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Sign of the times? Miller-Bailey-Trump yard signs emerge during bus tour

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click the pic, which was taken at a Darren Bailey bus tour event, and you’ll see the signs are paid for by both Mary Miller’s and Bailey’s campaigns…

The signs are also out in the wild, I’m told.

Man, if Bailey doesn’t get this Trump endorsement in Quincy later this month, a whole lot of folks are going to be bummed out, and not just among his faithful followers, if you catch the drift.

But if he does get it, the coverage will likely drown out everything else until primary day.

* Meanwhile, from the DGA…

Ultra-Conservative Darren Bailey Becomes Clear Front-Runner in GOP Race for Illinois Governor

With less than two weeks until the primary, far-right extremist Darren Bailey has broken into a commanding lead, becoming the clear front-runner in the Republican race for Illinois governor.

Today, a new independent poll showed Bailey up by a whopping 18 points — the fourth poll to show him leading the pack in the past couple of weeks. Add that to last night’s endorsement from uber-conservative Congresswoman Mary Miller and former Trump advisor Steve Cortes’ company on the campaign trail, and Bailey seems to be clearing a path to the nomination.

Meanwhile, Richard Irvin — best known for dodged questions, corrupt pay-to-play deals, and half-truths — has flailed for weeks, but these lagging numbers may be the final nail in the coffin. With the primary just days away, Irvin’s praying for a miracle to even come close to making up Bailey’s huge lead.

“The numbers don’t lie. With just days to go until the primary, ultra-conservative Darren Bailey is clearly the front-runner in the race for governor — and his lead is only growing,” said DGA Illinois Press Secretary Yael Sheinfeld. “A Governor Darren Bailey is a danger to Illinoisans everywhere. With his far-right extremist stances on everything from abortion to guns to COVID, Darren Bailey is far too conservative for our state.”


*** UPDATED x3 *** Pritzker gets into two more Democratic state central committee races

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Since we last discussed this topic, Gov. Pritzker has contributed $55,000 to Avon Township Democratic Chair Hal Sloan’s campaign for state central committee. Tom Maillard is the incumbent, but despite receiving several endorsements, he has reported raising almost no money.

And then this hit the mailboxes today…

Former Senate President Cullerton voted with Pritzker on the DPI chair election, accurately predicting that the state party would face some big legal hurdles to raise and spend non-federal campaign funds if Robin Kelly won. Cullerton is running against Sen. Rob Martwick (D-Chicago), and Martwick wasn’t surprised with the endorsement.

Also, Martwick and Pritzker have tangled a bit on MWRD candidate Daniel Pogorzelski. “Pogo” was endorsed by the county party and he’s close to Martwick. Pritzker is going up against the party in that race and is backing former staffer Chakena Perry, who was appointed to the MWRD.

That makes seven public endorsements so far in contested races. The others are here.

*** UPDATE 1 *** The governor has contributed another $500,000 to the Democratic Party of Illinois. He also gave $15,000 to Karen Yarbrough, who’s running unopposed for both state central committee and for county clerk. He also contributed $5,000 to Lake County Sheriff John D. Idleburg.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Rep. Gordon Booth, a strong Pritzker ally at the Statehouse, is running against two other Democrats in this open-seat contest, Pam Davidson (who has also sent a mailer) and Linda McNeely…

*** UPDATE 3 *** Rep. Maurice West (D-Rockford) just confirmed that he was endorsed by Gov. Pritzker. West is running against Virgil Mayberry in the 17th District.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Second supplement to today’s edition

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Campaign notebook

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Ken Griffin gave $6.25 million to Citizens for Judicial Fairness in April. That’s the same Griffin-backed front group which stopped Supreme Court Justice Tom Kilbride from winning his 2020 retention race.

After spending almost $50K last month for mailers attacking 2nd District Supreme Court Republican candidate Mark Curran, it has now disclosed spending $171K for another GOP candidate in the race, Daniel Shanes, the Chief Deputy Judge of the Lake County Circuit Court and former prosecutor. He has a huge endorsement list ranging from former US Attorney Fred Foreman, to Senate GOP Leader Dan McConchie, to Rep. Mark Batinick, to the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police, to Jeanne Ives.

* I think the reference in this Gary Rabine press release is to a somewhat recent Fox News interview where Bailey said he was in favor of leaving this sort of thing up to local school districts rather than dictating from on high. But he’s also said things in the other direction. Anyway, here’s Rabine…

Illinois GOP candidate Darren Bailey says it’s okay for local school districts to adopt woke, far-left sex-ed curriculum in preschool. In doing so, Darren the Cowardly Lion capitulated to the far left. We need a governor who leads on these issues and doesn’t defer to the woke police. The primary function of any governor is to protect its citizens. As your governor, I will begin by protecting our children.

