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Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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It’s just a bill

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

State Senator Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago) joined the Illinois Hotel and Lodging Association to urge the General Assembly to pass the Hotel Jobs Recovery Program, which would allocate funds toward rehiring workers after a two year record low occupancy rate caused by the pandemic.

“Nationally and right here in Illinois, the tourism industry took the hardest hit throughout the pandemic,” said Feigenholtz. “Unlike other industries, hotels and lodging were not given federal relief and need an infusion of 250 million in order to keep larger hotels that are destinations for convention visitors afloat. Without this funding, hotels and lodging businesses could be forced to close and many jobs will be lost.”

The Hotel Jobs Recovery Grant Program would provide funds to operators of hotels in an amount equal to $1,500 per hotel room. Eighty percent of the funds would be used for payroll costs and the remaining 20% must be used on public safety upgrades, property taxes, mortgage payments, or debts incurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hotels nationally have seen $111.8 billion in losses tied to room reservations and major declines in event rentals and convention scheduling. Senate Bill 4184 calls for $250 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act funds to be allocated to provide grants of $1,500 per room in hotels in the city of Chicago.

The pandemic’s impact on the industry has been startling, as hotels have sustained a large decline in occupancy for more than two years now, with occupancy in Chicago hotels hitting 14.6%in December 2020 and never fully recovering. On average last year, Chicago’s hotel occupancy rate hovered around 44%.

“With this federal funding, our state would begin recovery efforts by adding more jobs and enhance the tourism industry within the city of Chicago and all across the state,” said Feigenholtz.

SB 4184 awaits action in the Senate.

* Press release…

Illinois lawmakers today introduced a resolution that would support Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation’s efforts to build on its history as an original part of the DeKalb County community.

After the U.S. Government in the late 1840s illegally sold more than 1,280 acres of the Nation’s land near the village of Shabbona in southern DeKalb County, the Nation has been working tirelessly to reclaim its Reservation.

“We simply want to reclaim the land that was taken from us and we want to do so in the most community-focused, least disruptive way,” Prairie Band Chairman Joseph Rupnick said. “We’re rooted in the northern Illinois community and after 170 years, we just want this issue resolved.”

Senate Resolution 896 sponsored by state Sen. Cristina Pacione-Zayas (D-Chicago) and House Resolution 504 sponsored by state Rep. Tom Demmer (R-Dixon) encourage the U.S. Congress to pass legislation that would allow the Nation to secure 1,151 acres of land near Shabbona State Park in the southern part of DeKalb County. HR 504 unanimously passed out of the House State Government Administration Committee this afternoon.

“We have a chance to correct this injustice and it’s our responsibility to do so,” Pacione-Zayas said. “I’m proud to sponsor this resolution in the state Senate and I implore our Congressional leaders to do the same with the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Shab-eh-nay Band Reservation Settlement Act of 2021 that’s currently in the United States Senate.”

In the late 1840s when Chief Shab-eh-nay traveled from his home Reservation in DeKalb to visit his family in Kansas, the U.S. government illegally auctioned off more than 1,280 acres of his land near the village of Shabbona in southern DeKalb County.

In 2001, the U.S. Department of the Interior confirmed the history and legal status of the Shab-eh-nay Reservation as federally recognized Indian Country because the U.S. Government never received the required Congressional approval to auction off land that rightfully belonged to Chief Shab-eh-nay.

The U.S. Congress is the only governing body that has the authority to designate land titles for native nations.

Currently, deeds for homeowners within the Reservation are subject to “all rights, claims, or title to the descendants of a Potawatomi Indian Chieftain named Shabbona and his Band.” The federal legislation would wipe those deeds clean of that clause in favor of assuring current homeowners that their property is theirs without condition. It would also provide clean title to the State and DeKalb County governments who also own land within the current Reservation.

“The U.S. Government made a mistake 170 years ago by illegally selling the Nation’s land,” Demmer said. “Now we as lawmakers here in Illinois and our counterparts in Congress have a chance to correct it.”

* Press release…

To offer support to workers, a group of pro-business Democratic lawmakers held a press conference Wednesday to advocate for an initiative to require the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to expedite complete professional license applications.

“Health care workers, accountants, speech pathologists and a variety of others are eager, qualified and ready to enter their respective industries but are waiting months for professional licenses to be issued by the state,” said State Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton (D-Western Springs), chief Senate sponsor of Senate Bill 670. “Improving convenience, timeliness and accessibility for working people is a necessary step to building our economy and focusing efforts on recovery.”

Under the legislation, IDFPR is required to process applications within four weeks as long as there were no deficiencies submitted.

“We have a shortage of trained experts right now—especially in the real estate, financial and health care fields, which the DFPR regulates,” said State Rep. Mike Halpin (D-Rock Island), chief House sponsor. “Eliminating gratuitous licensing wait times will help fill that gap while cutting down on red tape. I’m happy to join my distinguished colleagues in helping make this legislation law.”

The proposal supports an effort to benefit workers and support economic development throughout the state for an array of industries.

“If you have all the qualifications and there are no discrepancies in your license, then this process shouldn’t keep you waiting months in order to practice your profession,” said State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford).

Senate Bill 670 passed the Senate with bipartisan support and awaits further consideration by the House Health Care Licenses Committee.

