illinois State Fair will kick off in 100 days with the theme, “Grow with Us.” The theme celebrates the tradition of the Illinois State Fair, while embracing the growth that is occurring around the fairgrounds, in our communities, and in our state.

Ticket sales for Willie Nelson & Family will be available on starting at 10am Saturday, May 7. Fairgoers are reminded that Ticketmaster is the only authorized ticket broker for the Illinois State Fair. All other websites and offers may be fraudulent and buyers should beware.

Friday, August 12: Sam Hunt with Sean Stemaly and Shelby Darrall
Tier 3 - $53 / Tier 2 - $58 / Tier 1 - $65 / SRO Track - $65 / Blue Ribbon Zone - $120
Saturday, August 13: Demi Lovato with TBD
Tier 3 - $45 / Tier 2 - $50 / Tier 1 - $57 / SRO Track - $57 / Blue Ribbon Zone - $112
Sunday, August 14: Brooks & Dunn with Kendell Marvel
Tier 3 - $53 / Tier 2 - $58 / Tier 1 - $65 / SRO Track - $65 / Blue Ribbon Zone - $120
Tuesday, August 16: Willie Nelson & Family with Elle King
Tier 3- $38/ Tier 2- $43/ Tier 1 -$50 / SRO Track - $50 / Blue Ribbon Zone - $105
Wednesday, August 17: Shaggy & TLC
Tier 3- $24/ Tier 2- $29/ Tier 1 -$36 / SRO Track - $36 / Blue Ribbon Zone - $91
Thursday, August 18: Jon Pardi with Lainey Wilson and Chapel Hart
Tier 3 - $33 / Tier 2 - $38 / Tier 1 - $45 / SRO Track - $45 / Blue Ribbon Zone - $100
Saturday, August 20: Disturbed with Nita Strauss
Tier 3 - $44 / Tier 2 - $49 / Tier 1 - $56 / SRO Track - $56 / Blue Ribbon Zone - $111
Sunday, August 21: Sammy Hagar & The Circle with Ann Wilson of Heart
Tier 3 - $43 / Tier 2 - $48 / Tier 1 - $55 / SRO Track - $55 / Blue Ribbon Zone - $110

*A $30 Stage Side Party ticket is offered as an additional upgrade for all paid concerts. All Stage Side Party tickets purchased before July 15 will include a free state fair parking pass for the day of the concert.

…Adding… Musical interlude time


*** UPDATED x1 *** Pritzker, Dem legislators hold press conference on SCOTUS leak of draft Roe v. Wade overturn

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click here to watch the press conference…

Governor Pritzker today condemned the reported Supreme Court draft opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade, allowing states to enact even more restrictive anti-choice laws that would deny woman’s access to reproductive health care. Early in his term, Governor Pritzker signed the Reproductive Health Act to protect Illinois women in anticipation of a conservative Supreme Court overturning Roe.

“The terrifying implications of this decision and what it means for millions of women across the country cannot be understated,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “But let me be clear- no matter what atrocity of an opinion the Supreme Court officially rolls out this summer in regards to Roe versus Wade – abortion will always be safe and legal here in Illinois. Illinois is and will remain a beacon of hope in an increasingly dark world. I will fight like hell – not just for the women who call Illinois home, but every person in every corner of this country who deserves to live a life of their own design.”

Governor Pritzker signed the Reproductive Health Care Act into law in 2019, establishing a fundamental right to reproductive healthcare, including abortion and maternity care, in Illinois state law. The law ensures regulations reflect current medical standards and requires private health insurance plans in Illinois to cover abortion like they do other pregnancy-related care.

Governor Pritzker also repealed the Parental Notification Act in 2021, which ensures that a pregnant minor can choose whether or not to involve a family member or legal guardian in their decision to have or not have an abortion. This repeal protected the most vulnerable youth - such as victims of rape, incest, and domestic abuse – from being compelled to notify their abusers.

Amid a wave of legislation and court action across the nation restricting a woman’s right to choose in recent years, more out-of-state patients are now traveling to Illinois to receive reproductive care. According to the most recent data from the Illinois Department of Public Health, 7,534 nonresidents received abortions in Illinois in 2019, compared with 2,970 in 2014 and 5,528 in 2017.

“We’ve been warned this day would come,” said House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch. “That’s why we’ve worked hard in Illinois to ensure Roe v. Wade is codified into law and reproductive health care will never be in jeopardy. In Illinois, we will never go back.”

“The deeply misguided decision—made mostly by men—to overturn Roe v. Wade and strip legal protections for reproductive rights will have devastating consequences for women and families across the country,” said Majority Conference Chair LaToya Greenwood (D-East St. Louis). “It is immoral, partisan and erases decades of progress in the fight for equality in America. Illinois will always fight to protect the reproductive rights of all people. I stand with my colleagues in the House and Senate, Governor Pritzker and the millions of people who want to keep their bodily autonomy despite being attacked by this court.”

“Illinois must continue to do everything in its power to protect the reproductive health of women in this great state,” said State Representative Will Davis (D-Homewood).

“While this draft opinion from the Supreme Court is not final, this attack on Roe v. Wade is appalling. Although we’ve expanded protections for reproductive healthcare here in Illinois, countless communities across the country will be disproportionately harmed by this decision,” said Representative Camille Lilly (D-Chicago). “Creating barriers to reproductive health services is going backward with women’s rights. Denying a person’s request for an abortion is essentially telling them they do not deserve the same rights as other patients. Black, Latino, and Indigenous communities, as well as people with disabilities, people in rural areas, young people, immigrants, and those most vulnerable in our communities will be the most affected by this opinion if it is made final. Here in Illinois, we will continue to protect women and all those who should have accessible and affordable healthcare.”

“Reports that the Supreme Court has voted to overturn Roe vs. Wade are devastating. Women will die if Roe vs. Wade is overturned – women who are forced to give birth knowing it will kill them, women who will seek abortions in back alleys, and more,” said State Representative Margaret Croke (D-Chicag0). “In the state legislature, I’ve voted to ensure Illinois will remain the most pro-choice state in the country regardless of the Supreme Court’s decision, but millions of women live in states where legislators have already put laws in place to rip away their right to choose the second the Court’s ruling is official. I am terrified that I will be bringing my baby girl into a world where she has fewer rights than her grandmother once had, but I’m committed to fighting like hell to protect this fundamental freedom.”