I’ve asked for an explanation. They’re not too fast over there, though.

* DGA…

If Darren Bailey’s stance as the single most conservative candidate for governor was ever in question, this week’s happenings on the campaign trail undoubtedly sealed the deal. After endorsing the far-right extremist on Steve Bannon’s podcast last month, former Trump advisor and self-proclaimed “American nationalist” Steve Cortes this week joined Bailey downstate for his bus tour.

At a campaign stop yesterday, Cortes revealed the details of a recent conversation where he told Trump that “Illinois absolutely is in play” and threw his support behind Illinois Republicans: “This is a wave election year, and we are going to send Mary Miller back to Washington DC and we’re going to put Darren Bailey in the governor’s office in Springfield.”

There’s no doubt that the far-rights of the far-right think Bailey is the true conservative for Illinois.

Meanwhile, there’s growing likelihood that Trump will endorse Bailey in a potential visit to the Prairie State — especially given new polls showing Bailey solidly leading the pack ahead of the primary. It’s an endorsement Bailey’s been vying for since meeting with the former president in Mar-a-Lago, and a show of support that would only widen Bailey’s significant lead.

“With Cortes’ resounding support and an endorsement from Trump himself at play, far-right extremist Darren Bailey’s leaving no room for doubt. He is, without question, the single uber-conservative candidate for governor,” said DGA Illinois Press Secretary Yael Sheinfeld. “Voters know the truth: Darren Bailey is too conservative for Illinois.”

* Least surprising headline of the month

Darren Bailey Endorses Mary Miller For Congress

* Rodney Davis…

Mary Miller’s false, negative TV ad against Rodney Davis has been rated “completely false and misleading” by a local news outlet. This is the same TV ad that landed Miller an ethics investigation for misuse of official resources for campaign purposes, a clear violation of House rules.

“Mary Miller can’t run on her own terrible record so she has to lie about Rodney Davis’ record. The truth is Rodney is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and just voted No on the Democrats’ gun control legislation in the House. He’s a proud gun owner and NRA member and has been endorsed by the NRA in previous elections. Miller’s own record is having a child sex predator serving as her personal campaign driver, being repeatedly fined for chronic late payment of taxes, and teaming up with the Socialist Squad to defund our military. She should be ashamed of her lies and record.” - Aaron DeGroot, Davis campaign spokesperson

You can read or watch the news clip by clicking here

* Politico

Outside campaign cash floods into local races for Congress: “The race for governor isn’t the only one this year in which outside spending is very, very large,” by Crain’s Greg Hinz.

Outside spending dominates in IL-15 GOP primary, by Illinois Newsroom’s Harrison Malkin

Some congressional candidates have skipped filing mandatory financial disclosure reports: “Late-filing penalties start at $200, according to the House Ethics Committee’s instruction guide. Failing to file can trigger fines of up to $66,190 and up to one year in prison,” by Daily Herald’s Russell Lissau. […]

Dems in state rep race clash over campaign mailer: “Rashid slams Zalewski piece claiming he’s backed by GOP fundraiser,” by Landmark’s Bob Skolnik.

— Attorney General Kwame Raoul has been endorsed by the Collective PAC, which focuses on increasing Black political engagement.


Pritzker’s spokesperson accuses Durkin of using “racist language,” calls Chicago FOP president “racist zealot”

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Center Square

House Minority Leader Jim Durkin, alongside Chicago Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara and former Chicago Police Department Officer Robert Mizera, criticized Gov. J.B. Pritzker at a Tuesday news conference for his handling of the Prisoner Review Board.

Mizera, a former CPD officer, was shot and injured by Kensley Hawkins in 1980. Hawkins later would be convicted of the murder of a 65-year-old man and was sentenced to almost 100 years in prison.

He is now out of prison after being commuted by Pritzker and his appointed Illinois Prisoner Review Board.

“Mr. Hawkins was zealously represented by Department Counsel Lisa Schoedel at Jenner & Block, as part of [Illinois Prison Project’s] pro bono program,” an April 28 statement from Jenner & Block said. “Ms. Schoedel’s commitment and dedication to Mr. Hawkins and his case paid off: Last week, she received a call from the Illinois Governor’s Office, telling her that Mr. Hawkins would be coming home.”

Mizera said he learned of his attacker’s release via an email and has had no further discussion with Pritzker or his administration about the decision.

“On April 22nd, 2021, I was informed by email that Mr. Hawkins had been released from prison with no reason given,” Mizera said at Tuesday’s news conference. “The governor did not call me, he did not ask me what I thought and he probably did not care, so that’s my dealing with Governor Pritzker and his release of people who obviously should still be in prison.”

Catanzara asked the residents of Illinois to think about what would happen to them in this situation.

“If an officer cannot get justice, and their families cannot get justice, what does the average person think is going to happen to the monsters that murder their loved ones?” Catanzara said.