* Media advisory…

The families of the victims who were killed in the March 10, 2019 plane crash of a Boeing 737 MAX in Ethiopia will gather Thursday in two countries to try to continue to hold Boeing responsible for the deaths of all 157 on board and to bring attention to a bill recently introduced in the Illinois legislature. Below are the details of the protests that will take place in Toronto, Canada, and in front of the Boeing headquarters in Chicago this Thursday.

WHEN: Thursday, March 10, 2022, at 11:00 am CST to 11:30 am CST and Thursday, March, 10, 2022, at 10 a.m.EST (9 am CST) in Toronto, Canada

WHERE: Boeing Headquarters, 100 North Riverside Plaza, Chicago (in front of office building). Among those who will be holding enlarged photos of the victims is Nadia Milleron, mother of Samya Rose Stumo, 24, whose daughter who was killed in the crash. Another protest will be held across the street from the U.S. Consulate in Toronto, Canada, 360 University Ave. Among the Canadian family members will be Chris Moore, father of Danielle Moore, 24, who was killed in the March 10, 2019 crash of a Boeing MAX jet in Ethiopia. Families, friends and their supporters there will be carrying various signs including, “We are the Victims’ Voice.”

Editor’s Note: After the in-person Chicago event concludes at 11:30 am CST, a Zoom Press Conference will begin with families from around the world sharing their stories and concerns about the Boeing 737 Max that is currently flying in the skies.

WHAT: Illinois needs to pass HB 4968, which would hold companies, including Boeing, responsible for punitive damages when they cause people to die. Boeing must be held responsible for the deaths aboard the 737 Max

* Center Square

Legislation designed to allow tax dollars to pay for public service announcements about proper gun storage practices is now up to the Illinois Senate.

House Bill 4729 would require the Illinois Department of Public Health to develop and implement a two-year statewide safe gun storage public awareness campaign.

State Rep. Kathleen Willis, D-Northlake, is one of the sponsors of the legislation and explained what this bill would do.

“It is a public service campaign so that we can have gun owners understand the importance of safely storing their weapons or their guns,” Willis said.


Campaign notebook

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Politico

Longtime lobbyist and Democratic political adviser Dan Shomon has severed his contract with the city of Aurora due to Mayor Richard Irvin’s Republican bid for governor.

“I’m really proud of all that our team at Dan Shomon Inc. has accomplished for the City of Aurora and its citizens on many fronts,” Shomon said in a statement to Playbook. “Our team worked with the excellent group of local legislators and Governor Pritzker last year to extend the River Edge Redevelopment Zone Act. During our service to Aurora over many years, we have also helped bring tens of millions of dollars in projects to the city.”

Shomon’s firm has lobbied for Aurora for more than 15 years and in December saw his contract renewed to the tune of $9,300 per month.

Wondered if that was gonna happen.

* Seems a bit chaotic over there…

Is there anyone in the Effingham area that can grab some petitions from a friend and then drive through Greenville and…

Posted by Thomas DeVore on Wednesday, March 9, 2022

* This line by Rep. Tom Demmer about his Democratic opponent for state treasurer’s mention of taxing retirement income prompted some very loud boos in the audience on Monday

My opponent, Mike Frerichs, sponsored every tax increase he ever came across in Springfield. And he took it a step further in 2020 when he called for a discussion of taxing retirement income in Illinois. Do we want to lose more people to other states?

Then again, there were a lot of retirement-aged folks in that audience.

* If he’s telling the truth, Republican US Senate candidate Bobby Piton is apparently trying to be last on the ballot because he hasn’t yet filed…

We the People provided my campaign over 6,990 signatures, signed and notarized!

Your partnership in this race for a U.S. Senate Seat is crucial to the fight for election integrity, battling government overreach and protecting freedom in Illinois and in the nation. I want to encourage you to get even more involved.

Rest assured, my loyalty is to We the People of Illinois, not the corrupt political parties, the lobbyists or the donor-class, snake oil salesmen.

We the People can disrupt the corruption here in Illinois and lead the way for the rest of the nation to follow. Are you in?

If you still have petitions to turn in, please get them in before March 10th. If you can help financially, here’s the link:

THANK YOU for all your support during this important phase of OUR campaign! We’re in this together, for Illinois and our freedom.

Much Love and Appreciation!

* Daily Herald

Illinois Sen. John Connor, a Lockport Democrat, is not seeking reelection in the 43rd District, leaving the seat open. Rachel Ventura, a Joliet Democrat and Will County Board member, and Eric Matteson, a Joliet firefighter, seek their party’s nomination in the primary. Republican Michelle Lee of Shorewood also has filed for the open seat.

In House District 97, Michelle Smith of Plainfield and Thomas McCullagh of Shorewood are seeking a seat left open by Rep. Mark Batinick, a Plainfield Republican, who is not seeking reelection. Democrat Harry Benton of Plainfield also has filed for House District 97.

In House District 77, incumbent Rep. Kathleen Willis of Addison is being challenged in the Democrat primary by Norma Hernandez of Melrose Park.

In Senate District 21, Naperville Democrat Sen. Laura Ellman, who was elected in 2018, filed for reelection. Republican Kathleen Murray of Lombard also filed for the same seat.

Norma Hernandez is backed by US Rep. Chuy Garcia.