“This decision in its draft form, is not only dismantling women’s reproductive rights and overturning decades of settled law, but it challenges the fundamental right to privacy in the 14th amendment,” said State Representative Eva-Dina Delgado (D- Chicago). “I stand with the majority of Americans who want safe and legal abortion and will fight to keep it that way.”

“The battle over Roe vs. Wade is about controlling a woman’s body,” said State Representative La Shawn K. Ford (D-Chicago). “The instructions on airplanes are if you are with children and there’s an emergency, put your oxygen mask on first. As an adopted person, I trust women to do what’s best for their health and life. As a politician, I listen, and I’ve met with women of all faiths and beliefs, and I stand with women and the right to choose what’s best for them.”

“As long as there is a Democratic majority in the Illinois State Senate, women will have their rights protected,” said Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park). “We will stand as a bulwark against any efforts to turn back the clock to darker days.”

“Although Illinois has taken proactive steps to protect women’s reproductive rights, millions of women could be in danger should Roe v. Wade be overturned, and this regressive move would set our country back by more than five decades,” said State Senator Adriane Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove). “Reproductive care is essential for women’s health, especially in underserved areas. I will continue to fight against this injustice and support women through these intense times.”

“I stand firm today, as I have every day of my tenure as an Illinois State Senator, with women to protect their right to choose what’s best for them and their bodies,” said State Senator Julie Morrison (D- Deerfield). “We must demand access to safe and legal reproductive care and protect this fundamental right.”

“No person should be able to dictate or take away a woman’s right to choose. The move by the country’s top court is devastating, disheartening and downright appalling,” said State Senator Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake). “History shows us that today’s move won’t ban abortion — it will ban safe abortion, putting women at greater health risks. While I am relieved women in Illinois are able to depend on the reproductive health care they need, I can honestly say I’m afraid of the infringement of rights taking place in our country.”

“It is terrifying that in 2022 a woman in this nation may be given less freedoms and choices over her body and places to receive care for it,” said Deputy Majority Leader Laura Murphy (D- Des Plaines). “We’ve worked too hard to move women forward to take a step back like this now. I will continue to fight until the right to choose is protected for all women.”

“In this day and age, it is unconscionable that women would be denied reproductive rights,” said State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview). “I will fight to ensure women do not go backwards and our fundamental rights are protected.”

“A person’s decision to what happens to their own body is a fundamental health care right — no one should be able to take that right away,” said State Senator Karina Villa (D-West Chicago). “I am disheartened by the infringement made on people’s bodies. We must stand firm in our commitment to protecting reproductive health.”

“The nation—the world—is watching us. What we do next will have ripple effects on the rights of women, people of color, and queer people,” said Assistant Majority Leader Jacqueline Y. Collins (D-Chicago). History is depending on us to balance the scale of justice for our fellow Americans. May we live up to Illinois’ legacy of morality, freedom, and liberty.”

“I am grateful to be standing in solidarity with Illinois leaders, including the Governor, with full knowledge that, although the post-Roe v. Wade world has not quite arrived, the assuredly successful fight against that world starts now,” said State Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas (D-Chicago). “No court, no man, and no force can hold back the freedom of our bodily autonomy and self-determination. They may attempt to delay, but they cannot hold us back.”

“This is a sad time in our nation’s history,” said State Senator Diane Pappas (D- Itasca). “Overturning Roe v. Wade will only hurt women by forcing them to resort to unsafe procedures. Although I am proud that Illinois took important steps to protect these rights, it is devastating to know some women may now struggle by not having the same level of care in their state.”

*** UPDATE *** From the campaign side…

In the wake of the shocking leak that shows the U.S. Supreme Court poised to ignore a half-century of legal precedent and overturn the right to safe and legal abortion, Governor JB Pritzker swiftly reaffirmed a woman’s right to choose.

“The GOP’s decades-long war against a woman’s right to choose may finally result in the outcome we’ve always feared: the disregard of a 49-year-old precedent to overturn constitutionally protected reproductive rights,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Let me be clear, limiting access to vital health care does not make it go away––it just makes it more dangerous. That’s why, as governor, my administration protected the right to choose in state law. Every single one of the Republican candidates running for governor has campaigned on stripping away women’s bodily autonomy, not even believing in exceptions for survivors of rape or incest. Those beliefs are out of step with the views of the overwhelming majority of Illinoisans. Illinois trusts women to make their own decisions about their reproductive care, and as long as I’m governor, this state will be a beacon of protection for women’s rights”

“My heart is heavy seeing the fate of women’s most fundamental right being stripped away by our nation’s highest court,” said Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton. “Nearly fifty years after the Supreme Court affirmed the right to choose, it appears that far-right extremists have succeeded in their campaign to take us backwards. This decision is devastating for women, and particularly for women of color––but we cannot allow it to take our power. We refuse to let radical Republicans turn back the clock in Illinois. We’ve codified reproductive freedoms into state law and will fight to ensure our state continues to be a safe haven for women and families everywhere.”

The fight for reproductive rights is at our doorsteps and governors are the last line of defense.

Every GOP candidate for governor must be asked about where they stand on protecting a woman’s right to choose.

Governor Pritzker has fought for reproductive freedoms his entire life and in 2019 he signed the Reproductive Health Act, the most sweeping abortion rights bill in the country, into law. The anti-choice field of Republican gubernatorial candidates has made it clear they would undo this progress on day one. Governor Pritzker knows what is at stake and remains committed to ensuring that everyone can make the deeply personal decision of if and when to start a family on their own, free from political interference.


Open thread

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Keep it state-centric, please.


Roundup of Illinois react (and the lack thereof by much of the GOP) to leaked SCOTUS draft opinion

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* You already know this

The Supreme Court has voted to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito circulated inside the court and obtained by POLITICO.

The draft opinion is a full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision which guaranteed federal constitutional protections of abortion rights and a subsequent 1992 decision – Planned Parenthood v. Casey – that largely maintained the right. “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes.

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” he writes in the document, labeled as the “Opinion of the Court.” “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

The full draft opinion is here.

