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Protected: *** UPDATED x1 *** Subscribers only - Session update

Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Pritzker’s “deal-closing fund” begins to move forward in House

Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Amendment 2 to SB1720 includes this line

In addition to any other transfers that may be provided for by law, at a time or times during Fiscal Year 2023 as directed by the Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer up to a total of $400,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Large Business Attraction Fund.

Greg Hinz first wrote about this back in October

But with Illinois not yet luring big facilities such as those recently announced in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and other states, Illinois could use a big deal-closing fund, Pritzker said—essentially a pot of money the governor is empowered to dip into to sweeten economic development deals when the competition with other states is tight. “Michigan has, I believe, a $1 billion fund. They can just write a check,” he said. “It would be great if we had a closing fund in Illinois.”

Pritzker’s apparent reference was to Michigan’s Strategic Outreach & Attraction Reserve Fund, which can provide grants or loans for “infrastructure improvements, capital investments, acquisition of machinery and job training.” Officials there say the fund has been a major success.

* The measure’s sponsor is House Majority Leader Greg Harris, who explained the purpose to the Executive Committee this evening

The fund, proposed by the Governor, would allow the state of Illinois to be competitive with other states in attracting large businesses with many employees to the state of Illinois, especially in emerging technologies such as electronic vehicles, batteries, semiconductors, those kinds of things

When asked to elaborate, Harris said

I think there’ll be some enabling legislation coming along in which this is defined, in which there will be some guardrails and reporting on how this would be [implemented]. It’s a program that does not exist yet.

Asked when the House will see that enabling legislation, Harris said, “Hopefully, before the sun rises tomorrow.” House Exec then passed the bill on a partisan roll call.


*** UPDATED x2 - House passes bill with 67 votes *** Dobbs Working Group bill explained

Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a bit earlier today

As noted before, the Senate has yet to sign off on this bill.

* Here’s your one-pager for HA1 to SB3799

Reproductive Health & Dobbs Working Group Agenda
Patients and Providers Protection Act
January 5, 2023

Article 1 - Plan B Vending Machines at Colleges: Requires public colleges, community colleges, and universities to each make emergency contraception accessible for purchase in at least one vending machine on each campus at a cost no greater than $40. This is similar to HB 4247 (B. Hernandez) of the 102nd, but adds community colleges back into the bill.

Article 2 - Insurance Coverage For Abortifacients, Gender-affirming health care medications, And PEP/PrEP and Advance Provision: Requires abortifacients (i.e., medications administered to terminate a pregnancy), gender-affirming health care medications, and PEP/PrEP medication (i.e., HIV treatment) to be covered by insurers at no-cost. This applies to health insurance governed by the Accident and Health Insurance Article of the Insurance Code, State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971, the Counties Code, the Municipal Code, the Health Maintenance Organization Act, the School Code, and the Voluntary Health Services Act. Additionally, this requires abortion care coverage to include medications prescribed for the purpose of producing an abortion without proof of pregnancy. This is effective January 1, 2024.

Article 3 - Birth Center Expansion for Reproductive Health Care: Expands access to reproductive health care by permitting birth centers in Illinois to provide full spectrum reproductive health care and sexual health care, instead of only childbirth-related needs of pregnant persons and their newborns. This is accomplished by stating that nothing in the Act prohibits birth centers from providing sexual health care and reproductive health care in accordance with applicable rules, regulations and licensing requirements.

Article 5 - Hormonal Birth Control Standing Order: Allows patients to receive hormonal birth control over the counter from a pharmacist pursuant to a standing order from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). Currently, a patient may only receive hormonal birth control from a pharmacist pursuant to a valid prescription or a standing order by a licensed physician or local health department, not IDPH. This also limits an employee of IDPH issuing a standing order from liability for merely issuing the standing order.

Article 6 - Fetal Homicide Laws: Clarifies that no person is subject to civil liability for receiving an abortion under the Wrongful Death Act, clarifies that no hospital personnel shall report an abortion to law enforcement agencies; and clarifies that the statute of limitations under the RHA is 2 years

Article 7 - Parentage Act Amendments: Amends the Parentage Act to:

    1. Allow intended parents or parents to dispose of any cryopreserved fertilized ovum to be governed by the intended parent’s or parent’s most recent informed consent or under a marital settlement agreement;
    2. Allow for the establishment of a parent-child relationship in the event of gestational surrogacy in the event that an intended parent dies; and
    3. Clarify that a certifying physician in the event of gestational surrogacy may be licensed in the state that the transfer or insemination took place, not just in Illinois.

The statutes collectively referred to as the Illinois Parentage Act of 2015 apply to the establishment of a parent-child relationship in Illinois.