* More in a seemingly endless list of dueling endorsements in a Democratic primary race for the right to run in a Republican House district…

Chelsea Laliberte Barnes, a Democratic candidate for Illinois State Representative in District 51, announces that she is being endorsed by U.S. Congressman Brad Schneider (D- 10). After collecting 1,100 signatures, Laliberte Barnes officially filed as a candidate Monday in Springfield. Since announcing her run in August 2021, Chelsea has recruited 50 volunteers, raised $75,000, and knocked on over 5,000 doors, all while raising a toddler, running a small business, serving as the Board Chair for two nonprofits, and supporting families as a clinical social worker


Rolling Meadows Mayor Joe Gallo announced his support for Nabeela Syed, candidate for State Representative in Illinois’s 51st House District.

“We need passionate advocates that will fight for our community in Springfield, bringing vital resources back to Rolling Meadows and the working families that live here,” Gallo stated in his endorsement of Syed. “Nabeela is clearly someone who cares deeply about local issues and the concerns of area residents, including property taxes and public safety concerns.”

I just don’t get it, but it’s a free country.

* More…

* Billionaire-Backed Group Enlists Trump-Supporting Citizens to Hunt for Voter Fraud Using Discredited Techniques: VoteRef, records show, is an initiative of the conservative nonprofit group Restoration Action and its related political action committee, both led by Doug Truax, an Illinois insurance broker and podcaster who ran unsuccessfully in the state’s GOP primary for the U.S. Senate in 2014. A ProPublica review found that VoteRef’s origins and funders are closely linked to a super PAC predominantly funded by billionaire Richard Uihlein, founder of the mammoth Wisconsin-based packaging supply company Uline.

* IL-14: So who is Jaime Milton of Fox River Grove who filed for Congress Monday?


Fresh Madigan roundup

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Former Speaker Madigan entered a “Not Guilty” plea today…

More here.

* Former Gov. Pat Quinn is asking the courts to impose electronic petition circulation so he can more easily get his reform proposal on the ballot. Madigan is mentioned (which is why I put it here) and Quinn is suing Gov. JB Pritzker. Not sure if I’ve ever seen a former governor sue a sitting governor, but PQ gonna PQ…

FROM: Pat Quinn, Former Illinois Governor and Attorney for 9 Illinois voters who are circulating an initiative petition for a statewide binding November voter referendum to clean up Illinois political corruption.

RE: Initial Court Hearing on a voting rights lawsuit filed by 9 Illinois voters against Governor JB Pritzker and Illinois State Board of Elections seeking the right to use electronic petition circulation to qualify an ethics reform referendum in the wake of last week’s bombshell 22-count racketeering conspiracy, bribery, wire fraud, and attempted extortion indictment against former House Speaker Michael Madigan.

WHEN: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 10am Before Judge Sophia Hall

Article XIV, Section 3 of the Illinois Constitution gives Illinois voters the initiative petition right to bypass the General Assembly to enact a legislative reform amendment by direct voter referendum. In 1980, Illinois voters collected 475,811 initiative petition signatures to win the passage by referendum of the Cutback Amendment, which reduced the number of Illinois House members from 177 to 118.

Attorney General Kwame Raoul is representing Gov. Pritzker and the Illinois State Board of Elections in Wednesday’s voting rights case.

In 2020 and 2021, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy issued two executive orders allowing for the submission of initiative and referendum petitions electronically in order to “facilitate full participation in the electoral process which is essential to a strong democracy” and consistent with “social distancing and other public health measures to limit the spread of COVID-19.”

In 2021, the Attorney General of Virginia and the Virginia State Board of Elections negotiated a consent agreement to allow for a “safe and contactless” electronic method of petition circulation that was in “the best interests of health, safety, and constitutional rights of Virginia citizens and protect the public from exposure to COVID-19 during the pandemic.”

In 2021 and 2022, Illinois General Assembly members have accommodated themselves with a safe and contactless electronic voting option where members have been debating and voting on bills from sidewalks, cars, and their offices, rather than in the State Capitol. The current state budget was approved by electronic remote voting.

The nine plaintiffs in Wednesday’s hearing include a cancer survivor who is immunocompromised, a disabled person who is totally blind, four elderly persons including one who is 92 years old, a person who has recovered from COVID-19, and persons from communities of color who have suffered disparate impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Illinois voters must file 363,868 initiative petition signatures in one book with the Secretary of State by May 8, 2022 to place the Illinois Democracy Amendment on the November 8 ballot.

The Illinois Democracy Amendment reads as follows: “The purpose of the Amendment is to give Illinois voters the power by petition to require the General Assembly to take mandatory roll call votes on bills which propose stronger ethical standards for Illinois public officials.”

The online petition can be viewed at

Setting aside the lawsuit, the ballot language seems pretty darned vague.

* House Republicans…

A week ago, federal prosecutors dropped a 22-count indictment against former Speaker Michael Madigan, following a string of investigations, indictments, arrests, and cover-ups. Madigan’s arraignment today begins a new chapter in Illinois’ story of political corruption, but House Democrats haven’t received the message that voters desire real change.

“After taking millions in campaign contributions, House Democrats have not only failed to pass meaningful ethics reform, many have not publicly denounced their former leader,” said Jayme Siemer, Executive Director of the House Republican Majority. “Keeping these tainted funds means Madigan’s influence will remain as their number one donor.”

