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Contested Illinois Senate election results

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

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SDem Targeted by Liberty Principles PAC


Contested Illinois House election results

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Tier One Targets by Democrats
(HDems on Chicago broadcast TV)

Tier Two-Three Targets by Democrats

Tier One Targets by Republicans

Races To Maybe Watch In Case Of A Huge Wave

HDems Targeted By Liberty Principles PAC


Illinois statewide election results

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

Better late than never.


Where to find election results tonight

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click here for WBEZ’s election results. They have statewides and congressional.

* Click here for the Sun-Times’ state Senate results, click here for the paper’s state House results, click here for their Cook County results and click here for their DuPage County results. The full set of results from the paper is here.


Well, so much for that idea

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois Election Data’s results server went down earlier and they can’t get it going again tonight. So, I’m not sure what I’m going to do right now.

…Adding… Click here and head to the live coverage post. I doubt I’ll be posting constant vote totals, but I will post some as well as other stuff.


2018 declared winners

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ll be posting here either when the AP or another media outlet calls a winner or when I do


Watch election night video

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Sun-Times is doing an election night livestream. Click here to watch.

* TV station live feeds…

* ABC 7
* Fox 32
* CBS 2

I didn’t see any live feeds for Downstate TV stations. If you know of any, let me know in comments.

* In addition, Blue Room Stream is doing live feeds from four statewide candidates’ election night parties. Gov. Rauner…

* Pritzker…

* Raoul…

* Harold…

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Late afternoon/early evening precinct reports

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ll have live election results from our great friend Scott Kennedy at Illinois Election Data tonight. Meanwhile, the Saline County Clerk is also ejecting Republican poll watchers…


* The usual suspect…

* Some are uncharitably calling this party “the wake at the Drake”…

* From the DCCC…

Hey Rich,

Saw your post about the Rauner campaign bragging about how they’ve done 70,000 doors since last Saturday. I know Casten’s campaign has done 102,000 doors in IL-06 between Saturday and Monday night alone.

…Adding… The Rauner campaign says they actually knocked on 70,000 doors on Saturday alone.

* DuPage allegations

A DuPage County Forest Preserve Commissioner candidate faced problems at the polls in Hinsdale, where he was told he was an inactive voter. Irfan Ibrahim, a Hinsdale resident and a candidate for District 3 Commissioner for the forest preserve, was first asked for two forms of ID and was then told he was not an active voter.

Ibrahim posted on his Facebook page, showing that he has voted in every general election since 2010.

“If you think that voter suppression is not real, it is real,” Ibrahim said in his Facebook video.

“I’m going back out there again to let them know that I am voting today, up and down the ballot,” Ibrahim said. “Voter suppression will not be accepted.”

* They’ve been busy today…

* Block Club Chicago

The city has seen [633,597 ballots cast as of 2:50 pm, which is 42 percent turnout], including ballots sent by mail and early voters, said Jim Allen, spokesman for the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners. That puts Chicago on track to reach 50 percent or higher turnout by the end of voting at 7 p.m., he said. […]

“If the pattern follows similar to the primary, we’ll see significant numbers like we did this morning and we could be crossing 50 percent,” Allen said. Chicago could “easily cross — after the evening rush — we should definitely, easily cross the 50 percent [mark]. So now it’s gonna be do we reach 53, 56, what?”

705,869 ballots were cast in the city in 2010 (when Pat Quinn won). 668,033 were cast in 2014 (when Quinn lost). 670,222 were cast in 2006 (when the Democrats swept the board).

* Another voter…

* More long lines in Urbana…

* Sen. Sandoval likes to make stuff about him…

* A good hashtag to follow tonight if you care about other state legislatures…

* Yum…

* Please spare us…

* What are you seeing and hearing out there? Let us in on the scoop!

…Adding… Could be a jammed room tonight…

…Adding… Ask and ye shall receive…

By comparison, 719,090 suburban Cook residents voted in 2010 and 696,403 voted in 2014. So, they’re already way over both of those totals.

…Adding… Wow…

…Adding… Wow again…


Question of the day

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Your final predictions?


Mid-afternoon precinct reports

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Comments are now closed on this post. Click here for a fresh thread.]

* Background is here if you need it, but the Saline County Clerk is still behaving badly…

I’m hearing the same thing. She’s actually been going precinct to precinct to try and kick out the Democratic poll watchers. That’s really bizarre behavior.

More background on this clerk is here and here.

* NBC 5

Chicago officials said they were working to fix issues at precincts in the 42nd Ward and the 5th Ward.

The Chicago Board of Elections confirmed it was going to court to ask a judge to extend voting hours in five precincts in the city. Details on which precincts could be extended weren’t immediately clear.

* A friend of the blog…

* I did not know this

Poshard said he had campaigned in 72 counties for Pritzker and talked about JB and MK’s foundation that feeds more than 200,000 children.

* I’m glad to see the stumbles of the past have been reversed

All Sangamon County polling places opened on time Tuesday morning, and a steady flow of voters were casting ballots, according to County Clerk Don Gray. […]

Meanwhile, Gray said extra voting booths were being sent to at least three locations — St. Agnes Hall, Knights of Columbus No. 364 and Gardner Township Hall.

“We certainly had long lines,” Gray said. “People were anxious to get at it, and because of that, it would help to have a few more resources.” He said he expected the heavy morning turnout to “surface again after work.”

* A Chicago voter is not pleased

Arrived at my polling place at 5:50 a.m. to beat the rush, they were just starting to get organized and unpack stuff, and they did not start trying to check voters in until about 6:30 a.m.

Nothing but elderly poll workers with no tech skills, no experience with electoral process, and poor communications ability.

They started by demanding that already-registered voters register anew, claiming inaccurately that “that’s how they want us to do it,” then fell to arguing among themselves about how to process people as the line grew to 25+ people.

When they started trying again they immediately crashed or paralyzed all their tech — they had not rehearsed or anything and were entirely flummoxed by the check-in interfaces, etc. — and somehow destroyed my wife’s voter record in the process so she could only get a provisional ballot.

* From ISU…

THIS is voter suppression: offering ONE polling location to a campus of 21,000+ students (AND it’s also open to all of McLean County). Students should not have to wait an hour to cast a vote.

We’ve had students calling the McLean Co. Clerk’s office and Kathy Michael County Clerk said, “it’s an election. This just happens.” It does happen, but it shouldn’t.