Article 8 - Clarifying that Assisted Reproduction is Protected under the Reproductive Health Ac (RHA) and Permitting Advanced Practice Clinicians To Provide Abortions: Adds “assisted reproduction” to the definition of reproductive health care in the Reproductive Health Act. “Assisted Reproduction” means a method of achieving a pregnancy through the handling of human oocytes, sperm, zygotes, or embryos for the purpose of establishing a pregnancy. Amends the RHA to allow advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants to perform aspiration abortions that do not require general anesthesia. This language is agreed between ISMS, the Nurses Association and abortion providers.

Article 9 - Disciplinary Protections For Professional Licenses: Prevents the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (DFPR) from taking disciplinary action against any health care professional licensed under the Division of Professional Regulation Acts governed by DFPR based solely upon the license of the professional being disciplined by any state for providing or participating in any health care that is legal in Illinois, regardless of whether it is legal in the other state. This is an expansion of HB 1464 (Hirschauer) from the 102nd which applied only protected physicians, physician assistants (PAs), nurses, and advanced practice registered nurses. This bill protects, physicians, PAs, clinical psychologists, clinical social workers and social workers, licensed marriage and family therapists, licensed certified professional midwives, registered nurses, advanced practice registered nurses, pharmacists, professional counselors and clinical professional counselors, genetic counselors, and registered surgical assistants and registered surgical technologists. Provides the department with rulemaking authority.

Article 10 - Two-Year Temporary Licenses for Out-of-State Medical Professionals: Allows the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to grant out-of-state physicians, physicians assistants, and advanced practice registered nurses a 2-year temporary license to authorize the practice of health care in Illinois under certain circumstances. Also makes a technical change to address the consolidation of the Medical Licensing Board and the Medical Disciplinary Board into one board, the Illinois State Medical Board. The intent behind this provision is to create an expedited process for health care providers to obtain a license in Illinois on a temporary basis. This would help Illinois continue to meet the needs of Illinois residents and out-of-state patients given the increased demand for abortion care services post Dobbs. This is modeled after the IDFPR Proclamation during COVID granting temporary licensure for licensed out-of-state professionals to meet COVID demands in Illinois.

Article 11 - Protections for Patients and Providers (“Shield Laws”): Intends to protect patients, providers, and those assisting patients and providers, from aggressive litigation from states targeting abortion and other lawful health care activity intended to impact lawful health care activity in Illinois. The bill does the following:

    1. Protects information about lawful health care activity in Illinois from becoming subject to subpoenas issued from other states;
    2. Protects witnesses from being compelled to testify in criminal proceedings in another state in a charge related to lawful health care activity in Illinois;
    3. Creates the Lawful Health Care Activity Act to prohibit state courts from applying another state’s law in Illinois cases related to lawful health care activity and prohibits courts from enforcing foreign judgments issued in connection with litigation concerning lawful health care activity; and
    4. Cabins the Governor’s discretion in complying with an extradition order from another state stemming from a charge based on conduct that involves lawful health care activity.

Article 13 - Parental Notice Of Abortion Act Repeal Clean-Up: As of June 2022, the Parental Notice of Abortion Act (PNA) was repealed and minors are no longer required to notify an adult family member in order to access an abortion in Illinois. However, the bill did not strike references to PNA throughout different Illinois laws. This bill would strike references to PNA in all other Illinois laws.

…Adding… I’m told an amendment filed earlier today by Senate President Don Harmon, and which is taking some heat from advocates, was designed to further discussions. A new amendment is pending.

…Adding… When asked about a competing Senate bill, Rep. Cassidy just said in committee that her intention was to run her bill and wouldn’t comment or commit to the Senate bill.

…Adding… As expected, the House Exec Committee sent the bill to the floor on a partisan roll call.

*** UPDATE 1 *** OK, let’s back up for a second…

Brigid Leahy, the Vice President of Public Policy at Planned Parenthood of Illinois said during a press conference tonight that she didn’t see Harmon’s bill until about 11 o’clock last night. Leahy continued

We’ve had a preliminary conversation with the Senate sponsor [Sen. Celina Villanueva]. There are some differences, and we believe that this [House] bill may be stronger in some areas. We are still looking at the Senate version. I hope that we can come to an agreement so that we can get legislation that, as Rep. Cassidy said, does what the stakeholders needed to do. […]

We did months ago provide some language to staff over in the Senate, but we had not seen the language until it was filed last night. So we are we are kind of still digging through it and figuring out. There are many parts of the bills that are exactly the same. And then there are parts that are different and that’s what we’re trying to figure out right now.

Leahy also said the House version “actually does accomplish a lot of what we need,” but also said proponents “will be coming back with certain issues that were very complex and need some more work.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Large majority…

Democratic Reps. Mary Flowers, Thaddeus Jones, Stephanie Kifowit, Joyce Mason and Lamont Robinson all did not vote. Jones, Kifowit and Mason all had excused absences today. Robinson was recorded as absent on another roll call today.