Durkin, R-Western Springs, called the clemency a sign of disrespect to law enforcement.

“Today I am here to talk about Governor Pritzker’s continuing lack of respect and continuing attack on our police officers, those currently on the force and those who have already served, and the victims of crime in this state,” Durkin said.

Pritzker has granted clemency to more than 20 individuals previously convicted of crimes since taking office.

I emailed Durkin’s spokesperson to ask if Hawkins had been arrested since his release more than a year ago. No reply.

* From the governor’s office…

The leader of the Republican Party standing with a racist zealot spewing lie after lie while using racist language like “savages” is unfortunately the new norm. If Leader Durkin truly cared about making our state a safer place to live, he would have voted to provide funding for more Illinois State Troopers, to build and staff a new crime lab to process evidence, and expand violence interruption programs. While Leader Durkin continues to lie about what the criminal justice reform bill does, advocates for survivors who worked on the law say “it increases safety for survivors.” Gov. Pritzker is focused on solutions, not tired talking points.


Kensley Hawkins spent 40 years in prison after being convicted of attempted murder based on the conduct of his co-defendant under the theory of accountability. He was 70 years old with a number of health conditions at the time he was granted parole.

From advocates who worked on the bill:

    • “That’s not what we consider advocating for survivors, nor is the tendency of some law enforcement officials to use survivors as an excuse to justify total opposition to reform, all the while ignoring the lived experiences that informed these structural changes.

Contrary to the false arguments advanced by opponents, the new pretrial system will not simply release every person arrested for a crime. For example, it will ensure people held for forcible felonies, including domestic or sexual violence, are kept for up to 48 hours. It will give the state time to gather information about whether someone poses a threat to others. It is a welcome reform to the current practice of releasing people who can pay the bond with minimal regard for the threat they may pose to survivors.”

Who is John Catanzara?

    • According to the Citizens Police Data Project, he has been the subject of 50 allegations — more than 96% of Chicago police officers.
    • Once suspended for 30 days following an investigation into allegations of domestic abuse in 2003.
    • Reprimanded following an investigation into an allegation of excessive force in 2003.
    • Suspended for six days following an investigation into allegations of conduct unbecoming an officer by associating with a felon while off-duty in 2003.
    • Suspended for 20 days following an investigation into allegations of conduct unbecoming by associating with a felon while off-duty in 2004.
    • Suspended for 10 days for insubordination in 2005.
    • Suspended for 15 days following an investigation into an allegation of a personnel violation at an Old Town tavern in 2007.
    • Suspended for 20 days after the Chicago Police Board found him guilty of violating department rules by working as a private security guard while on medical leave for a back injury in 2008. Supt. Garry McCarthy had sought to fire him.
    • According to the Chicago Tribune, then-Police Supt. Jody Weis sought to fire Catanzara in 2008, accusing him of failing to follow orders to complete a psychological exam, but the Chicago Police Board cleared Catanzara of wrongdoing.
    • Suspended for 10 days following an investigation into miscellaneous personnel violations in 2013.

* Durkin “savages” quote

There is a provision in [the SAFE-T Act] which for the first time is going to allow a defendant, a defendant to be able to compel the victim of crime to appear at a detention hearing starting January 1. … We have a responsibility to protect victims, not to feed them to the savages, is what JB Pritzker and the Democrats have done under this legislation.

…Adding… From a contemporaneous news report…

* And a debunking of Durkin’s actual claim…

* Statement from the Illinois Prison Project…

The Illinois Prison Project represented Kensley Hawkins in his clemency petition alongside Jenner & Block through our pro bono program. It’s no surprise proponents of failed, carceral policies would rather resort to racist dog whistles and political grandstanding than engage with substantive, evidence-based solutions that actually make our communities safer.

Mr. Hawkins was released in April 2021, just six years short of his estimated release date, after having spent almost four decades behind bars. His medical conditions put him at an increased risk of death from COVID-19 at a time when the virus had already infected tens of thousands of people in Illinois prisons.

Mr. Hawkins was convicted under the controversial theory of accountability, a legal doctrine that allows for a person to be convicted of a crime they not only didn’t commit but also didn’t plan, agree, or intend to commit, and at which they were not even present.

He has not been arrested since his release more than a year ago. You can watch Mr. Hawkins share his story here.


Pritzker says he intends to “do a good job” for Illinoisans for four years if reelected

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pritzker was asked today whether he was running for president

So it’s funny that you’re saying that, Mary Ann, because the truth is that I’m going to help other Democratic governors get elected in Massachusetts, in New Hampshire, in Maine, to help raise money, to help get the word out. These are pro-choice Democratic governors. It’s the most important thing that we’ve got to deal with across the country, that the Supreme Court is forcing us to deal with, and that is, they’re looking to overturn Roe v. Wade. The governors are the ones who are going to have power to make sure that we preserve reproductive rights for women and, broadly, rights that are going to be taken away as a result of their overturning of the right to privacy. So we need governors who are going to stand up for women, for the LGBTQ community, for all of us in our individual rights.