Posted by College Democrats at Illinois State University on Tuesday, November 6, 2018

* Umm…

Vote naked!

Posted by Sandy and Richard Riccardi on Tuesday, November 6, 2018

* Sun-Times

Of the 1.5 million registered voters in the City of Chicago, 524,808 people had voted as of 12:50 p.m. That’s 34.9 percent of all registered voters hitting the polls before 1 p.m. on Election Day.

Chicago voter turnout numbers by age group reported before 12:50 p.m. on Election Day:

    • Voters age 18 to 24: 25,576 of 139,138 registered voters (18.3 percent)
    • Voters age 25 to 34: 100,231 of 352,583 registered voters (28.4 percent)
    • Voters age 35 to 44: 85,477 of 272,865 registered voters (31.3 percent)
    • Voters age 45 to 54: 82,028 of 232,071 registered voters (35.3 percent)
    • Voters age 55 to 64: 94,295 of 228,211 registered voters (41.3 percent)
    • Voters age 65 and up: 125,035 of 278,485 registered voters (44.9 percent).

…Adding… GOTV via presidential tweet…

* Tell us what you’re hearing and seeing out there in comments, please. Thanks!

…Adding… Ugh

Election Day 2018: Avowed Nazi and Congressional Nominee Art Jones delivers anti-Semitic rant at his polling place while Simon Wiesenthal Center Advisory Board Members Sean Tenner and Reverend Mitchell Johnson distribute materials about his Nazi background. Simon Wiesenthal was history’s most acclaimed Nazi hunter.

The video

…Adding… From the Chicago Elections Board…

We’re at 633,597 or 41.7% as of 2:50 pm

705,869 ballots were cast in 2010. 668,033 were cast in 2014. 670,222 were cast in 2006.


Credit Unions: A Unique Concept for Financial Services

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Credit unions are not-for-profit cooperatives that focus on serving their members and communities. Credit unions function like other financial institutions in many ways: they offer checking accounts, savings accounts, and credit cards, as well as personal, home, and auto loans, free ATMs, and more. However, credit unions exist as member-owned cooperative institutions. This means that when you join a credit union, you are more than just a member: you’re an owner, and your voice matters. Interested in finding the credit union that’s right for you? Visit to discover all the advantages that membership holds.

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Late morning/early afternoon precinct reports

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Pic from a couple of pals who are doing GOTV today. “Do we knock on the door to ask?” one texted. I told them to go for it. “I gotta know the reason behind that”…

So one of them did…

Alas, there was no answer at the door.

* I’m thinking he may be exaggerating a bit here…

* Yikes…

* Interesting…

* The Tribune is doing some live election day updates from various polling places. Here’s one from early this morning

Before daylight there was a line of voters at a precinct at Naperville’s Safety Town, a miniaturized town with tiny buildings and street signs. Several dozen voters shuffled in and out within the first hour, including Elizabeth Dubiel.

“I’m trying to change the momentum of the way things are right now. This is the first midterm I’ve ever voted in. In my whole, I’ve probably voted like three times.”

Her first time voting was for former President Barack Obama. Since then, Dubiel said, she became uninspired with the lack of diversity on the ballot.

“In the past there wasn’t too many women on the ballot. I felt like my vote wasn’t heard, like my vote didn’t count.”

* The Sun-Times is also doing live updates

Despite the hope of Democrats for a “Blue Wave,” there were still ticket-splitters out there — even in Chicago.

Diana Brogan, 51, who works in account sales, was one of them. She calls herself a Democrat, but Rauner got her vote for governor.

She called herself a Democrat who voted Republican for governor.

“We need to change it up a little,” Brogan, 51, said after voting at John James Audubon Elementary School, 3500 N. Hoyne Ave. “Rauner is doing an OK job. Madigan needs to move on . . . I feel like the Democrats are controlling too much and not getting anything done.”

* What are you seeing out there? How’s the weather? How’s turnout? How was lunch?

…Adding… Rauner campaign…

This morning, Governor Bruce Rauner and First Lady Diana Rauner voted in Winnetka. After voting, Governor Rauner made the following remarks to the media:

“We just voted. One of the most important elections in Illinois history. Thanks for coming out. Everyone get out and vote, it’s our duty as Americans, it’s our duty as citizens to have our voices heard. We want everyone’s voices heard, let’s get out and vote.”

“I’d like to build on the success we’ve had in our first term. More education funding, want to expand that. Job growth, had great success growing the economy, want to create even more jobs. Would like to bring down our property taxes by getting the mandates off from Springfield and free up our school districts and communities to run themselves as they see fit. And very importantly, I hope we can finally get term limits on our elected officials in my second term.

…Adding… That’s a lot of stops…


Illinois Policy Institute demands retraction, attempts to rewrite history

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As we discussed yesterday, this is from the Illinois Policy Institute

Illinois’ budget impasse may have also been a drag on employment growth, perhaps even more than the tax increase but passing a budget with the largest permanent income tax hike in state history didn’t improve Illinois’ economic climate.

* Here’s what I told subscribers this morning

As even the far-right anti-tax Illinois Policy Institute now mostly admits, the impasse likely did more damage to the state’s job growth than the 2011 and 2017 income tax hikes.

* From Orphe Pierre Divounguy, an economist at the Illinois Policy Institute…


Your newsletter today takes our research completely out of context and warrants a correction.

We clearly state in the piece: “Although tax hikes may initially cause tax revenues to increase, the negative economic effects of the 2017 tax hike will overshadow any benefits of additional revenue in the long run.”

We, first, never mention the 2011 tax hike and we say the impasse could have done more damage in terms of growth in the 2017-2018 period – not “likely” did, as you wrote. We clearly share that the potential reason for this is uncertainty about a future tax hike depressed investment that could have yielded jobs growth. The budget impasse was bad but it left open the possibility of no new taxes. Issuing a permanent tax hike will undoubtedly be a larger drag on employment in the long term than the impasse was, as we write in the piece.

Last, the far-right reference is offensive especially in this political climate. And it’s completely unnecessary. Advocating for the overburdened taxpayer, criminal justice reform, wanting retirees to actually keep their pensions rather than see them go bankrupt, etc. is not “far right.”

OK, fine. Have it your way. I’m sorry!!!

* But “the budget impasse was bad?” Really? From May of 2016

The organization wants to see state lawmakers make the right reforms before approving a budget, said Kristina Rasmussen, executive vice president of the Illinois Policy Institute.