…Adding… The governor went to the floor after the vote…

Isabel took those pics.


*** UPDATED x2 - House passes bill with 64 votes *** Assault weapons bill pops in House

Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* House Speaker Chris Welch has filed an amendment to SB2226 containing the assault weapons ban, etc. language. The bill is now on 2nd Reading. Working on getting you a one-pager, but take a look for yourself in the meantime.

[Deleted some excerpts because the one-pager below explains it better than I did on the fly.]

…Adding… As I told subscribers earlier this week, this provision was doomed…

…Adding… The House Executive Committee will take up the amendment soon. Click here to watch.

*** UPDATE 1 *** One-pager…

• Assault Weapons Ban (prohibits manufacture, possession, delivery, sales, and purchase)
o Immediately ends the manufacture, sale, and purchase of assault weapons (unless exempted below)
o Allows possession and legal use of existing assault weapons by a person who possessed them before the effective date, so long as the weapon is endorsed with ISP within 300 days of the law taking effect
o Exemptions: The following are not affected by the endorsement affidavit requirement:

    • Active-duty and retired peace officers (ISP, sheriff’s deputies, municipal police)
    • 10 or more years of service
    • Retired or separated in good standing
    • Local law enforcement acquiring and possessing for the purpose of equipping peace officers
    • Wardens, superintendents, and keepers of prisons, penitentiaries, jails, etc.
    • U.S. military and Illinois National Guard and Reserve Forces
    • Manufacture, transportation, or sale of weapons, attachments, or ammunition to the persons listed above (manufacture, transportation, or sale is only allowed in state in this circumstance, except that existing contracts may be performed)
    • Nonresidents transporting a banned weapon through this State within 24 hours if the weapon is broken down and unloaded.
    • Possession and travel of a weapon while at an event held at the World Shooting Complex in Sparta. The weapon must be broken down and unloaded during transport
    • Blank-firing versions possessed by authorized or permitted individuals

• Large Capacity Magazines Ban (immediately prohibits delivery, sales, purchases)
o Immediately bans devices with a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more 12 rounds of ammunition; or any combination of parts from which such a device can be assembled
o 90-day grace period for modification, personal destruction, or surrender to law enforcement
o Does not affect the same people/entities as the AWB

Rapid-fire Devices Ban (prohibits manufacture, possession, sale; offers to purchase, import, transfer)
o Immediately bans devices that increase the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm


    • Increases the duration of a Firearm Restraining Order (“FRO”) from 6 months to up to 1 year, including renewed FROs
    • Includes a representative from an association of court circuit clerks to be appointed to the FRO Commission

ISP Firearms Anti-Trafficking Unit: Establishes within the duties and powers of ISP that the Criminal Division shall also investigate illegal firearm trafficking

…Adding… Press release…

Today, mayors and village presidents from across the state are calling on legislators to pass the Protect Illinois Communities Act, as they conclude the current legislative session. In a new letter signed by 27 mayors and village presidents who are encouraging swift passage of common sense legislation that includes bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and other steps to protect residents of their communities.

Mayors are often on the front lines of working with local law enforcement to combat gun violence and coordinating with health care officials in the aftermath of shootings that leave families and communities shattered by their impact.

Among the mayors who signed on to today’s letter are:

“We need urgent action to reduce gun violence that tears entire communities apart. It’s our obligation as mayors to fight and advocate to pass laws to keep guns out of the wrong hands so no other city experiences the pain that we know all too well. I urge lawmakers to safeguard our communities by voting yes on the Protect Illinois Communities Act,” said Matteson Mayor Sheila Y. Chalmers-Currin.

“I am proud to join fellow mayors and leaders across Illinois in urging the General Assembly to pass this critically needed, common-sense, and lifesaving legislation,” said Chicago Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot. “The flow of illegal guns is an inherently cross-jurisdictional challenge that requires collaboration and decisive action from both the State and Federal government to alleviate the scourge of senseless gun violence which threatens our communities. The Protect Illinois Communities Act will absolutely make a marked, positive difference when it comes to safeguarding Illinois residents and families.”

“Gun violence poses a pervasive threat to each of our communities, and now is the time to step up and take action to prevent more senseless deaths. We need to get weapons of war off of our streets so that each of our cities is a safe place for all. Our legislators must pass the Protect Illinois Communities Act now,” said Rockford Mayor Tom McNamara.

“I have long advocated for gun reform and hope to see lawmakers pass the Protect Illinois Communities Act as the next step in making our state safer,” said Urbana Mayor Diane Wolfe Marlin. “Assault weapons and high capacity magazines are too deadly to serve any purpose but to injure and kill. Lawmakers must stand up to the NRA and pass this commonsense legislation as soon as possible.”

The letter, with signatories, is here.