* But it may not end there…

* As I write this at 1:15 am, I’ve not yet seen nor received any react from Richard Irvin’s campaign (including his staunchly pro-life running mate), Darren Bailey, Gary Rabine or the ILGOP. There’s nothing on Illinois Review or the Illinois Family Institute’s Facebook page.

But Jesse Sullivan tweeted this…

Mary Miller kinda danced around it…

Nothing yet from Rodney Davis [see below for statement].

* Tribune

Amy Gehrke, the executive director of Illinois Right to Life, said she had just learned of the Politico report minutes before receiving a call from a Tribune reporter.

”My initial reaction is that this is absolutely despicable and shows that abortion activists will stop at absolutely nothing to protect Roe v. Wade,” Gehrke said.

“A decision that has been incredibly harmful to women and has led to deaths of 10s of millions of pre-born babies since 1973,” she said. ”I saw it on the news and instantly my phone started blowing up.”

Gehrke also noted the preliminary nature of such a document, wondering how the situation would ultimately play out.

* Lacking much Republican response, let’s turn to pro-choice groups and Democrats. First, Gov. Pritzker…

* And…

Daily Public Schedule: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

What: Governor Pritzker and legislators to speak on the reported Supreme Court overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Where: James Randolph Thompson Center, Blue Room, 15th floor, Chicago IL

When: 8:30 am


* And…

* Mayor Lightfoot…

Tonight, I join the chorus of millions of people nationwide who are sickened and enraged to learn that the Supreme Court has seemingly voted to strike down Roe v. Wade. This landmark decision has paved the way for women in need of reproductive care to access safe abortions for decades and importantly, decide for themselves the circumstances under which they chose to bear children. If this draft opinion becomes the law of the land, women and their families will suffer, needlessly.

And make no mistake, this decision will reverse the gains that women have made in the workplace and in every other aspect of their lives since the Court first decided Roe. Also, the architects of this destruction will not stop at a woman’s right to choose. The Court’s draft opinion will establish a precedent for gutting the legal underpinnings used to protect against gender-based discrimination overall including women’s rights, trans rights, immigrant rights, and of course, the right to same-sex and interracial marriage. This decision truly epitomizes the dangers that exist at the intersection of racism and sexism.

This Court truly does not care about settled legal precedent or its legitimacy as an independent body. The zeal with which Alito writes on behalf of the majority about the end of Roe leaves no doubt that the right-wing majority cares more about politics than the law. For shame.

I also want to speak directly to those who are feeling the real-world impacts of these seismic shifts. We see you and we want you to know that your rights, your circumstances, and your choices matter. Chicago will continue to be a haven for those seeking access to the full range of safe reproductive care. We will also continue to fight in Chicago to protect the right to choose and will not stop fighting to protect this right in our surrounding counties and states. Do not let this setback be a lasting defeat. People of goodwill still have the most important tool in our democracy — the right to vote. We will and we must vote them out.

* Planned Parenthood…

* Personal PAC…

* DPI Chair and US Rep. Kelly…

* US Rep. Schakowsky…

* Lt. Gov. Stratton…

* Casten…

* Newman…

* Valencia…

Democratic Secretary of State candidate Anna Valencia tonight released the following statement after a news report of a draft U.S. Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked:

“If the final Supreme Court decision looks anything like this draft, it will be devastating for women across the country. We knew this was a possibility when Donald Trump was elected President and filled three vacancies on the Court. That’s why I spoke out back then in favor of HB 40, which ensures Illinois women maintain their reproductive rights, regardless of what the Supreme court says.

“At this frightening and dangerous time, we need elected leaders in Illinois and across the country who have always protected and advanced reproductive freedom. I will always use my platform to fight to protect women’s access to abortion. The fight ahead will be a difficult one, and I remain unwavering in my commitment to defend that fundamental right.”

Valencia has long been an outspoken supporter of reproductive rights, and she has consistently and exclusively supported pro-choice candidates running for office in Illinois. Valencia spoke out in favor of HB 40 and sponsored a resolution in the Chicago City Council urging its passage. That bill repealed the Illinois “trigger” law that would have made abortion illegal in Illinois if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns or weakens Roe v. Wade. Valencia is the only candidate in the Illinois Secretary of State race to be endorsed by Planned Parenthood of Illinois Action.

* Oof…

* Raja…

Tonight, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi issued the following statement in response to an initial draft majority opinion written by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito that would overturn Roe v. Wade and the subsequent 1992 decision Planned Parenthood v. Casey:

“For nearly half a century, the right to choose has been a fundamental, sacred right protected by the Constitution. This evening’s leaked draft of the Supreme Court majority opinion reveals the final blow they plan to deliver to this sacred right by overturning Roe v. Wade. While this is only a draft opinion, it is also a warning of the grim reality that may befall our nation for all who ever believed that the right to make reproductive decisions should fall to individual women, not Congress, the President, nor Supreme Court Justices who will never have to live a day in their shoes.

In the days and weeks ahead, I will join my colleagues in Congress and Americans across the country in speaking out for reproductive rights, defending them in legislative chambers, court rooms, and on street corners across our nation. While many of the consequences of this draft decision remain in doubt, there must be no doubt of the commitment of so many of us to ensuring that access to safe, affordable reproductive health care will survive – if not through the ruling of our highest court, then through the dedicated efforts of individual Americans.”

* Preckwinkle..

* Delia Ramirez…

I am devastated and enraged about the Supreme Court’s draft opinion to overturn Roe Vs. Wade. Reproductive rights are under attack like never before. Let’s be clear that this decision it’s outrageous and unprecedented, but it is not final. We cannot sit back and watch, we must act with our votes and our voices. This is an attack on everyone’s reproductive freedoms but it is specifically harmful to poor, Black and Brown women and transgendered people.

Illinois has led in protecting abortion and reproductive rights.This is precisely why I co-sponsored and helped pass the Reproductive Health Act in 2019, to guarantee the right to abortion for anyone in Illinois. We took abortion rights seriously and were proactive anticipating the draft decision we are witnessing today. Because of our work, Illinois is now a safe place for reproductive health care. In Congress, I will fight to codify abortion rights as health care. If the courts won’t protect women, it’s time for Congress to act and codify Roe v. Wade into law. Today, we mourn this awful decision, tomorrow we organize!