“No budget is better than a bad budget,” Rasmussen said.

* And the reference is offensive in this political climate? Anybody remember this?

One legislator was called a “f—-ing animal.” Another was told he’d be “hanging from a tree.”

“You are selling your soul to the devil,” said a message to GOP House floor Leader Steven Andersson, who reported receiving a steady flow of abusive text messages and calls — including a death threat. “I’m coming for you,” it said. Now the Illinois State Police are investigating.

The rage unleashed by the vote serves as a reminder of the combustibility of the current political atmosphere, one where a tax increase to avoid a fiscal catastrophe — combined with the perception of partisan betrayal — could set off such an explosive response. […]

Stoking the backlash are well-funded anti-tax groups such as the Illinois Policy Institute, whose staffing exceeds that of some legacy newspapers. That group had warned its subscribers that Andersson and another lawmaker might vote with Madigan. Andersson’s cell phone was somehow distributed as well as those of several other GOP members who voted for the tax hike, Andersson said. The Illinois Policy Institute said Wednesday it does not release or post lawmakers’ cell phone numbers.

* And the group’s reaction?…

* And the letter the House Republicans sent to members?…

Dear House Republican Members,

[The HGOP’s] Digital Media Manager, has prepared the information below to help guide members who experience abusive social media comments.

What to do if you receive threats on Facebook, Twitter or other social media accounts:

    * If you feel the threat is imminent call 911
    * Report threats of violence immediately to State Police at this phone number: 877-xxx-xxxx
    * Then report to social media platform - here’s how
    * Facebook:
    * Twitter:
    * Or, ask your communications staffer for help

* And, of course, there was also this…


Today’s Underwood number: 93 percent

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is from a few days ago, but I kept forgetting to post it

Since Sept. 1, Pritzker has aired 20,199 ads on TV, and Rauner has shown 16,726 ads, according to figures provided by Advertising Analytics, which tracks ad buys. […]

But the numbers from the race between Hultgren and Underwood may be the most striking according to Advertising Analytics.

Since Sept. 1, Underwood has outspent Hultgren three-to-one: She spent $4.4 million to his $1.4 million. Just as striking is that Underwood’s campaign and Democratic support committees are responsible for 93 percent of the ads that have been on television in that race, 3,577 by Underwood and just 257 by Hultgren.

If Republican voters could sue for political malpractice, Randy Hultgren would be penniless after this election - even if he wins.

Also, Gov. Rauner has been complaining about being outspent by $100 million, but that money has obviously gone into stuff other than TV ads.

* Related…

* Hultgren Launches 11th Hour Attack on Underwood

* Hultgren questions Underwood’s nursing experience as poll puts her ahead

* Randy Hultgren questions Lauren Underwood’s nursing credentials

* 14th Congressional District candidate Underwood galvanizes supporters before Election Day


A fun way to kill time while we wait for the polls to close

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* They’ve taken down the paywall on Hannah Meisel’s report on campaign mascots and props. I loved this story so much this morning that I got way behind on writing the subscriber Fax. Have fun

Some may scoff at or even mock the strategies at work, decrying them as a “dumbing down” of democracy. But political strategists told The Daily Line that when used correctly, these characters and stunts cut through the noise of a seemingly endless political season and deliver a simple message about a candidate’s opponent.

After the chickens, Rauner’s 2014 campaign continued to add to its arsenal of costumed characters as the months progressed, eventually employing a campaign worker to spend days on end dressed up as a cross between then-Gov. Pat Quinn and fairytale character Pinnochio, famous for having a nose that grew every time he lied. This hybrid character, Quinnochio, was often joined by another campaign worker dressed in an orange jumpsuit and a rubber mask of imprisoned ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

But Rauner’s first gubernatorial bid was not the first time an Illinois Republican created spectacles to attract media attention. Many of Rauner’s 2014 campaign staff had come from former U.S. Senator Mark Kirk’s office, where the senator’s 2010 election campaign had found a highly original way and extremely simple way to illustrate the alleged ties between Kirk’s opponent, Democrat Alexi Giannoulias, and the mob.

Enter: the shark.

Go read the whole thing.


Ives makes her case for 2022

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor’s political body isn’t even cold yet, but possible 2022 gubernatorial hopeful Todd Ricketts was on yesterday’s Republican Party fly-around. And today, Rep. Jeanne Ives’ spokesperson Kathleen Murphy writes this in National Review

Ives’s candidacy demonstrated that Illinois Republicans gain ground quickly when they engage in ideological confrontation on cultural and economic issues.

Speaker Madigan and his machine may be powerful, but they are wholly unaccustomed to such confrontation from their Republican counterparts. Their ability to handle such an attack has never truly been tested.

ILGOP flacks might brush off the suggestion as “far-right extremism,” but Illinoisans know the difficulties they’re facing. For many, exhausted by the state’s onerous tax burden, lack of opportunity, and moral libertinism, an ILGOP with a strong contrasting vision, adherence to principle, revolutionary instincts, and simple grit would offer reason for optimism.

There are no guarantees. But as conservative talk-show host Dan Proft puts it, “As long as we’re still here, we might as well fight.”

In Illinois, conservatives have to embrace these challenges for the opportunities they must be. Nationally, the revolt against the big-government “swamp” has been messy. But the ground we now hold is precious. If Illinois offers any lesson to conservatives, it is this: Never Surrender.



Mid-morning precinct reports

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Comments are now closed on this post. Click here for a fresh thread.]

* County clerk behaving badly. WSIL TV

Investigators with the Illinois Attorney General’s office have been called to Saline County after county officials voiced concerns that the openness and transparency of this year’s election could be at risk.

Saline County State’s Attorney Jayson Clark said he received a number of complaints Monday morning that County Clerk Kim Buchanan was refusing to allow poll watchers to oversee the processing of early voting results.

“I came right over here and intervened this morning,” Clark said. […]

“This is America,” Clark said. “We have open elections that everyone gets to watch what happens.”

He says this morning was especially important, because due to an equipment malfunction, the county had to rerun all of the early voting ballots through a new machine.

Clark says after getting the poll watchers inside to oversee the processing, Buchanan kicked them out the moment he left.

“She didn’t just kick them out, she built a barricade where they couldn’t even see what was going on back there when they were running the ballots through the machine for the second time,” Clark said. “That’s pretty egregious.”

He says that’s when he got the attorney general’s office involved.

She barricaded herself in her office? What the heck?