And when asked about the perception of visiting New Hampshire, Pritzker said this

I can’t tell you anything other than I love the job that I have. It’s why I’m running for reelection as governor of our state. And I intend to continue to do a good job for the people of the state for the next four years.

Promises like those are often broken. Darren Bailey once ruled out a run for governor.

* But here’s the thing: Illinois and several other states are in the running to be the first in a revamped primary system. Here’s Lynn Sweet

WHAT IS CHANGING: The DNC’s Rules and Bylaws Committee passed an April resolution calling for a diverse nominating process that “contributes to a fair and sound electoral process” and helps Democrats win the White House. The DNC also made clear it prefers the more straightforward primary balloting.

THE COMPETITION: The DNC contemplates the first four primaries to be in four regions. Illinois is competing for the Midwest slot against bids filed by Friday from state Democratic parties in Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska and Oklahoma. […]

Illinois Democrats need to make the first cut and be invited to make a presentation to the Rules and Bylaws meeting June 22-24 in Washington. The committee votes in August. The full DNC will approve a new nominating calendar in September.

Visiting New Hampshire ain’t what it used to be.


New laws

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Ramirez and Sen. CP-Z…

To inaugurate the newly-established Milwaukee Avenue Polish Heritage Corridor, state Rep. Delia Ramirez, D-Chicago, and state Sen. Cristina Pacione-Zayas, D-Chicago, are holding a press conference on Thursday, June 16 at 2 p.m. at the Polish Museum of America, 984 N. Milwaukee Ave. in Chicago. Ramirez will also be joined by Rep. Lindsey LaPointe, Sen. Robert F. Martwick and representatives of the Polish-American Chamber of Commerce.

Ramirez passed House Bill 5581 creating the new Heritage Corridor, and the bill was signed into law last week.

* Governor’s office…

Gov. JB Pritzker today signed into law legislation allowing for the implementation of design-build project delivery, an efficient, alternative method for completing the state’s infrastructure improvements.

Senate Bill 2981 creates the Innovations for Transportation Infrastructure Act, authorizing the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and the Illinois Tollway Authority to adopt the use of the design-build delivery method on highway construction projects. IDOT currently utilizes the design-bid-build project delivery method in which the department designs a construction plan, then reviews bids from contractors. Design-build would create a more efficient process, allowing a single contractor to handle both design and construction of the project. Any projects that adopt this method would be capped at a combined total of $400 million.

“Illinoisans deserve modernized infrastructure on a timely basis,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “A design-build delivery method won’t just save taxpayers money—it will streamline our construction process and deliver the infrastructure improvements that our state requires. With this legislation, our Rebuild Illinois investment plan will be expedited in a time-efficient, cost-effective, and equity-based manner. I am proud to sign this bipartisan bill into law thanks to our legislative partners’ foresight and advocacy.”

“Streamlining the implementation of infrastructure projects will save taxpayer dollars and rebuild our roads, bridges and mass transit systems in a transparent and equitable manner,” said State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago). “Finding alternative ways to deliver on the Rebuild Illinois capital plan remains a top priority for me as chair of the Senate Transportation Committee.”

“Flexibility makes for more effective and responsive solutions,” said State Representative Marcus C. Evans, Jr. “This new law will allow bidders and contractors to be more agile and adaptable in response to public needs, and for transportation agencies to ensure that bureaucratic red tape doesn’t interfere with our pursuit of the best solutions on behalf of all Illinoisans.”

“This innovative approach to designing and building our state’s infrastructure will save time and money, and that’s a win-win for the taxpayers of Illinois,” said State Senator Donald DeWitte (R-St. Charles), Chief Co-Sponsor of the legislation and Minority Spokesperson of the Senate Transportation Committee. “We’re streamlining processes, maximizing efficiencies, and fostering a collaborative approach from start to finish. I am proud to be the leading Republican sponsor of this bipartisan legislation.”

“We thank Gov. Pritzker and the General Assembly for coming through to approve these new methods of project of delivery at IDOT, something that’s been long overdue in Illinois, the transportation hub of North America and a state rich with infrastructure,” said Illinois Transportation Secretary Omer Osman. “These give us more tools in the toolbox to make sure we are delivering the governor’s historic Rebuild Illinois capital program to the public as efficiently and effectively as possible.”

“This law will give Illinois a proven best practice that will help deliver transportation projects more quickly and efficiently, saving money and getting people and goods where they need to go sooner,” said Kelly Welsh, President, Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago. “I want to thank Governor Pritzker, Transportation Committee Chairman Ram Villivalam, the leadership of organized labor, and the construction and engineering industry for their hard work and partnership in bringing this innovation to our state transportation program.”