* Nikki Budzinski…

Nikki Budzinski made the following statement: “I’m horrified and deeply saddened by the leaked US Supreme Court’s decision that shreds decades of progress for women in this country and our reproductive freedom.

My heart goes out to all the women who fearlessly fought for their right to keep government outside of our doctor appointments. To all the women who lost their lives because they didn’t have the right to a safe, legal abortion. And to all the American women who are scared right now because our rights are no longer protected.

Today’s news is a reminder that our freedom is never guaranteed. We have to fight for our reproductive freedom and the stakes have never been higher. That’s why we can’t sit on the sidelines and this election cycle.

I pledge to stand for our reproductive rights and I will never back down. Join me.”

* EMILY’s List…

Today a leaked draft of the U.S. Supreme Court’s initial majority opinion for Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization revealed a decision to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade precedent. Laphonza Butler, president of EMILY’s List, released the following statement in response:

“It’s no surprise that the leaked draft of the majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization shows that the Supreme Court plans to fully overturn the landmark precedent in Roe v. Wade. For years, anti-choice politicians have worked overtime to strip away our fundamental rights and give government control of critical health care decisions. They are working to ban abortion, full stop. This was the plan all along.

“It’s past time to vote out every official who stands against the pro-choice majority. At EMILY’s List, we will fight harder than ever to make them pay, by electing more Democratic pro-choice women at all levels of government who will protect our rights and ensure that our abortion rights do not depend on our zip code or our financial situation. And we will work to vote every one of them out.”

* Related…

* 4 things we know, and one big thing we don’t, about the draft opinion overruling Roe v. Wade: While it is very likely that this opinion is an authentic draft, authored by Samuel Alito and leaked by some internal Court source to the press, there is one big thing that we do not yet know about this opinion: Whether it will bear any resemblance to the final decision that the Court is expected to release by late June.

* The original Roe v. Wade decision also was leaked to the press

…Adding… Personal PAC…

Pro-choice voters in Illinois cannot allow Illinois’ richest person and right-wing super donor, Ken Griffin, to buy the 2022 elections with his hand-picked anti-choice extremist candidates for the Illinois Supreme Court, Governor, Attorney General and Illinois General Assembly.

Personal PAC will make certain every pro-choice voter in Illinois will know the truth about these anti-democracy, right-wing candidates who will stop at nothing to rob women of their basic human right to make their own personal decisions about abortion and birth control. There are 22 bills sitting in the Illinois General Assembly today, and pending Illinois court challenges by anti-choice leaders, that would return Illinois to the darkest days of life-threatening illegal abortion, all just waiting for one bad election result. We must ensure 2022 is not that election.

* Rep. Croke…

Today, State Representative Margaret Croke released the following statement in response to reports that the Supreme Court has voted to overturn Roe vs. Wade:

“Reports that the Supreme Court has voted to overturn Roe vs. Wade are devastating. Women will die if Roe vs. Wade is overturned – women who are forced to give birth knowing it will kill them, women who will seek abortions in back alleys, and more. In the state legislature, I’ve voted to ensure Illinois will remain the most pro-choice state in the country regardless of the Supreme Court’s decision, but millions of women live in states where legislators have already put laws in place to rip away their right to choose the second the Court’s ruling is official. I am terrified that I will be bringing my baby girl into a world where she has fewer rights than her grandmother once had, but I’m committed to fighting like hell to protect this fundamental freedom.”

* Planned Parenthood Illinois…

Statement attributed to Jennifer Welch, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Illinois:

“Planned Parenthood of Illinois is furious that the Supreme Court is prepared to ignore half a century of settled law and end the constitutional right to an abortion by overturning Roe v. Wade. But it’s also not a surprise. We have been preparing for this decision for years, and we will continue to ensure that every patient, no matter where they live, has access to the health care they need and deserve.

We are proud to say that abortion is still safe and legal in Illinois.

This is a devastating blow for the millions of people who will suddenly find themselves in an abortion desert; facing a daunting dilemma - travel hundreds of miles to access an abortion, seek an illegal alternative or carry a pregnancy to term against their will. We will continue to fight so that everyone can access the fundamental reproductive health care they need and deserve — no matter what.”

* DPI…

Democratic Party of Illinois Chair Rep. Robin Kelly released the following statement regarding the leaked draft opinion from the United States Supreme Court, appearing to overturn abortion rights:

“If these reports are true, this outrageous Supreme Court decision would strike a devastating blow against women’s fundamental right to choose what’s best for their own bodies. I am appalled and furious at the hateful dismissiveness of established precedent mixed with the gleeful excitement from Republicans as they prepare to roll back the clock on the rights of women in our country and continue their systemic fight to take away individual freedoms.

“Illinois Democrats have made significant progress in expanding women’s reproductive rights in our state, but clearly this fight is long from over. We will continue to do everything in our power to protect the right to choose from Illinois Republicans dead-set on following the extremist playbook from their colleagues in states like Missouri, Kentucky, and Texas. With seats on Illinois’ Supreme Court on the ballot this November, along with statewide office holders, federal representatives, and our state legislature, the difference between Democrats and Republicans, and our work ahead, could not be clearer.

“To those who feel under attack right now, know that you are not alone. Illinois Democrats at every level will never stop fighting to protect your rights, your healthcare, and your voice. Never.”

* Rabine in Crain’s

“The Democrats’ hysteria over what it contains should be focused on why was it leaked,” said another GOP contender in a statement, Gary Rabine. “But not unexpected from the party that has no respect for the rule of law. That said, I have always been pro-life and believe the legal reasoning of Roe is tortured at best. If this comes to pass it is a victory for conservatives all over the country.”

* Sen. Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago) writing in Crain’s

This is not the time to pull the covers over your head and think it will go away. The anti-abortion movement never gave up, and neither will we.

The remedy is sitting in the U.S. Congress. The Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) was written to enshrine into law reproductive health care across America and is waiting for a vote in the Senate. The time to act is now before the final decision is rendered by the Supreme Court.

Note to U.S. Senate: Go back to Washington, end the filibuster, and pass the WHPA with 50 votes.

Our future depends on it.