…Adding… The bill was sent to the House floor on a partisan roll call.

*** UPDATE 2 *** The bill was amended to take out criminal penalties that were inadvertently left in the bill

Sentence. A person who knowingly delivers, sells purchases, or causes to be delivered, sold, or purchased in violation of this Section a large capacity ammunition feeding device capable of holding more than 12 rounds of ammunition commits a petty offense with a fine of $1,000 for each violation.

The roll call

Durkin has been open to these sorts of bills in the past…

Democratic Reps. Anthony Deluca, Mike Halpin, Larry Walsh and Lance Yednock voted “No.”

The governor was present for the debate…


Afternoon roundup

Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

…Adding… From Rep. Cassidy: “This language reflects the work of the advocates on these issues who spent 6 months researching and drafting language.” The Senate has not yet signed on…

* Walgreen’s helped drive the crime theme last year, but now the company says “Nevermind”

A top Walgreens

executive on Thursday acknowledged the company may have overblown concerns about thefts in their stores after shrinkage stabilized over the last year. 

During an earnings call, the company’s chief financial officer, James Kehoe, said shrinkage was about 3.5% of sales last year but that number is now closer to the “mid twos.” He also said the company would consider moving away from hiring private security guards.

“Maybe we cried too much last year,” Kehoe said. “We’re stabilized,” he added, saying the company is “quite happy with where we are.” 

Thanks, Emily Litella.

* Interesting move as she makes a push for a Senate appointment

The Illinois Legislative Black Caucus elected state Rep. Carol Ammons, D-Urbana, to become the next Joint Chairwoman.

“I am honored to be chosen by my fellow colleagues to lead the Illinois Black Caucus into the future,” Ammons said. “Our Caucus’ mandate is to make the lives, livelihoods, and opportunities for the African-American community better. I’m confident that under my leadership, we will make more progress in undoing the unjust and institutional racism black Illinoisans often find themselves facing.”

* Center Square headline

Report: Illinois overspending taxpayer money year after year

Except, the data is outdated

An analysis by Pew Charitable Trusts shows that Illinois is one of only two states in the country with total tax revenue shortfalls exceeding 5% of total expenses, and the only ones with annual deficits in each of the past 15 years. The other state is New Jersey.

Pew state fiscal health manager Joanna Biernacka-Lievestro said Illinois is in select company.

“Nine states failed to collect enough revenue to cover their long-term expenses over the 15 years ending in fiscal 2020,” Biernacka-Lievestro said.

Also not mentioned in the story, but which is mentioned in the Pew analysis, is that Illinois is still on a pension payment ramp, which is what drives a lot of those “expense” numbers.

* Delia Ramirez is supporting Brandon Johnson for mayor instead of Chuy Garcia. Others formerly allied with Garcia, including Rep. Lilian Jimenez, who used to work for Garcia and replaced Ramirez in the Illinois House, are also with Johnson. Nevertheless…

* Press release…

Secretary of State Jesse White announced today that the state’s organ/tissue donor registry reached 7.5 million registrants.

“I am so proud that Illinoisans have shown their giving and caring spirit by signing up for this lifesaving program,” said White. “Our mission over the past 24 years has been to strengthen the Organ/Tissue Donor Program through outreach and registration initiatives. We have worked to end the waiting for the approximately 4,000 people statewide. Each year, unfortunately, about 300 people die waiting for a transplant in Illinois.”

Of the more than 12.8 million people living in Illinois, 10,146,583 qualify to become organ/tissue donors. Of those, 74% have registered as organ/tissue donors.

In addition, more than 270,000 16- and 17-year-olds have registered with the program since 2018, when Secretary White initiated a law allowing them to register as organ and tissue donors.

“I believe our public awareness campaign, including television, radio and social media ads have helped encourage people to register,” said White. “It takes less than a minute to register and one person can improve the quality of life for up to 25 people.”

Secretary White has headed the state’s Organ/Tissue Donor Registry since 1999. He has visited countless hospitals, schools, libraries, Driver Service facilities as well as other venues to promote and register Illinoisans for the donor program. Secretary White has a personal connection to organ donation because his sister, Doris Ivy, received a kidney transplant from an anonymous donor that extended her life for 28 years.

Illinoisans can register with the Secretary of State’s Organ/Tissue Donor Registry at or by calling 800-210-2106.

* Isabel’s roundup…

    * Crain’s | Illinois car dealers lose lawsuit to halt Rivian direct sales: Rivian Automotive, which assembles its high-end electric vehicles in central Illinois, can continue to sell directly to consumers in the state after a judge dismissed a lawsuit by the Illinois Automobile Dealers Association that also challenged sales by EV startup Lucid Group.