* Text messages from Democrats involved with looking into precinct polling place problems…

Kendall County Clerk is now directing precinct judges not to vote any voter who comes to a polling place with mail ballot to vote in person (they bring the ballot to surrender and vote in person). Instead she says they must go to the Clerk’s Office. Under the law they can vote a regular ballot. The Attorney General and State Board were notified.

One of the heaviest D precincts in [Rep. Tom Morrison’s district] has “Road Closed” signs blocking all entrances. Voters are going around

…Adding… Here are pictures of what I am told are the barricades in front of all three entrances to those precinct polling places in Rep. Morrison’s district. Salt Creek Park District, 530 S Williams Ave, Palatine, IL…

There does look to be construction behind that first sign, but not the others.

* More shenanigans…

* Sign of the times…

…Adding… From last night…

* What are you seeing out there?


He’s learned nothing

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I thought he said in his campaign “reset” speech that he had learned to accept compromise and incremental gains?

“We just did a nine-day bus tour, we covered the entire state of Illinois. And everywhere we went, people came up to me and said, ‘stay strong, don’t back down, don’t give in,’” Rauner said later at the Lisle appearance.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Early morning precinct reports

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* What are you seeing and hearing out there?

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Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Follow along with ScribbleLive

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Note to blog readers

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My tech guys are shutting down this site for about 30 minutes around 8 o’clock tonight to get things ready for tomorrow. I apologize in advance for any convenience this may cause you.


Early voting among yutes up 144 percent here

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* USA Today

Early youth voting in Illinois is up 144 percent over the 2014 midterms. More than 70 percent of the 6,200 undergraduates at the University of Chicago registered to vote through the TurboVote app. At the university’s early voting site, students waited up to an hour to cast their ballots.

Keep in mind that early voting has become far more common in recent years. But it still does probably show voter intensity.

* From UIUC today…

That’s in US Rep. Rodney Davis’ district, along with a whole lot of other Downstate campuses.

…Adding… I’m told the line at UIUC is now up to 400+ people and a three-hour wait. Gonna take a lot of pizzas to feed that crowd.

…Adding… Uh-oh…

Headline explained here.

…Adding… Tribune

““The big question: Is all this surge in early voting, is it just just to get it out of the way? Or has it more to do with a bigger turnout?” Orr said during a news conference with city officials Monday. “The buzz clearly is we’re going to have a bigger turnout. We see so many signs, but they’re not necessarily provable at this point. We’ll see that tomorrow.

“It’s hard for us to say, but we clearly, I believe, will break the normal 49 to 52 (percent turnout),” he said.

Marisel Hernandez, chairwoman of the election board that supervises Chicago voting, was a bit more cautious in her turnout estimate.

“I don’t know if you can have an educated guess, but we definitely will see over 50 percent, but as far as anything more specific than that, I’m hesitant to say,” Hernandez said. “We think that this election has generated a lot of interest, so we’re hoping for a good turnout.”



Todd Ricketts is on Erika Harold’s fly-around?

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* And no Gov. Rauner…

That’ll start the tongues a-wagging. You’ll recall all the speculation about a possible Todd Ricketts 2022 gubernatorial bid last month.

…Adding… The question mark in the headline doesn’t mean he might not be on the fly-around. He is on the fly-around.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Fundraiser list; Rep. Morrison video; Madigan lawsuit; Etc.

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Closing it out

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Republican House candidate hoping to replace retiring Rep. Jeanne Ives…

This election is starting to heat up!
But seriously, this is a low point to have the sign in front of my home burnt!

Posted by Elect Amy Grant on Saturday, November 3, 2018

Ugh. What a horrible thing to do. Not to mention that there’s no statute of limitations on arson.

* From a longtime Peoria-area subscriber…

Hey an odd FYI, I received a robocall last night at my home in Peoria County, on behalf of the GOP candidate against John D’Amico. Obviously an error somehow, but errors like this always make me wonder how many other wasted contacts they made.

D’Amico is a Chicago Democrat.

* Mike Bost and the ILGOP go with Hillary, Madigan, Pelosi and Trump…

That piece has a very retro feel to it, and I don’t just mean the inclusion of Hillary Clinton.

* US Rep. Peter Roskam’s closer isn’t close to being positive

* Roskam’s opponent, Sean Casten, tweeted out a video of Daniel Biss juggling fire…

* Related…

* Constable: Democrat or Republican, these election judges work together for voters: Chatting politely and chuckling at times, these two longtime election judges figure out they probably have been to the same political rallies. Dianna Rushing, 67, a passionate Democrat from Palatine, was on one side holding her sign. Richard Townsend, 40, a fervent Republican from Arlington Heights, was on the other side holding his sign.

* As more voters trust the Postal Service, here’s how mail ballots get counted — and what keeps people from voting 3 times

* Make it to your polling place on Election Day and get told you can’t vote? Here’s what to do

* Five legislative races in which your vote could make all the difference

* 5 possible scenarios for Election Day, and what they would mean

* Suburban 6th, 14th district races have national implications


Illinois Policy Institute claims budget impasse may have hurt job growth more than tax hike

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Illinois Policy Institute, the the lead cheerleader for the two-year impasse, made a startling admission a few days ago

Illinois’ budget impasse may have also been a drag on employment growth, perhaps even more than the tax increase

Now you tell us? Thanks!

* Here’s the rest of that sentence

but passing a budget with the largest permanent income tax hike in state history didn’t improve Illinois’ economic climate.

* Jake breaks it down…


Your feel-good story of the day

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I noticed this group over the weekend

In these turbulent political times, what America needs now is some non-partisan pizza.

A non-profit group called Pizza to the Polls is doling out the dough, sending steaming hot pies to polling places with long lines.

Their reasoning: Long lines and hungry voters aren’t a good recipe for democracy.

* I decided to test their system and I tweeted at them when I saw this post…

* They said they were already on it…

Their website indicates they’ve sent pies to 2333 W. Sunnyside Ave., which is the Welles Park early voting site.


Question of the day

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sneed

Personal PAC, the powerful abortion rights/pro-choice organization which is a major force on the the political scene, seems scared to death that it’s chosen candidate for Illinois attorney general — Democrat Kwame Raoul — might be in trouble.

In a confidential letter dispatched late last week to board members by PAC leader Terry Cosgrove, the fear of Raoul losing the state race is palpable.

In the letter, which was obtained by Sneed, Cosgrove states:

“Putting aside the closeness of many legislative races, I am most concerned about Kwame Raoul defeating [Republican] Erika Harold.”