Among some top races, House Democrats have a Madigan problem.

Mark Walker:
Accepted $1.9 million in campaign contributions from Madigan.
Supported Madigan for Speaker.

Terra Costa Howard:
Accepted $1.6 million in campaign contributions from Madigan.

Katie Stuart:
Accepted $1.5 million in campaign contributions from Madigan.
Supported Madigan for Speaker.
After a week, has not issued a public statement on Madigan’s indictment.

Suzanne Ness:
Accepted $1.2 million in campaign contributions from Madigan.
After 24 hours and a public shaming, issued a public statement on Madigan’s indictment.

Janet Yang Rohr:
Accepted $1.03 million in campaign contributions from Madigan.
Supported Madigan for Speaker.

Maura Hirschauer:
Accepted $523,000 in campaign contributions from Madigan.
Supported Madigan for Speaker.
Has not communicated directly with constituents regarding Madigan’s indictment.

Jay Hoffman:
Accepted $459,000 in campaign contributions from Madigan.
Helped pay for Madigan’s legal defense.
Supported Madigan for Speaker.
After a week, has not issued a public statement on Madigan’s indictment.

Dave Vella:
Accepted $325,000 in campaign contributions from Madigan.
Supported Madigan for Speaker.
After a week, has not issued a public statement on Madigan’s indictment.

Democrats have been silent on these tainted funds, with no indication members will donate these funds to charity, a practice often used by politicians to dispose of funds taken from undesirable sources.

* Richard Irvin campaign…

As former House Speaker Mike Madigan faces arraignment on a 22 count-federal indictment citing years-long bribery and extortion schemes, the criminal enterprise continues to expand with another company being named earlier this week. As the scope of corruption under Mike Madigan continues to grow, so do the questions facing JB Pritzker and his administration’s deafening silence on the matter.

“JB Pritzker was complicit by enabling Madigan’s criminal enterprise that resulted in one of the largest and longest corruption schemes in our state’s history,” Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin said. “We need leaders throughout Illinois government who will actually root out corrupt politicians, not sit silently while they take advantage of hard-working taxpayers across the state.”

According to the Chicago Tribune, “the indictment also alleged that Madigan met with then Gov-elect J.B. Pritzker in December 2018 in part to discuss a lucrative state board position for Solis, ostensibly as a reward for helping Madigan win law business.”


Former House Speaker and Chairman of the Democratic Party of Illinois, Michael J. Madigan, has been indicted on 22 counts of racketeering, bribery, wire fraud and extortion. Today, he is set to make his first court appearance after the charges were announced.

From WGN…

    Democrats are trying desperately to move past Madigan.

    “It’s important to focus on the work that this legislature is doing under new leadership,” House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch said.


Given that the vast majority of House Democrats were elected because Mike Madigan showered them with campaign cash and they returned the favor by voting to make him Speaker, the idea that they can just “move past” him is top tier wishful thinking. They own Madigan just like he owned them for decades.

But as we know, one man - Governor JB Pritzker - went above and beyond in his fealty to Madigan.

Most of the time in politics, power is fueled by the ability to take out your opponents come election time. And one cannot do that unless they have a sizable warchest. Governor JB Pritzker is still avoiding accountability for giving Mike Madigan more corrupt power with his massive $10 million dollars in contributions to the Ex-Speaker over the years.

When will Pritzker answer for his personal support of Madigan’s corrupt enterprise?


Rep. Denyse Wang Stoneback hired Evanston manager at center of criticism for delay of harassment and abuse probe

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This Dan Mihalopoulos story is enraging on so many levels

Jennifer Lin should catch much of the blame for Evanston’s mishandling of sexual misconduct complaints from teenage girls and young women who worked at the city’s beaches, according to an investigative report released last month from a law firm hired by the town’s city council.

When she was the city’s top human resources manager, the lawyers say, Lin was primarily at fault for Evanston’s yearlong delay in looking into the “pervasive” harassment and abuse suffered by lifeguards and other beach workers.

And the investigators found Lin initially was skeptical of the female lakefront workers who first stepped forward in 2020, suggesting they also “behaved badly” and commenting to another Evanston official that “these millennials hold onto things.”

But long before she came in for that heavy criticism in the independent counsel’s report, Lin already had landed a new, six-figure job in local government.

Records show Lin got interviewed and picked last August to become the director of compliance for Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Iris Martinez – even after Evanston’s city manager punished Lin for allegedly failing to tell her about the severity of the beach workers’ complaints.

So, Lin was hired to oversee compliance under the federal hiring monitor. But the vacant position “did not require applicants to disclose whether they had faced any disciplinary action in a previous or current job.” That is just ridiculous. And the federal monitor who oversaw Lin’s hiring said: “I have nothing to say. Not a word,” when pressed by WBEZ. Such transparency.

* Back to the story

One young woman – who says she was raped by a manager when she was a lifeguard in Evanston a few years ago – sent a scathing message to Lin’s county email address last month, hours after the independent counsel’s report was released publicly on Feb. 25.

The woman and more than 50 other current and former beach workers signed a petition to Evanston officials in July 2020. In it, they alleged “blatant sexism, sexual harassment, assault, racism and discrimination” at the lakefront.

