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Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor

* 7:13 p.m. - A motion filed moments ago in St. Clair County Circuit Court by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan requests the dissolution of previous orders allowing payment of regular wages to state employees despite the absent appropriation authority.

Expect updates to come soon including the motion.

…Adding…For those who need a little background: Normally, state agencies send payroll vouchers to the Comptroller citing specific budget lines (appropriations). But when the state started fiscal year 2016 without a budget, the agencies could not send their payroll to the Comptroller. AFSCME filed suit in St. Clair County Court, which ordered state employees be paid even though there were not budget lines for it.

Meanwhile, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled in a lawsuit brought by AFSCME the state did not have to pay raises outlined in the last enacted bargaining agreement because the Legislature did not give state agencies the appropriation authority.

The AG is essentially bringing the higher court’s ruling into the St. Clair Court’s order.

* 7:21 p.m. - From the AG…

This is our filing broken into two documents. The motion is the second attachment.

* 7:28 p.m. - Attorney General Madigan’s statement…

“Like everyone else in this state, I have long hoped that the Legislature and the Governor would pass and enact a budget. Unfortunately, that has not occurred and an order by the St. Clair County Court has removed much of the urgency for the Legislature and the Governor to act on a budget. However, during this long impasse, the Illinois Supreme Court overruled the sole legal basis for the St. Clair County Court’s order to allow state operations to continue without an appropriation. With a new legislative session now underway, this is an appropriate time to ask the Circuit Court to reconsider this order in light of the changes in the law.”

* 8:42 p.m. - I asked the Attorney General’s Office to elaborate on the timing of this motion. Here’s the response…

It has always been our goal to allow the executive and legislative branches to do their job without further litigation. While the stopgap budget was in place, it was our hope that the Governor and Legislature would continue to work to enact a full fiscal year budget. The Legislature and the Governor now face the need to enact a budget for the rest of the fiscal year. With the legislature in session, this is an appropriate time to address the need to pass a full budget to cover all operations.

* 7:32 p.m. - From Anders Lindall, spokesman for AFSCME Council 31…

We learned of this filing barely an hour ago. We are reviewing the motion and will respond in court.

Despite all the chaos in state government in the past two years, the people of Illinois have been able to count on state employees being on the job to serve them. The last thing Illinois needs is the further instability that blocking state payroll could cause.

Governor Rauner created this hostage situation by refusing to enact a fully funded budget unless his unrelated personal demands were enacted first. He should put aside those demands and do his job to work toward a budget without preconditions. Even so, we are shocked and extremely disappointed that the Attorney General would take this action. It is fundamental that everyone who works must be paid on time and in full, but this filing throws that basic commitment into question for state employees.

* 7:49 p.m. - From the Comptroller…

“Had Governor Rauner met his constitutional duty to propose a balanced budget in 2015 or 2016, we would not be facing a scenario where the livelihoods of our frontline employees could be threatened in this way.”

“Due to Governor Rauner’s abdication of his constitutional executive duties, our state finances continue to be managed almost wholly by court orders and judge edicts. It’s shameful that under his administration, the fifth largest state in the country is forced to operate like a bankrupt business.”

“We do not welcome the prospect of state employees going unpaid. I, like my fellow lawmakers, have been going without a paycheck. The last thing I want is for state employees to join me. I can tell you first-hand how hard I see my employees work. They do not deserve to be used as pawns in a manufactured budget impasse.”

“That said, I will abide by all court rulings as Attorney General Madigan pursues this court action.”

* 8:10 p.m. - From the Illinois Republican Party…

Illinois Republican Party Statement on Madigan Political Court Filing:

“While serious bipartisan negotiations have accelerated in the Senate, it is outrageous that Lisa Madigan tonight decided to put Speaker Madigan’s power politics ahead of hard-working families in an effort to shut down state government. Only a Madigan would try to disrupt bipartisan momentum in a matter that threatens to cripple government services and hurt state workers and their families. Comptroller Mendoza and every Democrat in the state who claims to be independent of the Madigan machine should immediately denounce these tactics and stand on the side of state employees and those who depend on them.”

* 8:25 p.m. - From Catherine Kelly, Gov. Rauner’s spokesperson…

“It’s disappointing to see any move to stop employee pay and disrupt government services, especially now as the Senate is on the verge of a bipartisan agreement to enact a balanced budget with changes to the system. This filing seeks to directly harm thousands of employee families and even more who rely on our dedicated state workers everyday. We urge the Attorney General to reconsider this filing and pledge to do all we can to defend employee pay.”

* 8:53 p.m. - Leader Radogno…

“The legislature has been involved in very public, delicate negotiations. The timing of this action could create an unnecessary crisis that could derail real compromise.”

* 9:26 p.m. - [Posted by Rich Miller, who is back from a speaking engagement in Decatur) Senate President Cullerton’s spokesman in the Sun-Times

“The Senate president has said that there is an urgent need to have a budget and this would appear to add to that sense of urgency,” spokesman John Patterson said.

* 9:39 p.m. - State Representative Avery Bourne (R-Raymond)…

“The recent court filing from Attorney General Lisa Madigan can only be described as putting politics over people. This politically-motivated action is the same kind of Chicago-style politics that the Madigans too often employ. At a meeting I attended just this morning, a comment was made that, ‘as soon as deals in Illinois are close to done, someone always tries to blow it up.’ While the Senate has been negotiating and making progress towards a bipartisan budget deal, Madigan chose to instead disrupt state employee pay in an attempt to force a shutdown of state government, crippling vital government services and endangering families who rely on them. Attorney General Lisa Madigan should immediately denounce these hardball political tactics and stand with state employees and those who rely on state services.”

* 9:46 p.m. - House GOP Leader Jim Durkin…

The timing of the Attorney General’s action is questionable in light of the current attempts to resolve the budget impasse. This decision clearly undermines the legislature’s duty to negotiate a bipartisan solution


Rauner in a trick bag?

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor’s office would only tell Greg Hinz that it is “reviewing” the president’s executive order

A clause tucked into one of the executive orders President Donald Trump signed yesterday on illegal immigration could create a first-class headache for Gov. Bruce Rauner and his re-election prospects.

The clause—see Section 7 of the order at the bottom of this link—seeks to supercharge an existing program in which state and local law enforcement officials effectively become deputy federal agents, authorized “to perform the functions of immigration officers in relation to the investigation, apprehension or detention of aliens in the United States.”

The program comes with funding, and its intention as expressed in Trump’s executive order is quite clear: “enforcing federal immigration laws for that jurisdiction.”

Now, Rauner has taken great care to put and keep distance between himself and Trump. As previously reported, his administration wrote an unusual letter to congressional leaders urging them to go slow and be careful in revamping Obamacare and Medicaid, and he’s opposed sending the National Guard to Chicago to fight crime, as Trump has seemed to suggest.

But few things fire up the GOP’s conservative base as much as moving to boot “illegals.” And Rauner will need the support of such folks in his 2018 campaign.

And, to win, he’ll also need the support of folks who don’t agree with President Trump.

I’m assuming we’ll be seeing many more tricky and touchy items like this over the next two years.


Question of the day

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois Review

Calling red light cameras nothing more than revenue generators for municipalities, State Representative David McSweeney (R-Barrington Hills) has introduced a package of legislation aimed at banning the use of red light cameras in Illinois.

“Red light cameras do not enhance public safety, but they do help local governments generate revenue,” McSweeney said. “Raising revenue is not a valid reason to continue the red light camera program in Illinois.”

House Bill 472 bans the use of red light cameras in Illinois and House Bill 473 bans red light cameras in non-home rule units. McSweeney sponsored similar legislation to stop non-home rule communities from using red light cameras in 2015. The legislation passed the Illinois House with 79 votes.

McSweeney said studies continue to show the ineffectiveness of red light cameras to improve public safety. A series of media reports have clearly demonstrated how the implementation of red light camera systems has been rife with abuse and is seen by many as more of a money making endeavor for local governments than a measure to promote safety.

“Studies have shown how the presence of red light cameras can actually create more rear-end collisions,” McSweeney said. “The perception of many Illinois residents is that these cameras are nothing more than an additional way to tax Illinois residents and raise revenue for Illinois municipalities. It is time to eliminate red light cameras.”

* The Question:  Should red light cameras be banned by the state? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

survey services


Maybe Madigan’s moves are a positive sign after all

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I was starting to have some second thoughts this afternoon about being so harsh on Speaker Madigan’s statement yesterday and about Deputy Majority Leader Lang’s list of ideas.

Why? Because, once I thought about it some more, I realized these announcements could be seen as “markers” set down by Madigan. It’s the stuff he may want from a final deal. In that light, it shouldn’t be seen as a bad thing. It could very well be another step in the dance that must be taken before we’ll get to a deal.

And then, when I was deciding how I should write about this topic or if I should write about it at all, an e-mail suddenly landed in my in-box…

Speaker Michael J. Madigan, D-Chicago, has requested a legislative committee take up potential cost-cutting changes to the state’s procurement process offered by Gov. Bruce Rauner.

“Governor Rauner has proposed a series of changes to the state’s procurement process that could generate savings for the state, and I believe they are worth considering,” Madigan said. “I want to work with the governor to reduce the cost of state government while maintaining transparent and ethical conduct in contracting.”

Illinois enacted procurement reforms in 2009 following the impeachment of Gov. Rod Blagojevich. The reforms created a system of checks to reduce conflicts of interest, including the use of chief procurement officers, state purchasing officers, procurement monitors, and the Procurement Policy Board.

In a letter to state Rep. Al Riley, chairman of the House State Government Administration Committee, Madigan urged members of the committee to immediately begin vetting Rauner’s proposed changes to the state procurement code, and consider the governor’s proposal to streamline the process and reduce costs. In doing so, the committee will thoroughly vet the current procurement process and determine how the Legislature could eliminate unnecessary costs while ensuring ethical conduct.

“Considering these changes is an important step in making state government run more efficiently and at a lower cost to taxpayers, but also in fostering cooperation between the governor and the Legislature,” Madigan said. “The state’s procurement process must provide adequate protections for taxpayer dollars, but we must always be open to considering ways to implement this process with reduced cost.”

Usually whenever Madigan calls for a hearing on a gubernatorial idea, he’s planning to kill it. But today’s press release and the letter he sent to the committee’s chairman (click here) don’t seem to indicate that we’re in for yet another “fair trial before the hanging.”