* Politico

When Obama approached Kwame Raoul for a similar embrace, the state senator in a tough battle for attorney general gave the former president a giant bear hug.


One race that’s expected to be close is the race for attorney general, in which Democratic state Sen. Kwame Raoul – who took Obama’s seat when Obama left Springfield for the U.S. Senate – is facing off against Urbana attorney and former Miss America Erika Harold.

* But

At the same time, Harold, an Urbana attorney, bought limited broadcast TV advertising time in the Chicago market for the race’s final weekend. Her campaign late Friday also purchased cable advertising time in the Chicago market.

She’s basically dark on Chicago broadcast.

* The Question: What’s your over/under prediction for the percentage margin between Harold and Raoul? Explain.


Obama stumps for the Democrats

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller


Former President Barack Obama returned to Chicago to rally voters while supporting gubernatorial candidate J.B. Pritzker and other Democrats on the ballot in the coming election. […]

Just looking at the latest polls, Democratic gubernatorial candidate JB Pritzker may not need the help from the former president to defeat Gov. Rauner, but it didn’t stop him from taking the podium.

“Republicans are just plain wrong. Democrats are about being fair and decent we can be to one another,” Pritzker said.

* Sun-Times

While former presidents often stay in the political background for a few years after leaving office, the Trump-led attacks on Obama’s legacy drew him back onto the campaign trail. Republicans, said Obama, are “blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly lying.” And the Trump administration, which promised to “clean the swamp,” instead, Obama said, “racked up enough indictments to field a football team.” […]

Gubernatorial candidate Pritzker took the stage before Obama spoke to say “hatred and misogyny should have no place in America.” He told the crowd, “This election is about what Illinois can be.”

Raoul told the crowd, “I’m a proud son of Haitian immigrants who did not come from [a] s-hole,” referencing reports of President Donald Trump’s disparaging remarks about immigration from several countries earlier this year. “I am a birthright baby,” Raoul said.

Comptroller and likely Chicago mayoral contender Susana Mendoza called herself at the rally “your truth-telling fiscal watchdog who is not afraid to stand up to Bruce Rauner.”

I’m assuming we’ll hear some “truth-telling” from Mendoza in the coming days about her mayoral bid.

* Tribune

Pritzker accused Rauner and the state Republican Party of adopting Trump’s “retrograde views,” including viewing people as a threat “because of the way they look or worship or identify.”

“Illinois, my faith in you has never been greater,” Pritzker said, saying residents have shown “you prove progress is always possible.”


Rauner wraps it up

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor is trying his best to raise expectations

At Honest Abe’s Tap & Grill in Morris, the governor spoke of an uphill battle back to a second term, while warning a victory by Democrat J.B. Pritzker will turn the state into a “nightmare.”

“People are counting us out now. They’re saying, ‘Oh the polls are showing this or that,’” Rauner said. “You know what? The polls are baloney. These polls don’t mean anything. The only poll that matters is on Election Day,” Rauner said. […]

“We had a supermajority against us and it was brutal,” Rauner said of the Democratic majority in both the Illinois House and Senate. “But you know what? Two years ago, thanks to your hard work, we picked up six seats in the General Assembly to knock Mike Madigan out of the supermajority. And you know what? what we’re going to do this time … we’re going to pick up nine seats in the House and knock Mike Madigan out. He’s not going to be the speaker of the House anymore.

“That’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to get him out,” Rauner said.

* Also in Morris

Discussing his opponent, Pritzker, Rauner said Pritzker could be indicted in the next few months because of a a tax scheme. The audience jeered at the mention of Pritzker, with one woman in the crowd shouting “Screw him,” and a man called him the Pillsbury Dough boy. Rauner said Pritzker could join his predecessors as an Illinois governor going to jail.

“And you know what ‘J.B.’ stands for then: Jail Bird,” Rauner said.

From the man who has repeatedly bemoaned the rhetoric in politics today.

* Decatur

“I was trailing in most polls four years ago … and I don’t think they are really accurate,” said the 62-year-old incumbent. “Everywhere I travel people say ‘Governor, you are on the right track.’” […]

“People say ‘Governor, stay strong, don’t give in. Madigan is the problem, he’s the one that has gotta go,’ ” Rauner said. “And a lot of times they will go on and say, ‘I am a Democrat, and I don’t normally support Republicans, but I love what you are trying to do.’ ” […]

In Decatur, Rauner already had convinced Shirley and Jim Cairns from Mount Zion, diehard fans who came to the cafe to see him and definitely plan on voting for him. They don’t believe in the polls, either.

“He’s going to get it, he’s going to win,” said Shirley Cairns as her husband nodded in agreement. “He deserves it because of all the changes he’s made and the fact he’s made Illinois a better state.”

The final RCP polling average in 2014 was Quinn +0.8.

Also, he could release his own internal polling if the public polling is “baloney.”

* Carbondale

During his visit, many tailgaters introduced themselves to Rauner and asked him to pose for a picture with them. Parents brought their children to meet the governor. One gentleman said the last governor he had seen up close was Dan Walker. […]

A few people declined offers to have their pictures taken with the governor, but they were polite about it. Some tailgaters ignored the governor as he walked by their tables and tents. Most partiers seemed pleasantly surprised by his visit.

“Everywhere we go, people will come up to us and say, ‘Governor, stay strong. Don’t back down. You’re on the right track. Madigan has got to go.’ And, a lot of times, they will go on and say, ‘I’m a Democrat. I don’t normally support Republicans, but I support you because we have got to stop that corruption and the tax hikes coming out of Chicago.’ So, it’s very exciting,” Rauner said.

* On tap today

* Gov. Bruce Rauner has a campaign stop scheduled in Spring Grove and an evening rally at Benedictine University in Lisle.

* J.B. Pritzker has campaign stops scheduled in Rockford, Moline, Belleville, Marion, Springfield and Peoria with other candidates on the Democratic ticket, including attorney general hopeful Kwame Raoul and Treasurer Mike Frerichs.

* The governor also did a round of morning show appearances…

…Adding… Gibson City

Rauner appeared heartened by the ovation he got from the lunchtime crowd at the Country Kettle Restaurant on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Four years ago, Rauner got 76 percent of the vote in heavily Republican Ford County and 50.3 percent statewide as he upended Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn. […]

“Don’t believe those polls,” he told diners at the crowded restaurant Sunday in an impromptu campaign rally. “We need to get out the votes downstate to cancel those votes in Chicago.

