Friday, Mar 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Enjoy this gorgeous weather and I’ll talk to you again Monday. If you just can’t pull yourself from the computer, then make sure to visit Illinoize this weekend. Some really good stuff is being posted tbere. ![]()
Close race
Friday, Mar 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller JBT has been up and down and back up again in the Rasmussen poll. Fresh from primary victories, neither the Democratic nominee nor the Republican nominee enjoys a clear advantage in the race for Governor of Illinois.
Question of the day
Friday, Mar 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller ![]() The full report can be found here. And here’s the Tribune’s take: Four in 10 Americans believe that immigrants strengthen the U.S. with their hard work and talents, but an even bigger portion say immigration saps job and housing availability, a major new study has found. Discuss, but be warned that any racist comments will be deleted and those making such comments will be banned from posting here forever. I mean it. Don’t even think about pushing the envelope.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Briefs and roundups and other stuff
Friday, Mar 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Edgar: JBT needs $10 mil
Friday, Mar 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller That’s a lot of money to raise in a very short time. But all you really need is enough to burn your message in. Beyond that and it’s often just white noise. Former Governor Jim Edgar said today that fellow Republican Judy Baar Topinka needs to raise at least ten million dollars to take on incumbent Governor Rod Blagojevich in November. Redfield had more to say here. Redfield estimates Topinka needs at least $8 million to finance her gubernatorial bid. And then there’s this from CBS2: Redfield and two other University of Illinois colleagues, including former Gov. Jim Edgar, found a lesson in that for Gov. Rod Blagojevich — even $15 million in campaign cash cannot compensate for a lack of credibility.
Lane Evans replacement open thread
Friday, Mar 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller What do you hear? What do you know? What do you think will happen?
Med students want reforms
Friday, Mar 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Lawmakers can’t take gifts, so why should doctors? The drug industry spends big bucks every year lavishing doctors with free samples and other goodies. Does that influence how they prescribe drugs? Most physicians say no. But the American Medical Student Association argues that, at the very least, the freebies raise questions about how much influence the drug firms have. The group, meeting in Chicago this week, favors a ban on all industry marketing to doctors. […] I knew some legislators like that. They’re gone now, thankfully. [emphasis added]
Smoking ban passes
Friday, Mar 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Judging by previous comments, this bill should be pretty popular here. All Illinois counties would be able to ban smoking in public places under legislation approved Thursday and sent to the governor. I’m for this bill, but for purely selfish reasons. I have tried and tried to quit smoking, but I always end up going back because my ability to “just say no” is weakened when I’m in a tavern. I figure I’ll just have one, and then before I know it I’m right back to smoking full-time. So Springfield’s ban and Chicago’s ban ought to be good for my health. And if I can’t slip out to an unincorporated area to drink and smoke, so much the better. Selfish, yes. Sound policy? I’ll leave that up to others to debate.
Martin squeaks by
Friday, Mar 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Partisan rollcall saves Transportation Secretary. The Illinois Senate on Thursday approved a second term for the secretary of transportation, despite Republicans’ concerns about mismanagement within the agency.
Morning shorts
Friday, Mar 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · Gotcha: When asked if Blagojevich would ride Amtrak if the extra trips between Chicago and Springfield were implemented, Vanover replied: “Is this a serious question?” · YDD lays the smackdown. · Tribune editorial: The Dan Ryan honey pot · Free Ryan defense could get expensive · Republican pollster Jan van Lohuizen, in a memo written for RNC chairman Ken Mehlman, warns that if members of Congress try to drive a wedge between themselves and Pres. Bush, it’d be akin to adding weight to an anchor. · Stroger’s son says it will be months before his father’s political future is determined. · Ryan jurors dig in, ask for transcripts, details of tax count · Free or low-cost Internet access should be a no-brainer. And, Illinois moves at dial-up speed in the Information Age · Ex-Clinton aide to lead tollway · Sex offenders missing from registered addresses · Krol’s column. Good as always. · Fighting Predatory Lending… Some Realtors Would Like To See Amendment To Bill · Bolingbrook Workers Accused Of Fraud · More weirdness in Kane County. Major growing pains there. · Note to the DCCC: If you’re going to send me a link to a video, make sure it works. I won’t pass it along here if I can’t see it myself. · People’s Weekly World (not the usual type of link): The wild card in the [Melissa Bean] race could be the independent campaign of Bill Scheurer, running as a pro-union, antiwar, anti-abortion candidate and supported by the Teamsters and UAW.
Now playing…
Friday, Mar 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
I bought the record when I was 14 after seeing his concert TV special. I never knew who he was before that. The only Dylan I knew anything about was Marshal Dylan from “Gunsmoke.” Mr. Stone, my math teacher, made us watch it. Mr. Stone was a Dylan freak. In retrospect, a large number of the faculty were hippies, even though we were in a very conservative area up in Northwest Illinois (Hanover). I was doing AV duty that semester and after Mr. Stone showed the Dylan show in class I watched it almost every day for the rest of the year. I was mesmerized by this angry poet with that giant, truly rocking band. There must’ve been 15 members of the Rolling Thunder Revue, with one guy just wandering around onstage playing the tambourine. (Stone said that was the job he wanted.) Hard Rain was one of the best commercial live albums ever made, only surpassed by some of Dylan’s “bootleg” series releases in the past decade. It’s a must-have. After ordering Hard Rain from the local Ben Franklin (it was the only way to buy music in those parts), I bought a greatest hits collection and I was hooked forever. But when I was replacing my albums with CDs I never bought Hard Rain. I have no idea why. Anyway, I downloaded Hard Rain from I-Tunes the other day (the difference in the modes of purchase - ordering at a local store in 1976 and waiting two weeks to a month for delivery, compared to downloading it immediately from a home computer in 2006 - are kinda stunning) The album is bringing back a rush of memories. But most of those are private and I need to get back to work, so that’s it for now. ![]() Someone’s got it in for me, they’re planting stories in the press