So, anyway, let’s see where this goes.


Senate leaves town, will try again in two weeks

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* No surprise here

“There’s been a lot of anticipation this week about voting on a so-called grand bargain,” said Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno. “Unfortunately, I don’t think we’re to the point of being able to take a vote. That is by no means a statement that we are backing off of this effort.”

Instead, Radogno said, the dozen bills that make up the package are continuing to undergo revisions that she said will make the package better in the long run.

“It is hard and none of us are going to like this in the end,” Radogno said. “A lot of ideas that have made this even more difficult, but will make this better in the end have come from members.”

Senate President John Cullerton said he was “encouraged by the progress we’ve made.”

“So if we need more time to pull this together, I’m going to consider that encouraging,” he said. “The problems we face are not going to disappear. In fact, they are going to get more difficult every day.”

* Tribune

But a series of public hearings and private meetings throughout the week revealed too many roadblocks. Some Republicans said the measure didn’t do enough to cut costs, and Democrats who control the Senate countered that they weren’t going to pass the legislation without GOP votes. […]

“It’s progress that might have seemed impossible just a few weeks ago,” Cullerton said. “So, if we need more time to pull this together, I am going to consider that encouraging. But then, it’s going to come time to make a decision. To reiterate, the problems we face are not going to disappear. In fact, they are going to get more difficult every day.”

* AP

“It’s incredibly complicated, and the more you try to refine it, the more things crop up,” Republican Leader Christine Radogno of Lemont said.

* Sun-Times

The pressure from some labor groups was enough for the leaders to remove one of the 13 bills, a minimum wage bill which would have raised the Illinois minimum wage to $9 an hour beginning on July 1. it would increase by 50 cents until 2021 when it would reach $11. Some labor groups wanted the hike to reach $15, which halted the bill.

And there’s also concern over elements in the workers’ compensation bill. […]

Radogno’s self-described “pep talk” also included a warning: “We’re going to have to come here and take some hard votes. …There’s going to be a lot of pressure on us when we go home, on you guys from certain elements, on us [the Senate leaders] from certain elements. Don’t succumb to that. We need to do this together for the good of the state.”

Cullerton told senators the problems the state face aren’t going to disappear. They’re only getting worse.

* Related…

* Human services agencies call for ‘common sense solutions’

* Chuck Sweeny: Bruce Rauner praises Senate compromise; Dave Syverson says it’s not ready for prime time: Syverson, who is taking heat from conservative groups for supporting a tax increase, insisted that the state’s financial condition is so dire that cuts alone won’t solve the problem. He wants any income tax increase to be temporary, perhaps four years. Democrats want a permanent increase. Syverson can’t support the Senate package as it is now. “It’s not good for Rockford. There’s a $750 million tax on new businesses. Any new business will have to pay $250, and it goes up depending on the number of people you hire. That makes no sense. We’re trying to encourage companies to invest here, and this doesn’t help,” Syverson said.

* Phil Kadner: Illinois in the universe of alternative facts

* Senators pitch tax on ‘privilege’ of doing business in Illinois, among other tax hike proposals

* Illinois Senate budget proposal weak on consolidation: This bill would probably result in only minimal change, as it is unlikely that township employees or board members would vote to eliminate their own jobs by dissolving their townships.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Drury lists “retribution” for votes, including no gift bag

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Hilarious…

* From his district office director…

To Whom it May Concern:

Earlier today, State Rep. Scott Drury outlined the repercussions he has thus far faced for representing his district and not voting for Michael J. Madigan for Speaker of the House. Rep. Drury believes that only by shining a light on the use of fear and punishment to drive decisions in Illinois government can needed change come about.

* Here’s the press release…

Stating that the only way to reform the fundamental flaws in Illinois government is to expose them, earlier today, State Representative Scott Drury (D-Highwood) outlined the repercussions he has thus far experienced for heeding the will of his constituents and not voting for Michael J. Madigan for Speaker of the House. According to Drury, the repercussions are an overt warning to his colleagues – “choose to represent your district at your own risk.”

Ranging from petty to poor policy, the punishments began almost immediately after Drury cast his vote. Indeed, the next day, Democratic House staff handed out on the House floor a gift bag to members of the Democratic caucus. Inside was an engraved desk clock. Drury did not get one.

That small act was only the beginning. Since then, Drury became the only third-term representative, outside of legislative leaders, to be bypassed for a House committee chairmanship. Further, Drury, a former federal prosecutor, not only lost his vice-chairmanship on the House Judiciary-Criminal Committee, but was removed from the committee altogether. Drury received no explanation for his removal.

In drawing attention to the retribution he has faced, Drury made clear that this is not about him but about shining a light on the very real use of fear and punishment in Illinois government to drive important decisions. “No elected official should fear being punished for representing his or her district, and no one should remain silent when it happens,” said Drury. “History is littered with the awful consequences that follow from people remaining silent, when speaking up and taking action is the proper course.”


He voted against the Speaker then he voted against the House rules and now he’s complaining that he didn’t get a clock and wasn’t appointed chairman of a committee.

What did he expect?

*** UPDATE *** From an e-mail to his constituents entitled “The retribution has begun”…


Thank you for the overwhelming support with respect to my decision to not vote for Michael J. Madigan for Speaker of the House. As expected, the retribution has begun. Here are some examples:

    I did not receive a committee chairmanship (I am the only third-term representative without a chairmanship);
    My Vice-Chairmanship position on the Judiciary-Criminal Committee was taken away;
    I have been removed from the Judiciary-Criminal Committee;
    In a petty maneuver, the day after the Speaker vote, Speaker Madigan’s staff provided Democratic caucus members with an engraved clock as a gift — I did not receive one.

The actions described above are intended to make members fearful of “stepping out of line.” This leads to decision-making based on self-interest, not public interest. For instance, I recently learned a colleague felt compelled to vote for Mr. Madigan for Speaker out of fear of losing a chairmanship position and the $10,000 stipend that comes with it.

The disparity between the feedback I have received from real people versus “Springfield types” has truly been amazing. While the public has universally applauded my recent actions, Springfield has resorted to grade-school intimidation techniques — such as name-calling. Springfield has also criticized me for not “going along, to get along.” History has shown that this old way of doing business leads to dismal results.

We will keep you posted on this issue and our other efforts to reform Illinois. As always, thank you for the privilege of allowing me to represent you.



Trump on Chicago’s violence and voting fraud

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* ABC’s David Muir interviewed President Trump yesterday. Here are the relevant excerpts for our purposes. First up, Chicago violence

DAVID MUIR: Mr. Trump, let’s talk about many of the things that have happened this week. Chicago. Last night you tweeted about the murder rate in Chicago saying, “If Chicago doesn’t fix the horrible carnage going on I will send in the feds.”


DAVID MUIR: You will send in the feds? What do you mean by that?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: It’s carnage. You know, in my speech I got tremendous — from certain people the word carnage. It is carnage. It’s horrible carnage. This is Afghanistan — is not like what’s happening in Chicago. People are being shot left and right. Thousands of people over a period — over a short period of time.

This year, which has just started, is worse than last year, which was a catastrophe. They’re not doing the job. Now if they want help, I would love to help them. I will send in what we have to send in. Maybe they’re not gonna have to be so politically correct. Maybe they’re being overly political correct. Maybe there’s something going on. But you can’t have those killings going on in Chicago. Chicago is like a war zone. Chicago is worse than some of the people that you report in some of the places that you report about every night …

DAVID MUIR: So, I will send …

PRESIDENT TRUMP: … in the Middle East.

DAVID MUIR: … you mentioned federal assistance. There’s federal assistance and then there’s sending in the feds. I’m just curious would you take action on your own?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I want them to fix the problem. You can’t have thousands of people being shot in a city, in a country that I happen to be president of. Maybe it’s okay if somebody else is president. I want them to fix the problem. They have a problem that’s very easily fixable.

They’re gonna have to get tougher and stronger and smarter. But they gotta fix the problem. I don’t want to have thousands of people shot in a city where essentially I’m the president. I love Chicago. I know Chicago. And Chicago is a great city, can be a great city.

DAVID MUIR: And if they’re unable to fix it?


PRESIDENT TRUMP: It can’t be a great city. Excuse me. It can’t be a great city if people are shot walking down the street for a loaf of bread. Can’t be a great city.

DAVID MUIR: And if they are unable to fix it, that’s when you would send in the feds?


PRESIDENT TRUMP: But so far they have been unable. It’s been going on for years. And I wasn’t president. So, look, when President Obama was there two weeks ago making a speech, very nice speech. Two people were shot and killed during his speech. You can’t have that.

DAVID MUIR: Let me ask …

PRESIDENT TRUMP: They weren’t shot at the speech. But they were shot in the city of Chicago during his speech. What — what’s going on? So, all I’m saying is to the mayor who came up to my office recently — I say, “You have to smarten up and you have to toughen up because you can’t let that happen. That’s a war zone.”

DAVID MUIR: So, this is an “or else.” This is a warning?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I want them to straighten out the problem. It’s a big problem.

* Voting fraud

DAVID MUIR: Mr. President, it does strike me though that we’re relitigating the presidential campaign, the election …


PRESIDENT TRUMP: No, no. We’re looking at it for the next time. No, no, you have to understand, I had a tremendous victory, one of the great victories ever. In terms of counties I think the most ever or just about the most ever. When you look at a map it’s all red. Red meaning us, Republicans.

One of the greatest victories ever. But, again, I ran for the electoral college. I didn’t run for the popular vote. What I’m saying is if there are these problems that many people agree with me that there might be. Look, Barack Obama — if you look back — eight years ago when he first ran — he was running for office in Chicago for we needed Chicago vote.

And he was laughing at the system because he knew all of those votes were going to him. You look at Philadelphia, you look at what’s going on in Philadelphia. But take a look at the tape of Barack Obama who wrote me, by the way, a very beautiful letter in the drawer of the desk. Very beautiful. And I appreciate it. But look at what he said, it’s on tape. Look at what he said about voting in Chicago eight years ago. It’s not changed. It hasn’t changed, believe me. Chicago, look what’s going on in Chicago. It’s only gotten worse.

But he was smiling and laughing about the vote in Chicago. Now, once he became president he didn’t do that. All of a sudden it became this is the foundation of our country. So, here’s the point, you have a lot of stuff going on possibly. I say probably. But possibly. We’re gonna get to the bottom of it.