The clock is ticking.

* Another statement from Rabine…

Although it is just a draft opinion, it appears that the United States Supreme Court is about to reverse Roe V. Wade. which has allowed for the murder of thousands of unborn children. I am unapologetically pro-life, and I welcome the court’s reversal of this long-standing precedent. We must, as a state and a country, do all we can to protect the rights of the unborn.

* Rodney Davis

U.S. Representative Rodney Davis (R-IL) released the following statement after news reports of a draft U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) opinion striking down the Roe v. Wade abortion decision was leaked:

“As a Pro-Life lawmaker, I’ve long advocated for an end to the ‘Roe’ decision. It was wrong from the beginning, and I hope the Court’s pending decision empowers states to enact pro-Life laws and protect the unborn.

“I am deeply concerned by the fact this draft opinion was leaked. This is nothing more than an attempt to intimidate the justices on this case and sway their opinion. A leak of this magnitude must be condemned and, if warranted, investigated and prosecuted. Those on the Left who are cheering this lawless type of behavior are contributing to the undermining of our Nation’s institutions and civic processes. Please pray for the safety of the justices on our Supreme Court.

“Democrats will use this moment to continue their push for a radical, pro-abortion agenda that’s far outside the mainstream. They are advocating for late-term and taxpayer-funded abortion, limits on parental involvement, restrictions on conscience objections, and more – nationwide, in all fifty states. Their extreme pro-abortion agenda is appalling and wrong. I will continue to oppose them every step of the way.”

* Eastern Bloc member Rep. Niemerg…

State Representative Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich) is issuing the following statement on the Supreme Court’s apparent ruling to overturn Roe v Wade.

“This is a leaked ruling, which is unprecedented. However, if true this ruling is certainly a monumental one for our nation.

It is in my mind a call to action for every pro-life voter in Illinois to elect pro-life legislators and ensure we have a pro-life Governor. Thanks to far-left politicians, Illinois has a law in place ensuring our state’s extreme pro-abortion laws will remain untouched in the event Roe v Wade is overturned.

We can change the law in Illinois, but we need pro-life voters to get involved in electing pro-life legislators now more than ever. The Supreme Court ruling represents a significant opportunity to save the lives of countless unborn babies, but the real work is only just beginning. I urge every pro-life voter to stand up and let their vote be heard.”

* Pat Dowell…

Pat Dowell, IL 1st CD Candidate on the Threat to Roe v Wade

A draft of a U.S. Supreme Court opinion was leaked, which, if true, would overturn Roe v Wade.

Right now, women across the country are receiving lifesaving medical care because of Roe v. Wade.

As a mother, I know the tough choices women make every day for their families. I believe healthcare decisions should be made between a medical provider and their patient. And I believe in the right to privacy codified in the Fourth Amendment. For all of these reasons, I am proudly pro-choice.

In Congress, I promise to protect the freedom to choose. HR3755 and S1975 (the Women’s Health Protection Act, sponsored by Rep. Judy Chu and Senator Richard Blumenthal) cannot wait - and neither can we. The Senate should #EndTheFilibuster and vote. Now. If Roe is overturned, it is the beginning of eliminating civil rights for all of us.” said Ald. Pat Dowell, candidate for the Democratic nomination for Illinois’ 1st Congressional District.

* Swain…

The following is a statement from First Congressional District candidate Jonathan T. Swain on reports that the U.S. Supreme Court intends to overturn Roe V Wade.

CHICAGO, IL - A woman’s right to choose what’s best for her body is sacrosanct. I stand with women and trust them to manage their health. No matter the outcome of Roe v. Wade, I will never give up the fight to ensure that women have access to affordable equitable reproductive health care.

* Comptroller Susana Mendoza…

Anger is appropriate today, but action is better. Any woman who thought her vote did not matter has her answer today. Thankfully, the women of the Illinois legislature and their male allies saw this day coming and took action to ensure women in Illinois will maintain control over their own health care decisions with their doctors. This gutting of women’s rights made possible by a stolen Supreme Court seat must inspire us to register, vote, and win back reproductive health care rights for all women.

* Darren Bailey…

* CD17…

Today, Jonathan Logemann, Democratic candidate for Illinois’ 17th Congressional District, released the following statement in response to news reports that the Supreme Court intends to overturn Roe v. Wade:

“This is an outrage. By overturning over 40 years of precedent, the Supreme Court has put abortion rights and women’s health care in a frightening and dangerous new phase. Right-wing extremists have been steadily chipping away at abortion rights for decades, and this appears to be the point of no return. If these reports are true, millions of women will have their healthcare put at risk because of this shocking decision.

I will fight tooth and nail to protect our Constitutional rights and ensure that doctors and patients, not the government, are in charge of making such personal health care decisions. I’m running to keep a politician who has pledged to ban abortion out of Congress, and will instead pass legislation to protect that right. We must never go back to a time when patients risked their lives just to gain access to essential reproductive health care.”

* Senate President Harmon…

Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) released the following statement on reports indicating that the Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade:

“The Supreme Court seems ready to deprive millions of women the right to choose. This is upsetting, but not shocking. It’s why we took so many steps in Illinois to protect this fundamental right.

“The Republican Party continues to disregard the will of the people. This is the most extreme example yet.

“As long as there is a Democratic majority in the Illinois State Senate, women will have their rights protected. We will stand as a bulwark against any efforts to turn back the clock to darker days.”

* Sen. Fine…

Last night, a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, the case legalizing abortion nationwide, was leaked. State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview) released the following statement condemning this decision:

“In this day and age, it is unconscionable that women would be denied reproductive rights,” said State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview). “I will fight to ensure women do not go backwards and our fundamental rights are protected.”

* JGG…

State Rep. Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz, D-Glenview, issued the following statement in response to the leak of documents indicating the landmark reproductive rights Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, is being overturned:

“The possibility that Roe v. Wade will be overturned represents the greatest threat to reproductive rights and bodily autonomy that we have seen in decades. Roe is the foundation upon which reproductive rights have been built and destroying that foundation threatens to topple so much of the hard-fought progress made in the last fifty years.”