“They’re trying to bring in the big guns,” Rauner said in reference to a late Sunday afternoon rally in Chicago featuring former President Barack Obama and the statewide Democratic ticket.

“All the trends are with us. We’ve got to fight these guys,” Rauner said.


*** UPDATED x1 - Durbin, Duckworth call for Shah’s resignation *** Was this the origin of the Quincy veterans’ home outbreak?

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* June of 2018

State and local public health authorities have looked high and low for the sources of fatal Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks at the Quincy veterans’ home. Now, Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner is offering a new theory.

“Massive floods and tornadoes” and “a lot of dirt.”

But Rauner offered no proof, and experts who spoke to WBEZ were skeptical.

…Adding… The Pritzker campaign compiled a long list of the governor’s excuses. Click here.

* WBEZ now reports that the Rauner administration released 132,700 pages of documents related to the Quincy veterans’ home on Friday. Here’s one bit

Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner’s administration knew the Quincy veterans’ home had bungled a water-system repair in violation of state health codes but chose not to cite the facility for a mistake that likely contributed to a fatal Legionnaires’ outbreak in 2015, state records show. […]

One email has Rauner’s public health director explaining how a bacteria-laden “broth of legionella” was mistakenly released into the Illinois Veterans Home water system before a 2015 outbreak killed 12 residents.

That discharge had been previously highlighted in state and federal reports. But until now, it had not been known the release was serious enough to be a “citable offense” under state rules — an important detail that could weaken the state’s position in a dozen negligence lawsuits brought by victims’ families. […]

Shah outlined how a malfunctioning tank used to supply the home with hot water sat dormant for more than a month, filled with water that had cooled to 80 or 90 degrees — a level he described as the “optimal growing temperature” for Legionella, the bacteria that causes Legionnaires’.

When the tank was repaired on Aug. 6, 2015 and put back online, the facility failed to empty out the stagnant water, which wound up being warmed to a temperature in which Legionella can still flourish. Gallons upon gallons of that water were then distributed “for normal use throughout the facility,” Shah wrote.

He likened it all to a “broth of legionella” and said it likely contaminated shower heads in the home within a week of the repair.

Go read the rest. The e-mail is here.

* Another story from WBEZ

A top Illinois public health official delivered a searing indictment of how Gov. Bruce Rauner’s office handled fallout from the Legionnaires’ disease crisis at the Quincy veterans’ home, alleging that secrecy, indecision and “never-ending conference calls” created a “mess,” state records show.

Emails sent earlier this year by state Public Health Director Nirav Shah’s chief of staff offer some of the most damaging evidence yet that Rauner’s office itself was responsible for withholding key information from state lawmakers and the media about successive Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks at the facility.

“The [governor’s office] should have followed our advice and just release [sic] the documents with no redactions. Now we have another mess created by them to deal with,” Shah’s underling, Erik Rayman, wrote on April 4.

Rayman’s note to Shah and others within their agency came in response to a WBEZ story about how Rauner administration lawyers were aggressively censoring public documents related to Legionnaires’ outbreaks at the home, which are now linked to 14 deaths.

*** UPDATE *** Press release…

U.S. Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today called for Illinois Public Health Director Nirav Shah to resign following reports that the Rauner Administration botched a water-system repair at Illinois Veterans Home (IVH) Quincy, which was in violation of state health codes, and then chose to deliberately withhold that information from the public and not cite the facility for a mistake. In newly released documents, Shah detailed the dangers present at the facility, noted that the violations warranted a citation, yet chose not to issue one. Additional reports indicate that Shah and other staff at the Illinois Department of Public Health found Governor Rauner’s office to be an obstacle in ensuring a prompt and comprehensive response to the deadly outbreaks and more focused on public perception.

“There was definitive evidence that a serious public health crisis was underway at the veterans’ home in Quincy in 2015, and the Rauner Administration and Director Shah chose to sit on their hands as veterans and staff at the home fell victim to these deadly bacteria. It’s an outrage that time after time the Governor and his team prioritized public relations over protecting vulnerable veterans, their spouses, and staff at IVH Quincy. Director Shah’s response to this tragedy reflects the height of irresponsibility and negligence, and it’s time for him to go,” said Durbin and Duckworth.

* Related…

* Quincy veterans’ home timeline


Watch the VBM numbers

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Democrats are focusing intently on their vote by mail program. These numbers are from last Thursday, so they’re way outdated, but here’s Greg Hinz

As of [November 1], Orr’s office had received 110,868 applications for mail ballots, with 54,304 already returned. Only 51,237 voted by mail in all of 2014, and Orr’s office says the final mail total this year is likely to exceed the final 2016 figure of 87,987.

According to Board of Elections spokesman Jim Allen, 118,544 persons had cast early ballots as of yesterday, compared to 73,127 at this point in 2014, and 191,808 with six days to go in 2016. But mail voting is soaring even compared to 2016, with 116,124 applications for mail ballots so far, compared to final figures of 40,869 in 2014 and 102,896 in 2016. So far, 48,174 of those ballots of been returned.

According to [Chicago] Board of Elections spokesman Jim Allen, 118,544 persons had cast early ballots as of yesterday, compared to 73,127 at this point in 2014, and 191,808 with six days to go in 2016. But mail voting is soaring even compared to 2016, with 116,124 applications for mail ballots so far, compared to final figures of 40,869 in 2014 and 102,896 in 2016. So far, 48,174 of those ballots of been returned. […]

As for [DuPage County] mail ballots, 19,922 have been returned so far. There were only about 7,000 four years ago, and 25,000 in 2016.

* From the DuPage Democrats…

There are reports that many more than usual mail in ballots are being rejected this year. To see if your mail in vote may have been rejected use the following link to look up the status of your vote: If your vote has been rejected, call the election commission to see why and what you can do about it. (630) 407-5600

* From the 10th District Democrats…

Lake County Clerk Carla Wyckoff’s office is rejecting Vote-By-Mail ballots from voters across Lake County but the office is refusing to confirm how many voters are affected or release the names of which voters’ ballots were thrown out. As a result, many voters may not find out until after Election Day that they were disenfranchised and their votes were not counted. Wyckoff, a Republican, is up for re-election on Tuesday.