And then we’re gonna make sure it doesn’t happen again. If people are registered wrongly, if illegals are registered to vote, which they are, if dead people are registered to vote and voting, which they do. There are some. I don’t know how many. We’re gonna try finding that out and the other categories that we talk about, double states where they’re — registered in two states, we’re gonna get to the bottom of it because we have to stop it. Because I agree, so important. But the other side is trying to downplay this. Now, I’ll say this — I think that if that didn’t happen, first of all, would — would be a great thing if it didn’t happen. But I believe it did happen. And I believe a part of the vote would’ve been much different.

DAVID MUIR: And you believe millions of illegal votes …

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, we’re gonna find out.


Mostly good headlines for the governor

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor’s office is clearly pleased by the TV coverage of his State of the State Address

* He also got some pretty good headlines and ledes…

* Rauner calls on lawmakers to fix Illinois budget in State of the State address: Gov. Bruce Rauner used his State of the State address to call on lawmakers to work with him to resolve Illinois’ budget crisis, saying both parties agree something needs to change.

* Rauner stresses bipartisanship in State of the State: Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner says the state has come a long way in funding education since he’s been on the job, but says there’s a lot of work to do to strengthen the economy.

* Rauner praises ongoing budget work, accomplishments in annual speech: Gov. Bruce Rauner took a more optimistic tone in this year’s State of the State address, but said lawmakers need to work with him to resolve a budget impasse that has lasted a year and a half.

* Gov. Rauner Expresses Optimism In State Of The State Address: Governor Bruce Rauner tried his best to put a positive spin on his State of the State address. “I am deeply optimistic about the future of our beloved Illinois,” he said.

* Rauner’s State of State plea to Senate: ‘Please don’t give up’: Gov. Bruce Rauner on Wednesday pushed for economic growth to save the state in his third State of the State address — while saying he’s encouraged that the legislative leaders have acknowledged changes must be made.

* Rauner optimistic about Illinois’ future, despite budget crisis: Governor Bruce Rauner said Wednesday he’s deeply optimistic about the future of the state, despite the current budget crisis, in his State of the State address in Springfield.

* Rauner: Lawmakers have ‘moral obligation’ to compromise: In his State of the State address Wednesday, Gov. Bruce Rauner said lawmakers had a “moral obligation” to find compromise in a deeply divided state that’s gone 18 months without a budget.

* Illinois governor cheers on effort to end budget impasse: Illinois’ governor on Wednesday offered encouragement for a bipartisan bid to end the state’s record-setting budget stalemate, as Chicago’s mayor needled the chief executive for failing to deliver results.

* Editorial: Rauner to Illinois senators: ‘Please don’t give up’: For just a minute, Gov. Bruce Rauner veered off script during his annual State of the State address and tapped the gas pedal on a controversial budget compromise unfolding in the Senate. “We all know this is very, very difficult. There’s a lot of arrows,” he said. “Please don’t give up. Please keep working. Please keep trying. The people of Illinois need you to succeed.”

* Editorial: Gov signals support for grand bargain — we hope

* But not all the heds and ledes were so swell…

* Rauner and Democrats clash over State of the State: Against the backdrop of a sharply divided and dysfunctional state government, Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner delivered his midterm State of the State address Wednesday saying he and other politicians have a “moral obligation” to fix Illinois.


*** UPDATED x1 -AFSCME responds *** Rauner’s top lawyer talks about using National Guard if AFSCME strikes

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Kerry Lester

Rauner representatives spoke with the Daily Herald editorial board this week about preparations in case the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees votes to strike later this month. The union and the governor have failed to agree on a contract proposal, with the governor’s office rejecting the union’s latest proposal earlier this month

Dennis Murashko, the governor’s general counsel, said the governor could fill spots by mobilizing the Illinois National Guard, as Minnesota did in 2001. The governor’s office estimates 28,000 to 30,000 workers around the state could go on strike. AFSCME is scheduled to take a strike vote Jan. 30.

So, maybe now we know why the governor doesn’t want to mobilize the National Guard to help quell Chicago’s violence? /snark

…Adding… Wordslinger makes a valid point in comments…

That’s not snark.

Consider how much time and effort Rauner and the Frat Boys have invested in fighting AFSCME.

Now, compare that to the time and effort they’ve invested in fighting the Chicago homicide explosion.

*** UPDATE ***  From AFSCME…

For more than year Bruce Rauner has refused to compromise or even meet with our union, leaving public service workers no choice but to consider authorizing a strike. Rauner is demanding a 100% hike in employee health costs paired with a four-year wage freeze for nearly 40,000 men and women who protect Illinois children, care for veterans, help struggling families and more. Now news reports suggest that Rauner is threatening to try to break a strike with the National Guard—a scheme that was widely criticized when first rumored 18 months ago. Everyone of good conscience, regardless of party, should tell Bruce Rauner to renounce his reckless National Guard scheme, reject confrontation and seek a fair compromise with AFSCME.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

Bernie, by the way, profiled Murashko the other day. Murashko said his favorite Supreme Court Justice is Clarence Thomas. He comes from the Jones Day law firm, which is infamous for its defense of corporations against unions.

* Anyway, how did things go in Minnesota? From an October 2, 2001 NY Times story

Nearly 28,000 Minnesota state employees walked off the job today in a demand for higher pay, drawing criticism from many Minnesotans, who said the strikers were acting selfishly at a time of national crisis [a few weeks after the September 11th attacks]. […]

The strike, one of the nation’s largest in decades involving public employees, pits two powerful unions against Minnesota’s usually outspoken governor, Jesse Ventura, who has adopted a low profile in this dispute.

The walkout began at 6 a.m. and immediately had a broad effect. Driving tests and birth registrations were delayed. The Minnesota Zoo was closed. The Minnesota National Guard deployed 920 of its members to help operate 120 state-run health care centers, whose social workers, psychologists, nurses’ aides, food workers and janitors were among the strikers.

* An LA Times story from the same day

To fill some of the most crucial positions, Ventura has turned to the National Guard. About 1,000 reservists will report to state-run health care facilities, such as nursing homes for veterans, to feed and care for patients. Others will perform routine maintenance work to make sure, for instance, that boilers are working at all state facilities, Wodele said.

* The strike ended about two weeks later

Workers went on strike three weeks after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and the timing has been a public-relations challenge for union members.

Managers pulled double-duty and as many as 1,000 members of the Minnesota National Guard helped out in nursing homes, veterans homes, security hospitals and treatment centers.

Services were disrupted in some state agencies, but no major problems were reported.

Poll results released Friday found that more than half of respondents felt it “wrong for state employees to be on strike now.” The Star Tribune newspaper poll also found people more sympathetic to the administration’s position than to the unions’.

* Related…

* Roberta Lynch: Refusing to compromise, Rauner risks a strike

* Austin Berg: AFSCME strike vote is an insult to middle-class


*** UPDATED x1 *** And now for something completely different

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Umm…


*** UPDATE ***  Sen. McCarter deleted the tweet, but I just so happen to have a saved copy…


IMA wants Rauner, other legislators to get involved with Senate plan

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Illinois Manufacturers’ Association applauds the leadership of Senate President John Cullerton, Republican Leader Christine Radogno and their caucuses for taking a thoughtful and comprehensive first step in an effort to finally end the budget stalemate and once again make Illinois an economic engine.

The IMA’s Board of Directors believe, and we have stated for the last two years, that any final solution must actually solve our state’s problems by eliminating the massive debt, reducing our crushing pension debt, restoring fiscal discipline, and creating a strong business climate that will attract private sector jobs and investment. The proposed legislation outlined by the leaders earlier this week begins to move in that direction.

Last year, the IMA unveiled five key tenets in our Middle Class Manufacturing Agenda that include (1) a balanced budget and pension reform, (2) economic development reform including meaningful changes to workers’ compensation, (3) tax reform to create a broad base with low rates reflecting a modern society, (4) property tax relief, and (5) strengthening our education and workforce development system to ensure a pipeline of qualified workers.

Many of our reforms are partially incorporated into this framework but there are more steps on this journey to reverse years of fiscal mismanagement and job stifling regulations. We now encourage Governor Rauner and the leadership of the General Assembly to seek input from all interested parties as they craft the final version of this sweeping legislation.

Today, the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association reaffirms our commitment to work with Governor Rauner and lawmakers to solve this historic challenge and move Illinois forward.

It ain’t over ’til it’s over and the IMA is obviously not following the Illinois Chamber’s complete opposition to every aspect of the package.

So, a tiny bit of good news for a change.

By the way, the press release was issued shortly after Senate President Cullerton told the chamber to expect to start voting on the package when they return in two weeks.

* And Sen. Brady continues to be a voice of moderation and hope

Despite the delay, state Sen. Bill Brady, R-Bloomington, said that he, like Rauner, remains optimistic.

“What’s important here is that we do it right,” Brady said. “Now, we don’t have a lot of time, in my opinion, but we have enough time, I think, to continue to work on it.”


A look at the executive order on sanctuary cities

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* There’s been a lot of media coverage today about the president’s sanctuary city executive order. The Daily Line takes a closer look than most outlets have

Much of the executive order requires an act of Congress. Legal experts we spoke to said the parts of the order directing federal agencies to take action are within the purview of an executive order, but sections ordering states and municipalities to take action would require an act of Congress.

Some legal experts believe only federal grants related to the issue at hand can be revoked. This Yale Law & Policy Review [article] argues that only federal spending on germane programs, in this case, immigration enforcement, can be threatened. In other words, if Chicago and Cook County didn’t follow immigration laws, only public safety grants estimated by the Center for Tax and Budget at $78 million, could be threatened. Other programs, such as aid for homeless services and community block grants, which are part of the city’s overall share of federal aid, would not be affected. Those total $1.3 billion, per CTBA calculations.

Even if a law were passed, a 2012 Supreme Court case related to Obamacare might limit enforcement. In NFIB v. Sebelius, the Affordable Care Act originally contained an expansion of Medicaid, which states had to accept in order to receive any federal funds for Medicaid. The Supreme Court found that threat was a “gun to the head” and overly-coercive, ruling that the federal government could not make such a threat for the sake of enforcing a policy.