“It appears that – once again – a deeply-misguided court mostly composed of men wants to control women’s bodies. That has no place in Illinois. State Representatives, Senators, our Governor, mayors, city councils, officials across Illinois and millions of everyday people will stand up and defend the right to bodily autonomy in this state and we will support our federal officials in fighting for that right in Washington. The vast majority of Americans know that this decision by the Supreme Court is absolutely wrong, and this fight is far from over. We will fight, we will organize, and we will vote – but we will not go back.”

* Walker…

– State Rep. Mark Walker, D-Arlington Heights, issued this statement following media reports regarding a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade:

“The reported decision by the Supreme Court to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade case is simply wrong. Access to reproductive health care is a basic right. I’m proud that Illinois is a state that defends women and protects reproductive rights.

“I remember a time before abortion was legalized nationwide and the horrible realities that meant for too many women and families. So long as I’m in the General Assembly, we will not go back.”

* Sen. Gillespie…

State Senator Ann Gillespie (IL-27) released the following statement regarding the leaked draft Supreme Court Opinion overturning Roe V. Wade:

“I marched with women in DC in 2017 - we said then ‘we will not go back.’ I meant it then and I mean it now. That march started me on the path to the Illinois State Senate where I’ve worked with my colleagues to protect women’s reproductive health here in Illinois. This work will continue to be a top priority. We will not go back.”

Sen. Gillespie, Chair of the Senate Women’s Caucus, co-sponsored the Reproductive Health Act in 2019. Her reelection campaign was endorsed by Planned Parenthood Illinois and Personal PAC.

* US Sen. Duckworth…

U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today reacted to reports that a majority of the Supreme Court has drafted an initial opinion that would effectively overturn Roe v. Wade:

“If this draft opinion becomes reality, a small group far-right Justices would be stripping away protected constitutional rights that millions of American families—including my own—have relied on for 50 years—and that 70% of Americans believe should be legal. The institution, and the Justices who claimed Roe was ‘settled law,’ will struggle to survive the stench of this decision.

“In a nation with a growing maternal mortality crisis and often inaccessible healthcare, without affordable childcare or universal paid leave, forcing births on millions of people—even when the mother’s life could be at risk—is particularly cruel. Before finalizing their decision in this case, I hope these Justices recognize that you cannot ban abortions, you can only criminalize safe abortions—and that their decision in this case could have far-reaching consequences on many, many other rights.

“I will keep working to convince my colleagues in the Senate that we must act to codify Roe v. Wade into law so that every American has equal access to basic, necessary healthcare—regardless of which state they live in, the color of their skin or the size of their income.”

Duckworth has made protecting and expanding access to essential women’s healthcare a top priority and helped introduce the bicameral Women’s Health Protection Act that would guarantee equal access to abortion everywhere. She was outraged when Republicans blocked this critical legislation earlier this year. Additionally, Duckworth is the lead sponsor of the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Healthcare (EACH) Act, which would end the Hyde Amendment and lift unjust abortion coverage restrictions for those who depend on Medicaid and other government-sponsored plans.

* Rep. Marcus Evans…

The Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe V. Wade, which allows access to safe abortion options for women throughout the country.

The draft opinion by Justice Alito would overturn Roe V. Wade, which has been affirmed since 1973. This would eliminate any federal protections for women to make the decision to get an abortion and make decisions about their body. This would return the decision of whether to allow abortion access to each state, which is believed to significantly restrict access nationwide.

“I stand with women and our Illinois leaders to strongly condemn the draft opinion by Justice Alito,” said State Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr. “This is not about states’ rights, this is about taking away the rights of women to make the best choice for them and their body and it is completely unacceptable.”

The Supreme Court currently has a six-to-three conservative majority, with three of the nine being appointed by former President Donald Trump. The Supreme Court is expected to announce its ruling as early as Tuesday, May 3, 2022.

* SEIU Healthcare Illinois…

The following was released by SEIU Healthcare Illinois Executive Vice President Erica Bland-Durosinmi on the draft SCOTUS opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade:

“As a union of over 90,000 frontline workers, a majority of whom are women working to support families, we are joining our voices to the millions nationwide decrying this opportunistic attack on a woman’s right to choose.

“As healthcare workers, we must state unequivocally that abortion is healthcare. It’s not only crucial that women have access to this service, but that we are grounded in the reality of what will happen—what has already happened—when abortion is made illegal and inaccessible.

“When women cannot access safe and legal abortion, they seek other options which have already sent far too many women to emergency rooms with life threatening infections and injuries. We remember that before Roe v. Wade, women facing an unplanned pregnancy sometimes died.

“The damage inflicted by restricting abortion access is felt disproportionately by low-income women, who are not only more likely to seek abortion, but also are less likely to have the resources needed to overcome restrictions. While middle class women can often afford to travel to obtain a safe legal abortion, working class women are currently struggling just to make their rent or put food on the table.

“This draft opinion is not only dangerous, it flies directly against the will of the people. In 2020, a poll by AP VoteCast found that 69% of presidential voters wanted the Supreme Court to leave Roe V. Wade just as it is.

“It’s crucial that SCOTUS recognizes that abortion is not only healthcare, but like all forms of healthcare, needs to be available to everyone who seeks it regardless of income.”

* US Rep. LaHood…

Congressman Darin LaHood (IL-18) released the following statement after reports of a draft U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) opinion on the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case leaked:

“The unprecedented leak of Justice Alito’s reported draft opinion is an attack on the independence of the Supreme Court – a separate and equal branch of our government. Leaders should be defending the Court, but President Biden, Speaker Pelosi, and Governor Pritzker’s statements continue to play into the radical Left’s long-running campaign to intimidate federal judges and politicize the Supreme Court. These efforts to undermine the rule of law, judicial independence, and the Constitution must not be allowed to prevail.

“As a father of three and a staunch Pro-Life advocate, I believe that the Supreme Court should reconsider Roe and that states should be empowered to enact Pro-Life protections for the unborn. Democrats in Illinois and Congress continue to advocate for an extreme abortion agenda which includes late-term and taxpayer-funded abortion, restrictions on conscience protections, and limits on parental involvement.

“I remain committed to upholding the sanctity of Life and will continue to fight for the voiceless in Congress.”