    * Journal & Topics | Transition Plans In Place To Move Venezuelan Asylum Seekers To Chicago By Month’s End: State Sen. Laura Murphy (D-28th) of Des Plaines, the deputy state senate majority leader, representing parts of both Elk Grove Village and Des Plaines, said she attended a meeting late Tuesday with heads of the Illinois Dept. of Homeland Security, Illinois Dept. of Human Services, deputy governor, members of the Latino Caucus of the Illinois General Assembly, and other “interested parties” to discuss plans for longer-term housing for the Venezuelan asylum seekers.

    * Chalkbeat | Gov. J. B. Pritzker vows to prioritize access to child care for Illinois families in second term: “There is so much more that we can do to make it easier for young families to access quality child care, and early childhood education,” Pritzker said at a press conference Wednesday at the Carole Robertson Center for Learning’s site in Little Village. “But already our improvements have made a profound change.”

    * Daily Herald | Nicor takes first step toward rate hike that could add $9 a month to average bill: The request, filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission, comes on the heels of a $240 million rate increase Nicor implemented in late 2021. The Naperville-based utility is the largest natural gas distribution company in Illinois, serving more than two million customers and encompassing most of suburban Chicago.

    * Crain’s | A call for commonsense gun legislation: Health care providers see the devastating and far-reaching impact of gun violence every day. Beyond the horrors of shootings themselves, we see survivors, their families and the families of fatal victims devastated as they begin their journey down the long road to recovery—physically and emotionally.

    * Daily Herald | Kane County poised to ease campaign contribution limits: The ordinance arose as board members, at that time, decried the possible influence of campaign contributions on the awarding of valuable county contracts. A Daily Herald investigation that year showed more than $17.5 million in county funds went to 43 companies and firms that donated nearly $43,000 to former county board Chairman Karen McConnaughay’s political war chest in 2009.

    * Patch | Ex-Congressman Adam Kinzinger Takes Job With CNN: Adam Kinzinger, an Illinois native, was first elected to Congress in 2010 in the Tea Party wave — he had Sarah Palin’s endorsement.

    * Crain’s | Former federal judge joins Latham & Watkins’ Chicago office: Before joining the firm, Feinerman served 12 years on the bench in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, leaving his post Dec. 31. He also served five years as solicitor general for the state of Illinois.

    * The Atlantic | Biden’s Blue-Collar Bet: Biden also touched on another theme that will likely become an even more central component of his economic and political strategy over the next two years: He repeatedly noted how many of the jobs created by his economic agenda are not expected to require a four-year college degree.


Protected: Subscribers only - Supplement to today’s edition and some other stuff

Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Here we go again: Latest annual Census estimates prompt more bad reporting and renewed questions from US Rep. Krishnamoorthi

Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a newspaper column I wrote last May

Our downward [Illinois population] trajectory has often been demoralizing, but even more so during the past decade as professional naysayers trumpeted annual Census estimates that showed huge, six-figure population losses.

By December 2020, those annual Census estimates showed Illinois had lost about 240,000 people, or 2% of its population.

“Illinois is a deepening population sinkhole flanked by states that are adding people, businesses, jobs,” the Chicago Tribune editorial board opined. “The estimated Illinois population is 12,587,530, down more than 240,000 since the 2010 census. That’s more than Waukegan and Naperville, combined.” […]

When the official 2020 Census count showed those previous estimates were wildly wrong and Illinois’ net population loss was “only” 18,000 people, those same folks either changed the subject or harrumphed that, whatever the case, Illinois was still a net loser and had fallen to the rank of sixth-largest state behind Pennsylvania. […]

As you probably know by now, the Census Bureau admitted last week that it had screwed up Illinois’ decennial headcount, and the state actually grew by about 250,000 people – that’s almost a 500,000-person swing from the December 2020 estimate.

* Those wildly wrong annual estimates in the past should’ve injected some skepticism into the Census Bureau’s latest numbers dump. But some news media outlets are buying the recently released annual numbers hook line and sinker. SJ-R

New estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau show Illinois lost a population the near equivalent of Springfield in 2022, continuing a nine-year population slide in the Land of Lincoln.

The report found Illinois subtracted more than 104,000 from its ranks this year going from 12.6 million to 12.5 million residents. The population loss of 0.8% was the third-highest behind New York and California and was among the 18 states that lost population this year. Driving that loss primarily was the 141,656 people migrating out of the state.


Wirepoints’ Ted Dabrowski joins the Steve Cochran Show to talk about what caused 104,000 people to leave Illinois in 2021, how the “Workers’ Right Amendment” may deter businesses from coming to Illinois, and what will make people stay in Illinois. 



Illinois’ population shrunk for the 9th year in a row from 2021 to 2022, according to new estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau.

The report said that the Land of Lincoln lost more than 104,000 residents this year, according to the Journal Star. That brought the state’s population from 12.6 million to 12.5 million, the third-highest drop behind New York and California. Illinois was one of only 18 states that lost population this year.