The order is about sharing information about immigrants, not forcing local police to seek and detain immigrants. “Sanctuary cities” is not an established legal term, but loosely refers to many aspects of immigration law. The executive order relates to 8 U.S.C. 1373, a law ordering “state and local jurisdictions to share information about individuals’ immigration status with federal authorities,” says Rebecca Glenberg from the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois. “This doesn’t say anything about state and local governments complying with ICE detainer requests, which is a large part of what is often meant by sanctuary.” The information the federal government would be allowed to access through the executive order is significant, such as a gang database the Chicago Police Department keeps, says Glenberg. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) could use that list to identify lawbreakers they want to detain and deport.

The order makes big changes in law enforcement priorities for immigration, eliminating “humanitarian factors”. Again, these do not pertain to Illinois, Cook County or Chicago law enforcement agencies, but the new priorities mean big changes for federal law enforcement agencies. “Now it says anyone who is deportable is a priority. It’s taking away some of the discretional ability law enforcement previously had, how they devote resources,” says Mony Ruiz-Velasco, an immigration attorney and activist with Paso Action. Those changes, Ruiz-Velasco says, will have a sweeping impact, since some immigrants don’t know they have a deportation order against them, and could have had one for years. In addition, existing federal law says any immigrant charged with a crime of any kind–even a misdemeanor–should be deported immediately. In the past, federal law enforcement agencies had the ability to pick and choose which ones they’d deport. For instance, Obama-era rules told ICE agents to ignore deportation orders before 2014, says Ruiz-Velasco, because many orders were poorly recorded and immigrants often didn’t get notification. Now federal agents can and must deport immigrants under much broader circumstances.

Chicago and Cook County lack enforcement agreements with the feds on immigration. A significant portion of the order directs state and local law enforcement agencies to assist with enforcing immigration laws, especially organizations with so-called 287(g) agreements “to provide federal law enforcement to train local law enforcement, and to increase collaboration on immigration enforcement,” according to Ruiz-Velasco. But many of the agreements, along with another program called “Secure Communities” were created during the early Obama Administration and were allowed to lapse because it caused, “a huge increase of racial profiling, people arrested for pretextual stuff, [who were] then turned over to immigration [authorities]. People were unconstitutionally detained, which local law enforcement remained liable for,” says Ruiz-Velasco. Neither Chicago nor Cook County have 287(g) agreements, says Ruiz-Velasco, so this component of the order will not have a local impact.

You really should subscribe to that publication. Click here.


The Black Caucus responds to the SOTS address

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Black Caucus held a press conference after the governor’s State of the State address yesterday. Here’s Politico

An angered legislative Black Caucus on Wednesday laid into Rauner’s address, saying the governor failed to address issues affecting their communities — and blamed his fixation on a turnaround agenda for holding up a budget and exacerbating issues in their neighborhoods.

State Sen. Patricia Van Pelt on Rauner discussing finding common solutions: “Well, let me tell you a solution: after school programs, that’s a solution. Jobs for youth, that’s a solution. Training for people coming out of prison, that’s a solution,” “I’m asking the governor to take the leadership in executing these things that the senate and the house have brought forth up to his door. We want action, not more disappointment.”

State Rep. Emanuel Chris Welch, D-Westchester: “He had a softball thrown so big and he swung and missed … I can’t tell you how disappointed I am. Our state is in need of change. We need to lift up Illinois, and all the governor has talked about is his turnaround agenda that has brought us down. Shame on Bruce Rauner. We need to bring back MAP funding. .. we need to bring a budget to this state. In 200 years we’ve only had two years where we haven’t had a budget and it’s been under this governor’s leadership. He missed the boat.”

* Tribune

“I thought overall it was just an incredibly tone-deaf speech. It’s tough to hear the governor cry crocodile tears when I would argue he has blood on his hands with all the anti-violence programs he’s cut since he was here,” said Rep. Christian Mitchell, D-Chicago.

“Cuts to mental health, cuts to Medicaid, look at the savage cuts to higher education, which leads to more kids at home without the prospect of a job or future, then maybe turning to drugs and crime,” he said.

* CBS 2

Rauner also mentioned the state’s increased highway patrols in the Chicago area. 26th District Representative Christian Mitchell wasn’t buying it.

“It sounds like crying crocodile tears, because he’s got blood on his hands, you’ve got anti violence programs that you canceled, the funding of which you cut off,” he said.

* Sun-Times

The state’s Legislative Black Caucus said the governor missed some key pieces in his address, including funding help for higher education, senior services and non-profits that support mental health issues and people with disabilities.

“Action requires investments and we know that our programs need to be funded and yet there wasn’t really real solutions discussed. I don’t know that he really created the real picture of the state of the state,” State Sen. Kimberly Lightford, D-Chicago, said. “There’s a lot of dire needs and a number of areas and they’re not just in the city of Chicago. They’re in North Chicago. They’re in Waukegan. They’re in East St. Louis. There’s dire needs all over this state.”


Caption contest!

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Happens twice a year, right on schedule…


How does this move the ball forward?

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Speaker Madigan’s statement yesterday

Under my direction, the House will begin a thorough vetting process of proposals that will enable us to create jobs while also lifting up and helping the middle class and struggling families around our state.

* Tina Sfondeles at the Sun-Times

And speaking after the address, Rep. Lou Lang, representing House Democrats, said they’d propose their own capital bill, as well as bills promoting the speaker’s economic reforms. That includes a reinstatement of the EDGE tax credit for businesses to create jobs and increase the earned income tax credit. And it would also include an increase in the minimum wage and a tax on millionaires — which Madigan has touted for years — to fund schools.

Aside from the fact that none of this is all that new, do you notice anything missing?

It’s all top-down, Democrats only.


*** LIVE *** Session Coverage

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The House went home yesterday, but the Senate is still in town. Follow along with ScribbleLive


Rauner’s gettin’ “better” at droppin’ his “g”

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Zorn

As keeper of the FolksyMeter I’m reporting this afternoon that Rauner dropped the terminal “g” a personal record-setting 66 percent of the time when using words ending in the “-ing” syllable.

Out of 150 such words in the speech, he swallowed the final “g” on 99 of them.

Sample: “When it comes to providin’ a better future for the people of Illinois, nothin’ we do together is more important than educatin’ our young people.”

In his first State of the State speech in 2015, Rauner, who grew up in north suburban Deerfield and has two Ivy League degrees, dropped 51 percent of his g’s. Last year it was 62 percent.


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Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

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A couple of possible Dem candidates weigh in

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From US Rep. Cheri Bustos, who has floated her name for governor…

“Gov. Rauner’s first two years have been an epic failure that has pushed our state to an unprecedented crisis point. Under his downturn agenda, our state’s most vulnerable citizens are unable to count on services they should be able to take for granted, including domestic violence shelters, home health assistance or child-care assistance for low-income households. More than ever, Illinois needs a leader in the Governor’s Mansion. I urge Gov. Rauner to put aside his ideological war on working families to do the job he was elected to do and pass a budget.”

* And here’s Chicago City Treasurer Kurt Summers…

As Governor Rauner delivered his State of the State address, there remains more than $11 billion in bills that the state owes to vendors and service providers. There are 1 million people who have lost services, including mental health and substance-abuse treatment, HIV prevention services, and programming for victims of domestic violence. And, our budget deficit will remain $5.3 billion if the Governor continues his stubborn and partisan aversion to compromise. What we heard was nothing more than a campaign speech from a Governor who still hasn’t figured out how to lead. We heard no new ideas, and despite his claims, we have seen no effective attempt to work across the aisle to find solutions. In fact, we have seen our Governor actively work to divide us and enhance the partisan rancor that is preventing any real progress. The people of Illinois are sick and tired of waiting for real leadership.

Governor Rauner: You said you’re frustrated. Well, we are too. In these past 18 months, you have consistently treated the black, brown, poor, and working class people of Illinois as acceptable collateral damage. You had an opportunity to be a bipartisan leader, but you have put ideology and your own interests first, while failing to comprehend that your inaction is contributing to a vicious cycle of poverty, violence, and community instability in the places you pretend to be an advocate for - across all Illinois. In order to make real progress, we need leadership that can harness our collective focus on a balanced budget, meaningful education funding reform to fix our schools, and a jobs plan that works for all of us.

* As I said the other day, Sen. Kwame Raoul’s consultant/fundraiser is now working for Raoul’s friend Chris Kennedy, so he may not be in this one, but here’s his statement…

While I appreciate the governor calling attention to some serious issues within our criminal justice system, we need to recognize that real change will only come about if we invest in our neighborhoods. I recently passed legislation in the Senate that offers comprehensive trauma recovery services in communities with high levels of violent crime. If Governor Rauner is serious about ending the cycle of violence, I hope he will approve this measure.

Additionally, the governor has let another year go by without a plan to provide state services to people with disabilities, mental health issues or addiction. Every day without a budget is a day that some of our most vulnerable citizens lack access to the help they need.

As we reflect on the state of our state, we must recognize how much worse our financial situation has become under Governor Rauner’s leadership. Before the governor took office, we had paid down our backlog to a 30-day cycle. We now have an unprecedented $11 billion in unpaid bills. It is not hard to see that the difference between then and now is who is sitting in the governor’s office.

We must make it a priority in the coming days and weeks to end this stalemate. I am ready to work with anyone who comes to the table with real solutions and a willingness to compromise.

* She’s not a gubernatorial candidate, but Comptroller Susana Mendoza defeated Rauner’s hand-picked incumbent last November and is up for reelection in less than two years…

Take all the governor’s “alternative facts” out of his speech and The State of the State is: Leaderless.

He said he’s “offered many proposals to achieve a truly balanced budget.” Where are these proposals? Article 8, Sec: 2 of the state Constitution gives one very clear direction to the governor: He must prepare a balanced budget and submit it to the General Assembly. Because he has failed to do that for two years, people around this state are suffering.

Because my job is to pay the state’s bills — with inadequate funds thanks to his failure to propose a balanced budget — I hear stories every day from child care providers in Chicago, from nursing home operators in Peoria, from state employees in Springfield having their surgeries canceled if they can’t come up with half the cash to cover their own surgeries.

It is obscene that while everyone else in Illinois is suffering, Gov. Rauner has more than tripled his personal income from $58 million to $187 million and funneled more than $50 million into his own re-election campaign; tens of millions more into other political campaigns. I don’t think he can connect with the working-poor college students who had to drop out of state universities because the state has cut MAP grant funding and the university has to cut programs. The high-flying rhetoric in his speech about making the state universities great, doesn’t paper over his proposal to cut spending on higher education by 30 percent.