The girls and young women called on city officials to “apologize directly to survivors, their families and all lakefront employees for consistently placing underaged employees in oppressive, uncomfortable and dangerous situations and in close proximity with sexual predators.”

“I was truly appalled by the utter mishandling of the Evanston petition and allegations of sexual assault,” the woman wrote to Lin last month. “I would like you to know that people like yourself are the reason why sexual assault so often goes unreported.”

This whole thing is just inexcusable.

* And here’s the state angle

Before going to work for the county in October, Lin also worked for a couple months for state Rep. Denyse Wang Stoneback, D-Skokie. State records show Lin was paid a total of $12,500, at a rate of $38.50 an hour, for being a “contractual worker” with Stoneback from Aug. 1 until Oct. 11.

Stoneback did not return messages.

* I was able to get a response of sorts from Rep. Wang Stoneback (D-Skokie)…

Jennifer Lin worked for me briefly last year, but is no longer affiliated with my office. The findings of the recently released report are troubling and I hope changes are made to prevent this from happening again.

I followed up to ask if the legislator was aware that Lin had issues in Evanston, but did not hear back.

…Adding… Rep. Wang Stoneback’s husband is Dave Stoneback, who has been the Public Works Agency Director for the City of Evanston since 2015 and has worked for the city since 1985. Kinda makes you wonder what he knew and what she knew.

The investigative report, by the way, is here.


A look at Irvin’s claim about Aurora taxes

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Richard Irvin on Monday

As mayor of Aurora, we eliminated wasteful spending. We balanced budgets every year and made government more efficient by doing more with less. We fought for property tax relief and worked hard to spark economic growth. He wants to raise your taxes, JB Pritzker, and he’s tried to enact the largest tax hike in our state’s history on every resident of Illinois. And he wants to continue to do it. If he’s elected, he will try again.

* The Pritzker campaign then sent me its file

Aurora Taxes Under Richard Irvin’s Leadership

Aurora Utility Taxes

In Just 4 Years As Mayor, Richard Irvin Raised Aurora’s Utility Tax On Natural Gas By 400% And Raised Tax Rates On Electricity.

*Measured per therm
** Measured per kilowatt-hour
[City of Aurora, Budgets, 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; proposed 2022]

Aurora Property Taxes

In Just 4 Years As Mayor, Richard Irvin Raised Aurora’s Property Tax Levy By $11,332,793 – 13.09% – From When He Took Office.

    2017 Aurora Levy: $86,598,400 [Aurora 2018 Budget]
    2018 Aurora Levy: $88,726,400 [Aurora 2019 Budget]
    2019 Aurora Levy: $95,086,250 [Aurora 2020 Budget]
    2020 Aurora Total Levy: $97,931,193
    2020 Aurora Levy: $84,700,300 [Aurora 2021 Budget]
    NOTE: The decrease “is caused by the removable of the Library Operating Fund from the city’s budget.” [Aurora 2021 Budget] 2020 Library Budget: $13,230,893 [Aurora Library 2020 Budget]

Original document with relevant links is here.

* In response, Eleni Demertzis at the Irvin campaign sent this along…

Richard Irvin’s record fighting to cut wasteful spending and deliver property tax relief is a stark contrast to a governor fighting for the largest tax hike in Illinois history while evading paying taxes of his own.

On background:

You’ll see that Aurora’s property tax extension for the general fund - which is the portion of the budget where the Mayor and city council have a high degree of control - has gone down under Irvin.

You’ll also see that Aurora’s property tax base has increased by 25%, and the taxes per $100 of EAV have gone down.

* The Irvin campaign’s property tax package

Irvin Has Reduced Aurora’s General Fund Property Tax Levy

Since Irvin Became Mayor, Aurora’s Property Tax Extensions For The City General Fund Have Decreased. (Aurora 2021 Budget, Accessed 3/8/22)

The graph below presents the trend of the city’s property tax extensions for General Fund purposes since 2010 (2009 property tax levy).

Since 2016, Aurora’s General Fund Levy Has Fallen From $42,338,000 To $41,778,000. (Aurora Tax Levies & Extensions, 2016-2021)

Since 2016, Aurora General Fund Extension Has Fallen From $42,544,553 To $41,831,003. (Aurora Tax Levies & Extensions, 2016-2021)

Aurora’s Property Tax Base Has Grown 25 Percent Under Irvin

Since 2016, Aurora’s Property Tax Base Has Grown From $3,470,093,810 To $4,368,434,612, An Increase Of More Than 25 Percent. (Aurora Tax Levies & Extensions, 2016-2021)

Since 2016, Aurora’s Tax Rate Per $100 Of EAV Has Fallen From 2.3938 To 1.9444. (Aurora Tax Levies & Extensions, 2016-2021)

Irvin Supported Eliminating The Aurora Election Commission And Using The Savings To Reduce Property Taxes

The rest of the document is here if you’re interested in the Aurora Election Commission.