“Voters across Lake County may think they’ve already voted but the County Clerk’s office won’t say whether or not their vote has been cast. That’s unacceptable,” said Lauren Beth Gash. “The County Clerk’s refusal to be transparent is an affront to democracy and we urge them to reverse course immediately.”

County clerks are required to notify voters by letter in the mail letting them know they need to take action by filling out an affidavit to affirm that ballot was properly cast or directing them to vote in person on Election Day. However, many voters may not receive that letter until after Election Day has passed, especially if election judges reject their ballot within a few days of Election Day.

In other counties around Chicagoland, the County Clerk’s offices have been transparent when they reject ballots, regularly responding to requests to determine how many ballots are being rejected and the identity of the voters who have been affected. This allows voting rights advocates to follow up with voters to let them know they need to return an affidavit, come to the Election Commission in person, or show up at the polls in order to make their ballot count. To make matters worse, unlike other neighboring counties, Lake County does not operate a website allowing voters to verify online if their votes have been cast.


Sign wars head to court

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

The last column I write before an election day is always the toughest because some papers will publish this before election day and others will publish it after. So, today you get a yard sign story.

Let’s start with Congressman Peter Roskam’s campaign, which sent out two press releases during the fall campaign complaining about stolen yard signs.

It wasn’t a stolen sign that prompted a proposed temporary restraining order by an apparent supporter. Instead the fear of unwanted yard signs wound up in Lake County court.

A group called Illinois Citizens Ignited formed after one of Roskam’s constituents had two yard signs made to protest Roskam’s NRA support. She placed the signs, which read “Roskam accepted $20,450 from the NRA,” next to Roskam yard signs. The signs were updated after Roskam received more NRA money. Ignited has reported raising $4,420.

Ignited asks residents on its website to help the group find Roskam signs “in the public right of way,” or on a street corner or “along a busy road.” The group has an online form to fill out to report sign locations and it uses a Facebook page to spread the word.

Congressman Roskam was once a law partner in the personal injury firm Salvi, Roskam & Maher. That firm is now called Salvi & Maher and includes the husband and wife duo of former state Rep. Al Salvi and Kathy Salvi.

Kathy Salvi filed a motion for a temporary restraining order against the group on Oct. 23 because, as she claimed through another attorney at her firm, she “fears that her property will be trespassed upon … and that her freedom of speech and political expression, especially as it relates to the free exclusion of the same on her own private property, will be violated by Ignited.”

Ignited’s response claimed that Salvi doesn’t live in Roskam’s district, so she shouldn’t be worried that her yard would be tagged. The judge dismissed the case.

But another TRO demand was filed a few days later against Ignited by a company that owns a shopping center in Lake Zurich. The motion was also filed by that same former Roskam firm.

The new filing claims that since Ignited has “incited, encouraged and/or instructed” incidents of trespass, and has already placed one of the anti-Roskam signs on the plaintiff’s property next to a pro-Roskam sign, it has reason to fear it could happen again.

Congressman Roskam appeared at an event in August with the owner of the shopping center and called the owner and his spouse “dear friends,” according to the Daily Herald. The Roskam campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

The plaintiffs have a point. Don’t put something on my property without my consent. I get that. But a lawsuit seems like a bit much.

Meanwhile, if you think that court action is a little excessive, how does a lawsuit seeking $1 million per removed yard sign sound? That’s the case filed in the 59th House District, where Dan Didech (D-Buffalo Grove) is running against Karen Feldman (R-Lincolnshire) in an open seat race to replace retiring Democratic Rep. Carol Sente.

Feldman and two other local Republican candidates are suing Didech in his official capacity as Vernon Township Supervisor and the township itself because they believe Didech ordered their yard signs removed.

They claim they “placed, or caused to be placed” yard signs in a park, which turns out to be near a polling place.

They allege that Didech had their Republican signs removed, but not Democratic signs. The suit also claims Didech had no legal authority to remove anything. They’re asking $1 million for each sign “to punish them and to deter others from similar wrongful conduct.”

Feldman’s attorney told me that police reports have been filed and said the matter has been referred to the state’s attorney.

Now, if this is true and Didech abused his authority, he should face consequences. But I thought the GOP was for lawsuit reform.

* From Brendan Murray on Sunday morning…

Hello Mr. Miller,

My name is Brendan Murray, and I am the attorney who represented Mrs. Salvi and now represents The Fidelity Group, LP as to their claims against IL Citizens Ignited.

I had the pleasure of reading your 11/2/18 article Saturday evening – wow $1 million per sign? I hope to see a follow-up to that one!

I didn’t want to bother you too late in the night, so I waited until this morning.

After reading your article, I thought that it was very well put, which is why I ask that you give credence to what I am about to say. I know you stated it was your last article pre-election, but in case you ever follow-up with this story, or are reporting another similar matter, that you take the opportunity to clarify something that was put to question in your 11/2/18 article.

You are correct in stating that bringing action into court for an emergency injunctive relief (a.k.a. temporary restraining order, “TRO”) may be a bit much. The granting of a TRO is to maintain the status quo to prevent further harm, but is only applied in exceptional and emergency circumstances because it is considered a drastic remedy.

You are also correct when you say not everything needs to be brought into court. However, the court system is exactly the proper place to bring conflicts such as these, especially in the passionate political climate of the day. It is not just me arguing this, it has been the public policy of Illinois since 1992 when the Illinois Supreme Court held in People v. DiGuida, 152 Ill. 2d 104, 126 (1992), that without the ability of a plaintiff to request relief from court system in a conflict between a private property owner’s rights and the freedom of expression right of another, the only recourse is to resort to self-help. This is not adequate according to the Supreme Court of Illinois, and therefore the public policy is to give individuals an opportunity to resolve the conflict through the court system.

Especially in this passionate climate as it comes to politics and elections, I think reducing incidents of these conflicts is paramount to maintaining respect for the rights of all individuals involved.

In People v. DiGuida, the Supreme Court also found that the private property owner’s right to use and exclude from their property as they wish is a right that is superior to the right of any entrant onto that private property to engage in unconsented to free speech.

These conflicts are unwarranted in a society that believes that open dialogue is the key to success, but as you well know there is activity claimed by all sides as to sign theft, property trespass, etc. Importantly, and to your worry of overkill, an analysis of the details between the first TRO suit from 10/26/18, in which our petition was denied, and that of the second suit from 11/2/18, which granted my client temporary relief, reveals the standards to satisfy in a TRO are difficult to obtain, and the clear capability of the court to apply this rigorous standard. This, again, is due to the remedy being one of a drastic nature.