His administration was able to find $4 million dollars to give bonuses to higher-level non-union employees in October just before the election, but they can’t find money to fund social service agencies around the state that care for our most vulnerable residents.

He seems to be living in an alternative reality where his lack of leadership is helping the state move forward and people aren’t suffering.

In the last two years, the state’s backlog of bills grew from $6 billion to $11 billion. When we finally pay those bills, we have to pay hundreds of millions of dollars of interest on them.

Our bond ratings have dropped on the governor’s watch. Last week, bond rating agency Moody’s identified the lack of a budget as the biggest threat to growth in Illinois – the single biggest drag on the state’s economy.

The state of our state does not begin to get better until the governor fulfills his constitutional duty to propose a balanced budget. He didn’t even list it as a priority in today’s speech. It’s good he thanked the leaders of the state senate. They’re doing his job for him.



“Boss Madigan” wins

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* If you’ve been watching Twitter closely the past couple of weeks, you know that two competing parody accounts have started attracting followers, @BossMadiganIL and @BossRaunerIL.

The person(s) behind Boss Rauner just lost a big round…

Yep. He gone. Not sure what happened there.

* Speaking of Speaker Madigan, this is from Steve Brown…

The leadership selected for the 100th General Assembly will be:

Representative Barbara Flynn Currie, Majority Leader
Representative Louis Lang, Deputy Majority Leader
Representative Arthur Turner, Deputy Majority Leader
Representative Luis Arroyo, Assistant Majority Leader
Representative Dan Burke, Assistant Majority Leader
Representative Sara Feigenholtz, Assistant Majority Leader
Representative Mary Flowers, Assistant Majority Leader
Representative Jehan Gordon-Booth, Assistant Majority Leader
Representative Elaine Nekritz, Assistant Majority Leader
Representative Greg Harris, Conference Chairman
Representative Jay Hoffman, Assistant Majority Leader, non-compensated

Jay Hoffman in leadership? Man, Punkin Haid has really come a long way since Madigan stripped him of his committee chairmanship for working too closely with Rod Blagojevich.

Hey, maybe Scott Drury can one day work himself back into Madigan’s good graces, too. /s

…Adding… When Pat Quinn became governor, he continued using his lt. governor business cards and just crossed out the “Lt.” Did he get the House signage contract?…


What was up with that football stuff yesterday?

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Meanwhile, some details buried in the far-reaching proposal emerged as surprises, an example of legislators’ willingness to throw in anything but the kitchen sink if it means there’s a possibility the budget impasse that’s hampered universities and social service providers could come to an end.

One such “throw in,” as it was called by Sen. Kwame Raoul, D-Chicago, is an idea backed by the Chicago Bears aimed at cutting the amount of pay they have to dole out for injured players. Current law means they often have to cover injuries until a player is 67; they want that lowered to 35, contending most healthy players don’t play much longer than that.

Opponents, including players’ attorneys, argued that change would create a two-tier system. Supporters said the idea was to limit high-dollar payouts for players with expensive contracts, but conceded some work may still need to be done on the issue.

* From a group called the Illinois Sports Workers Compensation Task Force

Professional athletes employed by sports teams in Illinois are among the highest paid employees in the state, but they are entitled to the same workers’ compensation rights as every other employee. Professional athletes file a sizable number of Illinois workers’ compensation claims. These claims inequitably compensate professional athletes and impose significant costs on the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission. Additionally, professional athletes abuse the workers’ compensation system by forum shopping. Several other states’ workers’ compensation laws exclude or reduce the workers’ compensation rights of professional athletes and prohibit professional athletes from forum shopping. Illinois should consider similar amendments to its workers’ compensation laws for professional athletes.

A Google search turned up nothing for the group, but I can’t help but wonder if its address might be 1410 Museum Campus Drive.

* The group distributed its full analysis (click here) to some legislators, but it has no real numbers or specific examples with names attached to them. They do cite this case

Professional athletes employed by sports teams based outside of Illinois, forum shop by filing claims in Illinois in order to take advantage of Illinois’ favorable workers’ compensation laws. For example, several years ago, a professional football player employed by the Cleveland Browns filed an Illinois workers’ compensation claim based on a specific injury he suffered while playing in a football game in Illinois. This player chose to file a claim in Illinois instead of Ohio because he determined that he will receive a greater award under Illinois law. These types of claims show the inequities of Illinois’ workers’ compensation system, and waste the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission’s resources. Unless Illinois amends its workers’ compensation laws, Illinois may challenge California as the trendy state in which professional athletes file their workers’ compensation claims, regardless of the home state of the professional athletes’ employers.


Cullerton remains optimistic, but challenges remain

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Senate President John Cullerton on the governor’s State of the State address…

“The Senate is well aware of the state of our state. That’s why we are working together to put an end to the budget impasse and restore economic stability to Illinois. Our state is filled with wonderful people and places. It is state government that has failed and fallen behind. Our efforts continue in the Senate to turn this around and I remain optimistic that we are near an agreement.”

That’s the best response I’ve seen today.

But optimism alone isn’t gonna pass that grand bargain.

* Tribune

The complex package, including tax increases, as well as workers’ compensation changes aimed at helping business and a new plan to alter state worker pensions, met with heavy opposition from an alliance of business and unions.

Democratic senators said privately they were fearful that Republicans could not deliver the votes needed to reflect the bipartisan nature of the compromise plan.

They don’t need many. And Cullerton has come a long way since veto session, when he once again demand that Rauner set the tax hike level himself. And while he’s been saying for months that Republicans need to put a bunch of votes on any tax hike roll call, I’m pretty sure he’ll accept a fraction of that now.

* Meanwhile

(T)he Illinois Policy Institute, a libertarian group that usually backs the governor, said that while he “has been able to make significant progress” in some ways, “he cannot do it alone.” To help out, the group adds that it intends next week to release its own plan to balance the budget without a penny of tax hikes.

That’ll be fun.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mayor Emanuel said this on WTTW last night

Emanuel says Rauner has “abdicated” his leadership responsibility, by delegating negotiations on a resolution to the 18-month [impasse] to Senate President John Cullerton and Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno, and then sending “underlings” to undermine their bipartisan compromise framework.

* Today, the governor went “off script” in his State of the State address to say this…

* The Question: Do you believe the governor is finally ready to end this impasse and get to a deal? Make sure to explain your answer. Thanks.


Madigan: House to begin “thorough vetting process of proposals” to create jobs, help middle class

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, D-Chicago, issued the following statement Wednesday after Gov. Bruce Rauner’s State of the State address:

“As we chart a course for Illinois in the coming year, we should begin by focusing on where we can all agree. We all agree the state cannot continue to operate without a budget. Passing a balanced budget remains Illinois’ top priority, and a top priority of the House Democratic Caucus.

“We can also agree that Illinois must take serious steps to improve our business climate and create new job opportunities. But House Democrats reject the idea that the only way to create jobs in Illinois is to cut wages and strip away workplace protections in order to pad the profits of big corporations. Instead, we will work to advance an agenda of positive economic reforms that improve the business climate without hurting the middle class.

“We believe we can grow our economy and create jobs without hurting middle-class families. We can provide good jobs for working families while also passing policies that help businesses grow – those two ideas are not mutually exclusive to one another. Under my direction, the House will begin a thorough vetting process of proposals that will enable us to create jobs while also lifting up and helping the middle class and struggling families around our state.”

Pretty vague, but at least he’s talking about eventually talking about something.


SOTS open thread

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I have to go do some teevee, so monitor the address on our live coverage post and watch/listen on the House’s page or check your local listings.


Deal reached for “substantial” protections of parolee rights

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

A federal class action lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Illinois’ parole revocation process has been resolved with a guarantee that attorneys will be provided to eligible parolees and an agreement the state will take additional steps to bring fairness to the process of determining whether a parolee must return to prison due to a parole violation.

U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve approved the settlement agreement reached with the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) and the Illinois Prisoner Review Board (IPRB). Plaintiffs were represented by the Roderick and Solange MacArthur Justice Center and the Uptown People’s Law Center.

“The terms of the settlement, if implemented correctly, will guarantee that many parolees throughout the Illinois will receive state-funded attorneys to represent them throughout the revocation process,” said Alexa Van Brunt, an attorney with the MacArthur Justice Center and Clinical Assistant Professor of Law at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law.

“In addition, all parolees will receive key due process protections, including being informed of the evidence being used against them, the right to present a defense on their behalf and written findings at each stage of the process,” Van Brunt said. “Timelines will be set to speed the process and ensure that parolees do not languish in prison cells before IPRB determines whether they actually have violated terms of their parole.”

“The parole revocation process in Illinois has robbed parolees of their right to due process,” said Alan Mills, Executive Director of Uptown People’s Law Center. “They have been unable to speak on their own behalf at phony hearings, unable to present evidence in their defense, and unable to cross-examine adverse witnesses. In short, they have not received substantive hearings before a fair and unbiased decision-maker.”

Attorneys for the plaintiffs said the settlement, while not perfect, would allow changes to happen rapidly and not require a protracted trial on the allegations.

“The protections for parolees are substantial and if implemented effectively this agreement should end the revolving door between prison and our communities and reduce the number of people held behind bars throughout the state,” said Sheila A. Bedi, Associate Clinical Professor of Law at the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law and an attorney with the MacArthur Justice Center. “An independent monitor will be appointed to assist with the implementation of the changes and compliance with the settlement. If, for instance, a lack of state budget should cause the state to fail to uphold its end of the settlement, we can and most definitely will terminate the agreement and return to court.”

Terms of the settlement reached with IDOC and IPRB include:

    • At preliminary and final hearings, many parolees will be represented by legal counsel provided by the state, if they meet certain criteria.

    • Parolees will receive written notice of any alleged parole violation leading to revocation and written findings at each stage of the process.

    • Parolees will be able to explain their side at a preliminary hearing before a hearing officer or an IPRB member. If determination is made that a parole violation did not occur, the parolee will be released. Previously, preliminary hearings were rarely held, and people sat for months before anyone heard their defense.

    • If the preliminary hearing results in a determination that probable cause exists to believe a violation occurred, the parolee will be able to present his/her case for release at a final revocation hearing, conducted by members of the IPRB.

    • IDOC and IPRB will adhere to deadlines for prompt hearings and final decisions.

    • An independent monitor will be appointed to help IDOC and IPRB comply with the settlement agreement and report on the status of compliance.