* I was awash in information and needed some help. So, I turned to a good friend who is an up and coming property tax lawyer and asked him to sort it out for me. Here you go…

Both the Irvin and Pritzker camps are talking past one another. There are various factors at play, the levy (both general revenue and the overall levy), the total assessed value of Aurora’s tax base, and all of the individual tax rates of the various taxing bodies. All of these contribute to a taxpayer’s overall property tax liability. The fact sheets that were sent to you highlight the strengths of each side and downplay the weaknesses (unsurprisingly). The end result is that you are left to compare apples to oranges. I will try to streamline these below:


The levy is incredibly important because it’s probably the one instrument that the administration can control the most. It’s the overall number of dollars that they are requesting from their taxpayers on an annual basis. Irvin’s people highlight that the general fund levy and the general extension decreased from 2017-2018. This is technically true but it leaves out the other funds that the city controls. Pritzker’s numbers are more reliable in that it takes into account the overall levy of each budgetary line item under the purview of the administration/ city council. As they correctly note, the overall levy increased every year other than from 2019 to 2020. (As Pritzker’s people correctly note, in 2020 the Aurora Library became its own taxing district and was separated from the general operating fund (see p. 61 of the Aurora budget document)). If you count the funds allocated towards the library the overall levy actually increased every year from 2017-2020.

Tax base

The tax base plays an important part because if you grow your tax base it lessens the individual burden for each taxpayer. Irvin’s document correctly points out that the total assessed values for his tax base grew from 2016 through 2020. Whether that is from new businesses locating to Aurora, an increase in property values, an increase in assessments, or all three I do not know.

Individual taxing districts

Attached are tax bills from an average Aurora home for tax years 2016-2020. They have been redacted to maintain this homeowner’s privacy. I’ve also compiled a spreadsheet that accounts for the various Aurora taxing district rates for these pertinent years. Despite Pritzker’s point about the library, they have actually had an individual line item for their tax rate since before Irvin became Mayor, so parsing that out isn’t very difficult.

As you can see from the attached spreadsheet, the Aurora City tax rate and the overall tax rate ( which accounts for Aurora, Aurora’s pensions, and the library) all decreased from 2016 to 2017 and then again from 2019 to 2020. As noted above, this is not due to a decrease in the overall levy but rather from additional assessed values greater spreading out the tax burden. Regardless, Irvin can correctly point to a decrease in these actual tax rates and the subsequent decreased tax dollars for individual taxpayers. However, the City did not request less in total taxes for these particular years.

Overall Conclusion

You asked me to answer whether or not Irvin lowered property taxes. As you can see from above, this isn’t an easy question to answer. However, if I was PolitiFact and I was asked to rate the statement “Richard Irvin lowered property taxes” for accuracy, I would rate the statement as “somewhat true.” He did not “cut” property taxes by decreasing the overall Aurora levy but he did decrease individual property tax liability for Aurora taxpayers by increasing the assessed value of his tax base.

Emphasis added.

The sample tax bill is here. Make sure you’re looking at the city’s share, highlighted in yellow on the left. The spreadsheet is here.

* However, there’s still that bit about raising taxes on natural gas and electricity. I have a feeling that we will likely see that pop up again.


Legislators to speak out about anti-Semitic packages distributed in the suburbs

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Media advisory…

MEDIA ADVISORY: Bicameral group of lawmakers speak out on anti-Semitic packages received around Glenview

SPRINGFIELD – Many residents across the community State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview) represents received packages of anti-Semitic flyers on their front lawns last week.

Today, Wednesday, March 9, Senator Fine will hold a press conference to condemn the despicable acts of antisemitism and call for support.

WHO: Senators Laura Fine, Sarah Feigenholtz, Ram Villivalam and Julie Morrison, alongside Representative Bob Morgan, and Alison Slovin with the Wiesenthal Center
WHAT: Press conference on anti-Semitic packages sent to members of the community
WHEN: Wednesday, March 9 at 1:30 p.m.
WHERE: Blue Room, Illinois State Capitol and live on

* Literature…

The package came in a plastic storage bag and left on porches. I’m told that the beans in the package apparently weighted them down to prevent them from blowing away.

…Adding… Press release…

Members of the General Assembly stood together in solidarity during a press conference Wednesday to condemn the anti-Semitic literature anonymously distributed recently in the district State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview) represents, and to provide members of the community actionable ways they can stand up against antisemitism and hate speech.

“This incident is disturbing and intolerable,” Senator Fine said. “As an individual, and as a Jewish woman, I am disgusted by these displays of hate. However, we will not cower from these threatening messages. Instead, I am asking my colleagues and members of my community to stand up against antisemitism to prevent situations like this, or more dangerous incidents, from ever happening again.”

Over the last few weeks, anti-Semitic flyers in plastic bags were left on driveways in Niles, Glenview, and Park Ridge. The flyers included images of prominent Jewish politicians—including Senator Fine—and businesspeople from Illinois and across the country.

“The meteoric rise of antisemitism both in Illinois and globally is breathtaking,” said State Senator Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago). “The Jewish community and its allies cannot ignore or dismiss the historical parallel of what occurred before World War II and the Holocaust where six million Jews were murdered across Europe and the antisemitism we are experiencing globally, domestically and in Illinois.”

According to the Anti-Defamation League, anti-Semitic incidents increased by 84% in the Midwest between 2016 and 2020.

“As antisemitism rises across the nation, we must continue to call our hate speech and hate crimes when they happen in our own backyard,” said Representative Bob Morgan (D-Highwood). “The governor’s budget addition for $20 million for security funding for religious and cultural institutions is urgently needed and will help our at-risk communities.”