Just dumb.

* US Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi has repeatedly called on the US Census Bureau to reexamine its methodology and get its act together. Raja did it again today

Robert Santos
U.S. Census Bureau
4600 Silver Hill Road
Washington, DC 20233

Dear Director Santos:

In light of last month’s Census Bureau announcement concerning population estimates, I’m writing to express my ongoing concerns surrounding the repeated undercounting of the population of Illinois in the American Community Survey (ACS) and the 2020 Census, as assessed by the Post-Enumeration Survey (PES). Fundamentally, this latest release’s claim that Illinois lost a substantial number of residents in 2022 appears to closely echo the previous ACS and Census results that fueled misleading rhetoric surrounding purported population losses in Illinois which were later revealed to be unfounded by the PES.

In my repeated letters sent last year, I requested information on the ACS and Census data which showed Illinois population losses of substantially different orders, only for the May PES to conclude that 14 states had an undercount or overcount in the Census and that Illinois was among them with an undercount of hundreds of thousands of people. Beyond discrediting years of false rhetoric about Illinois population losses driven by Census Bureau products, these findings also raise serious public questions in my state over the credibility of the Census Bureau’s results more broadly because of the substantially different conclusions of its recent releases regarding our state. Census Bureau undercounting of our state poses potentially enormous financial consequences for Illinois because over the next decade, Census Bureau data will be utilized to allocate roughly $1.5 trillion through approximately 100 programs, including Medicaid, SNAP, Medicare, Highway Planning and Construction, and Pell grants.

In your June response to my letters with colleagues on this matter, you wrote that regarding incorporating PES findings into data products that inform funding allocations that, “the Census Bureau has established a team of experts tasked with researching the feasibility of taking coverage measures from the Demographic Analysis and Post-Enumeration Survey into account in the development of the official population estimates.” Additionally, in response to the question of whether the Bureau would commit to utilizing the PES in deriving Population Estimates from the Decennial Census, you wrote, “While too early to commit to incorporating PES into the population estimates, the Census Bureau is researching the feasibility of taking coverage measures from both the Demographic Analysis and Post-Enumeration Survey into account in the development of the official population estimates.”

Last month, I wrote to request clarity on the implementation of PES findings into population estimates, the timeline for doing so, and related efforts to address the repeated undercounting of Illinois. In addition to renewing my request for that information, I request answers to these additional questions by January 20th:

    1. Were coverage measures from the May 2022 Demographic Analysis and Post-Enumeration Survey results which showed Illinois’ population growth accounted for in the December 2022 population estimates, or did the methodology omit these considerations while following the previous ACS and Census approaches. which led to the undercounting of Illinois’ population?
    2. If coverage measures from last year’s Demographic Analysis and Post-Enumeration Survey have not yet been incorporated into annual population estimates, when will they be?
    3. Were any other new efforts undertaken to address the consistent undercounting of the population of Illinois in producing the December 2022 population estimates?
    4. Have any new factors been identified as contributing to the repeated undercounting of Illinois?

…Adding… From the governor’s office…

For the last decade, the narrative that Illinois is losing population was fed, by what turned out to be, inaccurate annual preliminary estimates. As the last official census count proved, Illinois’ population remained stable. When the official census results were studied further and corrected, Illinois’ population actually grew. While we will study these preliminary numbers, the context regarding their accuracy is important.

Illinois remains one of the most populous states in the nation and long term trends remain encouraging. In 2022, Illinois’ international migration nearly tripled from 2021 and the state also experienced growth due to natural changes. Illinois is on a positive trajectory by reaching $1 trillion GDP for the first time, creating more business start-ups than any other populous state. Looking ahead the state remains focused on providing long-term, meaningful support for residents and communities through unparalleled infrastructure investments, support for our workforce, and businesses that call Illinois home.

* A sampling of some past coverage…


Question of the day

Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sigh…

* The Question: Illinois went through its own House leadership drama a couple of years ago, so I wonder if y’all have any advice for US Rep. Kevin McCarthy and the House GOP caucus? Snark is not particularly encouraged, but allowed.


Legislators want to jump-start offshore wind power production

Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Black Caucus legislators Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago) and Leader Marcus Evans (D-Chicago) together with Rep. Edgar Gonzalez (D-Chicago), Local 150 and Pastor Scott Onque of Faith in Place called for the passage of Rust Belt to Green Belt legislation to jumpstart offshore wind in Lake Michigan.

“Bringing offshore wind to Illinois is an economic issue just as much as it is an environmental issue,” said Sen. Peters, Chair of the Senate Black Caucus. “The green economy hasn’t reached the Southeast Side of Chicago, where the ruins of abandoned steel mills cast long shadows. This pilot project alone would create thousands of jobs during the building phase and 50-100 long-term jobs. And that’s from only a handful of turbines.”