Pretty interesting in light of the furor over the POTUS tweet on Chicago violence.

More background is here.


More react to Trump tweet

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Fran Spielman

Nobody knows precisely what President Donald Trump meant by his threat to “send in the feds.” But if it means National Guard troops patrolling the streets of Chicago, African-American aldermen and community leaders want no part of it.

That includes Gov. Bruce Rauner, who discounted the idea on a morning radio appearance, and Cardinal Blase Cupich — who said we “should all welcome the help of everyone” to deal with violence, but still fell short of endorsing the use of the Guard. […]

Rauner, appearing on Steve Cochran’s morning show on WGN-AM (720) was asked whether Trump has reached out to him about Chicago violence. He said no. But he said his administration has been in conversation with the DEA and the FBI, as well as other experts.

“We continue to believe it’s not the right thing for us to send in the National Guard. That would be a mistake. But we are working, the Illinois State Police, we put a surge in there. We put more State Police up there to control the expressways. We’ve also have our State Police helping with the forensics and lab work and the investigation work that’s going on with CPD. I continue to try to do everything we can at the state level to help the city of Chicago deal with the violence.”

Rauner said he supports more equitable school funding, and adding vocational training to high schools to help young people get careers instead of joining gangs.

More money for crime prevention/disruption efforts would be nice.

There’s lots more react in that Sun-Times piece, so go read the whole thing.

It would be helpful if the President clarified his remark, but I’m not holding my breath.

* Tribune

Chicago police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said Wednesday he’s baffled by the meaning of President Donald Trump’s latest tweet on Chicago violence but said he would oppose bringing in the National Guard if that is what the president is considering.

“The statement is so broad. I have no idea what he’s talking about,” Johnson said of Trump’s tweet Tuesday night threatening to “send in the Feds!” if Chicago “doesn’t fix the horrible ‘carnage.’ ”

In a telephone interview, Johnson told the Tribune he hasn’t been contacted by the Trump administration and didn’t believe Mayor Rahm Emanuel or other city officials had been either.

If Trump meant in his tweet that he might bring in the National Guard to help quell the city’s violence, Johnson said he would be opposed to that.

* Tribune

Cardinal Blase Cupich, who was at City Hall to be honored for his recent elevation to cardinal, said the situation is “more complex” than one that can be dealt with simply by posting federal troops on Chicago streets. “The problem is surely much more complex than that type of a solution,”‘ he said. “I surely would welcome, and I think a lot of people would welcome, assistance on a multi-level basis, simply because the problem is not simple. It is complex and it can be improved if we all pull together.”

* ABC 7

Deputy Mayor and Chief Neighborhood Development Officer Andrea Zopp sat down with ABC7 News This Morning to talk about the president’s tweet.

“We’ve talked long and hard that policing is not the sole answer here. If they are going to have help, certainly federal support and prosecution. But also making sure that we have jobs programs, that we have infrastructure investment to create jobs. Those are the kinds of things that are really going to help on this issue,” Zopp said Wednesday.


A quick look at the revenue angle

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A few people have sent me the Illinois Chamber’s list of the Senate’s revenue-related proposals with questions of their own…

* Removal of the soda tax and is replaced by the Business Opportunity Tax Act. This tax is a tax imposed on businesses based on the number of Illinois employees of the business.
* Raises corporate income tax rate to 7% and personal income tax rate to 4.99%.
* Establishes the following service taxes; storage services, amusements, repair and maintenance services, landscaping services, and laundry and dry-cleaning services.
* Establish a tax on cable television services and direct broadcast satellite services.
* Decouples from the Domestic Production Activities Deduction.
* Eliminates the unitary business noncombination rule.
* Makes the research and development credit permanent.
* Redefines manufacturing to include graphic arts production and includes items formerly included in the manufacturers purchase credit in the manufacturing machinery and equipment exemption.
* Provides that False Claims Act cases may not be brought with respect to any taxes imposed, collected, or administered by the State of Illinois.
* Repeals the Adult Entertainment Tax effective January 1, 2018.
* Modifies pollution control facilities valuation under the Property Tax Code.

The Chicagoland Chamber made the same mistake as the Illinois Chamber by referring to the “Opportunity Tax” as a “head tax.” As we discussed yesterday, the tax isn’t based on the number of employees, but rather on the amount of a company’s annual payroll.

And while it’s true that the Adult Entertainment Tax (often referred to as the “pole tax” when it passed) is repealed, those strip clubs are now covered under the new service tax on “amusement” businesses. And the sexual violence programs funded under that previous tax will still receive funding from the service tax.

* Even after using the Google, I still don’t understand some of the other stuff in the bill, but it looks like business got some wins with its losses.

Any help out there?

By the way, the full legislation as most recently amended is here.


A straight uphill climb

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Illinois Policy Institute’s news service

The Illinois Senate has begun the process to pass what leaders call a grand budget compromise, but is facing opposition from nearly all sides.

Senate President John Cullerton and Minority Leader Christine Radogno presented 13 bills that they hope will break the years-long budget stalemate. One of the proposed bills made changes to the workers’ compensation laws in the state. It drew opposition from both business organizations and workers rights groups alike. Radogno said the bill, like the others, is a middle-of-the-road approach.

“At the end of the day not everyone is going to love this,” Ragodno said.

That’s an understatement.

* But Radogno is completely determined to get this done

“We have generally utilized the ideas that have come from our members, from the working groups, from stakeholders,” Radogno said during Tuesday’s committee meeting. “I think while we certainly would like to get something done, we are both very humble and willing to accept further additions, refinements and so on.”

“This is a huge package with many, many moving parts and I can’t stress enough how much we are interested in constructive feedback to make this thing work,” she added.

* And even Sen. Bill Brady, no fan of tax hikes, is pushing forward

Meanwhile, the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, a close ally of Rauner, is opposing the entire package because of the way all the pieces are linked together, President Todd Maisch said.

While there are some positive aspects, Maisch said, “Our assessment is the package on the whole is very much a net negative for the business community.”

One concern for the Chamber of Commerce is the proposed business opportunity tax, which would range from $225 annually for businesses with Illinois payrolls of less than $100,000 to $15,000 for businesses with payrolls of $1.5 million or more.

State Sen. Bill Brady, R-Bloomington, said it’s important to continue having these discussions to arrive at an agreement that everyone can live with.

“This is still fluid,” Brady said. “It’s still our hope that … we will get to a point where the business community believes there’s more benefit than negative.”

* Sen. Nybo is another one to watch

But the strike-fast-and-heavy approach has yet to materialize. Republicans balked at a quick vote to send a statement earlier this month; Tuesday, there were jitters on both sides. Hutchinson defended her measure, which drew 112 separate notices of interest-group opposition to the Revenue Committee, against criticism that it’s “rushed.” And Sen. Kwame Raoul (D-Chicago) whose support for cost-saving changes to the workers’ compensation system is crucial, complained about making difficult decisions while Rauner has lawmakers “under the gun.”

“It’s not so much that the administration has us under the gun as that we have no budget,” replied Sen. Chris Nybo (R-Elmhurst), the committee’s ranking Republican. “We owe more than we spend and businesses are leaving in droves. That’s the gun that I see were under.”

* Tribune

Cullerton and others tried to paint the widespread opposition as a good thing, saying all sides must sacrifice to get a fair agreement.

“These individuals are special interests. They don’t have the obligation that we have of trying to pass a budget,” Cullerton said. “We’re not offended by that. It just proves that what we’re putting together is a true compromise.”

That argument fell flat for many lawmakers who worried about casting votes for major tax increases with no guarantee they would erase the state’s persistent money woes, saying changes designed to ease the pain by spurring job growth don’t go far enough.

Some pointed to a provision that tied the various proposals together. The idea being that if one piece of the puzzle failed, none of the bills could become law. But some have interpreted that to mean that even if they don’t vote for a tax increase, they would be cast as enablers should they choose to support other measures. Radogno said that line of thinking was “a huge stretch.”

Cullerton and Radogno are both right, of course. But heavy opposition from all sides is never easy to overcome. And while it is a huge stretch to tie members to all the bills with even a single vote for one of them, we’ve all seen much larger stretches used in campaigns.

* From a pal…

Anyone from either party expecting a ticker tape parade for voting to get us out of this mess needs to get their head out of their posterior. There will not be any celebrations with business leaders or union leaders. If that is their standard, there won’t be a deal.



Emanuel and Rauner lash out at each other as POTUS jumps into the fray

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

In an interview on WTTW-Chicago Tuesday night, Emanuel launched an attack on the governor for a two-year budget impasse, criticizing him as a man who has left the state “rudderless” due to a “rigid ideology and a rigid style.”

“He’s never proposed a balanced budget in two years. I think tomorrow morning when he gets up to speak at the State of the State, he owes the people of Illinois. Start, ‘I am sorry.’ Start with an apology,” Emanuel said.

Emanuel said the governor has “abdicated” his gubernatorial responsibilities and should be offering up solutions “not gum up the works with ideological things that are ancillary.”

“The State of Illinois is rudderless under Rauner,” Emanuel said.

* Politico

“What I don’t support is what the governor has done. The state of Illinois is rudderless under Rauner. You’re the governor. If I went two weeks without a budget, would you be blaming Ald. Carrie Austin, the chair of the budget committee, or me?” […]

“The governor is treating the kids of Chicago as if they’re not part of the state. And he’s treating taxpayers as if they’re second class citizens,” Emanuel said. “What is he doing? Rather than making progress, he is standing in the way. I think he has taken these rigid ideological positions, a rigid style, and Springfield and now Illinois have ground to a halt because of the approach he’s had.”

Rauner’s office fired back in a statement.

“A partisan rant coming from Madigan’s mayor is unhelpful to progress in Springfield,” spokeswoman Catherine Kelly said in a statement. “Madigan’s mayor should focus less on alliteration and more on getting his murder capital city under control.”

“Murder capital city”? He does realize that Chicago is in Illinois, right? And criticizing alliteration in a statement full of the same is a bit odd.

* And then this happened…

* CNN thinks it has that one figured out

Shortly after 8 p.m. on Tuesday night, Fox’s “O’Reilly Factor” ran a segment about violence in Chicago that included the following statistics: “228 shootings in 2017 (up 5.5% from last year” and “42 homicides in 2017 (up 24% from last year).”