Members of the General Assembly and advocates are further encouraging everyone to help combat hate speech and stop the spread of violent acts by holding people accountable, raising awareness, and supporting people who are targets of hate speech and notifying authorities and the office of the attorney general when hate crimes take place.

“We need to take bigots at their word and ensure our elected officials are safe and to investigate the sources of these serial attacks,” said Alison Pure-Slovin, director of the Midwest region for the Simon Wiesenthal Center. “The Simon Wiesenthal Center calls for a special Illinois taskforce on anti-Semitism and reiterates its call to FBI Director Wray to establish a special FBI National Taskforce on anti-Semitism to help us beat back the scourge of hate.”


Pritzker campaign “unequivocally” denies any existing ties to Hyatt, says company should stop doing business with Russia

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Richard Irvin campaign…

Pritzker’s Hyatt Corporation on Short List of American Companies Refusing to Stand with Ukraine

AURORA - As Russia’s war on Ukraine rages on and companies across the globe sever ties with Russia, JB Pritzker remains radio silent on if his billion dollar hotel chain will do the same. With economic pressure mounting, over 100 American and international corporations have stopped doing business in Russia, condemning the country’s aggression while Pritzker’s Hyatt hotel chain looks the other way.

“While Americans are looking for ways to hamper Russia’s efforts in this unprovoked war on Ukraine, Pritzker needs to answer if he believes his family should pull out of their hotels in Russia,”said Irvin for Illinois campaign spokesperson Eleni Demertzis. “Pritzker talks about standing with Ukraine but when it comes to something he can actually do, his silence is deafening.”

As if staying silent isn’t bad enough, a Crain’s Chicago Business story notes that “the Pritzker family-backed Hyatt and its competitors are downplaying the impact of the Russian invasion on their business” and that they haven’t seen any “material impacts” of the war on their company.

Pritzker’s financial interests continue to be a headache for the governor. Just weeks ago, an investigation uncovered that Pritzker has personally profited off an investment with one of the state’s largest Medicaid vendors. He continues to dishonestly claim that he had no knowledge of the investment even though he signed a document attesting to it.

* Response from Natalie Edelstein at the Pritzker campaign…

No American companies should continue doing business with Russia, Hyatt included. The governor has no leadership or management role in Hyatt, nor does he own stock. He believes that we must stand firm against Vladimir Putin’s senseless aggression, which is why he directed Illinois’ employee pension systems to review potential divestment in Russian assets and why he will continue taking action to support the people of Ukraine and democracy worldwide.

* OK, but what about CIBC Trust Co. (Bahamas) Ltd., which is an offshore Pritzker family trust that holds lots of Hyatt stock? In 2013, JB Pritzker held 6 million shares of Hyatt stock through that trust, according to an SEC 13D filing.

Edelstein pointed to a 13D filed last year which no longer lists the governor as a stockholder through the trust. And, Edelstein added…

JB unequivocally is not the beneficiary of any trust that holds Hyatt stock-foreign or domestic, with CIBC as the Trustee or with any other Trustee. He has zero interest directly or as a beneficiary in any Hyatt stock.

The listing of CIBC as Trustee for Hyatt stock on the 13D does not include JB.


This isn’t going to work

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is a really dumb idea on the part of the name-changing candidate

In an only-in-Illinois kind of way, Ashley Gott, treasurer of Williamson County in southern Illinois, faces a primary from… Ashley Gott.

Yes, that’s right. Treasurer Gott, a Republican man who was appointed to the office before winning it outright in 2020, is being challenged by someone with the same name.

But get this. Challenger Ashley Gott was known as Erin Perry until she changed her name on Jan. 6, according to the Williamson County Clerk’s office. What a move!

* This used to happen fairly regularly (particularly in Cook County judicial races when people would adopt Irish surnames), but then state law was changed way back in 2003

If a candidate has changed his or her name, whether by a statutory or common law procedure in Illinois or any other jurisdiction, within 3 years before the last day for filing the petition or certificate for that office, whichever is applicable, then (i) the candidate’s name on the petition or certificate must be followed by “formerly known as (list all prior names during the 3-year period) until name changed on (list date of each such name change)” and (ii) the petition or certificate must be accompanied by the candidate’s affidavit stating the candidate’s previous names during the period specified in (i) and the date or dates each of those names was changed; failure to meet these requirements shall be grounds for denying certification of the candidate’s name for the ballot or removing the candidate’s name from the ballot, as appropriate, but these requirements do not apply to name changes resulting from adoption to assume an adoptive parent’s or parents’ surname, marriage to assume a spouse’s surname, or dissolution of marriage or declaration of invalidity of marriage to assume a former surname.

I called the county clerk and Gott/Perry initially filed petitions without noting her name change. She withdrew those petitions and filed another set with the required information. But “formerly known as” will be clearly labeled on her ballot line.


*** UPDATED x1 *** The PRB trick box

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Beth Hundsdorfer at Capitol News Illinois

Gov. J.B. Pritzker yanked the appointment of two appointees to the Illinois Prisoner Review Board on Tuesday, the same morning a Senate committee was scheduled to consider them. It was the second time Pritzker pulled the appointments of Aurthur Mae Perkins, 83, of Peoria, and Joseph Ruggiero, 62, of Wheaton, for the Illinois Prisoner Review Board.