“Illinois is on its way to joining the many other states both nationwide and in the Midwest that have already authorized design-build to deliver infrastructure projects,” said Mary Tyler, AICP, Transportation Director, Illinois Economic Policy Institute. “Design-build has become the industry-standard, and research shows it delivers projects more quickly and promotes cost savings. Illinois will now be equipped with a more streamlined and efficient process to tackle large, complex infrastructure projects that are vital to the state’s transportation systems.”

“Equal access in the built industry for minority owned firms in a meaningful and sustained manner must be the highest priority today,” said Rev. Larry S. Bullock, MPA, President/CEO, USMCA. “Members of the US Minority Contractors Association [USMCA], headquartered here in Illinois, enthusiastically support this new and innovative design-build law and Governor Pritzker’s affirmative action taken today as he once again gives genuine support to diversity, equity and inclusion in the state of Illinois.”

“Providing IDOT and the Tollway the authority to utilize alternative delivery methods like design-build will responsibly expedite construction projects, with the goal of producing more jobs for Illinois workers and shorter construction times for Illinois commuters and businesses,” said Kevin Artl, President and CEO of the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois. “ACEC-IL and its members are proud to have championed SB2891 and applaud the General Assembly and Governor Pritzker for their great work on this legislation.”

The Innovations for Transportation Infrastructure Act also authorizes IDOT and the Tollway to use the construction manager-general contractor delivery method on at most two projects per year. In adopting this method, the department would contract with a single contractor to serve as the construction manager for the design phase, then agree on a price to serve as general contractor for construction.

Additionally, the act requires IDOT and the Tollway to ensure full participation for minority and women-owned businesses by implementing separate goals for design and construction, bid-shopping protections, and requiring independent construction managers for projects costing over $30 million.

The adoption of the design-build method will serve as a method of streamlining the implementation of Governor Pritzker’s landmark, bipartisan Rebuild Illinois infrastructure investment plan. Passed in 2019, Rebuild Illinois is investing a total of $33.2 billion over six years into the state’s aging transportation system, creating jobs and promoting economic growth.

Rebuild Illinois is not only the largest capital program in state history, but also the first that touches all modes of transportation: roads and bridges, transit, waterways, freight and passenger rail, aviation, and bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. The plan’s implementation has led to a complete revitalization of infrastructure in Illinois.

* Governor’s office…

Today, Governor JB Pritzker signed legislation into law requiring insurance and managed health plans provide coverage for continuous glucose monitors, an essential tool for diabetes care. SB2969 expands safe and affordable treatment options for thousands of Illinoisans. Continuous glucose monitors are essential devices for patients with both Type I and Type II diabetes to maintain safe blood sugar levels and prevent the need for emergency medical care. The bill was signed at Lurie Children’s Hospital, a major endocrinology center that treats thousands of diabetic patients each year.

“No one—regardless of their socioeconomic status or insurance coverage—should go without the care they require,” said Governor Pritzker. “But for too long, diabetics have had to make the impossible choice between obtaining this necessary medical equipment or putting food on the table. That is an unacceptable burden to ask diabetics to bear, and this legislation will ensure insurance companies support these essential devices and those that use them”

More than 1.3 million Illinoisans suffer from diabetes. Continuous glucose monitors track blood sugar throughout the day, allowing up-to-the-minute data for patients to use when assessing diet or the need for insulin. Although diabetes is a manageable disease, the tools to monitor and control the disease are essential for that management to be successful. Failure to treat elevated or decreased blood sugar levels can result in serious illness for patients, often requiring expensive emergency care and hospitalization.

Diabetes disproportionately affects minority and low-income communities, further exacerbating the equity gap caused by high-cost monitoring devices. CDC data shows Black, Hispanic, and Native American Illinoisans are all at a higher risk of getting diabetes. This legislation ensures the most at-risk Illinoisans cannot be denied coverage that is desperately needed to stay healthy and prevent further medical complications.

Governor Pritzker has codified several other insurance expansions into law during his time in office to expand access to necessary healthcare that has been neglected or gone uncovered by insurance providers in the past. Legislation signed by the Governor has required insurance coverage for prostate cancer and breast cancer screenings, naloxone, prophylactic AIDS medicine, over-the-counter birth control, and more. Governor Pritzker also signed an executive order during the COVID-19 pandemic requiring telehealth be covered at the same rate as in-person care, codifying that protection into law in 2021.

“This is a development in science that should be available to help people better regulate their diabetes,” said State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest). “Glucose monitoring systems should be covered the same as other medical equipment. Today we are taking a positive toward making these devices more accessible.”