One of the show’s guests, Horace Cooper, an adjunct fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research, a conservative think tank, said, “I don’t know another word besides ‘carnage’ to describe the devastation that’s been taking place.”

Just over an hour later, at 9:25 p.m. ET, Trump took to Twitter using the same statistics Fox News had used and the same language as Cooper.


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Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

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SOTS preview

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the governor’s office…

In the State of the State, the Governor will say that he is optimistic about the future of Illinois and use the opportunity to talk about Illinois’ accomplishments, as well as the work that still lies ahead. He is optimistic because of recent bipartisan agreement that we need to make changes to the system with passing a truly balanced budget

Another element to that optimism comes from a look at what we’ve already accomplished, like ethics reform, record education funding, job creation and making government more efficient. He will also encourage the General Assembly to pass legislation allowing voters to weigh-in on fair maps and term limits. The Governor believes that by working together we can build on these changes and address the problems facing our state.

Additionally, he will be highlighting a family from Clinton as he discusses the Future Energy Jobs Bill in the speech.

Speech Excerpts:

“Clearly we’re excited about the achievements we’ve made and the opportunities left to seize. But we still face significant challenges.”

“Through bipartisan cooperation, Illinois can once again be the economic engine of the Midwest and the home of innovation and prosperity.”

“We – Republicans, Democrats, and everyone in between – have a moral obligation to work together to bring change. We, together, can return Illinois to a place of hope, opportunity, and prosperity.”


*** LIVE *** Session & State Of The State Coverage

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Republicans rip House rules, Drury again votes against his party

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* So far, the Illinois Republican Party has sent me no press releases whacking individual House Dems, but I assume those are coming. From the ILGOP

“By voting to enact Madigan’s Rules, House Democrats have relinquished all ability to act independently or put the people ahead of the political machine. Today House Democrats chose to put Mike Madigan first.” - Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot

Moments ago, House Democrats voted to relinquish all autonomy and independence to the Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives, Mike Madigan, by adopting Madigan’s own handcrafted rules that govern the Illinois House of Representatives.

Madigan’s Rules continue to give the Speaker an unprecedented amount of power over the legislative agenda of the Illinois House of Representatives, stifling the voice of all other 117 members, both Democrats and Republicans. These rules allow Speaker Madigan to determine what legislation lives and dies.

House Republicans, led by Leader Jim Durkin, proposed alternative rules that increase transparency and public participation in the legislative agenda and process of the House. The House Republican proposal was not given a public hearing. Highlights of the proposal were discussed in Capitol Fax.

Thanks so much for dragging me into this, ILGOP.

The roll call is here.

* Rep. Scott Drury, who voted against Madigan for Speaker, voted “No” on the rules today.

Rep. D’Amico is listed as a “No,” but he rose after the vote to say he accidentally hit the wrong switch. Reps. Mayfield and Soto have excused absences.

…Adding… I should also probably note that House Majority Leader Currie pointed out during today’s debate that all Senate Republicans voted for very similar rules in their own chamber just this month.

* From newly elected GOP Rep. Steven Reick…

Today in Springfield the House Democrats used their majority status to push through a set of egregious House Rules that stifle democracy and silence the voices of Republican lawmakers on important issues.
After a vigorous hour-long debate that was heated at times, rules that will govern the movement of legislation for the 100th General Assembly were approved in a 63-53 vote. All but two Democrats in attendance voted in favor of rules that increase House Speaker Mike Madigan’s power over the entire General Assembly.

State Representative Steve Reick (R-Woodstock), voted against the proposed rules. “I’ve heard stories about the heavy hand of Mike Madigan and how he manipulates the rules to increase his power, but today’s action showed a breathtaking example of overreach,” said Reick, a freshman lawmaker from McHenry County. “Good ideas that benefit real people will be buried because of Mike Madigan’s singular authority over what bills get heard and what pieces of legislation will die a slow death in his all-powerful Rules Committee.”

Reick continued, “Individual Democrat members have said publicly that the rules need to change, and today we had an opportunity to return representative democracy to the people by rejecting Speaker Madigan’s Rules. Unfortunately, at the end of the debate, much like they did with the House Speaker vote at Inauguration two weeks ago, House Democrats fell in line and did what they were told to do.”

Under the rules approved on Tuesday, Madigan will retain a 3/5 majority on his House Rules Committee. Consisting of his most loyal stalwarts, no bill will be assigned for a hearing before a substantive committee without a majority vote of the Rules Committee. “Speaker Madigan’s most loyal supporters serve as the gatekeepers of the Rules Committee and all legislation,” said Reick. “These loyalists determine which bills advance through the process and which ones never see the light of day.”

The element Reick said he found to be the most egregious is a stipulation that rulings of the Speaker related to the discharge of bills cannot be appealed or challenged. “Even if lawmakers follow the rules to the letter for the discharging of a bill, the Speaker can, and has on many occasions, ruled a motion to be ‘out of order’ and his ruling is final. This unrestricted power is a slap in the face of representative democracy and it undermines our ability as legislators to bring forward legislation that benefits our constituents.”


Question of the day

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* OK, let’s try this again since I misidentified the person in the previous question, which is now deleted. Been one of those days. Ugh. Sorry!!!

* The Question: How do you foresee the Senate’s “grand compromise” playing out in the next month or so?


Reproductive Health Care for all in Illinois

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

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*** UPDATED x4 *** Service tax, “opportunity tax” introduced

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Things can change in a nanosecond on days like these, but a new service tax is expected to be unveiled before the Senate Revenue Committee meets today at 3 o’clock.

In recent days, I was told that the new tax would be somewhat limited and kinda like Wisconsin’s tax. Click here for that state’s list of taxable services. Candidate Bruce Rauner proposed a limited service tax back in the day.

I’m not sure what will be in the Illinois tax at this moment. But when/if it does surface, the amendment will likely be at this link.

No vote is scheduled on this and other tax hikes at that 3 o’clock hearing. As explained below, it’s gonna be testimony only.

* So, to recap, the sugary drinks tax is being removed from the package, the income tax will be set at 4.99 percent, a corporate tax exemption on certain dividend income that was targeted for repeal likely remains intact and a service tax could become part of the mix.

And it’s doubtful that we’ll see floor votes this week

Republican Leader Christine Radogno said she’s unsure if a series of votes will come at all this week, citing concerns from lawmakers who are worried about the size and scope of the evolving package. The plan calls for everything from raising the income tax to overhauling how schools are funded.

“It’s gigantic, there’s a lot of moving parts, we are still amending it,” Radogno said Tuesday. “I, who have been living and breathing it for two months, am still having a hard time getting my head around certain pieces. So obviously, we want to respect people who have to cast a vote, that they are comfortable.”

* As always, keep track of everything by monitoring our live coverage post below.

*** UPDATE 1 ***  The Senate bill could include what’s called an “opportunity tax.” It’s essentially a tax on employers based on their payroll. It’s supposedly a low tax that could raise big bucks because there are so many employers here. It has been estimated by one business group to raise $500 million a year and it’s sort of a “nod” to Speaker Madigan’s proposal to make all corporations pay a tax. ADDING: I’m now hearing this could raise $750 million a year at the level set in the legislation.

*** UPDATE 2 *** The amendment is now public. Click here. A quick reading shows a service tax on storage, amusements, repair and maintenance, landscaping, laundry and drycleaning,

*** UPDATE 3 *** And here’s that “opportunity tax” language

(a) Beginning on July 1, 2017, a tax is hereby imposed upon each qualified business for the privilege of doing business in the State.

(b) The tax under subsection (a) shall be imposed in the following amounts:

    (1) if the taxpayer’s total Illinois payroll for the taxable year is less than $100,000, then then annual tax is $225;

    (2) if the taxpayer’s total Illinois payroll for the taxable year is $100,000 or more but less than $250,000, then the annual tax is $750;

    (3) if the taxpayer’s total Illinois payroll for the taxable year is $250,000 or more but less than $500,000, then the annual tax is $3,750;

    (4) if the taxpayer’s total Illinois payroll for the taxable year is $500,000 or more but less than $1,500,000, then the annual tax is $7,500; and

    (5) if the taxpayer’s total Illinois payroll for the taxable year is $1,500,000 or more, then the annual tax is$15,000.

Apparently, there are about 100,000 businesses in Illinois with a payroll of less than $100,000.

And, yes, the personal income tax rate will indeed be set at 4.99 percent. The corporate rate will be set at 7 percent.

*** UPDATE 4 *** The proposal also repeals the franchise tax, which is a tax hated by the Illinois Policy Institute

Illinois’ corporate franchise tax makes no sense. It is convoluted and economically harmful, and should be repealed. Even the term “franchise tax” is misleading and outdated, as it is not a tax on the franchise locations of a larger business, such as a chain of Burger Kings. Rather, it is a tax on entrepreneurs and investments in Illinois for the privilege of doing business here.


The Senate’s higher ed funding numbers are not all they appear to be

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Southern Illinoisan

The Senate package, which also includes tax increases, gambling expansion, pension reforms and a host of other issues, would allocate an additional $1.1 billion in the current year for higher education. That includes money for universities, community colleges and grants to low-income students through the Monetary Award Program.

Combined with nearly $1 billion for higher education that was included in a stopgap spending deal approved in June, the Senate plan would restore university funding for this year to where it was in the 2014-15 school year. Schools currently aren’t receiving any state funds because the stopgap deal expired after Dec. 31.

* But drill down

Under the Senate’s proposal, SIU would receive $93.4 million on top of the $106.2 million it received from the June stopgap spending plan. But the university, like others across the state, used the stopgap money to pay for expenses from the 2015-16 school year, during which it received only $57.5 million from an emergency funding measure approved in April.

In effect, Charles said, because the June stopgap money was used for last year’s expenses, the $93.4 million from the Senate plan would be SIU’s only state funding for the current year, compared with $199.6 million for the 2014-15 school year.

And the same goes for the other schools. They’re gonna wind up being about a billion short, I think. But they should go back to “normal” next fiscal year. If, that is, the governor and legislators can come to some sort of agreement.


*** UPDATED x1 *** “Subject matter only” in Senate committees today

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Subscribers know lots more about this topic…

The plan is to take testimony on the bills, then go to caucus late this afternoon. If the caucuses approve, then they’ll go back to committee for votes [the bills will be moved to the floor by the Senate Assignments Committee, which is unusual, but further amendments could be heard in committee]. If they don’t approve, then votes will be postponed until next month when the Senate returns. Again, subscribers know more about the why’s and the what’s.