Leader Marcus Evans (D-Chicago), House Sponsor of the bill was absent due to a family emergency, but issued the following statement: “Illinois will miss out on a once-in-a-generation opportunity to take advantage of federal dollars available from the Biden administration to jumpstart offshore wind projects. Other states are competing for this fundings, and if Illinois doesn’t pass this legislation now, it sends the wrong message both to the Black and Brown communities that are looking to Democrats to create the jobs they need, as well as to D.C.”

HB4543 allows Illinois to begin the process of making offshore wind in Lake Michigan a reality. Specifically, the legislation:

    • Allows the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) to seek federal funding to build an offshore wind port
    • Directs the Illinois Power Agency to procure power from an offshore wind pilot project. Legislative action must happen for these initial steps to take place.
    • Once passed, DCEO would be able to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to find private companies capable of building the necessary wind infrastructure.

Crucially, the legislation contains provisions to ensure that the jobs generated from the project go towards the Black and Brown communities that need them the most.

    • In order to win the RFP, wind developers will need to submit a rigorous proposal that will be scored in three categories: price, overall viability of the applicant, and equity & inclusion.
    • The developer’s equity plan, which must detail how they will create opportunities and invest in underrepresented communities, is given the most weight when scoring each proposal.
    • Learn more at

“Offshore wind is a huge opportunity for Illinois,” said Marc Poulus, Executive Director of the Indiana, Illinois, Iowa Foundation for Fair Contracting. “The passage of this legislation means a green light for unions to start creating pipelines of diverse laborers to do the work specifically required to equip the port and build the turbines. Not only will there be a class of laborers trained to do this work, but wind represents an entry point to the trades for a new generation of skilled workers.”

“Environmental justice and economic justice go hand in hand for our communities,” said Pastor Scott Onque, Faith in Place. “Offshore wind will diversify Illinois’ renewable energy sources and make us less reliant on fossil fuels, which have created a disproportionate amount of pollution in predominantly Black and Brown communities. At the same time, environmental justice is incomplete without economic justice. The jobs offshore wind creates will help right historical wrongs and support communities that battle chronic disinvestment.”

“Offshore wind has a coalition of support, from labor, to environmental advocates, to the Chicago Chamber of Commerce,” said State Rep. Edgar Gonzalez (D-Chicago). “This is a diverse coalition because offshore wind accomplishes so much for so many. During these times of inflation and an unstable energy market, creating stability and economic security for families is essential, especially when we can do it while protecting the planet at the same time.”

“My colleagues and I helped pass the most comprehensive clean energy legislation in the country, but that cannot be the ceiling for Illinois,” said State Rep. Kam Buckner (D-Chicago). “Environmental justice and sustainability is an existential issue that needs a dedicated plan, innovative thinking, and bold solutions – like offshore wind.”

The legislation is here.

* Greg Hinz

But key details are not yet available, such as the total cost of the project. And one top environmental leader immediately raised significant concerns about the proposal, among them whether state ratepayers would end up footing the bill, whether the development would violate the “public use” doctrine that generally limits Lake Michigan uses for public purposes and whether such a project even would be feasible given that the lake regularly freezes and thaws.

“These questions have not been fully addressed,” said Environmental Law & Policy Center Executive Director Howard Learner, who nonetheless stopped short of opposing the bill. […]

According to Learner, the state subsidy for the wind farm would be considerable. As now drafted, he says, the bill would require the Illinois Power Agency to spend $34 million in taxpayer money for 20 years purchasing the development’s output. That’s $680 million over term, and Learner believes the eventual subsidy could be much larger.

Except, won’t the IPA then turn around and sell the electricity? Not sure I get this ELPC analysis.

Anyway, your thoughts?

…Adding… From the Illinois Power Agency…

Hi Rich, hope you’re well.

Quick clarification on the offshore wind bill: under HB 4543, neither the IPA nor any Illinois electric utility would be taking title to the power from the project; instead, Illinois electric utilities would take title to the renewable energy credits(RECs) generated by the offshore wind project through a procurement process developed and administered by the IPA, with the sale of those RECs providing financial support back to that offshore wind project at an aggregate value capped at approximately $34 million annually (for a contract term of 20 years after project energization).

OK, now I get it.

…Adding… Also, this is ratepayer money, not taxpayer money.


Assault weapons ban news coverage roundup

Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Politico

Giffords, the gun violence prevention group founded by former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, says its polling shows views on assault weapons fall along party lines, with Democrats supporting a ban and many Republicans opposing it. Some questions in the poll might indicate the challenges lawmakers are facing as they consider the legislation.