* Equality Illinois…

Statement from Equality Illinois Deputy Director Mony Ruiz-Velasco:

Equality Illinois condemns the US Supreme Court’s draft opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade and eliminate the federal right to abortions, thereby threatening access to safe and legal reproductive healthcare in most of the United States. This decision is violence against all people who need affordable, accessible, and affirming reproductive healthcare; especially trans and gender-expansive people, people of color, people with disabilities, and people living in poverty.

The Court’s draft decision threatens people’s legal right to control their bodies and determine the course of their most intimate personal relationships. Make no mistake: LGBTQ+ rights are in the crosshairs next. The same people who have championed the legal campaign to this draft opinion have already signaled their intent to build off an opinion like this to take away our employment protections, our right to marry legally, and even our right to form intimate relationships free from criminalization.

It has always been time for action, but especially now. Our rights are under attack. We must show up and fight back in the streets and with our vote. We call on our LGBTQ+ communities across the state to activate and ensure our voices are heard.

Our federal elected officials must codify the fundamental right to an abortion into federal law. The United States House of Representatives already acted on the legislation last year. The United States Senate must act immediately.

In Illinois, reproductive healthcare, including abortion, is a fundamental right, thanks to the legislators and advocates who passed the Reproductive Health Act in 2019. However, our Illinois laws would be wiped away if anti-choice and anti-equality politicians take power in Washington, D.C. and adopted a national abortion ban, which is their stated goal. Thus, our state laws hinge on who is elected to the United States Senate, United States House of Representatives, Illinois Supreme Court, Illinois General Assembly, and Governor’s Office at the November 2022 general election.

In Illinois, we must only support and vote for pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ+ quality champions. We must vote!

And those with financial ability must support abortion funds. These funds remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access for individuals. Please donate.

Chicago Abortion Fund:
Midwest Access Coalition:
Missouri Abortion Fund:
All-Options Hoosier Abortion Fund:
Iowa Abortion Access Fund:
Find more abortion funds at

Finally, we remind everyone again and again: Abortion is healthcare and LGBTQ+ rights are reproductive rights.

* Treasurer Frerichs…

I, like most Americans, believe that personal decisions about pregnancy should be made by the woman, with the support of the people she loves and trusts. We are on the verge of having out of touch – mostly male – politicians criminalizing women and doctors for making these difficult decisions.

As the father of a teenage daughter, I am furious at the hypocritical politicians who are seeking to control her body and have decided that she, and every other woman in my life, and in our country are incapable of making decisions about their own body.

* Rep. Kifowit…

State Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, D-Oswego, issued the following statement after learning of reports that Roe v. Wade is set to be overturned by the Supreme Court:

“The threat of our U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade comes as no surprise, and the recent reports of a politically motivated U.S. Supreme Court threatens not only all aspects of women’s health but many other protections found under our Constitution. Simply put, if what has been released becomes the final opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court, it will cause irreparable harm to many individuals, especially women, across our country. I believe that women are responsible to make choices about their own bodies and their own reproductive healthcare with a doctor. I am glad to live in the State of Illinois, a state that respects women’s right to choose what are the best healthcare choices for their unique circumstances, and have supported legislative action that will continue in Illinois to ensure women have that right to full reproductive healthcare services.

* Rep. Ford…

State Rep. La Shawn K. Ford, D-Chicago, released the following statement after learning of reports that the Supreme Court is set to overturn Roe v. Wade:

“The battle over Roe v. Wade is about controlling a woman’s body, and I am alarmed that an extremist Supreme Court is poised to restrict health care rights across our county. I was concerned that this day would come, which is why I strongly supported updates to our state laws to preserve reproductive health care access.

“As an adopted person, I trust women and people who may become pregnant. And as a lawmaker, I understand that politicians should not be forcing their personal beliefs on the health rights of others.

“I will continue to support efforts to strengthen protections here in Illinois, and I call on lawmakers in Washington to do what they can to prevent the dangerous consequences a Roe v. Wade reversal would have on women across our country. I stand with women and their right to choose what’s best for them.”


Last night, a draft opinion stating that the Supreme Court will strike down Roe v. Wade was leaked. While abortion is still legal and remains a constitutional right, this is a crisis moment for abortion access. Democratic Attorneys General are on the front lines of protecting abortion care in states across the country and it’s never been more important to vote for AGs who will fight to protect access in the years ahead.

Statement from DAGA Co-Chairs Nevada AG Aaron Ford and Delaware AG Kathy Jennings:
“This news is devastating and disturbing. While this decision is not yet final, this is a moment we’ve been preparing for and we’re already fighting back. Since 2019, we’ve been the only Democratic political committee with an explicit litmus test for supporting abortion access, and we are doubling down on the importance of protecting this right, especially if Roe falls and the right to abortion care is dismantled.

“We must show up at the ballot box this year and vote to protect abortion access. Alongside leaders in the reproductive rights movement, we are proud to be part of this fight and will never let up on ensuring the people of our states can access reproductive health care safely.”

* Rep. Conroy…

State Rep. Deb Conroy, D-Villa Park, responded to reports that Roe v. Wade is set to be overturned by the Supreme Court with the following statement:

“I am alarmed by the news that an extremist Supreme Court is seeking to destroy the right for women to make their own personal reproductive health choices. This decision will have a devastating impact on women across our country, and is why we must do everything we can to make sure Illinois does not go backwards. Because I knew this day could come, I supported necessary action that proactively removed dangerous trigger provisions in our state laws that could have made abortion illegal here in our state.

“Moving forward, it’s critically important that we continue to reinforce our protections for reproductive health, and ensure everyone has access to the safe health care they deserve. I remain committed to doing all that I can to protect a woman’s right to choose.”

* Rep. Gordon-Booth…

State Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth, D-Peoria, released the following statement after reports that the Supreme Court is set to overturn Roe v. Wade:

“All women, no matter their background or where they live, deserve the right to make their own personal health decisions. In Illinois we sadly understood that an extremist Supreme Court could try to roll back hard fought reproductive rights that women have depended on for generations. That’s why we worked in recent years to remove dangerous trigger provisions and strengthened protections to ensure that this state would continue to be a safe place for individuals to choose – regardless of what happens to Roe v. Wade. Politicians have no business making personal health care decisions for women, which is why I remain firmly committed to doing everything that I can to reinforce our legal protections here in Illinois.”