As Monique says, floor votes tomorrow do, indeed, look iffy right now. Stay tuned and keep a close eye on our live coverage post below.

*** UPDATE *** Subscribers were told about this earlier today…

Again, keep an eye on our live coverage post below.


Today’s number: Up to 95,000 lost jobs

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* SJ-R

The Illinois Health and Hospital Association has said block grants for Medicaid, combined with the loss of subsidized private insurance [via the ACA], could lead to a potential loss of $11.6 billion to $13.1 billion in annual “economic activity” in Illinois. The IHA says that translates to a potential loss of 84,000 to 95,000 jobs.

The hospital association is an interest group, so take its job numbers with a grain of salt.

But, man, even if those lost jobs are half that number. Whoa.


Rauner announces changes to pharmacy oversight

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Our old buddy Ray Long at the Trib

Responding to a Tribune investigation that found drugstores frequently failed to warn customers about potentially dangerous drug interactions, Gov. Bruce Rauner is unveiling a major plan designed to improve public safety at pharmacies throughout the state.

The administration’s proposal would require pharmacists to counsel patients about risky drug combinations and other significant issues when buying a medication for the first time or when a prescription changes. Illinois law now requires only that patients be offered counseling, a mandate often addressed at the cash register with a brief inquiry, such as: “Any questions for the pharmacist today?”

The governor also plans to beef up state oversight, including directing inspectors to put more emphasis on adverse drug reactions and launching a “mystery shopper” program to test how well pharmacists comply with the law. […]

A Walgreens spokesman said: “Our goal is to provide the highest level of care to patients, and we are supportive of the governor’s effort to further promote a culture of safety in community pharmacies.”

Rauner’s plans to use existing inspectors and new mystery shoppers to improve safety at Illinois pharmacies can be achieved through executive orders. But changing the counseling requirement would need the approval of a bipartisan House-Senate panel, as would his proposal to post signs in pharmacies with a consumer hotline along with information about a patient’s right to counseling.

I still don’t understand why these big pharmacy chains don’t have computer programs that can automatically cross-check a customer’s prescriptions for potential harmful interactions. Why are we relying on human memory here? Humans can make mistakes because they get too busy (on orders from on high) or whatever.

…Adding… The proposed additions are underlined along with stricken text

Failing to provide ensure that patient counseling in accordance with this Part, failing to respond to requests for patient counseling, attempting to circumvent patient counseling requirements, or otherwise discouraging patients from receiving patient counseling concerning their prescription medications is offered or refusing to respond to requests for patient counseling. […]

c) Every licensed pharmacy directly serving patients at a physical location must conspicuously post a sign provided by the Division containing a statement that the patient has the right to counseling, the Division’s consumer hotline number, information on how to file a complaint for failure to counsel, and any other information the Division deems appropriate. The sign must be printed in color ink or displayed electronically in color, measure at least 8 1⁄2 x 11 inches in size, and be posted at either a cashier counter or waiting area clearly visible to patients. Licensed pharmacies that do not maintain a physical location directly serving patients must include a copy of the sign within any dispensed prescriptions. The sign will be available to download on the Division’s website. […]

Nothing in this Section shall be construed as requiring a pharmacist to provide counseling when a patient or patient’s agent refuses such counseling. When a patient or patient’s agent refuses to accept patient counseling as provided in this Section, that refusal shall be documented. The absence of any record of a refusal to accept the offer to counsel shall be presumed to signify that the offer was accepted and that counseling was provided.


This didn’t have to happen

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From way back in late May of 2015

Mayor Rahm Emanuel said Wednesday he wants to see how the frenzied final days of the Illinois General Assembly’s spring session play out before asking the new City Council to begin the search for new revenue to solve the $30 billion pension crisis that has dropped Chicago’s bond rating to junk status.

“We’re in active discussions on a casino as a funding source to shore up” police and fire pensions, the mayor told reporters after a City Council meeting. […]

Emanuel said he remains hopeful on what he once described as a “mega, mega-deal” that may include a sales tax on services, partial restoration of the expired increase in the state income tax, a Chicago casino and pension relief for police and fire and Chicago teachers.

“We’re now in the final two weeks before the end of the session. And as you know, this is usually the time — not just in Springfield, but with legislative bodies [everywhere] — when days are weeks and weeks are like months,” he said.

“There will be a lot of activity. I’m gonna be out there pressing the issues that are related to Chicago and its future [to make certain] Springfield does not make decisions at the expense of Chicago because there’s not a healthy Illinois without a healthy Chicago,” Emanuel said.

And since then? Almost nothing but destruction. And now we have a Senate plan that looks a whole lot like what was floating around a couple of years ago.

It all seems so pointless.

* From today’s NY Times

At a meeting with the leaders of several construction and building trade unions, President Trump reiterated on Monday his interest in directing hundreds of billions of dollars to infrastructure investments, some of it from the federal government, union officials said.

“That was the impression I was taken away with,” said Sean McGarvey, the president of North America’s Building Trades Unions, an umbrella group, on a call with reporters after the meeting. “That the American citizenry and the American Treasury will be invested in building public infrastructure.” […]

Mr. McGarvey and Terry O’Sullivan, the general president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America, stressed to reporters their satisfaction at meeting with the president so soon after the inauguration. They said they went the entire Obama administration without being invited to a similar meeting. […]

At the meeting, Mr. McGarvey raised one point of possible discord between the labor leaders and the Trump administration: the so-called Davis-Bacon Act, which requires the federal government to pay contractors and subcontractors “locally prevailing wages,” as determined by the Labor Department, on most construction or renovation projects.

Many conservatives contend that the act inflates the cost of infrastructure projects, and on Tuesday, Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, is proposing a bill to suspend it for federal highway construction contracts.

President Trump was apparently non-committal about the proposed GOP changes.

But just imagine how much things could’ve been different in Illinois if our Republican governor had reached out to the building trades right away like Trump just did.

* From Illinois Public Radio

The [Senate’s proposal] shows there are many areas in which Democrats and Republicans can come to an agreement. But it still leaves one big philosophical question unanswered.

That question is whether a governor can say: “Pass my agenda, and only then will I negotiate on a budget.” […]

“It’s a very dangerous precedent to set,” [Sen. Kwame Raoul] says. “You don’t know who’s going to be elected governor in the future, and if we start to do these types of thing now, every governor is going to want to do that.”

One can imagine a future governor holding out on the budget in exchange something she wants around guns or abortion or some other contentious issue.

And here we are.


*** LIVE *** Session Coverage

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Senate leaders promise their budget will balance in FY 18

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Finke

The Illinois Senate’s “grand bargain” package of bills will be revised to create a balanced budget, Senate President John Cullerton and Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno said Monday.

During a meeting with The State Journal-Register editorial board, Cullerton, D-Chicago, said he will show Senate Democrats a draft for the state to have a balanced budget by June 30, 2018. […]

Cullerton said he believes the analysis produced by Rauner’s budget office contained some flawed assumptions, and that lawmakers will be able to work throughout the spring on a balanced spending plan for next year that will be based on additional revenue. […]

Cullerton warned that the state could be facing another credit downgrade if it doesn’t take action this month to show it is dealing with the budget crisis.

Subscribers know more about those claimed “flawed assumptions” by GOMB.

* More on the possible credit downgrade from Pierog and McKinney

Fitch has warned that inaction on the budget front would result in a downgrade by the end of this month.

“If they do not do something that comprehensively addresses their budget problem and their long-term accumulated budgetary liabilities, then we certainly would take action,” Fitch analyst Karen Krop said Monday.


New House rules proposed by Leader Durkin

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yesterday, a commenter wondered why the House Republicans didn’t propose an alternative to Speaker Madigan’s proposed rules, which have been sharply criticized by the GOP and the Illinois Policy Institute as autocratic.

Well, House Republican Leader Jim Durkin filed a rules proposal yesterday. You can click here to read through it. I asked the HGOP early this morning for quick highlights of some of their proposed changes…

1. Creates specific requirements for advance notice of Rules Committee hearings, including identification of the measures to be considered:

    One-hour notice for floor amendments & concurrence motions

    72-hours notice to consider referral of bills to committee

    24-hours notice for any other purpose

Currently, the Rules Committee often meets without providing any public notice; and it does not identify the legislative measures to be considered at the hearing.

Also requires a 2/3 vote for the Rules Committee to bypass standing/special committee consideration and advance floor amendments and concurrence motions to full House. In other words, such a motion to expedite business would require support from both the majority and minority party members of the committee.

2. Creates a public review period before action on committee amendments by requiring at least two-hours advance notice for an amendment to be considered in a committee.

Currently, committee amendments must be filed with the Clerk by 3 p.m. on the preceding day, but there is no requirement to provide public notice that such amendment may be considered at hearing of a particular committee.

3. Extends the Public Review Period for Floor Amendments (currently 1 hour) - Creates a longer public review period before committee consideration of floor amendments and concurrence motions by requiring that advance notice of a public hearing be given no later than the calendar day before the date of the hearing.

With the current one-hour notice requirement, a floor amendment can be filed, posted for a hearing, and adopted to the bill, and the bill passed by the House, all on the same day.

4. Restores a requirement in the House Rules that each bill be referred to a standing or special committee during the first year of a G.A. In 2013, the Democrat majority removed this decades-old requirement, thereby allowing the Rules Committee to kill a bill by preventing its consideration in a standing or special committee.

5. Second reading of bills during perfunctory session would be prohibited. In order to expedite the consideration of bills when the full House is not in session, the Clerk is often instructed to read bills a second time during the perfunctory session. This practice sometimes allows a bill to be approved by committee and then read by the Clerk on the same day, thereby allowing final passage on the following day.

Your thoughts?


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Another supplement to today’s edition
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Question of the day
* No, the mayor did not help pass the actual EBF bill
* Mayor Johnson announces school board appointments
* Roundup: Jury selection to begin Tuesday in Madigan’s corruption trial
* DPI down-ballot focus continues with county-level races
* Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Live coverage
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Sunday roundup: Rep. Williams says no takeover; 'Guardrail' bill floated; More alderpersons sign letter; Biz weighs in; CTU president claims city pays the bills for 'every municipality in this state'; Progressive Caucus supports letter
* News coverage roundup: Entire Chicago Board of Education to resign (Updated x2)
* Yesterday's stories

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