“No one should have to worry about how they will access quality healthcare or the medicine they need to be well,” said Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton. “By signing this legislation, Illinois honors its promise of putting resources and policies in place that benefit the health and welfare of residents throughout the state.”

“No person with diabetes should have to worry about being able to afford monitoring their blood sugar,” said State Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago). “Diabetes patients should not be treated differently than anyone else. We need to be doing all that we can to ensure that we are providing affordable health care to all.”

“One of the first doors I knocked on when I first ran for this role was answered by a 20 year old with type 1 diabetes,” said State Rep. Suzanne Ness (D-Crystal Lake). “His number one priority was the cost of healthcare as this was going to affect him his whole life. While IL has capped the cost of insulin, it is only right that we include and make more affordable, life changing devices that improve a person’s quality of life. SB2969 does just that.”

“The signing of SB 2969 is another example of Illinois leading the fight for those in our communities who need it the most,” said State Rep. Kambium Buckner (D-Chicago). “Glucose monitors provide users with important information about their blood sugar levels and can literally be the difference between life and death. Removing barriers like this brings us closer to our goal of complete healthcare equity that serves all of the people of Illinois.”

“Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago commends Governor Pritzker, Senator Julie Morrison and Representative Suzanne Ness for passing and signing into law legislation that will improve access to Continuous Glucose Monitor devices for Illinois children and families afflicted with diabetes,” stated Dr. Naomi Fogel, Medical Director of the Diabetes Program at Lurie Children’s. “Children and families with access to Continuous Glucose Monitors have improved health outcomes, reducing their risk for Emergency Room visits, hospitalizations and future complications.”

“The American Diabetes Association applauds Senator Julie Morrison for sponsoring SB 2969 and Governor Pritzker for signing it into law today,” said Gary Dougherty, Director of State Government Affairs for the Association. “Advances in diabetes technology are changing lives. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) provides glucose readings every few minutes, allowing for improved monitoring and management of diabetes. By requiring state-regulated health plans to cover CGMs, even more people will have affordable access to this technology which can lower their risk for dangerous complications of diabetes.”

“On behalf of the Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging, we thank Governor Pritzker for signing Senate Bill 2969. This legislation will help more older adults and their caregivers to access real-time glucose data monitoring to better manage their diabetes and reduce unnecessary hospitalizations. We would also like to thank Senator Morrison and Representative Ness for their leadership on this issue that will improve the health of seniors and all Illinoisans,” said Marla Fronczak, President of the Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging

“This important new law will help people suffering from diabetes stay healthy. We thank Governor Pritzker for signing this important law and Senator Julie Morrison and Representative Suzanne Ness for getting it through the General Assembly,” said Dr. Rodney Alford, President-Elect Illinois State Medical Society.

* Sen. Simmons…

To allow students in custody of the Illinois Department of Corrections the opportunity to continue to earn an education while serving their time, State Senator Mike Simmons passed a law to allow students to attend classes remotely.

“I thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in the Senate for supporting this legislation,” said Simmons (D-Chicago) This removes a systemic barrier for youth in custody who ought to be able to continue their education. We are giving them a better chance of finding employment and thriving when re-entering their communities”

Simmons’ law will create a pilot program to allow remote learning for students of Consuella B. York Alternative High School that are in the custody of the IDOC. If successful, the program could roll out in other alternative schools across Illinois. California currently has programs that allow inmates to work toward their Bachelor’s Degree. Research from the Cal Matters Organization show such programs have contributed to improving opportunities and lowering recidivism rates.

“This is a great step toward shoring up the gaps that exist in serving the needs of those who are incarcerated,” Simmons said. “Doing so will help buttress our overall efforts to lower recidivism rates and increase public safety.”

House Bill 5016 was signed into law and took immediate effect.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Update to today’s edition

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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COVID-19 outbreak at state’s Manteno veterans’ home, state says one asymptomatic vet who was already in hospice has died

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

As COVID-19 transmission rates continue to rise across Illinois, with at least 32 counties reporting a “high community level,” the Illinois Veterans’ Home at Manteno is experiencing an increase in COVID-19 cases among its veterans and staff. Based on robust rapid testing and the support of the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) laboratories, in quick succession, we have identified 6 staff and 16 residents as positive for COVID-19. A small number of the positive residents are showing only mild symptoms, while the majority are experiencing no symptoms. All the residents who tested positive have been moved to the negative pressure isolation unit and are being closely monitored and cared for by dedicated Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs (IDVA) personnel. All the residents who have tested positive have received at least two doses of the vaccine and 15 are up to date with their boosters. A staff physician is assessing residents’ need for anti-viral post exposure medication. Sadly, one veteran, already under hospice care and completely asymptomatic, passed away early this morning–only hours after his booster shot and results of a COVID positive result.

