A really dumb way to run a railroad
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * This is what happens when you don’t adequately train your petition circulators or you hire stupid people. Illinois Review…
* If you watch the video, the circulator is just clueless. The guy says he’s not registered to vote in the city. That means he can’t sign the petition. The signature would be tossed out by an opposing campaign. But the doofus circulator persists anyway… Oy. By the way, Michael Kolenc, formerly of the failed petition drive to get the remap reform amendment on the ballot, e-mailed me to say he’s not managing Fioretti’s campaign. That’s true. He’s a Fioretti political adviser.
*** UPDATED x3 - Removed from YouTube *** Ketchup? Really, Bruce?
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * There should be legal penalties for this…
/snark *** UPDATE 1 *** The staffer takes the fall…
*** UPDATE 2 *** I think the Rauner folks may be a bit on edge about this. They sent over a link to this video from July which shows the candidate ordering a hot dog at Portillo’s with “everything.” It’s about 30 seconds in… * From Portillo’s menu…
So, he appears to be clean. But, still, somebody wants ketchup on a hot dog, make them order their own darned hot dog. Also, check out the results for a Twitter search of Rauner and Ketchup. This thing went viral in a hurry. No wonder they had the rapid condiment response team cranked up to full pour. What a world. *** UPDATE 3 *** As you can see by clicking the YouTube link above, the video “has been removed.” But you can still watch it at the Daily Herald’s site by clicking here.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Candidate releases polling memo
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
Kinda overblown
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * ZOMG… ![]() * The perpetually hyper master of the Internet hyperlinks to a YouTube video as proof… * OK, one of the main participants in that video is Paul McKinley, who got 4 percent of the vote in Chicago running as a Republican against Robin Kelley during the 2013 special election. Another is Harold “Noonie” Ward, who ran unsuccessfully for MWRD in 2012 and once claimed that the city and state governments “allow” Mexican drug cartels to distribute drugs in Chicago. Another is Mark Carter, who appeared in yet another of these “Rebel Pundit” videos last January saying the president should resign. In other words, this isn’t new. Many of the same folks did mainly the same video back in January. Why this is all of a sudden “news” is known only to the meltdown king and, perhaps, CBS 2…
Question of the day
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * What’s going on politically in your own personal neck of the woods?
Ve haf vays of making you vote
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Democratic Party of Illinois has a really creepy early voting mailer… ![]()
If you can’t read that second page, the party gives fair warning…
Um, wow.
*** UPDATED x1 *** Afternoon video/ad dump
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * Let’s start with something I don’t normally do - post legislative ads in the public section. But Steve Reick, who’s running against Rep. Jack Franks (D-Woodstock), asked if I had seen his cable TV buy. I hadn’t, but I checked and found a $1961 buy on the lists I post every day for subscribers. He has two ads, but here’s one of them, which features the Democrat that all Republicans love to hate… His other ad is here. * Meanwhile, Gov. Pat Quinn’s brother narrates a video about his family. It’s called “Notepad”… * Here’s one called “‘Former Acting President’ for Gov. Pat Quinn”… * Moving over to Congress, the NRCC’s new TV ad paints Brad Schneider as a partisan and part of the problem… * American Unity PAC joins in and pairs Bob Dold with Mark Kirk… * House Majority PAC says Bob Dold is too far right… * The NRCC also has two new ads attacking Bill Enyart. Both tie him to President Obama. “Calls”… * Congressman Enyart also has a couple of new ads. “Choice”… That ought to keep you occupied for a while. *** UPDATE *** The Congressional Leadership Fund says they’ve bought $500K on St. Louis broadcast TV to air this ad attacking Enyart. Word’s been going around that the race is tightening up, by the way. Watch it… * More videos…
Yet another caption contest!
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * A buddy took this photo of myself and Sen. Dick Durbin at the Illinois State Fair and finally sent it to me this week. Yes, I know we already have one caption contest going, but who can resist this?… ![]()
Two big jobs announcements ahead of election day
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * The patented Pat Quinn close kicks into a higher gear. ABC 7…
* AP…
So, we beat Iowa, eh? I hope we didn’t pay too much to beat them because they way outbid us last time. Still, this reminds me of something. What was it? * Oh, right, it was a Tribune editorial entitled “Bye-bye, jobs” from 2012, when Iowa won a bidding war over a different fertilizer plant because, apparently, Illinois sucks…
One can’t help but wonder if the Trib will now editorialize about this win over Iowa.
Keeping things in perspective
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * Zorn highlighted this tweet…
Can you think of any other such comparisons?
Local 150’s mail starts hitting for Grimm
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Tribune profiles Chad Grimm…
* That’s not all they’re doing, as we’ve discussed before. Local 150 just put $200K into the Liberty for Illinois PAC and this piece recently hit the boxes. The color doesn’t display very well on these images, but it’s enough to give you an idea… ![]()
Caption contest!
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * A reader took this photo of a piece of mail sticking up out of a mailbox while he was knocking on doors for Rep. Mike Smiddy… ![]()
Rate Rauner’s closer
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * Bruce and Diana Rauner appear together in a new, positive TV ad… * Script…
As a Raunerite said to me earlier today, “Compare our ads to his, who do you think is winning?”
Rate the new Illinois Freedom PAC TV ad
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * As I told subscribers today, the union-backed Illinois Freedom PAC has a new TV ad. Here it is… * Script…
Rauner slams Quinn for not supporting travel ban that Quinn can’t enforce
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * From a media advisory…
* The twitters were not amused…
* Tribune…
He got his message out, though, and the travel ban polls completely off the charts. * But as far as his message goes, a state governor has zero power to enforce a travel ban on foreigners. That’s a federal issue.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition: TV ads, mail, cable TV buys, targeted campaign finance reports, troop movements, news roundup
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
Rate Quinn’s new TV ad
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * From the campaign’s YouTube page…
* “Anything”… And yes, this is a network TV ad. The press release wasn’t out yet, so I used what they posted on YouTube.
Good morning!
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * A commenter gently complained yesterday that there wasn’t enough soul music in our morning posts. Upon reflection, I realized that it has, indeed, become a bit too “white” around here lately. So, this song isn’t soul (we’ll get to that genre soon), but it sure ain’t white. Here’s Chicago’s very own Chance the Rapper doing “14,400 Minutes.” Just trust me on this one. You really gotta listen… So at the school they arrested him
When the Tribune was for honest budgeting and extending a tax hike
Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller [Bumped up for visibility.] * From the Chicago Tribune’s endorsement of Republican Jim Edgar over Democrat Neil Hartigan in 1990 and Edgar’s support for making the “temporary” income tax hike permanent and Hartigan’s opposition…
Those were the days, eh? Substitute “Rauner” for “Hartigan” and they could’ve written the exact same editorial today… If they were still unwilling to live in a fiscal and economic “Fantasia,” that is.