I only ask that you consider clarifying this issue whenever you get a chance, as you are clearly an author whose writings communicate clear and critical analysis, and thus, your influence to society’s understanding of their rights is great.

IL Citizens Ignited made a press release dated October 30, 2018, stating the Court Order from the Salvi lawsuit gave the right to post signs throughout the 6th district. This was a complete mischaracterization of the Order from 10/26/18, and the Judge made sure it was so stated in the Order from 11/2/18 that nothing in that Order is to be considered as giving IL Citizens Ignited the right to trespass onto private property or post signs on the same. The Judge was not happy at the misrepresentation in the media as to the law and the rights of the citizens.

I appreciate any consideration you have to my input, and please do not take this as any criticism to your work – thank you for your efforts!

Take care,
Brendan M. Murray

That was the most polite letter I’ve ever received from an attorney in my life, including my own.


When was Rauner’s fate sealed?

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My Crain’s Chicago Business column

All the real action in the 2018 governor’s race happened in the primary. Since then, it’s been little more than a series of sideshows while we wait for what looks to be a very predictable outcome.

Democrat J.B. Pritzker unveiled all but one of his policy proposals before the March 20 vote and spent much of that race debating the direction of Illinois with his two main opponents, who produced their own plans and then graciously endorsed him shortly after they lost.

Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner started his primary race by ignoring his opponent, but then had to kick it into high gear in the closing days to narrowly avoid defeat. Polls have shown since then that he has failed to unify Republican voters after that bitter battle. And his rival, state Rep. Jeanne Ives, R-Wheaton, has refused to endorse him to this day.

The governor has since had to scramble to pull his base together while also trying to appeal to moderate suburban women, who have long held the key to the Governor’s Mansion in this state. That’s been complicated by a union-funded “Conservative Party” candidate who regularly slashes him from the right. So Rauner’s been forced to do things like stage an endorsement from the Illinois State Rifle Association in southern Illinois to try to hold things together.

Pritzker, for his part, has spent the general election campaign shelling out massive amounts of money to make extra-special sure that every single sentient creature in this state has received and understood his ubiquitous message on all available news and social media platforms that the governor is a lying failure.

The biggest news since the primary about the Democratic front-runner is not what he wants to do, but what he has been accused of doing. A Cook County inspector general’s report alleged that people near him participated in a “scheme to defraud” taxpayers when they ripped toilets out of Pritzker’s vacant mansion to lower its property taxes. Ten current and former staffers sued his campaign for racial discrimination and retaliation. And then two of his staffers were fired after one took a video of another staffer putting on what resembled blackface (it was supposedly a charcoal facial treatment) and then posted it online.

But Pritzker’s double-digit lead in every public poll has contributed to a lack of enthusiasm by reporters, their editors or both to thoroughly cover his candidacy. During the last few months he’s held publicized Chicago-area events and no reporters turned up to ask him questions. Half the city running for mayor probably doesn’t help, either.

Rauner’s fate was likely sealed the day

Click here to read the rest before commenting, please.


Today’s quotable

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Doug Finke quotes a Teachers Retirement System press release

TRS made sure to emphasize the financial issues facing the system in a news release about the trustees’ action. It noted that TRS’ unfunded liability grew to $75.8 billion in the last budget year “due to the 80th consecutive year of underfunding from state government.”

“Since its founding in 1939, state government has never once appropriated an annual contribution to TRS that equaled full funding in any year,” the news release said.


My favorite photo of the season

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I held my quadrennial pre-election party in Chicago over the weekend. I always invite a couple of dozen or so campaign types to have drinks and break bread the Saturday before election day. I’ve been doing this since 2002 and have never seen one argument.

This year was, I think, the best one. I even convinced the campaign managers for the Bruce Rauner and JB Pritzker campaigns to pose together for a photo. On the left is Betsy Ankney with the Rauner campaign. On the right is Anne Caprara with the Pritzker campaign…

A profile of the two accomplished women is here.

What some of these folks discover at my party is how much alike they all are. It takes a special type of person to run campaigns or flak for them, so most are cut from the same cloth. They may be on opposite sides, but they have lots of things in common.


*** UPDATED x2 - Underwood responds *** Poll: Hultgren trailing by 6 into the home stretch

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Siena College/New York Times poll of 428 likely voters has Democratic challenger Lauren Underwood leading incumbent Republican Congressman Randy Hultgren by 6 points, 49-43. MoE of +/-5 percent.

* Other stuff from the poll

Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president?

    Approve 46%
    Disapprove 49%
    Don’t know 5%

Would you prefer Republicans to retain control of the House of Representatives or would you prefer Democrats to take control?

    Repubs keep House 46%
    Dems take House 46%
    Don’t know 9%

Much more here.

*** UPDATE 1 *** He should’ve dropped this oppo at least a month ago and followed it up with TV ads. Instead, he let Dan Proft release the information and is holding an election eve press conference. Political malpractice on Hultgren’s part…

*** UPDATE 2 *** From Lauren Underwood…

“We have fewer than 24 hours before Election Day and I’m traveling across the seven counties of the 14th District, visiting with voters and my team’s dedicated volunteers. Randy Hultgren clearly saw polling numbers that made him nervous, so he is staging a last minute press conference to discredit my professional work. Our voters deserve better than desperate political stunts from a career politician. They deserve honesty and responsiveness from their representative in Congress; Randy Hultgren has failed on both counts.

“The facts are simple: I’m proud to be a licensed registered nurse in the state of Illinois and two other jurisdictions. I specialize in public health nursing. I have spent my career fighting for affordable, quality healthcare. Throughout my clinical training and decade of nursing experience, I have spent thousands of hours working with patients. I look forward to carrying the values of the 14th District with me to Washington to make real progress on issues like health care that are important to the families of this community.”

Visit to learn the facts.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Monday, Nov 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Follow along with ScribbleLive

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* News coverage roundup: Entire Chicago Board of Education to resign (Updated x2)
* Mayor to announce school board appointments on Monday
* Reader comments closed for the weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Question of the day (Updated)
* Ahead of mass school board resignation, some mayoral opponents ask Pritzker to step in, but he says he has no legal authority (Updated x5)
* Governor’s office says Senate Republicans are “spreading falsehoods” with their calls for DCFS audit (Updated)
* Meanwhile… In Opposite Land
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and some campaign and court-related stuff
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
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* Selected press releases (Live updates)
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