From the poll

Please tell me whether you support or oppose this policy: “Banning Assault-Style Weapons”

Please tell me whether you support or oppose this policy: “Banning high-capacity ammunition magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds”

* Tribune

Dozens of faith community leaders came together Wednesday morning to share their support and perspectives on proposed state legislation aimed at addressing one of the biggest problems to plague Chicago — gun violence.

Pastors, reverends, rabbis and imams, including the Rev. Michael Pfleger and Pastor Cornelius Parks, filled the stage of Good Hope Free Will Baptist Church in East Garfield Park — just blocks from where a deadly mass shooting took place on Halloween — to voice their concerns on gun violence across the city. They used the rally as a call for action to support House Bill 5855, or the Protect Illinois Communities Act.

The legislation would ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, help to further implement Illinois’ Firearm Restraining Order law and address illegal gun trafficking in the state and is a response to the mass shooting at the Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, where seven people were killed and dozens of others injured by a shooter using an assault-style rifle and high-capacity magazines.

Rep. Bob Morgan, a Democrat from Deerfield who was marching in the parade when the shooting occurred, introduced the bill in December after months of work by the Illinois House Firearm Safety and Reform working group, which he chairs. The group was formed in July with a goal of creating legislation that the General Assembly could pass to reduce gun violence in Illinois, he said.


The act would do a number of things, including banning the sale or purchase of assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines. It would also raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21.

It would even extend the duration of a firearm restraining order from six months to one year. […]

The bill had two committee hearings last month. Legislators are returning to the Capitol Wednesday for a lame-duck session.

Currently, no hearing is scheduled in the session for this bill.

* Patch

As of midday Wednesday, 35 state representatives, all Democrats, had signed on to Morgan’s bill as co-sponsors. It will still need to win approval in the state Senate, where similar measures have stalled in the past.

Democrats have supermajorities in both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly, which rewrote the state’s gun laws in 2013, but they have never called a floor vote on the issue of an assault weapons ban and it remains to be seen if it will called for a vote this time.

Gun owner advocacy groups have opposed the bill and pledged to fight it in court if it passes. The National Rifle Association, Guns Save Life and the Illinois State Rifle Association have called for their members to lobby lawmakers to vote against the bill.

Rallies in support of the bill are planned for Thursday in Springfield.

* Center Square

Gun-rights advocate Todd Vandermyde says they won’t negotiate despite hearing there could be amendments.

“They’re looking to modify the magazine limits,” Vandermyde told WMAY Wednesday. “We hear the number they’re kicking around now is 12. Not a big jump from 10 to 12. And we think that they’re having some discussions about the age limit stuff. I think reality is setting in with some people that they have constitutional issues with what they’re proposing.”

Vandermyde and others promise lawsuits will be filed challenging the various aspects of the proposed bill if it were to be approved and enacted.

Opposition continues to mount. Before the Christmas holiday, the Madison County Board voted to denounce House Bill 5855.

* NBC Chicago

Data obtained by NBC 5 Investigates shows that more than 73,000 residents filed applications for FOID cards in Illinois during the five months after the Highland Park shooting, marking a 19% increase over the months prior to the attack.

Those individuals who currently own weapons that are deemed “assault weapons” under the proposed legislation would have the option of registering those guns with the Illinois State Police, according to bill sponsors.

* Three buses filled with gun violence survivors and advocates will be arriving in Springfield to rally and meet with legislators. ABC 7

This grassroots effort is being led mostly by moms, as some call it a personal crusade. […]

Ashley Beasley is a parade survivor.

She will be on the buses with other moms Thursday morning to rally and meet with legislators in Springfield.

“For me, activism has been a huge part of therapy. Getting involved in trying to make change has been something that has helped me to take control,” Beasley said.

* Sun-Times

Legislators held a hearing on the bill in mid-December, when critics questioned its cost and constitutionality and supporters recounted the trauma of the year’s mass shootings.

There are enough Democrats in both state chambers to pass the bill without Republican support, but conservative, downstate Democrats have been wary of supporting similar bills in the past

In 2018, after the Parkland, Florida, school shooting that killed 17 people, Illinois tried to increase the age minimum to buy an assault weapon to 21. But the bill was vetoed by then-Gov. Bruce Rauner, who had called for the bill to expand the purchase wait period for all guns to 72 hours and to institute a death penalty for cop killers.

In 2005, after a federal ban on assault weapons ended a year earlier, state Rep. Edward Acevedo, D-Chicago, sponsored a bill to ban semiautomatic assault weapons, assault weapon attachments, .50-caliber rifles and cap magazines at 10 rounds, similar to this year’s bill. But the bill failed after getting only 57 of the 60 votes needed.


Morning briefing

Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* For anyone looking to pay their respects to the late Sean O’Shea, his visitation will be held Monday, January 9.

* Here’s your briefing…


Open thread

Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Howdy. What’s on your Illinois-centric mind today?


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