Our top priority is the health and safety of our military veterans and the heroic staff who care for them. We take this very seriously. We are following recommendations from local health officials, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and the IDPH to safeguard everyone at the facility. This includes continuing daily health screenings of our veterans, routine COVID-19 testing of staff and residents, use of N-95 respirator masks with protective face shields, maintaining social-distancing practices, using gloves and gowns, and intensified cleaning and disinfection protocols. During an outbreak, residents are encouraged to stay in their rooms to minimize movement within the facility. IDPH staff was on site, only hours after the tests came back positive, working to ensure the full protection, testing, and care of anyone potentially exposed.

Communal dining and activities have been curtailed in the home until the outbreak has ended. We are grateful to our team for remaining highly vigilant for signs or symptoms of COVID-19 and for responding swiftly, appropriately, and professionally to any potential cases. Activities and social services staff continue to develop leisure activities, in accordance with social distancing practices, to care for the psychosocial wellbeing of our veterans. Visitation is allowed to continue, per CDC guidelines however, families have been notified that we are in outbreak status and that rescheduling visitation should be considered.

Everyone seems so lax almost everywhere now, but people gotta get back to taking this virus a bit more seriously in nursing homes.


Sen. Crowe resigns to take over as US Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

State Senator Rachelle Aud Crowe was recently confirmed by the United States Senate to serve as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois. Leading up to her swearing in, she released the following statement after resigning from the Illinois Senate Wednesday:

“Since joining the Senate in 2019, I’ve felt overwhelming support from my family, my colleagues in the General Assembly and the Metro East community—my heart is full of gratitude as I submit my resignation.

“I will cherish the partnerships and friendships that grew in my time in the Illinois Senate as we worked to advocate for change, update laws and improve our great state together. While serving the diverse communities of the 56th District was often challenging, I was overjoyed to see how we are united in our fight to enhance opportunities for families across the state.

“I am forever grateful to families of the 56th District for giving me the opportunity to serve, and I thank you all for your encouragement and thoughtfulness over the years. I love Illinois, and I look forward to continuing my work in public service in my new position.”

Senator Crowe submitted her formal resignation Wednesday, June 15 and was effective as of 10 a.m.

For a brief moment, the Senate’s membership included an actual fed. Weird times.

…Adding… Senate President Harmon…

Senate President Don Harmon issued a statement praising Crowe’s tenure in the Illinois Senate.

“Rachelle Crowe is a rising star who has been a strong voice for the people and communities she represented and the issues they care about. She will be a fantastic U.S. attorney, and I look forward to following her successful career,” Harmon said.


Pritzker calls Cat’s HQ execs “office personnel” as he downplays company’s move of “one office” to Texas

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pritzker was asked about Caterpillar moving its corporate headquarters out of the suburbs and down to Texas. Man, is this ever a major downplay

Well, if we’re talking about net jobs in the state, actually, Caterpillar has added jobs in our state. So it is true that they are moving 240 of their personnel, those are not manufacturing personnel, they’re office personnel, to another location. But they’ve added hundreds of other jobs to the state. We have more than 17,400 Caterpillar employees that are working in factories and assembly plants in our state. We’ve added many more jobs, in fact, hundreds of thousands of jobs since the worst parts of our pandemic have been added to our economy. So we’re gonna keep working at that. I’m proud of the work that’s been done to attract businesses to the state. We’ve had so many move in here. And of course, disappointed to see Caterpillar move that one office.

Of course businesses reopened after the worst of the pandemic and hired back hundreds of thousands of people, but Illinois’ unemployment rate continues to lag the rest of the country.

Also, Cat has been headquartered in this state for almost a hundred years. This ain’t some just-passing-through company like Boeing.

…Adding… Not to mention the loss of business to accountants, law firms and other headquarters vendors…

…Adding… Background is here if you need it. From comments…

Pritzker on Monday: 200 jobs is a big deal.

Pritzker on Tuesday: 230 jobs is no big deal.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We’re gonna have a little bit of fun today. A recent Personal PAC mailer

Click the pic for the full piece.

* Now, let’s zoom in

Hmm. Martwick’s been in a band for years. I’ve seen him play.

* Here’s Martwick singing an original tune, entitled, um, “It’s All About Me”

Click here for a more recent video.

* The Question: Is Personal PAC right that Martwick can’t carry a tune? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.


Fourth poll has Bailey in the lead, this time by 18 points

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Whew…

* No crosstabs. Methodology

Illinois Survey
• Conducted 06/10/22 - 06/13/22
• 1075 Respondents
• Likely 2022 GOP Primary Voters
• Response Rate: 1.43%
• Margin of Error: 2.9%
• Confidence: 95%
• Response Distribution: 50%
• Methodology:

* And this trend will add to the misery of establishment Republicans

Ms. Hubbard is, um, quite something.