The two, both appointees originally made by Republican former Gov. Bruce Rauner, have served on the Prisoner Review Board without Senate confirmation for nearly three years each. “Between the two of them, I think they have served a combined six years on the Prisoner Review Board, raking in approximately a half-million dollars in taxpayer funded salary,” said Sen. Jason Plummer, R-Edwardsville. […]

Senate rules allow the governor to withdraw an appointment and reappoint an individual if the Senate fails to vote on a nominee within 60 session days of the governor’s filing of the appointment. This practice has been used by previous governors. Plummer filed a bill, Senate Bill 3670, that would require the Senate to confirm or deny PRB members within 30 session days or 90 calendar days after appointment, whichever comes first. The bill would also prohibit reappointing a person to the PRB for two years after their appointment is withdrawn.

As noted in the story, Sen. Plummer has no co-sponsors on his bill.

…Adding… Plummer actually filed a different bill which has several co-sponsors.

* Basically what’s happening here is the Senate Democrats are spooked because the Republicans are using Prisoner Review Board release decisions to make political hay. For instance, this is from Richard Irvin’s Monday night speech

Under JB Pritzker, crime has exploded on his watch. Every day there’s violent crime and kids are murdered but JB Pritzker does nothing. Police officers are murdered, and JB Pritzker does nothing. He let seven convicted murderers out of prison early, including a woman who shot her own two month old, two year old child in the head and killed him. A man a murderer, got out of prison early and beat his five month old baby to death. JB Pritzker, he supports no cash bond to let these same violent criminals out of jail and back into the streets. He has a handpicked parole board vote to let cop killers out of jail and back into our communities.

Irvin made it sound like the man beat his baby to death after he was released from prison and there was an audible gasp in the audience, but that’s not the case. Irvin got it backwards.

* So, it should be no surprise that some SDems have no desire whatsoever to touch any of these PRB appointments. The governor doesn’t want to reappoint either of the two Rauner appointees mentioned above, but his only option at the moment is to continue withdrawing and reappointing, although the two PRB members have not yet been reappointed. So, there are now technically five vacancies on the board.

* And the issue with Ruggiero and Perkins is not new. This is from a press release sent to me almost a year ago…

For the Prisoner Review Board to be able to undertake its difficult and complex mission, members must be able to make parole determinations entirely independently. Subjecting members to political grandstanding sets a new and dangerous precedent for this constitutional function.

The members’ appointments and votes are transparent, and their meetings are open to the public. Additionally, the Senate Executive Appointments Committee sets the schedule for confirming gubernatorial appointees, and it is routine practice for appointees to be withdrawn so that the Senate has more time to consider the appointments.


The Prisoner Review Board considers the age and length of time served when making parole determinations.


• Joe Ruggiero was appointed by Governor Rauner in July of 2018, but was not confirmed prior to his term’s expiration in early 2021, at which point Governor Pritzker re-appointed him to a new term, similarly only a few days prior to the March hearing.
• Aurthur Mae Perkins was confirmed unanimously by the Senate after her appointment by Rauner in March of 2015, and had a term expire at the start of 2021, which resulted in a re-appointment by Governor Pritzker a few days prior to the originally-scheduled hearing in March of this year.

*** UPDATE *** The governor was asked today why the PRB appointments have been withdrawn…

Because they don’t get taken up by the committee that’s supposed to take those up. So, you know, we’re at the whim of the Senate and their decision about whether to take up and when to take up proposed members.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Today’s wildest Illinois headline

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Crain’s Chicago Business

Could the governor face arrest for money laundering?

That’ll get some clicks.

* The op-ed

Under the longstanding definition of money laundering and current federal law that categorizes cannabis as an illegal substance, there is virtually no reason that Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker—as well as his fellow governors across the country—should not be arrested on federal charges. Consider that on an annual basis, the governors of any state that allow regulated and taxed cannabis markets to break more federal money laundering laws than Al Capone could ever imagine. The FBI should be knocking down the doors of the governors’ mansions in every state with a regulated market. And if that sounds ridiculous, it’s because it is—but not for the reason you might be thinking.

At its most basic, the crime of money laundering occurs when illegally obtained money is combined with “clean,” legally obtained cash in order to disguise its origins and allow it to be integrated into the legal economy. If there is a more precise definition of what happens when tax revenue from federally illegal cannabis sales is combined with state coffers, I’d love to hear it. Cannabis sales are taxed approximately 30% in many regulated markets. Those taxes are collected and used by states to fund an array of state services, from education to transportation to public safety. So while the cannabis industry is hamstrung due to IRS tax code 280E and the lack of access to federal banking services, traditional debt vehicles or U.S. equity markets, state governors are essentially laundering money from regulated cannabis sales. How can this be possible?

When you consider the current law, the state governments taxing these regulated markets are no different than a cartel conducting money laundering on a scale that has never been seen—much less endorsed—by a government entity in this country. This is what is patently ridiculous about the current system and why very little of it makes sense.

*** UPDATE *** Crain’s changed its headline

Why cannabis banking laws need to change now

The original clickbait tweet is still up, however.

…Adding… The tweet has now been taken down as well.


Credit Unions: Better for Illinois

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

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Open thread

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Have at it, but please keep the discussion to Illinois stuff. Thanks.


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Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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