He belongs to everyone, now *** Updated x1 ***
Tuesday, Oct 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Our old buddy Tim Nieukirk was interviewed by CBS2 today. Click the pic for the report. Meanwhile, Nieukirk’s recently energized campaign has posted two new videos. * “Your baby tastes horrible” * The Man, The Myth, The Legend: Join hands, y’all, let’s all Get Nieuked. See all of Nieukirk’s “campaign ads” here. His MySpace page is here. And you can buy Get Nieuked gear here. The nets or CNN need to step in and take this thing to the next level. *** UPDATE *** Well, that was fast. From comments: “Brit Hume just ran the clip ‘in bed with yer sister’ on FOX news.” The perfect fit here would be The Daily Show. ![]()
RR-Star goes Green
Tuesday, Oct 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The Rockford Register-Star endorses Rich Whitney, thereby guaranteeing the Green Party candidate lots of press coverage and hurting Topinka’s chances of winning back those voters who may have temporarily parked their support with a protest candidate.
This attitude that Topinka’s “main qualification is having a lower indictment potential than the incumbent” is precisely the sort of thinking that Zorn warned against in this morning’s column. The paper has bought into the governor’s TV ad blitz, as Zorn did until, he claims, last week, when…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Special session; Parke-Crespo; Sullivan-Howland; Sign wars in Smith-Dagit; Granberg TV ad; Boland-Haring; Syverson-Lewandowski; Hassert-Gonzales; Tracy-Street; Gordon-Briscoe; Axley-Kotowski; Rauschenberger; Koehler ads; Target feed (Use all caps in password)
Tuesday, Oct 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Tuesday, Oct 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Do you favor or oppose taxpayer funded political campaigns? Explain.
Poll stories
Tuesday, Oct 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I posted a bunch of poll stories late yesterday. Here’s a list with links. * Tribune governor’s poll (44-29-13) * Daily Herald governor’s poll (48-32-12) * Tribune & Daily Herald Cook County Board prez race polls (Trib: 48-33 for Stroger; Daily Herald: 51-42 for Peraica) * New polling in US House 6 & 8 Follow the links to discuss. I originally had comments off, but this seems a good place to discuss polling in general this year, so they’re now open.
Duped and dumped
Tuesday, Oct 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Eric Zorn apparently believes that he’s bought into an ad campaign, not a reality. The headline is “Don’t be duped by Blagojevich’s snide TV ads.” And here’s how it ends: If you vote for Blagojevich because you admire what he’s done in office and believe his promises, fine. But if you vote against Topinka because you now believe that there’s no difference in the integrity, sincerity or political courage of these two candidates, then you’re just the sucker Blagojevich was hoping you’d be. He started this as Mr. Squandered Opportunity, an earnest twit best known for expensive grandstanding and breaking his promise to reform the system in Illinois. * Meanwhile, Topinka is finally forced to dump Kj.
Morning shorts
Tuesday, Oct 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller * Meeks sends kids to ‘hell’ - Christian fright house depicts abortion, gays * Amtrak’s expanded service begins * Breast cancer program expands - State closes loophole so more uninsured women can get care * Executive order requires recycling electronics gear * Roeper: That’s not voter apathy: They just don’t like stench of negative ads * AP: Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s troubled fundraiser, Antoin “Tony” Rezko, won’t be able to post his luxurious suburban mansion as bond after all as he scrambles to stay out of jail. * Gov. Rod Blagojevich appeared at the school Monday to confirm that $6.8 million in state funding will be released for the National Great Rivers Research and Education Center, a project that features a partnership among LCCC and other state and federal agencies and educational bodies. * Topinka touts budget plan at Stockholm Inn * McCain, Roskam overlook differences * Ailing John Stroger unable to cast vote - He’ll miss first election of his adult life * Tribune editorial: Democratic officials who endorse Todd Stroger, or who appear at events with him, or who record telephone robo-messages on his behalf, ought to closely examine Stroger’s advertising. Because when they vouch for Stroger as a paragon of reform, his credibility rubs off on them. * High college costs sacrificing students’ dreams, study finds * State grants made here as election nears * Durbin Hits Campaign Trail * Many Republicans expect Denny to quit if they lose House — maybe even if they don’t.