* IFI…

The big news of the day has been confirmed by Chief Justice John Roberts. The U.S. Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade in the very near future, possibly by the end of June. In a news release from the High Court, however, they were careful to point out that, although the leaked draft opinion by Justice Samuel Alito is authentic, “it does not represent a decision by the Court or the final position of any member on the issues in the case.” In other words, the ruling is not official yet.

If it becomes official, it will be an enormous victory for the sanctity of human life in America. Repealing Roe is what pro-lifers have marched, prayed, worked, and voted for since 1973.

We are relieved to know that many states will restrict or completely outlaw abortion, thereby saving untold number of women and unborn babies from becoming victims. Yet, it’s sobering to realize that states like Illinois, New York, and California will become abortion destination points for those who are determined to kill their pre-born babies. And seeing women come out in droves screaming about the possibility of losing their right to kill their children is a grave reminder that we are in a spiritual battle.

The work before us continues, especially in Illinois. Our ongoing mission is to educate family members, friends and neighbors on the evils of abortion. We’ll need to continue working to change hearts and minds regarding “bodily autonomy,” the science of when life begins, and, most important, the fact that we are all created in the image and likeness of our Creator. As such, every human has an intrinsic and inestimable dignity and worth. (Genesis 1:27)

Our culture has drifted away from God and no longer loves or values the things of God. We see proof of that in a birth rate which is disastrously low and abortion rate disastrously high. This disregard for life is also evidenced in the gang violence in our cities and the skyrocketing suicide and overdose rates plaguing communities throughout the nation.

In response, followers of Jesus Christ must be diligent in praying for the courage, strength, and wisdom to engage the culture forthrightly on the abortion issue. Ironically, this morning, in response to the leaked opinion, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) spoke dishonestly from the chamber floor to decry the pending decision, claiming that tens of millions of women will lose “bodily autonomy.”

Overturning Roe v. Wade does not constitute the loss of women’s “bodily autonomy” because abortions don’t destroy the bodies of mothers. Abortions destroy the bodies of women’s children. Abortion robs the unborn of bodily autonomy, body integrity, and life.

May God forgive us.

* US Sen. Durbin…

U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today spoke to the alleged leak of the majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization during a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Federal Courts, Oversight, Agency Action, and Federal Rights hearing entitled, “An Ethical Judiciary: Transparency and Accountability for 21st Century Courts.”

“I don’t condone the leaking of internal Supreme Court documents… I don’t know who leaked the opinion, or why,” Durbin said. “But I know that today, [Americans] across this country are grappling with the very real concern, and yes, the fear, that they may lose a critical constitutional right in just a matter of weeks.”

Durbin continued, “If true, this draft opinion that circulated last night would end a half-century guarantee that reproductive rights are protected by our Constitution. Everyone—no matter where you live or how much money you make—deserves access to health care without barriers or political roadblocks. Regardless of the Supreme Court’s final decision this summer, Congress cannot sit idly by nor can this Committee. We must enshrine into law a woman’s right to make her own health care choices.”

Durbin concluded, “Long before last night’s news, this hearing had already been scheduled to discuss the issues of judicial ethics and transparency. They are important topics, and I welcome the distinguished panel of witnesses here today… And while we’re on the subject, I think we should consider the ethical implications of Supreme Court nominees repeatedly coming before this Committee and testifying under oath that they will respect precedent and then doing exactly the opposite when they are confirmed. We must work to ensure, as Justice Stevens said, ‘the true backbone of the rule of law’ – the confidence in the men and women who administer it. I believe that confidence has been shaken and we must face that alarming reality.”

* Clerk Martinez…

Clerk Iris Y. Martinez condemns Supreme Court Opinion

“As a woman of color, I am concerned that many Brown and Black women will be inordinately impacted. This decision will continue to fuel the devastating consequences upon women who suffer the most prevalent injustices in on our world today.”

* Rep. LaPointe…

LaPointe Appalled by Possible Roe v. Wade Overturn

CHICAGO – State Rep. Lindsey LaPointe, D-Chicago, issued the following statement Tuesday in response to reports that the Supreme Court is set to overturn Roe v. Wade:

“Overturning Roe v. Wade would be an unacceptable assault on the rights of women across our country by a Supreme Court that is out of touch with the will of a majority of Americans. I firmly believe that every woman deserves the right to make their own personal reproductive health decisions, which is why I will continue to fight to strengthen protections for abortion access. If Roe v. Wade is rolled back, Illinois will be the only strong pro-choice state left in the Midwest. This is a dangerous decision that will put lives at risk, and why it’s critically important that we do everything we can to support full access to reproductive healthcare and ensure that Illinois and the country do not fall backwards.”

* Litesa Wallace…

Citing her past record of advocacy, former State Rep. Litesa Wallace, Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois’ 17th District, on Tuesday called on Illinois to become a fortress for reproductive freedom for women in the Midwest living in states that will immediately criminalize abortion with the expected reversal of Roe vs. Wade.

As a state legislator, Wallace took steps to make Illinois a haven state, including rescinding the Hyde Amendment.

Said Wallace today in advance of a League of Women Voters-sponsored forum at Bradley University here in Peoria:

“The nightmare we all warned about and feared-and which anti-choice extremists like Esther Joy King have been welcoming-is now here. When I was in the Assembly, I did everything I could to make sure Illinois was a ‘Haven State’ for neighbors like Iowa and Wisconsin, where abortion will immediately be criminalized when Roe vs. Wade is overturned. We must do everything we can and become ‘Fortress Illinois’ for all the poor women throughout the Midwest whose lives will be upended by the moral obscenity of this Supreme Court.”

Wallace, endorsed by Winnebago Citizens for Choice, also called on anti-choice activist Esther Joy King, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for the 17th District, to clarify her position on abortion rights:

“Republican extremist Esther Joy King has been silent in the immediate aftermath of the Supreme Court news. She owes it to the voters of the 17th Congressional District to fully outline her position on reproductive freedom. She previously has touted her endorsements by anti-choice groups that seek to totally outlaw abortion, even in cases of rape, incest and for the life of the mother. She must be held accountable for her hostility to freedom for women.”



Tuesday, May 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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