* Pollster background

Trafalgar Group adjusts its polls for a “social desirability bias” effect, the hypothesized tendency of some voters to calibrate their responses to polls towards what they believe the survey taker would like to hear. It does this by not only asking respondents how they plan to vote, but also how they think their neighbors might vote. Former Democratic Party strategist Ed Kilgore, in New York Magazine in July 2020, criticized Trafalgar’s approach, writing, “The Shy Trump Voter may not be entirely a myth, but they’re not numerous enough to fill a Trump rally, much less change an election result or rebut a poll.” Responding to criticism of Trafalgar’s polling methods and its lack of transparency about its methods, Cahaly said in November 2020, “I think we’ve developed something that’s very different from what other people do, and I really am not interested in telling people how we do it. Just judge us by whether we get it right.”

In presidential polling, Trafalgar Group only conducts state-level polls; according to Cahaly, “we don’t do national polls, and that’s for the same reason I don’t keep up with hits in a baseball game: It’s an irrelevant statistic”.

Before the 2020 election, FiveThirtyEight gave Trafalgar a grade of C−. As of April 2021, FiveThirtyEight gave Trafalgar a grade of A−.

According to The New York Times, there is almost no explanation of the Trafalgar Group’s methodology: “the methods page on Trafalgar’s website contains what reads like a vague advertisement of its services and explains that its polls actively confront social desirability bias, without giving specifics as to how.


Rate the new VoteVets TV ad

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Politico

VoteVets is out with a $430,000 new ad accusing Delia Ramirez of wanting to defund the police. It’s a reference to a letter she signed on to two years ago calling on Chicago to “defund the Chicago Police Department.” VoteVets supports Gil Villegas in the IL-03 Democratic primary.

* The letter…

* The ad


When this horrific crime wave hit Chicago, Delia Ramirez’ answer? Defund the police immediately. Delia even voted to put people arrested for violent crimes back on our streets. We can’t trust Delia Ramirez to keep us safe.

Democrat Gil Villegas. As a union truck driver and aldermen, he’s been fighting for working families. In Congress, Gil make our communities safer with fewer illegal guns and more police on our streets. Gil Villegas. A lifetime of fighting for us.


All of these things (and more) can be true about the Cat move

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From MarketWatch

The move is “in the best strategic interest of the company,” Chief Executive Jim Umpleby said in a statement. The heavy-machinery maker has had a presence in Texas since the 1960s, it said.

* From comments

It’s not like Cat had a deep history in Deerfield. It was always intended to be a stopgap location instead of leaving straight out of Peoria.

Remember, Umpleby is the first CEO who didn’t come up through the Cat ranks, he was acquired from a subsidiary and never particularly liked living in Peoria in the first place.

* Also from comments

That right to work stuff, no state income tax, and loser pays legal fees in state court sure has some appeal to some.

* Joe Cahill

If Pritzker thinks those manufacturing jobs are secure, he’s kidding himself. Moving a headquarters out of a state makes it easier to move factory jobs eventually; company bosses are insulated from the local fallout.

After Boeing moved to Chicago, it shifted manufacturing jobs from Seattle to South Carolina. Chicago could find itself on the wrong end of that equation this time. Caterpillar has been opening new plants in southern states, and recently moved the headquarters of one of its divisions to Texas. […]

Caterpillar’s comments on Texas were telling. The company told Bloomberg the move would improve access to talent and praised Dallas’ two airports.

That should puncture any complacency about Illinois’ assets. We pride ourselves on workforce talent and airport connections, among other things. Apparently they’re not as unique as we thought.

* Back to comments

CAT, like Boeing, is another company that over the last 20+ years or so, profoundly lost its way.

A strong culture of ethics and engineering, gave way to anti-unionism and financialization - and resultant major business scandals.

* Leader Durkin

The reasons for this decision could not have been more clear – Illinois’ business climate no longer works for this company.


An oops on so many levels

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune headline…

Except, when you read the editorial, they actually endorsed Javier Yanez over Sen. Celina Villanueva and Lamont Williams over Willie Preston.

The paper has since updated its online headline to reflect the Yanez endorsement, but not the Williams endorsement

Considering that Preston was caught falsely claiming the endorsement of Jesse White, I gotta wonder if he’ll use that headline as well. /s

* Also, get a load of this

Yanez, 38, is a smart guy from Pilsen with some strong ideas and an independent streak that will make sense for those who find Villanueva too far to the left. “I’m not going to be tied to the mainstream machine mentality that has stalled out progress,” he told us, arguing that his opponent has precisely those kinds of ties. “I don’t do deals with tainted politicians,” he said. “And nothing can be achieved without first addressing corruption.”

Villanueva is a mainstream machine Democrat? And Yanez is a moderate? Man, did they ever get snowed. Maybe that comes from not doing any actual legislative candidate interviews.


Open thread

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Thread away.


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Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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